Home Or Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: Home Or Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 4)
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However, her sex ached to be filled completely by him, for him to thrust in nice and deep and make her come. But she was a patient woman, for now anyway. Deeper, his cock pushed into her, and then he surprised her with one hard thrust, impaling her completely. He lay still, his lips kissing her neck, her cheek and then her mouth as he lay so still inside her.

“I need to let go a little or else I am going to come instantly. And I want you to come at the same time as me, Melanie. I love feeling your tightness around me when I climax.”

She lay still, only their mouths moving, although her sex now ached and throbbed, her muscles straining to stay still while he was inside her like this. It increased her own arousal; she could feel the blood pulsing through her inner muscles, making her clit throb. And then he began to move, his body brushing her sensitive bundle of nerves.

If he was worried, he was going to come too quick, now that fear had transferred to Melanie. She stroked his back, nipping his neck as she tried to put her mind elsewhere, but it was too late. In an instant she came, her inner muscles going into spasms around him. She cried out, burying her face into his neck so that no one would hear her.

Her breath came in short gasps, hot on his neck. And then he came, his seed spurting deep inside her. He thrust hard, deeper and deeper, spilling his seed into her womb. He reached behind her head, grabbed hold of a rail, which was attached to the barn wall, and then leveraged himself deeper, his cries filling her ear. He was claiming his mate and had no notion of not letting the whole world know about it.

Taylor jerked hard and fast into her, his hand sliding beneath her to hold her firmly so he could impale her completely. She nipped his neck, her nails digging into his back as her orgasm crested and then seemed to begin again. An endless wave of pleasure thrilling her body. Her mate was here, deep inside her, possibly even making a new life at this moment with her. One day soon their child would be running and playing with his cousin Callum. But not if they moved to Bear Bluff, and as her orgasm ended she knew she had to find a way of making this work.

Taylor stayed inside her, his cock softening, but he didn’t want them to part. And she wouldn’t complain. His body heat warmed her, the chill air resting on her cool skin. They kissed and caressed, exploring each other’s body. Finding where they were ticklish and where a simple touch could ignite arousal.

At last, he moved off her. “I should go. I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to get back to Bear Bluff, and I daren’t be late for work again. Trent will forgive me once, but not twice.”

He passed her clothes to her, and retrieved his own. Dressing however took some time, because they had to stop and touch each other, caress each other, needing to feel that connection, that closeness. She loved that he enjoyed her curves. That her round voluptuous body turned him on. He spent endless minutes kissing her nipples when she was trying, unsuccessfully, to out her bra on.

He cupped them together, licking her taut buds with the flat of his tongue, and then circling them until her nipples were swollen and sore. “I thought you wanted to go home,” she said, feeling the heat pool between her thighs.

“I don’t want to, but I have to.” With a groan, he dragged himself away. “I can’t wait until you move in with me, then I can fuck you whenever I want. Which I think will be every spare minute. My cock seems to have a mind of its own.”

She knew what he meant; her body craved his like a drug. However, she remembered how Kian and Alli were at the beginning of their relationship, until the first glow of their new loved had blossomed into something else. Something deeper, not so caught up in the physical pleasures of their bodies, more in their emotions. Melanie’s mind conjured up all the ways they could please each other, until their love deepened and her arousal grew. He was right, they needed to live together as soon as possible or else she would go quietly insane. The need to mate with him was so strong. She became resigned to leaving here, leaving this life.

“I will pick you up at seven. If I have a chance earlier, I will come by and pull your car out of the ditch.”

“Thank you,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and breathing in the scent of him one last time.
Pine woods and earth, just how a bear should smell,
she thought. “I will see you tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait. And please, don’t worry if my brothers tease me. It’s all in good fun. Word has already got round I have found my mate.”

“I can’t wait to meet them,” she said, hoping that when she met his family they might make the thought of moving to Bear Bluff easier. She only wished more of his brothers had mates so that she would have other women around her. One thing she would miss was the closeness between her and Alli. Yet she knew that even if she did make friends, it could never be the same as her relationship with Alli.

Her sister-in-law had been the first person to take a chance on her, by giving her a job at Bear Brides.

Feeling melancholy, she stood and watched Taylor’s truck disappear into the snow, noting that Vic and Marjorie had already left. Thinking Kian and Alli had probably headed to bed for an early night, she went into the house quietly. Surprised to find Kian waiting for her.

“Hi,” she said, going to him and kissing his cheek. “I thought you would be in bed, Kian.”

“I wanted to make sure you got in safely,” he said, wrapping his arm around her as they sat together and watched the fire die down.

“How are you?” she asked. “You know with the baby and everything.”

He smiled. “It’s amazing. Better than I ever thought. But all of a sudden there is this huge responsibility on my shoulders. I mean, having a mate is one thing, you know that’s going to happen. But a little bear cub, well, all of a sudden you want to be the best person you can possibly be.”

She laid her head on his shoulder. “You already were the best person you could be. Look how you turned our lives around.”

“I wouldn’t have done it without you and Alli. You two are the best support system I could ever wish for.”

“And now I’m going to move away,” she said, her voice filled with sadness. “At least that’s one less responsibility for you.”

“Melanie, I never saw it that way. And if there was a way to make it right, I would. But Taylor is your mate. I want to plead with you to stay here, but I know you have to do what is right for the two of you.”

“What if I don’t know what that is? I mean, yes, we are bonded, and I want to be with him. But my life is here in Bear Creek.”

“Have you told him that?”

“No. How can I? His family, his work and his home if in Bear Bluff.”

“Melanie. You are a partnership. You should speak to him, work it out with him.”

She stood up, offering him her hand, and pulling him off the sofa. “Come on, we both need some sleep.”

He stood, and hugged her tightly. “Speak to him. He seems like a good man. Tell him how you feel.”

“I thought you didn’t like him.”

“Alli pointed out that he was protecting you by lying. So I think he must be alright, to do something like that.”

She laughed. “Don’t go overboard.”

“One step at a time, Melanie. One step at a time.” He walked to the door, and then turned and paused. “I know why I might appear not to like him, and it’s not his fault. It’s only that I hate the idea of losing you. It wouldn’t matter how good a man he was, I would feel some resentment towards him. I love you Melanie. Alli and Callum love you to. Never forget that. This will always be your home.”

“Thank you, Kian,” she said, holding her tears inside, as she watched him walk up the stairs to bed.

Despite her own tiredness, she sat back down and watched the embers glowing in the grate, for a long time she sat and tried to puzzle her way through the situation, but she could see no way around it. Not unless she could ask Taylor to move to Bear Creek. When she eventually went to bed, she knew she would wait until after dinner with his family tomorrow and then broach the subject


Chapter Eighteen – Taylor

“He’s still not back,” Taylor said to Cooper as he entered the office.

“Nope, no word from him. He must be stuck in Cougar Ridge, I guess the ladies there will be pleased to see him.”

“I’m not looking forward to being on the receiving end of his bad mood when he gets back,” Taylor said, feeling even guiltier now for not coming into work yesterday.

“Don’t worry. You know Trent, he’ll have made the best of it.” Cooper looked out at the snow. “Starting to melt. But I think for now we should sit tight. Wait until the boss gets back. I would hate to send you out on a delivery and find he would rather you had stayed grounded.”

“Grounded? I’m not a kid.”

“Not in that way. Keeping the trucks grounded. That’s safest for now.” Cooper threw him a brush. “You can go sweep the warehouse instead. Then clean the insides of the windows.”

“Great. More sweeping,” Taylor said, but he didn’t mind, it kept him busy and this way it meant he wouldn’t be late for dinner with him family and Melanie. It also gave him an opportunity to let his mind wonder. Daydream was not practical when you had a big truck under your control, but a sweeping brush, that didn’t take much thought to use.


“Well, son, I guess you might as well go on home. I thought we would have heard from Trent by now, but no such luck.”

“You don’t think we should phone the sheriff? Ask Dermot if he’s had news of an accident?”

“If Dermot had heard anything, he would have told us.” Cooper finished his coffee and set the cup down on the desk. Then he sat up. “I think I hear the truck.”

Taylor followed Cooper outside, and there, sure enough, was Trent, steering the big truck into the yard. Next to him sat a woman, beautiful, with long red hair and bright green eyes.

“Well, look at that. If I’m not mistaken the boss has brought his mate back with him. Must be something in the water.” Cooper grinned, and waited by Taylor’s side for their boss to get out of the truck.

“Nice to see you turned up for work today, Taylor,” Trent joked.

“Yeah, sorry about that. Something came up.” Taylor relaxed, his boss was in a great mood.

“I think we can put it all down to fate. I’m guessing your mate came into your life too?”

“Sure did. Found her in a ditch. Her car left the road, over in Bear Creek.”

“I found mine in the back of the truck.” He turned and beckoned the young woman over; she looked suspicious of the him and Cooper. “This is Willow. She is a panther and my mate. So Taylor, if you had turned up for work she would have slipped through my fingers.”

“Then you owe me one?” asked Taylor.

“Don’t push your luck,” Trent said.

“Hi Willow,” Taylor said.

“Hello, Taylor.” Willow gave him a small wave.

Taylor grinned at his boss, who looked happier than he had ever seen him. “You do know how many broken hearts there are going to be in Bear Bluff, Trent?”

“Oh yes. But I couldn’t be happier. As you probably know.”

“Oh, I know,” Taylor said. “She’s coming over to meet my family tonight.”

“Then why don’t you get on home. I have some things to catch up on, and then we are off home too.” Trent took Willow’s hand and headed to the office. “Don’t be late tomorrow, Taylor. The snow is melting; we have a lot to catch up on.”

“I won’t,” Taylor left work, going home to shower and then to buy his mom some flowers. He knew how nervous she was at having Melanie over for dinner. He only hoped it all went smoothly. And that Melanie liked his family. He also hoped she would like his apartment. It would seem cramped after the big farmhouse.

He would need to save every bit of spare cash now to try to buy them a family home. Becoming a mate had huge responsibilities, as he was just beginning to realise.


Chapter Nineteen – Melanie

“Are you sure I haven’t overdressed?” she asked Taylor for the fifth time. She had agonised over what to wear, eventually settling on a long flattering skirt, and a pretty top, which she paired with an embroidered cardigan.

“No, you look beautiful.”


He laughed. “No, you look perfect.”

She took a long nervous breath and let it go; they had arrived at his parents’ house. He came around and helped her out; all she wanted to do was stay in his truck and hide. Although she liked the idea of a big family, it had dawned on her that she had no real experience of how to interact with so many people. People who all knew each other, she felt like a complete outsider.

“My mom is more nervous, if that makes you feel any better.”

“Really?” Melanie asked.

“Oh, yes. So let’s put you both out of your misery.” He opened the door without knocking and went in. Voices could be heard from a room to their right, but he led her straight through to the kitchen where the wonderful small of roast chicken met her.

“Oh, you’re here.” A woman, who looked relatively young turned and hugged Taylor.

“Hi mom, this is Melanie.”

“Hello Melanie. Welcome to our home and our family. Dinner is nearly ready.”

“Hello.” Melanie couldn’t understand how Taylor’s mom could look so young, but then she remembered how a bear’s aging processed slowdown once they got to eighteen. She made a mental note to ask Taylor how old he was later.

“Taylor, get Melanie a drink. She might need it. Now I have to finish up here, but I think you are going to be introduced to the rest of the family. I have seven boys, so please forgive them. They are boisterous, but well meaning.” She smiled in sympathy, making Melanie feel even more nervous.

“Come on, you’ll be fine.” Taylor poured her some white wine and then took her hand. They went to a sitting room, which was bursting at the seams with six young men an older man, and one pretty young woman who looked up, her expression showing abject relief.

“Finally,” she said, coming over and kissing Melanie on both cheeks. “I was beginning to think I was going to be the only other woman in this family.”

“Ellie, this is Melanie.” He looked across to the six men who were busy debating some issue. Taylor pointed one out. “That is Rob, my eldest brother, and Ellie is unfortunately his mate.” Taylor winked at Ellie, who laughed.

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