Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters (43 page)

Read Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters Online

Authors: Cari Quinn,Cathy Clamp,Anna J. Stewart,Jodi Redford,Amie Stuart,Leah Braemel,Chudney Thomas

BOOK: Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters
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“Real funny.”


“Drawing me in here just so you can fuck with me.”

She gaped at him. “That was

“Then who was it?”

Ten to one he wasn’t going to like her theory. “I...I think it’s the tree.”

His gaze narrowed to the point of nearly obliterating his dark irises. “The tree.”

“Yes. Or maybe it’s the entire forest. Or at least this particular section. There’s something special about it.” She waved her hand, doing a piss-poor job of explaining herself. “Something—”

“Magical,” Huck interjected flatly.

She fizzled a sigh. “Look, I know you don’t believe it’s possible. And you’ll try to convince me there’s a logical explanation, but I know in my heart it’s true.”

He hooked his thumbs in his belt loops, his features stony. “You never give up, do you? Whatever it takes to get your way.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

He gestured to their surroundings. “This. Luring me in here so you can enact your little stunt to save the tree. That’s going too far, Tully. Even for you.”

Oh hell no. There was no way he was implying she was behind this.

Her vision several shades past murderous red, she stormed to his side and jammed her finger into his chest. “You stubborn ass. Do you honestly think I orchestrated all of this? That I purposefully drove my car into a gully, and oh yeah, took up ventriloquism so that I can throw my voice in the woods. Because obviously I have absolutely nothing better to do on a Friday than carryout elaborate schemes to trick you.”

“Well, when you put it like that of course it sounds ridiculous.”

“Here’s a newsflash. Maybe because it

“No more so than your claim that magic exists.” He removed her finger from his sternum and gave her a hard look. “Now if you’re done fucking around, I’d like to get back to the road.”

Ooh, that jackass was so damn lucky she didn’t have a club handy.

Not granting her the opportunity to respond, he stalked past her, retracing their initial path into the woods. He stepped over a rotting tree stump—and directly into a shimmering copper wall of light that materialized from thin air. Losing his balance, he stumbled backward and thudded onto his ass.

Any other time, she would have pumped her fist at that perfect karmic payback. In this case, she was too busy gaping at the spectacle in front of her.

Every cell in her body buzzing with awe, she hesitantly approached the glowing barricade. Its hue exactly matched the mysterious orbs of electricity she’d chased after. She hadn’t been crazy or imagining things. Vindication making her giddy, she dropped her focus to Huck. “You were saying?”



uck shoved up from the ground. Ignoring the bits of debris clinging to his forearms and elbows, he gaped at the bizarre semi-transparent curtain stretching from the mossy floor all the way up to...infinity, from what he could tell. Bemused, he transferred his gaze to Tully. “What the hell is that?”

“A wall.”

He opened his mouth to inform her of the implausibility of that, but immediately snapped it shut as he tracked the endless expanse of radiant light. Pivoting, he eyed the distant horizon. How far did the crazy thing span? Rubbing his chin, he attempted to wrap his brain around the matter, but failed miserably.

do you believe me?”

She’s never gonna let me live this down.
Mentally groaning at that certainty, he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and strode toward the blazed deer path up ahead.

“Wait, where are you going?”

Loony bin, most likely.
He chose to keep that conclusion to himself. “That thing has to have an opening somewhere.”

“Yeah, keep those assumptions flying. Lord knows they’ve panned out so far.”

Ignoring her sassiness, he picked his way over a decomposing clump of knee-high bracken. The sound of Tully’s uneven breaths clued him in that she’d decided to put a momentary ceasefire on her sarcasm and follow him instead. A familiar patch of green snagged his attention. “Watch out for the poison ivy. Stuff is everywhere.”

“Aw, shit. What possessed me to wear flip-flops?”

Shaking his head, he located the path and slowed his pace, enabling her to catch up with him. They pushed deeper into the forest, the towering pines and sugar maples growing denser, choking out the majority of the dwindling daylight. He checked his watch. Six P.M. This time of year, nightfall came early. They needed to find a way out of here. Soon.

“Don’t suppose you have a GPS on that watch.”

“Not necessary. I know these woods like the back of my hand.”

“Which is all well and good under
circumstances. Like when we
been trapped by a magical forest wall. For all we know, we could be wandering around lost for hours. Days. Weeks, even. Eventually you’ll get tired of existing on pinecones, and I’ll start looking pretty fucking tasty.”

You already do, baby.
He decided it best to keep that observation to himself too. “Just trust me, okay? I’ll get us out of here long before cannibalism becomes an issue.”

Tully remained quiet for a moment. “I know you will. We haven’t always seen eye to eye, but you’ve always been there when I needed you most.”

Her heartfelt sincerity stirred an uncomfortable emotion in his chest.

It felt good to hear her words. Too good. The last woman he’d experienced this irrational desire to comfort and protect—aside from his mother—had been Melanie. And look where that got him. He was treading shark infested waters here. Time to double up the Kevlar before another chunk of his soul got chomped into oblivion. “The clearing is past those white pines up there. We can take a short breather if you’re winded.”

“Either you’re trying to change the subject or I’m doing a really lousy impression of an obscene phone caller back here.” 

“No, I figured you could use a break.” Not entirely a lie. It had to be damn difficult hiking around in those ridiculous flip-flops.

“Okay, as long as you don’t hold it against me or tell me I told you so about the shoes.”

“I’ll reserve that last part for later, after we’re out of the woods.” He snapped the brittle end of a loose bramble beneath his boot heel and swept the offender aside, ensuring a thorn-free passage for Tully. Four additional steps, and the epicenter of the forest sat directly in front of them. Slamming to an abrupt halt, he stared at the massive oak holding center court. Back-dropped by the mysterious wall of light, the tree’s russet leaves gleamed brighter than newly minted pennies.

Tully stalled next to him, her mouth going slack. “Have you ever seen anything remotely like that?”

“No.” The entire clearing practically vibrated with the overwhelming life-force the tree emitted. The power of it shimmered across his skin, raising the hair on his forearms.

Tully inched forward and he snagged her wrist. She glanced at him questioningly.

“Don’t go near it until we figure out what’s going on. Why it’s doing that.”

“It’s not dangerous, Huck.”

“We don’t know that.”

“I do.” She returned his narrow look with a sigh. “Yes, one more thing you won’t believe. Apparently I’m going for the world record today. But just like you wanted me to trust you about finding us a way out of here, I need you to take
word on this. Okay?”

Gusting a resigned exhalation, he loosened his grip on her. “Fine. But you’re letting me assess the situation first. Got it?”


Ninety-nine percent certain he was about to commit the biggest asinine move of his life, he released Tully and cautiously approached the oak. When he was within eight or so feet of the behemoth, the cluster of ostrich ferns directly adjacent to the tree began shaking wildly. Alarm bells mentally clanging, he backed up, pulling Tully behind him.

A pair of rabbits bounded from the shuddering vegetation. Relaxing his guard, he expelled the breath caged in his chest.

“See, I told you there was nothing to worry about.” Breaking free of his hold, Tully stepped beside him. “Just a couple of bunnies out for an evening...” The remainder of her observation petered off as the fluffy creatures stopped smack dab in front of them and began furiously humping like, well, rabbits.

Completely disinterested in him and Tully, Thumper and Pumper carried on with their business for what he swore had to be close to five minutes. He debated checking his watch to verify, but then he’d have to admit he’d just spent five minutes watching horny, fornicating rabbits. Which there was no way in hell he was doing.

Finally the love-bunnies scampered off. Presumably to indulge in a cigarette after that pork-fest. Tully glanced up at him. “Well, that was awkward.”

“I feel like they should have at least had some Marvin Gaye playing.”

Giggling, she crossed to the tree. Diverting his thoughts from the rabbits, he rushed to catch up with her. “Damn it, I told you to wait until I checked it out.”

“You’re fretting again.” Ignoring his glower, she leaned against the tree, pressing her cheek to its bark.

“Do you have zero sense of self-preservation?” Obviously she did. Her guardian angel probably worked overtime and needed a damn vacation.

“Relax, it’s not going to harm me.”

“Says the woman voted most likely to waltz with a grizzly.”

“Nah. Everyone knows pandas have better dance moves.” Sighing blissfully, she stretched her arms as far as they’d reach around the oak.

He cleared his throat. “Remember the awkwardness with the rabbits?”

She eyed him inquisitively. “Yeah.”

“This is worse.”

She stomped her foot. “Stop being a stick in the mud and join me.”

“I’m not hugging that damn tree.”

“It’ll make you feel better,” she prodded in a singsong voice.

Yeah, right. If the guys from work caught wind that he’d been spooning a tree there’d be no living with them. “I highly doubt it.”

“That’s your problem right there, Mr. I-don’t-approve-of-hugging-trees-or-dancing-with-bears.” Releasing her grip on the bark, she twirled to face him. Twining her arms over her head, she performed an intriguing shimmy against the oak. “Sometimes you’ve got to let loose and live in the moment.”

It took herculean willpower, but he managed to tear his focus from her jiggling breasts. “Sweetheart, you’re acting than usual. Maybe we should get you away from that tree.”


“Tully—” He broke off with a grunt when she grabbed his hand and tugged him to her. Without preamble, she ripped his shirt open and licked his nipple.
Holy hell
. He swallowed hard, the teasing flicker of her tongue making it damn near impossible to focus. “What’s gotten into you?”

.” She tiptoed her fingers down his belly and stroked him through his fly. “And that’s really,
bumming me out.”

He would have chuckled, but the tantalizing caress of her fingers owned his complete and absorbed attention. Groaning, he cupped her nape in an attempt to coax her mouth to meet his. She glanced up at him, her hand slipping free. Gaze fixed to the sweet invitation of her lips, he lowered his head. Before he could claim his prize, she pushed him back against the oak’s trunk. Devilish determination sparkling in her eyes, she slowly crouched in front of him.

His mouth dry, he watched as she unzipped his pants and kissed his swollen shaft through his Jockeys.
Even without her mouth on his bare skin she was killing him. She tucked her fingers into the waistband of his cargos and eased the garment down his hips before doing the same with his briefs. By the time she finally freed his cock he was stiff as the tree behind him and nearly as thick. Or at least that’s how it felt. All he knew was that he was desperate to sink inside her. Whether it be via her mouth or her pussy, didn’t matter. He’d gladly take both.

Jesus. He couldn’t recall ever being this turned on before. Even in his adolescent years, when a passing breeze was enough to give him a woody, he’d never experienced this crazy rollercoaster of sensory overload. Like an insanely potent aphrodisiac spiked the very air saturating his lungs.

He blinked as that observation seeped into his brain. Lifting his gaze, he stared at the overhead canopy of dazzling oak leaves. He replayed the sequence of events with the frenzied coupling of the rabbits, and shortly after that Tully’s transformation into a lusty sex kitten hell bent on seduction. And now him, hard and horny enough to fuck her into the next week. And beyond.

Aw, shit

“Sweetheart, I think we have a big problem.”

“Mm, that’s an understatement.” Encircling him with her fingers, she stroked his cock from the crown to its root.

Concentrating on the issue at hand? Nearly impossible. An entire army of humping rabbits could have swarmed them right then and he’d be hard pressed to comment on it. “Not what I was referring to. I think the tree is making us unusually aroused.”

“I know.” She splayed her fingers, cupping his balls. “And I don’t care.” She peered up at him, the yearning in her eyes punching through him. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted you? How many nights I’ve lain awake, aching to be with you?”

He swallowed past the thick emotion congesting his throat. It was the tree talking. Nothing more. Yeah, he knew Tully was hot for him. She’d nearly burned him alive with that kiss back at his place. But that was lust. This was...something more. Something that scared the hell out of him, because it’d be too easy to fool himself into thinking it was real. And once he fell into that trap there’d be no easy way out. He’d be addicted to her. Addicted to that soft, heartfelt look in her eyes that promised a fleeting future he’d be desperate to grasp and hold forever. He knew the fallacy in going down that path. He wouldn’t—couldn’t—put himself through it again.

Tully leaned forward and rubbed her cheek against his lower belly before kissing him just above the tip of his cock. The gesture was completely unexpected, and oddly enough, one of the most intimate things he’d ever experienced. Before he could collect himself, she re-angled her head and wrapped her lips around his cock. She paid special attention to the head at first, treating it to luxurious sucks and trailing licks while she pumped his shaft.

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