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Table lV-18. Expectorants

Indication: To facilitate bronchopulmonary secretion removal

Mechanism of action: Reduce adhesiveness and surface tension of

respiratory tract fluid [0 enhance expectoration

General side effects: Nausea, vomiting, headache, rash

Generic name (brand name): Guaifenesin (Anti·Tuss, Breonesin, Fenesin,

Genatuss, Glycoruss, Humibid, Organidin, Pneumomisr, Robitllssin),

iodinated glycerol (Iophen, Par Glycerol, R·Gen)

Source: Data from Drug Facrs and Comparisons 2000 (54rh ed). Sf. Louis: Wolrers

Kluwer, 2000.

Table rv-19.A. Antacids

Indications: Peptic ulcer disease, reflux esophagitis, gastritis, hiatal hernia

Mechanism of action: Neutralize gastric acidity (increases pH), decrease the

rate of gastric emptying, strengthen gastric mucosal barrier, and increase

esophageal sphincter tone

General side effects: Constipation, osteomalacia, encephalopathy, headache,

irritability, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain

Generic name (trade name): Aluminum carbonate (Basaljei), aluminum

hydroxide (AlternaGEL, Alu·Cap, Aluminum Hydroxide Gel, Alu-Tab,

Arnphojel, Dialume), calcium carbonate (Alka-Mims, Amitone, Cal-sup,

Dicarbosil, Maalox Antacid Caplets, Rolaids Calcium Rich, Turns, Turns E·

X, Turns Ultra), magaldrate (Lowsium, Riopan), magnesium oxide (Mag

Ox 400, Uro-Mag)

Sources: Dam from CD Ciccone. Gasrroinrestinal Drugs. In CD Ciccone (ed), Pharma·

cology in Rehabilir:uion (2nd ed). Philadelphia: FA Davis, 1 996;390; Nursing 2001

Drug Handbook (21st ed). Springhouse PA: Springhouse, 2001 ;643-648, 684-694; and

L Skidmore-Roth (ed). Mosby's Nursing Drug Reference. 51. Louis: Mosby. 200 I ;3.

Table I V-19.B. Antiulcer Medications

Hz·receptor blockers

Indications: Primarily duodenal ulcers, but can also be used for gastric

ulcer and Zollinger· Ellison syndrome

Mechanism of action: Inhibit action of Hz receptor sites of rhe parietal

cells, resulting in decreased acid secretion

General side effects: Headache, dizziness, mild nausea, diarrhea, or


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