Hot Rebel (20 page)

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Authors: Lynn Raye Harris

BOOK: Hot Rebel
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It was exciting in a way she hadn’t considered it could be. It was all about him and his pleasure, but feeling the twitches and jerks of his body, hearing the sharp breaths and harsh groans he couldn’t contain, she felt a power she hadn’t known existed. She was pleasuring him, and it made her feel powerful and beautiful.

And excited. If she weren’t using both hands on him, she’d use one on herself.

Suddenly Nick swore. And then he reached down and pulled her to her feet. His eyes were bright as he searched her gaze.

And then he crushed her to him and kissed her.


The kiss liquefied her bones. Nick’s tongue swept into her mouth, his lips firm and demanding against hers as he walked her backward. Her knees hit the side of the bed and she stopped, clinging to his shoulders before she fell.

But that’s what he wanted, because he gripped her hips and lifted her onto the bed before coming down on top of her. Automatically her legs went around his waist. His cock slid firmly against her clit and she moaned into his mouth.

“Condom,” he said, breaking the kiss. “Need a condom.”

“I’m on birth control. An implant under the skin.”

He blinked and she felt herself reddening.

“It was in case… I’m a woman in a war zone. I had to protect myself.”

His grip on her tightened, and she felt the tremor of anger roll through him. “In case of rape, you mean.”

She swallowed. “Right.”

It hadn’t been something she’d wanted to take a chance with, though God knew she would have fought tooth and nail if any man had tried to force her against her will. But she knew she was a woman in a man’s world out here, and in a man’s profession, and the possibility existed. She’d decided to protect herself.

“Obviously, I’m healthy,” she added, though it was unnecessary.

“We get tested regularly in the Army. You know that.”


He lowered his forehead to hers. His skin was hot. “You’re turning me inside out, Vic. Every time I think I know which way is up, you flip it on me.”

“I’m sorry.”

He ran a hand down the side of her body, under her ass, cupping her. “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?”

She felt suddenly shy. Here they were, skin to skin, his cock poised to enter her body, and she was shy whenever he complimented her. Sassiness was her default setting when she was embarrassed.

“Are you going to fuck me or talk to me all night?”

He dropped his head and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. His tongue rolled around the tight peak and she arched her back, amazed at how she always seemed to want more.

And then he moved his hips and she felt him, right there at her entrance, hard and relentless, and her pulse shot into the hot zone.

“Relax, sweetheart,” he crooned. “It might hurt at first, but it gets better. I promise it does.”

He began to move, the head of his cock slipping into her wetness, spreading her wide. It was a foreign feeling—and an amazing feeling.

He sank deeper, slowly deeper, and she moved her hips to try to accommodate him.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She didn’t have a hymen after a couple of pelvic exams at the doctor’s office, but she still expected it to hurt. Nick wasn’t a rubber vibrator, after all.

And it did hurt, but not badly. It was the stretching of tissues that were unaccustomed to such an invasion, the foreignness of a large male entering her for the first time. Maybe she should have used a bigger vibrator…

“You’re so tight,” he said after a few moments of not moving at all.

“No miles on this thing, remember?”

He busted out laughing, and she felt it reverberate through her. What a sensation to be joined so intimately and feel your partner laugh.

“Jesus, how can you make me laugh when this is serious? And why are you cracking jokes anyway? You’re supposed to be incoherent with passion right now. Not doing my fucking job right if you aren’t.”

A wave of emotion washed over her. He made her happy. He made her feel as if she were important. And he made her forget, for the time being, everything but what it was like to be with him.

“Maybe you aren’t as good at this as you thought.” She loved teasing him, even when her nerve endings were raw and her body was on fire.

He lifted her to him with that one broad hand on her ass and slid the rest of the way home. Victoria gasped and Nick made a sound that was half growl, half groan.

“Not good at this?” he said tightly. “You’ll pay for that, Vic. With a lot of begging, I might add.”

She was still panting at the invasion, at how full and stretched she felt. It hurt, but in a good way.

He dipped his head and kissed her softly. “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

She put her hand on his cheek, then slid her fingers into his hair. “It’s a good kind of hurt. Now please make it better. I want to get to the good part.”

He shifted his hips, moving gently, and the nerve endings in her entire body sat up and took notice. It was as if Nick were an electric storm, and she were a conduit for his energy. Her skin lit up with pings and sizzles in places she hadn’t realized could be so sensitive.

Nick slid almost all the way out and then pushed deep inside her again. Victoria gasped his name as she clutched his shoulders, seeking an anchor in the storm. He didn’t give her any mercy after that, moving inside her faster and faster, his body demanding everything she could give in return.

She lifted herself to him, opened herself, took him as deeply as he could go, her body melting and reshaping itself to accommodate his. The tension she’d felt earlier began to spin up again, coiling tighter and tighter inside her until she thought if she didn’t get some relief, she would scream.

Victoria closed her eyes and arched upward, wanting more. She wanted to remember everything, experience everything, but she knew it wasn’t going to last. Her orgasm was a wave just out of reach, a wave that would annihilate her when it arrived.

She wanted to come, but she also wanted to control her reaction.

Except she knew there would be no control. When she shattered, she would lose herself in the bliss of the moment. Nick owned her body right now and he would accept nothing less.

He drove into her with more force than before, their bodies slapping together, their sweat mingling. And it didn’t hurt anymore. It felt astonishingly wonderful.

Why had she waited so long?

And then her heart whispered to her.
was why. Nick Brandon. The thought disconcerted her. She couldn’t let herself get emotional over this man. Emotion was vulnerability, and she had no room for vulnerability. Not out here. Not now.

“Come for me, Victoria,” he rasped in her ear. “Let yourself go.”

It was as if he’d given her the key, because her breath caught and her body flew over the edge as the tension inside her exploded in a single blinding flash. She heard herself cry out his name, her voice broken and breathless.

She’d had orgasms before, but never like this. Never with a man inside her, driving her over the edge. It was different; it was a revelation. There was something about experiencing such a supremely intimate moment with another person that was both frightening and comforting.

Victoria closed her eyes and gave herself up to the sensations vibrating through her. Nick followed her over the edge, shooting warm jets inside her. That was also a revelation, to know she could feel the moment when he came.

He didn’t collapse on top of her but held himself up on his elbows. He was still inside her, still hard, and she pressed her forehead to his shoulder and concentrated on breathing.

“Hey,” he said softly, and she looked up to find him watching her with a look of concern on his handsome face.

She didn’t know why until he reached out and smoothed his fingers over her cheeks. Her skin was wet.

“Did I hurt you?”

She gulped, suddenly uncertain she could maintain her composure. Her emotions were a whirlwind and she wasn’t quite sure why. “No. I… I’m fine.”

He pushed her hair from her face. “You don’t look fine.”

“It’s just a bit overwhelming.”

He gave her a smile. “Yeah, it can be.”

“Is that a commentary on your awesomeness or just a general statement?”

He snorted. “Whatever you want it to be.”

His hips flexed, and she gasped, both at how sensitive she was and at how eager her body was for more. She dropped her gaze to his chest, unable to look at him for more than a few seconds. Her heart still pounded, and little aftershocks of nerves zipped through her body. Her brain raced with conflicting thoughts.

What had she done? Why had she chosen a man who got beneath her skin to be the one to initiate her? Was it a mistake? How would she ever regain her balance? How would she ever look him in the eye again?

He tipped her chin up and forced her to look at him, putting an end to that question. His hazel eyes searched hers. “Regrets?”

It was strange to be asked such a thing when he was still buried inside her, when her body hadn’t quite pieced itself back together again.

She swallowed. Her throat hurt. “I don’t know.”

She felt him stiffen slightly, but then he sighed. “Believe it or not, I understand.”

A tiny sliver of pain lanced into her. Because if he understood, he must be feeling some regret of his own. And that was a thought she couldn’t stand. It might be hypocritical, but it hurt. She pushed at his shoulders, but it was like trying to move a brick wall. He wouldn’t budge.

“Get off,” she said as the hurt threatened to turn into a deluge.

“You aren’t pushing me away, Victoria. Not like this.”

Fresh tears trickled down her cheeks. Crying was an unbelievable breach of her usual control, but then nothing about tonight had been normal.

He swore. She thought he would get up and stalk out of the room, but he took her hands in his and pushed them above her head. His mouth captured hers almost savagely. She had a brief moment of shock—and then her belly clenched and a hard wave of desire rolled through her.

His body bore hers down into the mattress, his cock swelling inside her.

“Do you still want me to go?” he demanded, his mouth at her ear.

She heard herself moan—and then she wrapped her legs around his waist and he started to move. It was faster this time, more frantic. They moved as one, rocking the bed hard against the wall—and then she came, biting down on his shoulder as she did so. She was still coming when he stiffened and groaned his release.

This time he rolled away when it was over. The cool air on her body was a shock after being beneath him for so long. She pushed onto her elbows and looked at him. He’d flung an arm over his face and his chest rose and fell more rapidly than before.

“I shouldn’t have done that,” he said after a long moment.

“Which part?” Because she had to know what he meant.

He moved his arm and turned his head toward her. “Just now. You thought I regretted having sex with you. The only way I knew to prove differently was to do it again.”

She lowered her gaze even as she felt her face flushing. Her damn coloring showed everything. “I did think that.”

He reached out and tangled his fingers with hers. “The only thing I regret is that I was too weak to tell you no.”

She didn’t know what to say to that. She wanted to curl against him and go to sleep, but she felt awkward and uncertain. When would she stop feeling this way?

“I didn’t want you to tell me no. I think I made that clear.”

He snorted softly. “Yeah, you did.”

He reached for the nightstand, checked his phone and his gun. She thought he would get up and go now, but he didn’t. He lay back and then dragged her down and wrapped an arm around her. She put her head on his chest, her cheek against his warm skin. He smelled like soap and sex and she closed her eyes, sighing.

“I have a feeling tomorrow’s going to bring news, one way or the other. For now, we’re safe, so let’s sleep while we can.”

She wanted to stay right here with him—and yet she needed to stay in control of the job as much as possible. She pushed herself up. He let her go.

“I know your guys are watching, but maybe one of us should stay on alert. I’ll take this shift.”

He sighed. “It’s not necessary, Victoria.”

“I think it is.”

“You just have to argue with me, don’t you?”

“I’m not arguing. I’m following procedure.”

She knew it sounded hollow when she said it, but she had to wrest back some of the control of this operation—of herself—where she could.

Nick turned onto his side and punched the pillow. “When you get tired of sitting up alone, come back to bed.”

She fumbled for her clothes in the darkness, cursing herself the entire time she got dressed. Was she insane? She could have stayed right there, curled up in his warmth, but she’d had to be stubborn.

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