Home Or Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 4) (3 page)

BOOK: Home Or Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 4)
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Only when they passed the car in the ditch did Kian speak. “How did it happen?”

“Melanie skidded off the road. She climbed out through the window and then we managed to pull the door open and get Alli out.”

“The ambulance didn’t get this far up?” Kian asked, looking at the snow, which had no tire tracks in it.

“No. I carried her along the road, until Melanie got reception on her phone.”

Kian looked at Taylor, appraising him. “Thank you,” he said again.

“Anyone would have done the same.”
For their mate.


Chapter Five – Melanie

“I was so worried,” Melanie said, stroking Alli’s hair away from her face.

“I’m fine,” Alli said, and then her face contorted in pain. “I know I wanted the baby to be born, but not like this.”

“We’ll be at the hospital in a few minutes.” The paramedic, who had introduced himself as Dermot, checked the monitor once more, smiled and said to Alli, “I hope your mate’s on his way, or he might miss the birth.”

“Kian will make it,” Melanie said trying to comfort Alli.

“I hope so. He’s been looking forward to the birth so much,” Alli replied as her contraction passed.

“I’m sure Taylor has got there by now.” Melanie took her phone out and checked it again. She had a signal, but when she rang the phone at the farmhouse, there was still no answer. She took that as a good sign, Kian must be on his way.
Taylor had gone to the farmhouse to find him and not just disappeared back to wherever he came from.
He’s your mate,
she reminded herself.

“So my saviour just appeared from nowhere?” Alli asked again.

“Yes. I was climbing out of the window, and he was just there.”

“Great timing,” said Dermot.

“Yes, it was,” murmured Alli. “Where did he come from?”

“I don’t know. Like I said, he was just there.”

“You’re sure he wasn’t the driver of the other car? The one that we swerved to avoid,” Alli asked.

“Certain, there was no other car on the road when we walked back to meet the ambulance. That driver was long gone, probably didn’t even realise what had happened,” Melanie insisted.

“So he just came out of nowhere?” Dermot watched Melanie’s face for her reaction.

“Yes,” she blushed at the question, and the way Dermot was watching her.

I see
,” the paramedic said.

“What … do … you see?” Alli asked as another wave of pain swept over her.

“Nothing. It was just lucky for you that he was there. This baby going to make an appearance very soon. You’re lucky it’s not about to arrive in a snow drift.”

The lights of Bear Creek appeared in front of them and the ambulance made its way, as quickly as it dared in the snowy conditions, to the hospital. There, Dermot and the other paramedic wheeled Alli in, taking her straight to the maternity ward, where Dr. Ben was waiting.

“Hello Alli, your baby decided to come after all. I wasn’t expecting to see you for a couple of days.”

“It’s definitely on its way.” Alli’s voice was tinged with pain as another contraction passed.

“I was told you had an accident, so I think the best thing would be if we get you in a bed and examined you. Let’s see where we are in terms of time and hope we can put things off long enough for dad to get here.”

A wave of pain crossed Alli’s face as another contraction swept over her, they were coming closer together. “I don’t know if the baby is going to hang on for too long,” Alli said.

“We’ll get you settled and go from there. Melanie, if you would step outside for a few minutes while we get Alli comfortable. Then you can come back in and keep Alli company.”

“OK. Sure Dr. Ben.” She kissed Alli on the cheek. “It’ll be OK. Everything will work out.”

“I know, thank you Melanie.”

“For what? Crashing the car.”

“No, for getting me here.”

“That was Taylor’s doing, I would never have got you here on my own.”

“I know. We owe Taylor big time.”

Melanie left the room, thankful that Alli had got over the notion that Taylor had been responsible for the accident. He wasn’t the driver of the other car, she knew that. His being there was purely coincidence.

No. That was wrong. He was there because
was there. Of course. He must have sensed her; known
she was in the same way she had known
he was when she first saw him weeks ago. They were mates.

They were mates.

Now she had a chance to calm down, she let that knowledge sweep over her. It was then that the terror set in, she had a mate, just when her life had settled down, it was about to be turned upside down again. She was happy for the first time since forever; she had a job she loved, a partnership really, with Alli in Bear Brides. Then there was Kian, she loved the farmhouse and sharing it with him and Alli, and now the baby, when it arrived. The thought of uprooting and moving again terrified her. Especially since it would be with a man she didn’t know and had only just met. However, the look his eyes told her he meant to claim her.

Taylor’s face flashed up in her head, damn, he was handsome, his body toned. So strong, she had seen the way he carried Alli, with such ease, though the snow. He was also handsome, but then she would think that, he was her mate. Yet his short hair, emphasised his strong angular jaw, covered in stubble to soften it. She longed to run her fingers along his chin to feel it scratch her fingertips. Then her lips would press to his… Sudden heat filled her body. A knowing, an awareness of another creature that ran so deep, it penetrated her soul.

“Melanie,” Kian’s voice came from behind her, she turned and saw Kian, and Taylor, coming towards her.

Colour flooded her cheeks, and her heart rate quickened until she thought she would pass out. She tried to look at Kian, but her eyes kept slipping past him to gaze with abject longing at Taylor. Mentally she slapped herself across the cheek, she had to calm down and take care of her family, of Kian, Alli and the baby. Because looking at Kian, it would appear he wouldn’t be much use to anyone. Not until he knew, Alli was safe.

“Kian, I am so glad you are here.”

“How are you, is Alli OK?” He took in the whole of his sister, noting the colour in her cheeks.

“I fine, really. Alli is in there and Dr. Ben is examining her. The baby is on its way.”

Kian went white. “I should have brought her maternity bags with me. We have nothing here.”

“It’s OK,” Melanie said, putting her hand on her brother’s arm. “You stay with Alli, and I will go and get the bags.”

“Take my truck.” Kian offered her the keys. “Please drive carefully, Melanie. I saw your car in the ditch. What happened?”

“I swerved and lost control,” Melanie said, hanging her head. “I’m sorry, I should have been more careful. It was all my fault.”

“Yes, you should have,” Kian said, his voice rising. “Did you forget you had Alli in there with you? I expect you to be more sensible, Melanie.”

“Kian, I’m sorry.” She became aware of Taylor watching her, of the way his body language had changed when he saw her upset. Part of her longed to hide herself in his big broad chest and let him take care of her, to make this right.

And then Taylor spoke. “It was my fault.”

“Taylor, no, no it wasn’t.” Melanie was about to explain everything to Kian, when the door opened behind her and Dr. Ben appeared.

“Kian, glad you made it in time. Baby is on its way, I think Alli will be a lot happier now you’re here. Come through.”

“Thanks Doc,” Kian said.

“I’ll go and fetch her bags,” Melanie said, watching her brother go in to his mate, concern etched deep into his features.

But before the door closed on him, he said, “Thanks Melanie.”

“I’ll go with her,” said Taylor.

Kian looked at him, and then said, “I think you’ve done enough, Taylor. I don’t want you to have anything more to do with Melanie.” With that, he went inside, the door closing to behind him.

Melanie stood in shock. What had just happened? She turned to Taylor and said, “Why did you take the blame? It wasn’t your fault.”

“I hated the way you felt when Kian was coming down on you like that. I thought it would help.”

“I know, but you just made it worse.”

“Well, he can’t forbid you from seeing me. I’m your mate, we belong together.”

She sighed, hating what a mess the day had become. Because already she was feeling torn between her brother and her mate. “I’ll explain it to him later. He’ll come round.” She hated to think how it would be if he didn’t. She couldn’t live split between two worlds, she had lived that life before, and she knew she couldn’t do it again.

She turned and walked out of the hospital, feeling Taylor’s presence as he followed her. Melanie knew he had acted out of concern for her. He had lied for her, to protect her. All she had to do was work out how to make it right between the two men in her life, her brother who loved and protected her, and the man who wanted to take over that job.

“Do you want me to drive?” Taylor asked as they reached the truck. “I’m not saying your driving is bad.”

“But I did just put my car in the ditch.”

“Yes, you have a point. But driving is what I do for a living. So I am experienced.”

“I know,” she said, not thinking.

“How do you know? As far as I can remember we have never met.”

She sighed, there was no point trying to conceal anything from him, he had already proved that honesty is the best way to deal with things. Lies got you in trouble. “I see you passing the store where I work. Bear Brides.”

He laughed. “So that’s it. You knew, didn’t you?”


“I have had the weirdest feeling every time I passed your store for the last couple of weeks. I couldn’t work it out. Now I know, my mate was there waiting for me.”

She climbed into the truck, her heart lurching at being so close to him. Now they had found each other, she only hoped they were going to have a happy ever after.


Chapter Six – Taylor

“Why didn’t you come find me?” he asked. He had steered the truck safely out of town and they were heading up to the farmhouse. Melanie sat beside him; it felt wonderful to have her this close in a confined space.

“I didn’t know how.”

“That is lame. I drive a truck for Savage Haulage, it’s written on the side of it, in big letters. I’m not hard to find.” He glanced across at her, and could read her so well already; he knew there was more to it. “I scare you?”

“No,” she said quickly. “It’s not that.” She gazed out at the snow, which was still falling heavily. And he let her have all the time she needed to formulate the answer he needed to hear.

While he waited, he breathed in her scent, knowing she was a bear, just the same as he was. That made things a lot easier. It meant they would be on a similar wavelength, would like the same things. Running across the meadows high up in the mountains and sitting in cool streams when the summer came. He smiled to himself, allowing the happiness, which came with finding your one true mate, to flow over him.

“I haven’t lived in Bear Creek for very long. I moved here with Kian.” She looked sideways at him and then ploughed on. “I’ve only just learned to control my bear. That’s why we moved here, so that I would have the freedom of the mountains and the forests.”

“Bear Creek and Bear Bluff are the best places to be if you intend to learn to control your other side.” He could tell there was more, she sighed nervously, making her breasts swell and then she said, “I have a fantastic job working with Alli. And I feel settled, for the first time in my life. You see my parents died and Kian had to fight to get me back out of foster care. We’ve settled here, as a family. I never expected this to happen; I don’t know how he’s going to feel about me finding my mate.”

They pulled up outside the farmhouse and sat silently for a moment, Melanie looking at her hands. He could empathise with her, he really could. But there was no denying the mating urge, and he was certain Kian would understand that. If it wasn’t for the fact, he now thought Taylor was responsible for the accident that might have cost him his unborn baby.

Now he could see why Melanie was so worried. Would it really come down to a choice between her brother or her mate? He hoped not, because he was sure that the mating bond would win, it was too strong to deny, especially once the relationship had been consummated, a thing he wanted to do right now if he had the chance. However, she would never be wholly his; she would always belong to her brother too.

“I will make this right, Melanie. I promise.”

“No. Leave it to me. I’ll explain it to Kian.” With that, she got out of the truck and headed for the farmhouse, taking his heart with her.


Chapter Seven – Melanie

It seemed so strange going into the farmhouse now. She loved it here, loved the perfect position it nestled in under the protective gaze of the mountain. Yet if she mated with Taylor, she would lose that.

If she mated with Taylor.

It was a forgone conclusion. Even now, walking away from him hurt, made it hard for her to breathe. All she could think of was how his lips would feel on her skin. Yet she had to get Alli’s bags and go back to the hospital. Where Kian was waiting to remind her he never wanted her to see Taylor again. What a mess.

It didn’t matter how much she wanted to blame Taylor, she knew he had only done it to help her. Even if he was wrong. She went up to the room Kian shared with Alli and picked up the bags, adding her toothbrush and hairbrush. Then she went to her own room and picked up the gift she had bought ready for the baby. They had all been looking forward to welcoming the little bear cub into their lives. Now it all seemed ruined.

However, Melanie had never been the kind of person to hide from her troubles; she knew they never went away on their own. She also knew that she had to find a way for it to work between Taylor and Kian.

Taking the stairs at a run, she went back down to find Taylor waiting outside for her, snow settling on his head and his jacket. “You should have come inside.”

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