Read How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women) Online
Authors: T. Mills
The introduction
This is the first phone call, speech or summary to set the pace for what you hope to be an exciting conversation. Remember this is also the most critical moment. This delicate breaking point determines your place and status in your new relationship/friendship.
Keep in mind you as the initial speaker or pursuer shouldn’t expect any reciprocation from your audience at the beginning stage. This matter still requires a great deal of sincerity and persistence. So don’t expect anything in return as of this moment, give it all out.
Creating hope and fantasy
At this time it is imperative to install a fantasy. This is what keeps the listener hanging on to your every word in hopes of achieving an ultimate result. This creates a dependency which is what you will need to transform from new face to a person of relevance. The listener needs to follow a dream you are the dream maker.
Body Language
85% of communication is nonverbal. The trained eye is experienced in detecting your body language and will 90% of the time take physical words over your verbal words. You must learn the secret of coordinating your body language with your actual words, in doing so will make you unstoppable.
The true raconteur must learn the basics of hypnotism. An alpha male is a step ahead of all the rest and must know and understand how to communicate with the mind of other’s to gain and maintain power. Basic hypnotism is a much needed tool.
Knowing when to conclude your conversation and be satisfied is tricky. There is a perfect time for every perfect word. There also must be an end to all things as so the conversation. Make progress, leave an impression, and move on. Males who do not exercise this precept usually overdo it. Imagine a runner crossing the finish line and still continue to run full speed once the race is complete. Alpha males always close correctly and on time.
The Law of attraction- (And how to use it to attract strikingly beautiful women.)
This tool of power is governed universally by the concept that like attracts like. The thoughts of your mind are signals sent out which causes a vibration and eventually attracts you to what you are thinking. Thoughts are in some regard close to actions primarily because it is the first movement made before force is applied. In this same principle there is certainty that the mind can process thoughts which will eventually produce a similar reality. This is perfect for the alpha male as the new thoughts in your mind will assist you in your success.
LESSON 1.Style and swag.
The key to owning it plus controlling it. It is the life blood that keeps a woman coming back for more. This amongst other vital elements is necessary to build fame. By that I mean your style and swag are the things that make her gossip about you when you are not in her presence in the same way that celebrities are adored and praised. This is very important and if applied right it’ll work overtime for you long after the courting is done.
The process of instituting style and swag is most successful when applied with an open and honest mindset. You must reinvent yourself to the times and intertwine your style and swag with that exact flow. Stay loyal to your character so that you remain unique but upgrade it, tweek it if you will. Take your strong point and highlight this attribute so it not only draws the attention it deserves, it absorbs it.
Think of the task of obtaining and maintaining style and swag as a job you actually earn revenue for. This will put your mind in a more serious position and this is how you should approach this particular concept for the simple fact that it adds a great deal of charge to your seductive power. Celebrities are ones who have to take this section seriously they obviously do get paid for making sure they highlight their strongest attribute.
A great deal of their tax write offs primarily go to fashion, jewelry and personal assistants to help in this area who specialize in knowing what’s attractive for this particular day and time. So by all means don’t be afraid to display in a fashionable way your best attributes if you have it, if you do not have it then get it.
If your strongest attribute is sexy and seductive and it can keep your audience attention locked on you at least for a few seconds then you intensify it by a hundred. The first move is always the most influential. You have to cultivate this concept as perfect as you can to get the first few stares.
When you notice you have a ladies attention for more than the average glance but for maybe a few seconds longer then take a mental note because that’s more than likely your first target. Think of it as an invitation for a brief conversational date. Don’t be too long to approach her because procrastination results in a loss of the flow of that spontaneous attractive energy she is experiencing.
The objective here is impulse, for instance impulsive shoppers; they see something that they just have to have before knowing anything about it. The look has captured their attention so much so they purchase it. Marketers spend billions of dollars on this particular type of buyer knowing that they will buy into the look of the product before investigating anything else. This marketing system is designed this way for this very same reason.
Once she becomes intrigued by your style and swag then you must introduce yourself show her you are also quality and not just quantity. Style and swag is a key in a sense because before you can break down any barriers or imaginary brick walls that most women create to filter the nonsense it does it for you instantly with minimal effort.
That pre-set brick wall is your first locked door that is now unlocked and ready for you to come in and work your magic which we will cover more in depth in the following chapters.
Your main objective is to gain admiration by your audience. Keep in mind that in order to stay relevant to today’s audience you must conform to today’s standards. This practice you will notice in musicians as well as other entertainers. If they decide that they want to continue the same trend decade after decade, as that style fades away so does their career. Any successful entertainer seeking longevity in their career always looks to apply the law of evolution in order to stay relevant.
STYLE; it is defined in Encarta Dictionary as,” an impressive flair in the way something is done, especially a quality that suggest self- confident willingness to exhibit skill or good taste.”
Take notice to the words, flair, confidence, and good taste. These are very important things to remember. If you are one of those types of people who have trouble with recognizing quality or may not have good taste in style watch and learn from any qualified source readily available. It’s okay to copy someone else more especially a celebrity whom you may admire. They get paid to keep up with fashion so whomever you can relate to imitate their fashion sense. Make sure that they are very well liked and followed by many. You will gain the same respect and following for your taste that you really borrowed from your favorite idol.
Most men neglect the key elements that add to style in fear of
feeling to feminine. This attitude you must avoid. A man should care very much about his appearance. He should concern himself about his skin, nails, body shape, eyes, lips, feet etc. He should hold them in the same regard as his house or car.
SWAG; This is defined in urban dictionary as, “The way one carries their self.” This is as much as important as style if not more. You have to have swag even before style. You may not have the most money or the best clothing or the nicest car but your swag is flawless and because of that alone you are attractive.
Your style demands attention from an audience but your swag captivates them. It is not good to have one without the other or you will find yourself having female friends for the wrong reasons such as gold-diggers. They have become attracted to your style alone and are mainly looking to meet the source and hopefully cash out. If your swag is leveled with your style then they will lose interest in using you for monetary gain and realize it is more important to have a relationship or friendship with you in the long run.
What is swag and how do I have it?
Pay very close attention and imagine yourself acting out these roles. You have to be cool and calm but not too much then you’ll be considered as fake and boring. You have to be crazy and adventurous but not too crazy because then they’ll avoid you if they think that you’re out of control. You have to smile or grin but not too much, it’s a silly look and you want to exemplify smooth.
You have to stroll not power walk it must seem as if you are walking to your very own theme music. Your steps should be in the right rhythm for your body type. Your facial expression should always match your emotional infused walk. When you talk never allow yourself to sound too hyper or anxious. Sound confident as if you can predict the future.
It gives off a sense of power but don’t overdo it because over confidence is taken as a person who’s trying too hard to seem like he’s got it under control and that’s offensive.
Always pay attention to you, your surroundings and the person or people you are interacting with. If you practice this on and off the clock this won’t seem as overwhelming as it seems now. It’ll become second nature.
This mixture of style and swag gains your invitation to the next step. So learn this recipe and mix it well so your taste is superb and when it is served it receives a well-deserved five stars.
LESSON 2. Confidence-How to build it up.
Confidence is a personality trait that is very necessary in the game of socializing. It is a necessity in the game of life in every situation. Through our basic instincts we have the ability to sense or smell fear. If we sense you are not confident in yourself, we become worried, not only are our wellbeing but for yours as well. If you can ‘not convince someone enough to believe in what you are saying and you inadvertently show the slightest sign of doubt then they will judge you and react to you in the same way that you are feeling. Remember if you are confident they will be confident in you, and the rest will fall in your hands.
We must address the number one problem with men and women today and that is lack of self-confidence. First off if you plan to accomplish your goals and you don’t have confidence in yourself to succeed in doing so then you must be extremely lucky if you’ve ever won any woman over or landed any job or successfully ran any business. These type of things are only obtained through first having confidence in yourself to do so. ‘How do you know if you are being confident’?
Let me explain what this is like and look within you and see if you have ever felt this way or reacted in this way for anything.
Confidence is a feeling you summon for anything you want badly enough in life. You acknowledge the fact you cannot live without it. You take whatever necessary steps leading the way to having it. You demolish all obstacles in your path trying to stop you from getting it, simply because without it you won’t make it another day. You accept nothing else but success. Failure, embarrassment, fear, doesn’t haunt your mind. You have no time to even entertain the idea in fact you never even heard of it as if it doesn’t exist. You plan your attack, you make your move, and you win. That’s all you know. That’s confidence.
We would all still have that if we have never allowed that strong dose of truth to take its toll on our memory. Those past rejections, that loss of love, strength, and power we once had. That feeling of embarrassment and disappointment after being stood up. That lonely feeling after being dumped or knowing someone else has took your place with your woman.