House of Mirrors

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Authors: Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon

Tags: #LGBT Historical

BOOK: House of Mirrors
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House of Mirrors



Bonnie Dee & Summer Devon


House of Mirrors

Copyright © April 2011 by Bonnie Dee & Summer Devon

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


eISBN 978-1-60737-986-7

Editor: Sandra Rychel

Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Printed in the United States of America


Published by

Loose Id LLC

PO Box 425960

San Francisco CA 94142-5960


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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Chapter One


May 1902, southern Ohio


“Step inside to see real magic. Your face reflected a thousand times over, glass within glass. Which image is the real you? An avenue of mirrors, ladies and gentlemen. An attraction so unique, no other traveling show can boast of such a marvel.”

The tall, dark-haired man on the platform wove wonder with his words and hands as he gestured dramatically toward the brightly painted wagon behind him. The open door’s blackness suggested a mouth ready to devour those who entered. It was both a challenge and an enticement. Fear, danger, thrills, and surely real magic waited inside. To leave humdrum life behind and see something new was too great a temptation to pass up. People began to shuffle forward and offer their nickels.

A young man tugged on his lady friend’s hand as she protested, “No, Tommy. I don’t want to. It’s eerie.”

“But you love looking at yourself in a mirror, so you should love seeing yourself in a thousand of ’em even more,” he replied, earning chuckles from those around him.

The girl shrieked and slapped his arm but allowed him to buy her a ticket from the lovely lady in the short, sparkly skirt. Together they headed inside.

The pretty ticket taker, with her eyes outlined in theatrical black, smiled and fluttered her lashes at the men in the crowd, but Jonah was not interested in her swelling décolletage. He had eyes only for the showman, who never ceased his melodious patter.

“Adventure, excitement, and a memory you’ll treasure for a lifetime.” The man’s face was long and gaunt, with sharp cheekbones and a devilish appearance enhanced by the mustache and goatee that framed his lips. He wore a black cape, which swirled dramatically around him, over a vest studded with tiny mirrors that caught the light and showered the crowd with sparkles. His body was lean and graceful as he conjured anticipation and enthusiasm out of thin air, weaving a spell to push listeners inexorably into the house of mirrors.

Jonah didn’t join the group. He wasn’t here to enjoy a sideshow but to try to find employment. He tongued his torn lip and tasted metal. His left eye had swollen nearly closed, and every muscle in his body was stiff and aching. He’d barely been able to stumble over the hill to follow the discordant calliope music and glow of lights that beckoned him to the carnival. Even if the traveling show wouldn’t hire him, he couldn’t go back. He no longer had a choice about leaving home and realized he should’ve made a decision to go rather than waiting for the situation to explode in his face.

His father’s righteous anger still flayed him raw. “You’re a filthy pervert, an abomination who has brought shame on our family.”

Well, wasn’t a carnival sideshow the place for a freak? But a freak of his type wouldn’t even fit in here.

Jonah turned to go find the owner of the carnival. He hoped his battered appearance wouldn’t alarm a prospective employer. He was strong and capable of lifting and carrying tent poles, watering animals, or mucking out stalls. It didn’t much matter to him what he did right now. He just needed a place to hide and a way to travel down the road.

Clutching his satchel tighter, he threaded his way through the crowd and around the big wagon with MYSTERIOUS HOUSE OF MIRRORS emblazoned in flowing script on the side. A painting depicted a woman with wide eyes and open mouth, looking into a gilt frame angled so the viewer couldn’t see the mirror. A person might interpret her expression as shock, awe, wonder, delight, or horror, depending on his point of view.

Jonah was so intent on gazing at the mural that he barreled into the barker who had leaped down from the platform. A mingled scent of tobacco, alcohol, and sweat came from the man’s clothing. He grasped Jonah’s shoulder to steady him.

“Easy, lad.” His voice was as smooth as worn leather, with a slight English or perhaps Irish accent. An exotic sound compared to the flat cadence of the Midwest. Jonah wondered what had brought the man here.

“Sorry, sir. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He met the man’s eyes, which were black as a night sky with a sprinkling of stars. Maybe it was the reflection of the moonlight on his mirror-studded vest that made them sparkle. “Could you direct me to the manager of this carnival?”

“What would you be wanting with him?”

“A job.” Jonah smiled and tasted a fresh spurt of blood from his split lip.

“Ah, I see.” The man scanned Jonah’s bloody, disheveled state. “In that case, allow me to escort you to his lodgings. I’m just taking my break.”

He guided Jonah away from the House of Mirrors, past other sideshows: a fortune-teller, a freak tent, games of chance with cheap prizes hung on ribbons, and the main tent in which big acts performed. Barkers shouted to draw people to their attractions. Music blared from gramophones near the booths. The noise was too much for Jonah’s aching head.

He felt his heartbeats thumping in his ears. The vision in his good eye blurred, and he realized he was about to pass out. That wouldn’t do. He couldn’t appear weak, or he’d never get hired. He blinked and drew a deep breath.

“Do you know if the manager’s hiring? I’d be willing to do any work, anything at all. I don’t care if I get paid much. I’d just appreciate the chance to travel.”

“In a hurry to get out of town, eh? I’ve been in that position before.”

Jonah stumbled, and the man beside him slung an arm around his back, lending him support. That small kindness coupled with the sympathetic words made Jonah’s eyes sting. After what he’d been through that evening, he felt as emotional as one of the devoted old women who laundered altar clothes at his father’s church.

“I’m sorry. I’ve had a rough day.” He nearly smiled at the understatement.

“I can see that.” The stranger cast a sideways glance at him. “Would the fellows who did that to your face be likely to come after you? The show doesn’t need any trouble. We’ve enough of our own.”

“Oh no. Nothing like that. I haven’t done anything.” Hadn’t he? His actions had brought this trouble down on him. He couldn’t deny that. Jonah gestured at his face. “This was just a…falling out with some family members.”

“With family like that, who needs enemies?” The warm band of the man’s arm left his back abruptly as he turned to Jonah and stuck out his hand to shake. “I’m Rafe Grimstone, sometimes ringmaster of the big show or talker for one of the attractions, but also owner of this carnival. And you are…?”

“J-Jonah Talbot.” He put down his satchel, took the man’s hand, and shook it, good manners outweighing his surprise at the sudden turn of events. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Grimstone. I apologize for my appearance, but I promise I’d be a hard worker at any task you assign me.”

“And you’d work for nearly free. Yes, I got that.” He nodded, and a lock of long hair fell across his face. “For now I’ll take you on temporary-like. Time will tell whether you earn a place here. But it’ll be for no cash, lad. Leastwise not while you’re on probation.”

“Yes. That’s fine. Just give me a place to sleep and some work to do.”

The man pointed at the carpetbag Jonah had dropped on the ground. “What’s in here? I can’t be housing thieves, if that’s why you’re on the run.”

Jonah shook his head, which was a mistake—nausea rolled through him. “No. It’s mine.”

“Way you clutch it, could be filled with bars of gold. Looks heavy enough.”

Rather than answer, Jonah reached down to unbuckle the bag. He moved slowly to keep the dizziness at bay.

“Books.” The man gave an amused snort as he reached in and pulled one out. “Ach. Shakespeare? Noisy old bugger.”

Jonah wanted to protest, tell Mr. Brimstone—or rather, Grimstone—he was wrong. But the man opened the collection at a random page and read a few lines of Hamlet’s speech to the actors. No, surely he was reciting, for there wasn’t enough light to read by. Something in his manner shifted. That lovely deep voice stroked Jonah’s senses. He closed his eyes to listen. The man’s accent had changed to a more educated British tone that sounded perfect for Hamlet.

“‘O’erstep not the modesty of nature. For anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure.’”

Mr. Grimstone stopped reciting and dropped the book back into the satchel. “Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.” He shoved the bag toward Jonah with the side of his boot.

“But how…?” Jonah stopped. He had no interest in angering the man, yet how could anyone who spoke so beautifully, imbuing the words with perfect feeling, remain cold to Shakespeare?

“Come on.” Grimstone watched Jonah gingerly heft the satchel and gave a grunt of either impatience or perhaps sympathy with Jonah’s pain. He slapped the outside of his thigh a couple of times and said, “The condition you’re in, I’m thinking you need a watchful eye on you tonight, and Parinsky’s been at the bottle again, so I guess I draw the winning ticket.”

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