Hollywood Divorces / Hollywood Wives: The New Generation (52 page)

BOOK: Hollywood Divorces / Hollywood Wives: The New Generation
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‘Don’t nag, Shel, I promise I’ll behave,’ he said, starting to kiss her.

She couldn’t resist him. Ever since the first time they’d met he’d always had a certain effect on her. Physically he
was the most exciting man she’d ever slept with. Not that there had been many–only two before Linc.

He pushed her down on the bed. ‘When did you get time to do all this?’ she gasped, overwhelmed by the heady smell of the rose petals and Linc’s relentless touch.

‘I have my ways,’ he said mysteriously, his practised hands moving up and down her body.

‘I like your ways,’ she said, shivering.

‘You do?’ he said, releasing the clip on her bra.

‘Yes,’ she murmured.

‘And you like this?’ he continued, fondling her bare breasts.

‘Oh, yes, yes.’

‘Y’know, sweetie, I’ve been thinking,’ he said, stopping for a moment and propping himself up on one elbow.

‘About what?’ she asked breathlessly.

‘I think it’s about time you quit taking the pill.’

She didn’t dare tell him that she’d stopped three months ago. He was so paranoid about her getting pregnant that he usually pulled out before he reached orgasm.

‘Are you telling me something that you know I want to hear?’ she asked softly.

‘I’m telling you you’re the most beautiful, sweetest woman I’ve ever met,’ he said, caressing her nipples with his fingertips.

Did this mean he was actually ready to make a baby?

Yes, she was sure it did.

A feeling of euphoria swept over her. This was the Linc she loved, the man she’d married. And now he was telling her that she could have his baby.

She put all thoughts and doubts out of her mind, lay back and totally surrendered to the moment.

Chapter Eleven

t’s about
you got your lazy, good-for-shit fuckin’ dumb ass back here,’ Merrill screamed at Jonas as soon as they returned to the yacht.

Cat was shocked; she’d never seen Merrill like this–red in the face, eyes bulging, sweaty double chins quivering like jelly. Since she was used to standing up to bullies–her father was a classic example–she was not at all intimidated. ‘Quit with the screaming,’ she said, staring defiantly at the angry mogul. ‘
were the one who made him spend the day with
. And we’ve had a very nice time, thank you, in case you’re interested.’

‘He’s got work to do,’ Merrill yelled. ‘Fuckin’
. We’re throwing a goddamn party in case you’ve forgotten.’

‘Whatever you need, Mr Zandack,’ said Jonas, quick to fall back into loyal-assistant mode.

you to get your useless ass in gear,’ shouted Merrill.

Cat headed downstairs to her cabin. She didn’t care to watch Jonas being humiliated in front of everyone. Today she’d discovered that he was a nice guy and he didn’t deserve to be treated like shit.

Once in her cabin she picked up the phone and finally got through to Jump in Australia. ‘I’ve been
speak to you,’ she said, totally psyched to hear his voice. ‘What’s going on? You’re never in your room.’

‘I’m here now,’ he mumbled, ‘an’ it’s the middle of the freakin’ night.’

. How’s it going?’

‘Rock ’n’ roll, babe,’ he said, giving an audible yawn. ‘What can I tell you?’

‘Merrill’s behaving like a pig. I can’t wait to fill you in on all the horror stories when I see you. The best news is that I’m definitely getting my movie financed.’


‘So, tell me everything about the tour. What’s Kris Phoenix like?’

‘He’s a cool dude, big star.’ Another loud yawn.

‘You sound out of it.’

’d be freakin’ out of it if
were woken up in the middle of the night,’ he grumbled.

‘You could’ve called

‘Gettin’ through to a boat is a hassle.’

‘What’re you
about?’ she said, frowning. ‘It’s a
, not the freaking moon.’

‘You tryin’ to pick a fight with me?’ he said belligerently. ‘Is that why you called?’

‘No, Jump,’ she answered patiently. ‘I
to tell you that I miss you. Don’t you miss me?’

‘Yeah, yeah.’

He was in one of his obnoxious moods, probably zoned out on weed. He was a big stoner, joints for breakfast, lunch and dinner. ‘I think you should call me when you’re conscious,’ she said, determined not to lose her cool.

‘Whatever,’ he mumbled.

She slammed down the phone. What kind of a bug did he have up

She grabbed her iPod, lay down on the bed, put on her
Bose headphones and began listening to Eminem at full volume. Playing loud music always made her feel better.


Donatella Versace had designed Lola a drop-dead, in-your-face, cut-down-to-the-crack-in-her-butt and plunging-in-the-front gown. There was not much material involved, but what there was, in slinky white silk cut on the bias, showed up every inch of her spectacular body. Her olive skin gleamed, her chestnut hair was wild and curly, swirling around her shoulders, diamond starburst earrings adorned her ears, and an emerald bullet hung round her neck, nestling between her breasts. She knew she looked hot.

When she left the hotel on Matt’s arm, the photographers confirmed it by causing a small riot, all of them struggling and pushing to get the best shot. Matt was happy to pose beside her, the proud husband, determined to score a career of his own.

Merrill Zandack’s people had organized an army of small boats to take the guests out to his yacht, which was moored majestically in the bay like a solitary shimmering summer jewel.

‘How will I get on a boat in these heels?’ Lola worried, pointing at her Manolos.

‘Take ’em off,’ Matt suggested, adding a gallant ‘I’ll carry you.’

‘You’d do that for me?’

‘I’d do anything for you, you’re my wife,’ he said, thinking of the photo opportunities.

She hated it when he was nice: it gave her an attack of the guilts. And Matt
been nice when she’d first met him. Nice and sexy and well endowed. Now he was just plain boring.

Fortunately the sea was as smooth as glass, making the
ride to the yacht fast and easy. Several crewmen tripped over each other to help her aboard. She realized as she climbed on that she was giving everyone a fine view of her ass. Let ’em have a cheap thrill, she didn’t care.

The yacht was festooned with fairy-lights and exotic flowers; a Brazilian group played seductive background music; uniformed crew members were everywhere, plus good-looking, hot young waiters in tight white jeans and T-shirts with
The Zandack
emblazoned on the front in red lettering.

Lola plucked a glass of champagne from a tray and basked in the attention coming her way.

Merrill greeted her with a sloppy wet kiss on both cheeks. She wished people wouldn’t do that, it ruined her makeup.

Sharon Stone wafted by–the woman seemed to be everywhere. And then Lola spotted Linc Blackwood and Shelby Cheney, who, according to the buzz, was
actress of the moment.

Lola felt a shiver of resentment. Why couldn’t
score a role like Shelby in
Why couldn’t
work with an Oscar-winning director like Russell Savage?

She glanced around, seeing if she could spot Elliott Finerman. He’d better have made an offer to Linc, because if he hadn’t she would be seriously angry. Elliott needed her to get his movie made. Surely he realized that without her he
no movie.

‘There’s Linc Blackwood,’ she said to Matt. ‘Let’s go say hello.’

‘Sure,’ Matt responded obligingly, and they headed in Linc’s direction.


Shelby was surrounded by well-wishers all telling her how
great her performance was in
. She listened appreciatively, but all she really wanted to do was hold on to her husband. When he wanted to be, Linc was so attentive and full of love, and now that he’d promised they could try for a baby, she felt blissful. It had been such a relief to hear him say those words.

She wondered if she was pregnant already. He’d made love to her in such a beautiful fashion. The moment they made a baby she wanted it to be the result of a special night of love exactly like tonight.

Soon they were separated. She didn’t mind because Linc had promised faithfully he wouldn’t drink.

Merrill Zandack greeted her effusively, hanging on to her arm. ‘Magnificent!’ he enthused. ‘An Oscar-worthy performance, my dear.’ Then he started talking about the script written by his young
. ‘I want you to read it,’ he said. ‘It’s a perfect role for you.’

‘I’ll read it, Merrill,’ she said agreeably.

‘Good, good. We
work together. Can’t imagine why we haven’t.’

‘I’d like that.’

‘Come,’ he said, throwing his arm round her shoulders. ‘I’ll show you around.’

‘I’m sure Linc would want to join us.’

‘He’ll see it later. Come with me,’ Merrill insisted, leading her past the burly security man who guarded the long corridor leading to his stateroom.

‘Your yacht is spectacular,’ she said, admiring the oak-panelled walls lined with framed posters of his many films. ‘How long have you owned it?’

‘Too long,’ he said. ‘Wait until you see the new one I’m building. It’s twice the size.’


Linc grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter and swigged it down before Shelby noticed. Not that she was anywhere in sight, so he considered himself safe. He couldn’t figure out
she objected to his drinking–it wasn’t as if he got falling-down drunk or anything, although he had to admit that there
been times he’d blanked out and couldn’t remember what he’d done. Hey–the bottom line was he could control his drinking, it was no big deal.

He smelt musky perfume, turned and Lola Sanchez was upon him. Good-looking broad–voluptuous and sexy and married. Not that it mattered. He wasn’t interested: Shelby was enough for him. He loved his wife, and from now on he was determined to stay faithful.

‘How nice to see you again, Linc,’ Lola purred, behaving in an extremely friendly fashion.

He responded by checking out her outfit. It was impossible for the delectable Miz Sanchez to expose one more inch of skin without being arrested. The tits were almost out, the ass was a sight to behold, and the face, well, she had lips a man could kill for, and seductive brown eyes that promised myriad sexual delights.

‘Hey, Lola,’ he said. ‘And, uh…Matt. How’s it hangin’?’

‘Pretty good,’ Matt said, proffering a manly handshake.

Lola licked her glossy lips before taking a sip of her martini. It infuriated her that Linc still made her edgy after all this time. He was a prick. Superprick. And she couldn’t wait to bring him down for what he’d done to her.

‘Linc,’ she said, toying with the emerald nestling in her quite considerable cleavage, ‘has Elliott Finerman talked to you?’

‘Elliott, Elliott,’ he said vaguely. ‘Oh, yeah, I ran into him last night.’

‘Did he say anything?’

‘About what?’

‘He, uh…mentioned that you’d be on top of his wish list for our upcoming movie.’

‘Then he’d better speak to my agent,’ Linc responded, his eyes lingering on her breasts.

‘It’s a romantic comedy,’ she continued. ‘
New York State of Mind


’m starring in it.’

‘Too bad,’ Linc said lightly, ‘’cause I
get top billing.’

‘And so you should,’ she said, making a mental note to tell Elliott that if she had to, she’d accept second place.

This was important. Linc deserved to be punished, and she was prepared to do anything to make it happen.


Emerging from her cabin, Cat scanned the hordes of guests, her green eyes searching for Jonas. They’d had fun that afternoon, she’d felt comfortable with him. She did
feel comfortable with the overdressed bunch of party guests busy talking, networking, ass-kissing and generally bullshitting. Hollywood by the sea. This crowd did not appeal to her.

She thought about Jump and their unsatisfactory phone call. Some conversation. She’d been anxious to hear all about Kris Phoenix and the tour, and she’d also wanted to tell him all
stories about the Festival and what a bullying despot Merrill Zandack was. So it was three o’clock in the morning in Australia. Big freaking deal. Since when did Jump go to bed early? He was a night person, they both were. He could be such an asshole! She wouldn’t be phoning
again in a hurry. It was his turn to call

She spotted Jonas in a corner and hurried over. He was
safely back in his black Prada suit, hair slicked back, the perfect executive assistant.

‘Has Merrill stopped screaming at you?’ she asked.

‘He gets concerned,’ Jonas said, making excuses for his uncouth boss.

‘That doesn’t mean he should talk to you like you’re nothing. Especially in front of people.’

‘It’s part of my job to take anything Mr Zandack hands out,’ Jonas said, refusing to make eye contact.

‘No it’s not.’

‘Yes, Cat, it is.’ He hesitated for a moment. ‘Y’know, I’ve got to work. And you should be circulating, meeting people. Go find Mr Zandack and stick by his side.’

‘Do I have to?’ she groaned.

‘That’s why you’re here,’ he reminded her.

‘Okay, I’ll go circulate, but only if you promise we can get together later and trash the party.’

‘If that’s what you want,’ he said guardedly.

‘Take notes,’ she joked. ‘It’ll be a blast dissing this group. Did you
Lola Sanchez’s dress? It’s pure Stripper City.’

should try wearing a dress sometime.’

‘And look like that?’ she said, making a face. ‘Are you

‘There’s Merrill,’ he said, pointing out his boss. ‘You’d better go over.’

‘I’m on it. Later, okay?’

He nodded, although he had no intention of meeting up with her later. He had his job, she had hers. They were miles apart. There was nothing to be gained by palling up with her.


By the time Shelby caught up with Linc, he was drunk.
Disappointment flooded over her. Did he have
control? His promises meant nothing.

He was busy amusing a group with stories about the time he’d met Fidel Castro on a visit to Cuba. Self-deprecating and charming, he kept his audience enthralled. He had not reached the bad stage yet, the stage where he slurred his words, became belligerent and mean, and grabbed women in a most inappropriate way.

Fortunately she was just in time to rescue him. She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek, at the same time deftly extracting the glass of booze from his hand. ‘Here’s the wife,’ Linc announced, grinning broadly at his attentive audience. ‘Miss Control Freak. Thinks I drink too much.
a kick in the head.’ And he proceeded to launch into a cheerful rendition of some old Dean Martin song. Then he reached out for a woman in the group, and began swinging her round in an exaggerated dance routine.

Shelby smiled and pretended it was all good fun and that she didn’t care about her husband making a fool of himself.

But, of course, she did. She hated watching Linc fall to pieces.

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