Holly's Intuition (7 page)

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Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Holly's Intuition
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Her heart beat erratical y as he skirted the bed and joined them.

“It is uncanny.” He cocked his head on one side. “Is it that intuition you were tel ing me about when we first chatted?”

He’d remembered what she said, and that made Hol y smile.

I want him
that’s why
. It was a crystal clear realisation, but so complicated in its implications. She felt as if the three of them were treading water that rippled with primitive forces—forces that shifted and carried them even while they tried to reach out and hold one another in the racing tide of life and meaning.

At the same time the truth of his comment made her fret. She wanted to fight their connection. An overwhelming desire to come clean had her in its grip, and the age-old instinct to run, to protect herself and her sisters, reared up. She swal owed down her doubts. She wanted to embrace the closeness she felt for them both, not have it pushed away by her secret.

“I’m a little bit psychic,” she whispered, not al owing herself the time to do risk assessment. It was becoming too much of a burden. The unnecessary guilt and suspicion was an obstacle she wanted to push aside.

“A little bit psychic?” Joshua asked.

“Please don’t laugh.”

Joshua was intrigued. “Okay, but only if you explain what you mean.”

“It’s a family thing, me and my two sisters…we’re al a bit psychic, in different ways.”

Joshua’s eyes narrowed. “You’re sensitive to other people’s emotions?”

“Something like that.”

Josh drew her into his arms and kissed her forehead, and it was him comforting her now. “I always knew you were special.”

The pressure of his mouth against her skin triggered a visceral response, the sheer and forceful need for more of the same, physical contact that spanned top to toe and inside and out. Blinking back the raw lust, she whispered, “Thank you.”

Josh laughed softly as he drew back, and she knew why. It was because he was glad the spotlight was off him for a moment. Had she inadvertently derailed his dark moment? Whatever the reason, she was glad of it, and she was glad they didn’t ask any more right then. She’d said enough. It was hard to get past the years of rigourous training to keep something secret, to protect yourself by hiding an essential part of it.

Joshua sat down on the bed, and he wasn’t upset any more. The strange events of the evening had come and gone and, while she could tel he felt as if it was al too weird, the funny side had begun to strike him.

She looked at Stewart, needing the anchor that he represented.

He reacted quickly. With a nod in her direction he sat down on the other side of the bed and patted the space between Joshua and himself.

Watchful, masterful, predatory—Stewart had been waiting.

Hol y was compel ed to fol ow his silent physical instruction. Her chest tightened, while in the pit of her bel y something hot and heavy unfurled.

Perching on the edge of the bed it occurred to her that the airing of issues and secrets had peeled away the barriers, and now the three of them wavered together instead of apart, like reeds in the tide, rippling seductively along one another’s length.

Mischief shone in Stewart’s eyes. He was the first to lounge back on the pil ows, but Joshua soon fol owed, resting his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling.

Josh gave a relieved laughed. “What a bizarre night.”

“I wonder if your mother thought we made an attractive threesome.” It was Stewart who made the comment, and it made Hol y’s breath catch.

“I wonder if she’d prefer that to me being gay.” Joshua responded.

“You definitely worry too much,” Hol y said.

“I can’t think of a single more attractive woman to have a threesome with, can you?” Stewart said.

Oh yes, there was definitely a decadent suggestion in those eyes, and Hol y’s heart raced, because it felt dangerous and extraordinarily arousing for him to be edging this conversation along the way he was. It’s just a bit of fun to lighten Joshua’s mood, she reminded herself, but when she glanced Joshua’s way, he was also staring at her intensely.

He was glad of the distraction, that’s what it was. No. He wasn’t fighting things anymore, because he’d decided there didn’t seem to be any point.

Hol y’s body brimmed with physical expectation.

“I agree,” Joshua said, and he looked her over with a lingering stare.

“I saw the way you looked at her when you were feeding her last night,” Stewart commented.

Joshua’s mood had morphed, and it was curiosity and arousal that occupied him now. “Yes, I had the urge to kiss her.”

Both men were staring directly at her while they spoke about her. It made Hol y’s skin tingle everywhere. “Should you to be talking about me while I’m sitting here?”

She laughed softly, feeling self-conscious but in a good way.

Stewart put out his hand. “Come closer, join us.”

The suggestive look in his eyes and the insistent tone in his voice made her hotter stil . She swayed unsteadily then reached out and took his hand, moving to lie between the pair of them on the bed. Breathless with anticipation, she meshed her fingers together over her waist.

As soon as she settled into place Stewart reached out and touched her. He ran the back of his fingers down the side of her cheek and lower, down her throat and around her right breast. It was a fleeting touch, but it made her arousal levels soar.

“Comfortable?” As his voice grew huskier and more intimate, so his Scots accent grew more obvious. That made him sexier stil .

She nodded. He’d taken charge of this, but Joshua was happy with it. It was how their sexual relationship had evolved, and Hol y knew that Joshua was anticipating what might happen next as much as she was.

“Joshua wanted to kiss you last night, and so did I.” He traced one finger over her lips.

“I know.”

“Is it this special intuition of yours that tel s you that?”


Stewart’s mouth twitched to one side. “Are we al owed to kiss you now?”

Hol y could feel Joshua’s desire growing. He wanted to see Stewart kissing her, and he wanted to kiss her as wel . His approval turned her core to molten lava. Nevertheless, a shiver passed the length of her spine. Her body was keyed-up to the max.

She managed to nod, her gaze on Stewart’s mouth. “I’d like that.”

A moment later Stewart moved closer, then his mouth covered hers.


Chapter Eight

What fol owed was an explosion of withheld desires and emotions, their three bodies tangling together on the bed. Even while Stewart’s mouth covered hers, Hol y felt Joshua approach. His hands reached for her just as Stewart’s had, his urgent sense of need entwining in her blood with her own.

Awash with stimuli, Hol y whimpered. Stewart was right. Joshua was attracted to her as wel . She’d felt waves of it coming from him, but stil it startled her that he wasn’t pul ing away. She could feel his emotion and his desire, and he was not denying it. She rol ed her hips from side to side as she felt them closing her in with their bodies either side of her. They felt and smelt so good. Cologne and musk fil ed her senses, and being locked between them that way gave her a rush the likes of which she’d never before experienced.

Stewart’s hands roved al over her while his mouth covered hers. His kiss was overtly seductive, making her tremble with need. He stroked her lower lip back and forth with his tongue, sensitising her mouth before plunging his tongue into the damp heat of her mouth. His hands locked around her waist, then he cupped her breasts from beneath. Drawing his tongue back and forth over hers, his actions made her crazy.

She clutched at them both, one hand on Stewart’s shoulder, the other meshing with Joshua’s fingers as he reached for her hand. Their psychic link flared, making images of al the things she’d secretly experienced flash through her mind.

“If I am not mistaken,” Stewart murmured huskily as he drew back, “I see two very aroused people before me.” His eyes glinted, and his hand stroked up her thigh, easing the hem of her dress up.

Hol y scarcely had a moment to breathe, let alone respond, before Joshua was there, eager for his kiss. His fingers brushed against her cheek as he stroked her hair back from her face, tenderly. It was an inquisitive touch, and she turned towards him as she felt him silently question whether she was there for him, too, urging him on. Emotions danced joyously between them as his mouth covered hers.

Hol y felt his pleasure..He went on to kiss her cheek, her jaw and the soft skin of her throat. “You’re so gorgeous,” he whispered against her skin.

“Meant to be enjoyed,” Stewart commented, and his voice was low and softly seductive.

The atmosphere grew heavy with the scent of body heat and desire, heightening her awareness of their mutual needs, her blood pounding as the lure of the two men stole her away from reality. Hard male thighs pressed against her. They both wanted her, and the blatant hedonism of being with two lovers at the same time was almost too much for her to manage. Dropping her head back against the pil ows, she felt giddy with arousal.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she murmured.

“You don’t want to do this?” It was Josh, and his eyebrows had knitted together.

“I do want to, I real y do.” The confession stole her equilibrium and she became boneless, weak with desire but strong with the certain knowledge that they al wanted it to happen. With Stewart she just knew, and Joshua had no doubts, not now. Right at that moment it was the most al uring opportunity she had ever had and she craved every second of it.

Stewart reached under her dress and stroked his hand over the mound of her pussy, plucking at her G-string. “You’re so hot…” His eyes bored into her. “Think you can take us both on?”

“Oh, God…” Her head rol ed against the pil ow, the blatant question forcing her to state it aloud. “Yes, yes I want you both.” The knowledge that she had put the seal on it made her wild and provocative.

“You have condoms?” Joshua asked, staring across her at Stewart, the urgency in his tone reflected in the hard rod of his erection pressing against her thigh.

“I do, but slow down buddy. Let’s enjoy the lady.” Humour fil ed his tone. He reached beneath her left arm and unzipped her dress. He’d obviously been studying how it worked.

Hol y chuckled softly. She wasn’t wearing a bra and when she felt the dress loosening around her breasts, her nipples tingled and burned. He peeled the dress down and off. She lifted her hips to assist and when it was gone her hands instinctively went to cover her breasts. Whimpering softly when she saw their expressions, she removed her hands, baring herself, and gestured at them. “Your turn.”

She’d been dying to see them naked, in the flesh and for real, where she could touch and hold them. After so many tantalising second-hand experiences it had become an aching need. Stewart didn’t need to be asked twice.

He pul ed his buttoned shirt over his head, not even pausing to undo it, his muscled torso rippling. He looked at Josh expectantly as he tossed it aside. “Your shirt for Hol y’s knickers, that seems fair.”

Josh flashed him a look that made Hol y simmer. Waves of barely contained need fil ed the air around him, but in his thoughts he knew that Stewart was right, he needed to slow up and not make a fool of himself. She grasped for his hand, reassuring him, and when he met her gaze his mouth lifted at the corners, his eyes like chocolate.

His free hand went to his buttons and as he undid them, Stewart ran his fingers along the band of Hol y’s G-string, stroking side-to-side. Josh tugged at his shirt, getting himself in a tangle, but once he was stripped to the waist, he shot Stewart another glance and Hol y gasped aloud as Stewart tugged her G -string the length of her legs and off.

Adrenaline pumped in her veins when Stewart curled his fingers up and down the groove of her sex. “I want to taste you. I think Josh should too.”

“Fuck,” Josh whispered.

Hol y’s breath hitched, a shiver going through her. Josh’s cock pressed harder against her thigh and she knew that he was aching to be inside her, to taste her and push his cock into her heat.

Stewart, meanwhile, had dipped his fingers into her damp groove and stroked them over her clit.

“Oh please,” she cried aloud, her body arching up from the bed.

Stewart rose on to his hands and knees and lifted her legs apart, unceremoniously, climbing between them. Her bared flesh tingled. Embarrassment hit her, then he kissed the bare skin of her abdomen and she forgot everything except these two men. It was as if the bed had floated away into another reality and it was only the three of them that existed now.

Stewart kissed and licked a path over the curve of her bel y, teasing her skin, until he reached her pussy. He blew warm air over the sensitive skin, making her tremble. Then he kissed her mound, before thrusting his tongue into her wet groove. Moaning, she clutched at Joshua.

“Christ, you taste good,” Stewart murmured, and lapped at her swol en clit.

“Hold me,” she whispered to Joshua.

Josh didn’t hesitate. He claimed her upper body, kissing her eagerly while he cupped her breasts, each in turn, a thumb teasing over each nipple.

When she moaned, he ducked down and suckled her nipples, one after the other. Sensation looped from her mouth to her nipples to her sex and back, locking her whole body to the rough caress of tongues on her. Her hands closed around his head possessively, an orgasm looming close.

“Joshua.” Stewart beckoned him over, moving away so that he could take up the position between her open legs. Hol y grabbed him as he clambered over her, sitting upright to kiss his mouth. He returned her kiss, then put his hand on her shoulder and eased her down on the bed, determined to have the taste of her on his tongue.

Where Stewart had cleverly teased her to the brink, Josh was like a starving man. He went straight to her entrance, thrusting his tongue inside and lapping from the moist, sensitive opening. While he did, his thumb ran over her clit, firmly, deliberately.

Her feet lifted from the bed. “Oh, lord!”

She came. Her centre burned then throbbed wildly.

He shoved his face close against her, bathing in her nectar, devouring her. Hot juices spil ed into his open mouth.

Overcome, Hol y turned her face to one side. There was no chance to catch her breath.

Stewart had risen from the bed and was opening his belt and zipper, watching Joshua suckling at her sex while he licked his own damp lips.

Shoving one hand in his pocket, he pul ed out several condom packets and dropped them on the bed before tearing one open.

Joshua lifted his head.

Stewart paused, arched an eyebrow and offered him the rubber.

Joshua rol ed free.

“I want to watch you first,” he stated, his voice raw and urgent.

Stewart’s mouth twitched at one side, and he immediately turned his attention to Hol y. “Ready for me?”

Her core clutched. Hol y couldn’t respond in words, she wasn’t able to. Her feet moved flat to the bed, her knees lifting. She nodded.

Shoving his jeans off, his cock bounced free. It was gloriously long and hard and ready. He rol ed the condom over it in one swift manoeuvre. Hol y couldn’t contain herself, she whimpered and writhed, her every nerve ending electrified with expectation.

He climbed over her, and the hard rod of his erection pressed against her pussy Looking down into her eyes, he rocked his hips back and forth, letting her feel him. Sensation overwhelmed her, and at her side she felt Joshua urge his lover on silently, wanting to watch him with a woman, wanting to observe her in the throes of orgasm.

She grappled for his hand, squeezing it. When she did, he took it to his lips and kissed it, gratitude swel ing in his chest.

Stewart ran his thumb over her tender, swol en clit, and her body just about lifted off the bed. Her clit burned, her core flexing rhythmical y.

He loomed above her, waiting. It was obvious what he wanted—to hear her say it, to have her beg.

Undulating, she pleaded to him with her eyes. “Please, please…”

He stroked her inner thighs and pressed his cock against the slippery lips of her splayed folds for several moments longer, until she clutched at him desperately, then he directed his cock to her and eased the crown inside—just the crown.

Panting, she arched her hips to his, needful of his hard girth deeper.

Josh mumbled words of affection and buried his face in the crook of her neck, kissing the damp skin there.

Stewart pressed deeper.

She put her hand against Joshua’s head, stroking his hair and holding him against her.

Stewart gave her an inch more, then another, studying her expression while he did.


“It’s coming,” he replied, then ground his hips against hers, fil ing her to the hilt.

Hol y had to bite the back of her wrist to stifle her cries of ecstasy.

Stewart moved in and out, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

Instinctively her knees moved higher, anchoring him around his hips. “Oh, yes, that’s so good!”

Joshua had rol ed free to observe, stripping off his jeans and underwear as he did so. Then he knelt on the bed the better to observe them.

Desperate for some measure of relief, he fisted his cock in one hand. When she looked at him, watching his fist move up and down the rigid shaft, pride and pleasure flared in him. Hol y was startled at how much that meant to him. Her lips parted, her breath catching in her throat.

“You’ve got another eager lover waiting. Can you take it?” Stewart asked when he caught her looking at Joshua’s erection.

The man was outrageously provocative, continuously forcing them to acknowledge what they were doing and to state it aloud, while they were stil finding their way. Clamping her sex around his length, she slapped his shoulder and flashed her eyes at him. “Stop asking stupid questions. I want Joshua inside me too and you know it.”

Her face burned. But it was worth the embarrassment factor, because Joshua’s reaction was too good. His head sank back, a lusty groan escaping him. He watched her through narrowed eyes, his mouth open, his cock reaching in his fist.

He was so ready.

Stewart grinned. He rose up with his arms at ful stretch, his shoulders gleaming in the lamplight, the muscles in his biceps standing out like skeins of thick rope as he worked her. It struck her then how easily he held himself, how thoroughly he used his fit physique to ride and pleasure them both.

“Good?” he asked.

“Mmmm, oh…oh. Yes!” A second orgasm was closing on her.

His cock was rigid, his thrusts building speed al the time. “I want to make you come.”

That much was obvious. “Bloody hel , Stewart, there’s no doubt about that, believe me.” She suddenly realised he’d been waiting to let loosely. He was focussing on her, holding back on his own pleasure. Nodding vigorously at him, she urged him on.

Like a man unleashed he moved in deep, hard thrusts. Physical y lifting her as he rutted her up against the pil ows, his sheer strength and force stole her breath. Panting, she snatched at his shoulders, gripping on to them to hold steady.

Her orgasm closed fast then flashed through her, making her body tighten, then grow limp. Her groin was suffused with heat, her clit tingling wildly.

Damp heat surfaced al over her. On he went, until she was weak with pleasure and every time the crown of his cock kissed the neck of her womb an echo of it ran over her, her core in spasm, until she was almost too sensitive and she was ready to beg for mercy.

Stewart groaned in response to her body’s grip on his and spurted inside her.

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