I Hear Voices (11 page)

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Authors: Gail Koger

Tags: #Humour

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She blinked at me in confusion. “I don’t have any pictures with me.”

What a surprise. “Granny Annabel is here and she would love to see the little cuties. Why don’t you run home and fetch them?” Fabian might be a man whore, but he was a very careful man whore and always used protection. Couldn’t have it rotting off now could he?

“I’m not leaving without my husband.” The nut case held out her left hand and pointed to a large diamond set in a gaudy silver wedding ring. “Elvis married us at the Viva Las Vegas wedding chapel.”

Yep, she was definitely loony tunes and off her meds. The stone was a cheap Cubic Zirconia and the band had turned her finger a rather pretty green. “Congratulations. Sounds like a real classy wedding and that ring. Wow, I’m so impressed, but Fabian’s not here. So, why don’t you leave me your phone number and I’ll have him call you.”

She opened the closet door and peered inside.

“Do you think I’m stupid?”

“Oh hell no, sweetie. I think you’re a bit psychotic but in a good way.” I kept a safe distance from her.

“I’ll have you know I’m taking my medication.”

She looked under the bed.

Did she really think Fabian could actually fit under there? “All of them?”

“You want to fuck him, don’t you?”

“Believe me, I have no intentions of fucking my cousin and sweetie, you really need to leave.”

“I won’t let you destroy my family,” the nut case shrieked and launched herself at me.

I side-stepped her lunge and winced as she slammed face first into the wall. A brawler she wasn’t. “Look, I’ve had a really bad day and you need to leave.”

“You’re the one that’s leaving.” The psychotic bitch grabbed my plate of cookies.

“Put the cookies down. Now or I will hurt you,”

I snarled.

“Fabian’s my soul mate. My one true love and you can’t have him,” the crazy woman cried and hurled the plate at me.

The plate smacked me in the face and my precious cookies rained down on the carpet. I literally saw red. “You sick, twisted bitch.” I drew

my right arm back and punched her hard in the face.

The bimbo’s nose made a funny crunching noise and blood spewed down her chin.

“You… You broke my nose.”

I rubbed my throbbing knuckles. “You put your nasty tongue down my throat.”

The connecting door banged open and a naked Fabian charged in with a fire place poker in one hand. “Who is this, bella?”

“The mother of your children,” I answered, grabbing the stun gun out of the drawer.

He gaped at the naked woman in astonishment.

“Bambini?! What bambini?”

“My love, I’m here,” she cried, rushing towards Fabian. “I thought I would never find you. I need you. The children need you.”

Fabian pushed her away. “Who are you?”

“I’m Amanda, your wife.”

“You know, the one you married in Las Vegas.

Elvis was there,” I prompted.

“I did not marry this woman.”

The psycho bitch squealed in outrage, “She drugged you. Made you forget. Send the whore away.”

Fabian backed away cautiously. “Zelda is no whore. You must leave.”

Her face a mask of fury, the bimbo screamed at me. “You filthy slut! He’s mine. I’ll never let him go.”

Enough was enough. My patience had done run out and her caterwauling was making my head pound. I jabbed her in the shoulder with the stun gun and lit her up.

Convulsing violently she collapsed to the floor and moaned pathetically.

Someone banged on the door. “Police! Open up!”

“Low profile, huh?”

Fabian shrugged and opened the door.

A female police officer gaped in opened mouth disbelief at all the tanned, male perfection on display.

Fabian’s cock rose to the occasion.

Just kill me now. I walked into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and handed it to my cousin.

“Cover yourself.”

Two long, torturous hours later, the police were still there. I think Officer Jensen had called just about every female officer in the state and it was party time.

The man whore was in his element and loving every second of it. Even Doctor Rossi had joined the fun.

Low profile, my ass. I wouldn’t be surprised if Derek’s Black Hawk was now hovering overhead.

Picking up my new burner cell phone, I stepped out on the patio and called Uncle Aldo.

“Buon giorno.”

“I pleaded with you not to send Fabian and yet here he is.”

“You were in obvious danger and Fabian was close by.”

“I’ll admit I’m a little banged up, but I had it under control.”

“Bella,” Uncle Aldo chided.

“Okay, I needed the help but how long do you think it’ll take Sloan to figure out where I am?”

“Not long,” Derek answered.

I gaped in horror as he stepped out of the shadows. A barbarian conqueror dressed in black and bristling with weapons.

He snagged my cell phone. “She’ll call you back.” Derek snapped the phone shut and stuck it in his pocket.

“What took you so long? A blind nun could have found me by now.”

With a surprising, tender look in his eyes, Derek tilted my face up and gently stroked my bruises. “I had some loose ends to tie up.”

“Your cousin, Dixon, being one of them?”

“Know about that, huh?

“Granny filled me in.”

“Dixon’s still a bit pissed that I got him arrested for gun running. Now every chance he gets he tries to meddle in my affairs.”

Laughter sounded from my bedroom.

“Your cousin is a piece of work,” Derek said.

“Naked again?”

“Yup.” He bent his head until his mouth just brushed my lips. “Miss me?”

“Like the plague.”

Sloan chuckled and his mouth devoured mine in a hot, heady, intoxicating kiss.

Wowzer! The man could kiss. Every nerve in my body was doing the Tango.

Derek drove his tongue into my mouth as his hand cupped my mound and ground against my clit.

Whooeee! Don’t stop! Don’t ever stop. Pleasure raced through my body as his lips kissed a hungry path down my neck.

Music suddenly blared from the bedroom jarring me out of my temporary insanity. What the hell was I doing? I pushed against his chest.

“Relax, Angel, you want this.” Derek’s teeth nipped and tugged at my right nipple through my t-shirt.

A shudder shook me. I did. I really did but I had to stop the Tomb Raider now. In my heart, I knew if he made love to me, I’d be his forever and I couldn’t risk that. Not only would Aunt Sophie take great delight in killing him, once he got the gold, I’d never see him again.

Derek thrust a long finger deep inside me again and again and again. “You’re so wet, so tight.” He stiffened and his finger suddenly became a medical probe. “Too fucking tight. My God, you are a virgin!

Just like they said.”

The ecstasy roaring through me fizzled out at the utter horror in his voice. “Gee golly mister, it’s not contagious.”

“I don’t do virgins.” His voice was hard, implacable. “I like women who know the score and don’t expect happily ever after.

I flinched. That was cold. “Then you might want to remove that finger you have lodged inside me.”

He jerked his hand away like I had cooties.

Why did it feel like I had just been kicked in the stomach? I knew this would end badly. I gave myself a mental head smack. Because I was a total idiot; for a few fleeting seconds I had truly believed Derek really wanted me. How dumb was that? “Don’t worry, sugar, I wasn’t expecting a wedding ring.”

“It’s nothing personal, Angel.”

“Neither is this.” Sucking in a lungful of air, I screamed bloody blue murder. I couldn’t let a whole roomful of cops go to waste. Now could I?

The Tomb Raider clamped a hand over my mouth. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Escaping,” I mumbled against his hand.

His heavily muscled arms clamped around me.

“There’s no escape for you, Angel. You’re mine until I say otherwise.”

“I’ll never be yours,” I muttered as a tear rolled down my cheek. I was as bad as psycho bitch, wanting something I could never have.

Dozens of pistols cocked. “Police! Let her go,”

Officer Jensen commanded.

With a growl, Derek released me and raised his hands. “I’m a federal officer and this woman is my prisoner.”

Officer Jensen snorted, “You kiss and fondle all your prisoners?”

“It is as I told you. This is the man that beat her,” Fabian said.

Derek shot him a savage look. “I did not beat her.”

I let out a heart-rending sob. “He won’t leave me alone. He follows me everywhere. He killed my cat and threatened my family.”

“Hands behind your neck and get on your knees,” Officer Jensen growled.

“You’re tap dancing on my last nerve, Angel,”

Derek snarled and dropped to his knees.

“It’s my gold,” I hissed and jumped back when his hand shot out.

An instant later dozens of Taser electrodes turned him into a pin cushion. A guttural groan tore from him as the charges violently shook him. Derek collapsed to the tiled patio, gave a final twitch and seemed to stop breathing.

“Omigod! You killed him,” I cried.

Fabian grabbed me and dragged me away. “You need to leave before they realize he’s telling the truth.”

At the patio doors, I looked back. The officers had cuffed Derek and were removing his weapons.

“Goodbye numb nuts,” I muttered under my breath.

Derek opened pain filled eyes and mouthed, I will find you.

I mouthed back, not a chance.

Ed stepped out of the shadows and commanded, “Federal agent drop your weapons.”

I had been wondering where they were. Wait a minute. There was no tactical team it was just Ed.

What was up with that?

Fabian shouted, “Do not believe him. They are members of the Mexican drug cartel.”

Officer Jensen yelled into her radio, “We need backup now.” Her fellow officers trained their guns on the heavily armed Ed and lo and behold, we had a Mexican standoff.

One twitchy trigger finger and it would be a blood bath. “We’ve got to stop this before someone gets hurt.”

My cousin yanked me into Doctor Rossi’s suite.

“I will deal with them.”

“You? I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“My actions brought them here.”

“That’s true, but…”

He opened up the closet and pulled out the good doctor’s old woman disguise complete with wig and fake boobs. “Hurry, get dressed. I will delay them as long as I can.”

“I won’t go off and leave you behind. You have no idea of what Derek’s capable of.”

Fabian puffed up. “I am Dragos and la Polizia has met his match.”

I rolled my eyes. Here was a prime example of testosterone at its finest. His pride wouldn’t let him back down. “Fine but don’t expect me to visit you in jail.”

“There isn’t a jail made that I cannot break out of,” my cousin answered arrogantly.

“Okey-dokey smokey, I’ll leave you to it.”

Fabian grabbed a set of keys off the dresser and handed them to me. “It’s the black Porsche by the office.

I leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Be careful.”

My cousin smiled down at me. “He will wish he had never met the Dragos clan.”

“I think he already does.”

“Hurry.” Whipping off his towel, Fabian strutted to the patio door and shouted, “I have no weapons.”

Peeking out the window, I took in all the stunned looks and laughed. He had certainly gotten everyone’s attention. I quickly dressed, stuffed my feet into a pair of oversized white orthotics and calmly shuffled out the front door.

To my surprise, no one stopped me. It made me wonder what had happened to Derek’s tactical team. Had the CIA cut him off? I climbed into the Porsche and headed for Phoenix. I needed to pick up the medallion and my tool kit.

Chapter Nine

A good thief is a master of strategy. Uncle Aldo’s skillful tactics included commissioning a variety of realistic face masks to be used when things went badly and you needed to evade la Polizia. Like I did now.

I stared at the reflection in my compact mirror and grinned. An elderly woman complete with wrinkles, age spots and sagging jowls stared back at me. The only downside was the mask itched like crazy.

My stress level dropped considerably when there had been no roadblocks at the entrance to Sky Harbor Airport or extra security milling around the terminals. Either the Sedona Police Department still had Derek in custody or he was on his own.

Without the CIA resources, he would never find me.


The uniformed Sky Cap pushed my wheelchair through security and delivered me to the checkin desk. Opening my psychic eye, I mentally scanned the area. Yee-ha! There was absolutely no sign of Derek or his crew.

Granny Annabel popped in on the counter, wearing a fight attendant uniform. “You evil, evil child, they almost killed your man.”

“Hey! I had nothing to do with that and Derek is not nor will he ever be my man. The dude hates virgins and your grand plan for happily ever after just went up in smoke.”

“Are you all right, ma’am?”

I looked up at the concerned, slightly twitchy flight attendant. Hopefully she thought I was a senile old bat and talking to myself. “I forgot to take my medication. Could you be a dear and fetch me some water?”

“Of course I will but I think you’ll be more comfortable in the VIP lounge with your sister.”

“Honey, you don’t have to go to all that trouble.” Wait a minute. Did she say my sister?

“No trouble at all.” The flight attendant grabbed my wheelchair and suddenly we were zooming down a restricted corridor like it was the Grand Prix.

Whoa! “What’s the hurry, honey?”

“I have a deadline,” she panted, shoving my chair into a plush lounge area complete with a buffet table and a staggering choice of beverages.

A deadline?! What the hell was going on?

The flight attendant quickly shut the door and propelled me towards the dining tables.

I did a double take at the woman chowing down on a plate loaded with goodies. We could pass for twins and we were even wearing the identical outfit right down to our white orthopedic shoes.

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