How to Be a Rock Star's Ex-Girlfriend (7 page)

BOOK: How to Be a Rock Star's Ex-Girlfriend
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But my favorite of Cara’s conquests happened when we were nineteen. At the time, the three of us were living together in our first apartment. I was in my second year of college and Sophie was already working at the bank. Cara was jumping back and forth between going to school and working. She couldn’t decide what she wanted to do, and she had changed her major three times in less then a year.

Looking to make some quick money, she got a job as a waitress at The HatTrick, a bar and grill where all the college kids gathered to watch major sporting events. The owner, Martin Hewitt, was a hockey nut, and the whole place was decorated with that theme, down to the booth seats that looked like goals! Cara thought that she’d work for a few weeks, taking home big tips and a paycheck. Unfortunately, the work was a lot harder then she thought, and the tips were a lot smaller. College kids hung out there and did a lot of drinking, but they have no money for extras like tipping your waitress! To make matters worse, she had to wear a huge hockey jersey as a uniform, hiding the figure that Cara was sure would make her some more money.

Remembering the effectiveness of the football jersey, Cara spend one night cutting her uniform and making it into a tight belly-shirt which she paired with low cut jeans. Instead of being upset when Cara came in wearing her hacked up top, Martin insisted that Cara make more for the other waitress, gave her a raise, and asked her out. Disregarding the advice that you should never mix business with pleasure, Cara took him up on his offer. After all, Martin was good looking in a thirty-something, sports guy way. The perks of being with Martin far outweighed the negatives, turning it into Cara’s longest lasting relationship to date. And for the entire ten months they were together, Sophie and I tagged along with Cara when she went to visit, getting free food, and the ability to drink in The HatTrick before we were twenty-one.

Martin blew the whole thing when he asked Cara to move in with him, causing her to freak out that he was getting too serious. Despite his best efforts to return things to normal, Cara knew that Martin was at an age where a commitment was the next step. Commitment wasn’t high on her list of priorities, so she gracefully back out of the relationship. They’ve stayed friends, and any time the Vikings, or some other Minnesota team, have a big game, Cara will stop by and say hi. The waitresses still wear the tops Cara designed, and Martin claims that they are the key to his success!

Knowing that if anyone could help me, it would be Cara, I brought up the topic when we were alone one night.

“What? I thought you guys were already doing it!” Cara was surprised to learn that I was having difficulty getting Braden into bed. “What’s the hold up? Is he gay?”

“No! He’s not gay! Cara! What made you think we were having sex already? I never said anything about it. Don’t you think I’d tell you how it was, how it happened, and so forth?” Such a typical Cara response, if a guy hadn’t made a move within the first fifteen minutes, he was defiantly gay.

“Honestly, I thought maybe he was just really bad and you were embarrassed! He has been staying over here after band practice some nights. What was I supposed to think? That my normally horny friend was going through a dry spell?” She laughed. “I guess you are, though, aren’t you?” Although she tried to look serious and sad as she said it, she was obviously enjoying my discomfort.

“It’s not funny, Cara! I came to you for ideas on how to seduce him, not to be the butt of your cruel jokes!” I had to admit, once I told Cara my dilemma, it did seem a little funny. Who worries about stuff like getting a guy into bed? I’m usually trying to nicely say no to such things!

“Okay, okay. Let’s come up with a few things. Are we talking typical seduction practices, or do you need something out of the ordinary?”

Not knowing what Cara meant by out of the ordinary, I thought typical may be the way to go. “Let’s stick with something pretty standard. I’m not sure if I could go through anything you think is off the wall!”

“Me? I’m just your normal, average girl. Why would you be afraid of my innocent ideas?” Cara tried to hold an angelic expression, but couldn’t quite pull it off. She knew that she was a big liar!

“You know, I might have a theory about why you’re not getting any. Have you guys ever had a night alone? Without anyone else staying at the apartment with you? I bet he has stage fright! Get him alone and I bet he puts the moves on you!”

I hadn’t considered our lack of privacy as a deterrent. We had been alone in my room or his room, but there were always other people in the apartment. Cara would be in the next room with Kevin, or at Braden’s, Dylan would be hanging out. That situation could definitely cause some hesitation when it came time to get busy. Who wants the first time you make love to be in the company of your friends? I wasn’t one to let people in the apartment stop me when I’m in a relationship, but I did want our first time to be special. Maybe that was what was holding him back. Cara was so smart!

Now the question was how did I get him alone? Should I kick everyone out of the apartment? Cara would go to Kevin’s if I asked, but I knew that they were on the downward slide, heading straight for a break up. I didn’t want to push her into staying with him and giving him false hope.

Maybe Dylan would let us have their place for a night. The only problem with that was involving Dylan in my plan. The fewer people that knew about this, the better. Plus, Dylan wasn’t seeing anyone at the moment, and I wasn’t sure where he’d go if I kicked him out.

Cara interrupted my thought process with a sudden shriek. “I have a great idea! I know the perfect way to get you guys alone.” She had a smug look on her face. It made me a little nervous.

“What’s the plan?”

“Leave everything to me. Just buy yourself some sexy new panties and shave your legs!”

“Cara, what are you going to do? Don’t get me into anything messed up, okay? And I don’t want to wear a sports jersey of any kind! Promise? And when is this going to happen?”

“Give me three days to put everything together. And don’t worry, there are no jerseys involved, and it’s not messed up in any way. I promise! I’m going to go get started, I have a lot to do!”

Although I doubted the intelligence of going along with one of Cara’s schemes, I knew that whatever she had planned would work. I had yet to see one of her projects fail. It couldn’t hurt to buy some new underwear. I guess it was time to go shopping.


A few days later I was still waiting for Cara’s big plan to happen. I had made a special trip to the mall, taking Cara and Sophie along with me for their expert advice. We came away with bags of goodies, not to mention a bra and panty set in pale pink that was sure to get Braden’s, or any guy’s, heart racing. There wasn’t much to it, a lot of lace and a ribbon or two! Cara and Sophie liked it so much that they each got the same set, Cara’s in black and Sophie’s in a mint green.

I had asked Cara over and over what her plan was, but she had insisted that it was better this way. I should just be ready tonight, Saturday, for the event. We all had plans to hit Skaken, there was a large group of us going together. Sophie’s boyfriend Mark was even going, which was a big surprise.

He very rarely went out with us. I always got the idea that he felt too old to hang out with us on a regular basis. It wasn’t like we didn’t like him or want him to hang out with us. He just didn’t seem to enjoy himself when he did go out. Although he was slightly older, twenty-seven, it was his lifestyle and attitude that really separated him from us. His career brought him in contact with older people, those who were ready to buy houses or condos. None of our friends were quite to that place yet! We were all having too much fun with the way things were, plus many of them were still in school. I only hoped that Mark would really let loose tonight, for

Sophie’s sake. She really wanted Mark to fit in and get along with us.

Braden and Dylan were going with us tonight as well. They had become permanent members of our little tribe. Since they worked at the mall along with Cara and me, we saw each other almost every day. There were even times when we would take breaks together, or car pool to work. The more I got to know Dylan, the less cocky he seemed and the more I considered him a friend. It helped that Braden and I were getting close, and he was constantly singing Dylan’s praises.

The one person that would not be joining us this evening was Kevin. As predicted, the relationship had crumbled. I wasn’t sure what the final straw was, but the day after I asked Cara for help, she announced that she was ‘over’ Kevin and he would no longer be hanging out with us. I was also correct in assuming that he would continue to call the apartment, praying for a second chance. They never learn! Begging Cara only makes her happier to be out of that scene! He had even send flowers to the house once. They ended up in the trash as soon as she got home from work.

So tonight, Cara was flying solo. That should make things interesting! I was curious to see who her next victim would be since she never goes long without a man. To be honest, I loved when Cara was single. She was off the wall, crazy, and always ready for a good time. I had countless stories of the two of us driving to the cities to go shopping on a whim, or dropping everything to attend a concert. We made it a tradition to go skinny dipping in the middle of the night, each May. The water was always freezing, and several times after our midnight dip we both came down with colds. But it was worth a few days of suffering since we did it together! We both treasured those times spend together. Of course Sophie never participated. Not only was she dating Mark during most of these episodes, but she wanted us to tone down. She wouldn’t condone our activities, let alone join in. She was always telling us to act our age,

which just sent us into fits of laughter. Letting loose once in a while wasn’t going to hurt us any!

Of course during those prior moments of madness, I was also single. This was the one and only time in the history of our friendship that I was part of a couple and Cara was not. This fact was probably due to the fact that Cara was in relationships way more often then the average person.

Sophie had bailed on our girl’s night ritual. Since Mark was tagging along, he had insisted that they go out for dinner before hand. He wasn’t trying to be mean or anything like that. It just made more sense to him for the two of them to get ready at their house, eat together, and then go to the club. He had never understood the necessity of ‘girl’ time. I guess guys don’t do that!

Cara and I started the process of getting gorgeous as soon as we both got home from work, at five-thirty. We wanted to have plenty of time to try clothes on and plan the prefect outfits. The first thing we both put on was our new panty sets.

“So, are you planning to get lucky tonight too?” I lifted my eyebrows at Cara. “I wouldn’t want to see that fantastic underwear go to waste.”

“Oh, I have a plan for myself tonight also. I doubt any of this will go to waste!” She used her hands to outline her body, much like Vanna White with her letters.

“Who is it? You have to tell me!”

“I think I’ll keep this info to myself for now. Too many people knowing could ruin the outcome!”

This new found secrecy was totally out of character for Cara. She had to tell everyone everything! She had been coming to me with all the intimate details of her life since we were small. I was the first to know that she got her period, the first to be told about the neighbor boy and the loss of her virginity, and the first to hear all the details of her various breakups and make-ups. There were times when I ended up knowing too much. The fact that she wouldn’t tell me who she was after had me very curious and a little anxious.

“It’s not Braden, is it?” I knew before I asked that Cara would never poach on a friend’s man, but I had to be sure.

“No, silly! Of course not! Don’t worry about it!” She pulled a light weight, three-quarter length sleeved sweater out of her closet. “How’s this?”

This evening was a little different then the last time we went out. It was still chilly outside and we didn’t have a theme night to dress up for. That meant finding something that you wouldn’t freeze in on the way there, but would make you over heat on the dance floor. Not an easy task.

“You’re wearing a black bra. That top is light purple. You’d be able to see through it. But I could wear it. Then you can wear that new top of mine that you’ve had you’re eye on.”

“The sheer black one? Really? You’d be able to see my bra through that one too.”

“Well, the difference is that you’re supposed to see it with the black one. It’s hanging in my closet if you want it. Just don’t spill on it or rip it or anything!”

“Thank you! That will be perfect!” Cara dashed off to get the shirt. As soon as she left the room, I realized that I had played right into her hands. She had always wanted to wear the black shirt. This way she made it seem like it was my idea. Sneaky, sneaky!

Finishing my own outfit off with my favorite jeans and high heeled black boots, I made my way into the bathroom where Cara was examining herself in my new black shirt.

“That looks great on you! Black is so dramatic against your hair. The purple would’ve just made you look washed out. I’m surprised you even own a purple top.”

“Yeah, well,” Cara looked a little sheepish. “It’s Sophie’s shirt. I thought it was so cute that I borrowed it a week ago, but you’re right. I’m not sure it looks very good on me. I might have to get it in green or something. I love the style of it. Then I thought it might look good on you and then I could wear something of yours. We all end up happy!”

“That certainly makes more sense. It totally looks like a Sophie shirt. Do you think that she’ll mind if I wear it?”

“You know Sophie, she won’t care. Plus, she’d much rather have you wearing her clothes then me. I’m a lot clumsier then you, you know!”

“True. Maybe I shouldn’t let you wear my clothes!”

“That’s just too bad! I’m not taking this off! You’d have to tear it off me.”

With the two of us looking better then ever, we fixed a few pre-party drinks for ourselves and waited for the boys to show up. We had decided that since Sophie was meeting us at Shaken, we would have Dylan and Braden over and the four of us could share a taxi. Braden’s other band mates were planning on showing up later with their girlfriends, rounding out over group. I felt a little sorry for Dylan since by the end of the night, he would be the only one without a date. Braden had hoped that he would ask someone out, but Dylan kept insisting that he would be fine.

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