I Kissed a Dog (20 page)

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Authors: Carol Van Atta

Tags: #carol van atta, #vampires, #cambridge press us, #charles river press, #werewolves, #i kissed a dog

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Back at Zane’s, we explained our discoveries to Alcuin, Mack, and Michael. The three
sat in rapt attention, all uncharacteristically quiet. Alcuin was taking what appeared
to be detailed notes.

Seeing a vampire with such a studious demeanor almost undid the tight knots in my
stomach. Zane’s intense expression kept me from laughing. His brows were so furrowed
I could picture them meeting in the middle. An awful thought, because in my book,
men with uni-brows were major turnoffs.

In Zane’s case, turning off my intense feelings was the most difficult task I faced.
Well, maybe not the
difficult. I still needed a full-proof plan, if I was going to get my personal meeting
with Joshua Smart, in Portland.

For some inexplicable reason, my thoughts were plagued by visions of the Smart boy
locked away in a dreary psychiatric facility, far from his home and family. Did his
mother even bother to visit? Was his condition improving?

Joshua Smart was a young boy who might very well have vital information locked away
in his troubled mind. Information we desperately needed.

Getting to The City of Roses for a brief visit on my own would be nearly impossible
with my protective alpha male watching my every move. Zane would accompany me if I
asked. But what I wanted, and probably needed for my own sanity, was twenty-four hours
to myself — a full day to process all the craziness that had invaded my life.

I’d plan my clandestine escape for Monday night, after the big meeting with Logan
and the legendary Board of Directors. I prayed that I still had enough pull with Luke
to enlist him in my plan.

“I believe you’re missing an important detail,” Alcuin’s assertion sliced through
my scheming session.

“Go on,” Zane grumbled.

Mack and Michael nodded their agreement.

“You are all forgetting something crucial. From what I’ve gathered after hearing Chloe’s
description, this woman, the redhead isn’t a mutant. She’s a purebred.

The normal separation between mutants and werewolves is changing. These killings are
evidence of a much wider arrangement that involves not only a group of rebellious
werewolves and mutants, but also your Native American brothers, all working together.
This female werewolf is a primary player in their game. I also agree that Jazmine
is involved.” Alcuin glanced at his notes again.

“Who is this redhead?” Mack asked. “I can’t think of any female in our pack that fits
her description.”

I listened as the men went over the details again and again, reexamining all the key
players and points, and always ending up with the same conclusion — they were baffled.

The only good news we’d received all day was a phone message from Luke instructing
me and Zane to take the next week off from work — his wedding gift to us.

There was one condition: we remain on call in case of an animal emergency that one
of the two M’s couldn’t resolve. I had enough confidence in the father and son duo
to trust that my week off wouldn’t be interrupted.

I glanced at my husband. His hair was tied back showing off his rugged features.

Sensing my gaze, he lifted his head, giving me an easy smile. My heart did that crazy
fluttering thing and I looked away. At least I hadn’t blasted my erotic images into
his mind. Though his eyes gave away his intentions, they were as heated as my own
private thoughts.

Somehow, even in the midst of our developing crisis, he, too, was distracted by my
presence. Just the awareness of his heated feelings sent a rush of power through my
veins, like a potent narcotic to a diehard junkie, but better, and without all the
deplorable side effects, yet no less addictive.

I wasn’t sure if it was the situation bringing us closer, but I knew one thing for
certain, I wanted a repeat of my wedding night. The night I couldn’t remember. I wanted
to trade any remaining regrets for romantic bliss. I wanted to experience whatever
pleasures he’d given me all over again with my eyes wide open. But with our world
raging out of control, finding the right time would prove difficult.

Alcuin rose to his feet. “Since we’re all speechless, I suggest we get busy. I’ll
teleport over to the late Mr. McCray’s trailer and search for another antique coin
hiding in some wicker contraption. You two,” he nodded at Zane before turning his
piercing eyes my direction, “will take a look around Will Mills’ household. As for
the M-mutts …”

“I resent that,” Michael snorted. “I’m not a mutt you frozen freak. You’re just jealous
of my body temperature. And by the way, I have a security shift to pull at the park.
Pops can handle anything.”

Mack responded to his son’s compliment by inflating his already huge chest.

“If I get too cold, I know where to find a warm wolf coat.” Alcuin flashed fang and

Mack high-fived the vampire, leading Michael to swipe at his dad.

Tired of their banter, I stood and stretched. “How about we finish with our itinerary?
I’m exhausted. Stressed. And a whole lot of other things that don’t need mentioning
in front of you two.” I directed my complaints at the youngest werewolf and Alcuin,
who raised an eyebrow.

The vampire’s ability to distinguish human emotions was disconcerting in view of my
never-ceasing hunger for Zane.

To my relief, Alcuin kept his observations to himself and picked up the map. I’d circled
the murder sites with my orange highlighter. I kept forgetting to ask the one thing
the circles reminded me of. “Someone please explain this whole warding thing to me.”

Alcuin raised his head. “Why wards?”

I hated how he answered my question with another one. “The mutants in the trailer
mentioned wards and magic.”

Zane answered this time. “Some witches, sorcerers, and all high court fae are able
to create wards. The types of wards you’re referring to are ones that protect a specific
area or person, keeping any unwelcome visitors away. Most wards are breakable, if
a more powerful being wants through.”

Michael jumped in. “We haven’t seen a powerful fae in years. They’re watching though.
You can count on it.”

“Thanks, that helps,” I said, not satisfied and still wishing I could ask more pointed
questions about the wards that had kept Valamir from entering The Crab Cove.

I’d keep those questions to myself for the time being. Mentioning the master vampire
would add more chaos to our crisis. I wondered who had set up the wards for our reception.
Just the idea that we had a witch — or worse — in our midst was unsettling.

“Where do you want me?” Mack asked. I could tell he was eager to play a more active
role in our search.

Reluctant, Zane handed him the coins. “I need you to take these to Rita. Alcuin can
teleport you there before he visits Miles’ place.”

Alcuin just smirked.

“What?” Zane demanded.

“You assume I’m at your beck and call. I’m quite hungry, and I don’t play well when
I’m hungry.” His icy eyes landed on a spot just below my jaw line.

“Oh no, you don’t,” I snapped, reaching for my neck.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I have plenty of willing donors.”

Alcuin almost seemed offended, in an “I’ve been rejected” kind of way. Mr. Calm, Cool,
and Collected had displayed emotions. He was upset because I didn’t want him to bite

“Can’t you wait twenty more minutes?” asked Michael.

“I can wait days if it’s required, but I don’t want to. You hungry hounds should understand.
You all eat like …”

“Enough! Please!” I’d reached my boiling over point. “Let the blood-starved vamp go
feed, just don’t give me any details. Then we can get to work.”

Michael clapped, inspired by my retort. “One for the lady.” He stopped clapping to
make an imaginary check mark in the air.

Alcuin missed out on the younger wolf’s theatrics. He’d already disappeared.

I was relieved thirty minutes later when Alcuin reappeared with a smug grin. His eyes
were brighter and his presence more imposing. I had to admit, for him, blood did the

Zane nodded toward the door and jingled my car keys. I followed, thrilled to leave
the once again bickering boys behind.

While Alcuin had been hunting, Zane had explained how civilized vampires like Alcuin
could feed from any human, willing or not, without causing permanent damage. Rogue
vampires, on the other hand, were far more likely to drain their food sources, causing
problems for vampires trying to maintain a semi-normal existence away from the supernatural
community’s scrutiny, and from humans’ superstitious natures.

I wondered if Valamir bled his victims dry.

“You’re in deep thought.” Zane’s voice alerted me to just how far I’d allowed my mind
to drift. With so much new information to absorb it was a wonder I could form complete
sentences let alone come up with valuable theories and questions.

“There’s so much to think about,” I said.

“We’re almost there.” Zane tensed, preparing once again to face the unknown.

From what I’d gathered, none of my supernatural cohorts were very comfortable with
so many unknown players on the game board. Not knowing who or what they were up against
had diminished their overconfidence.

Wanting to get this latest search behind us, I was ready to move forward with our
investigation of Will’s property.

“You haven’t asked me the one question I’ve been expecting,” he said. “Aren’t you
curious about Rita?”

Without his prompting, I might have forgotten about the woman. “I wouldn’t mind knowing,”
I confirmed, refusing to act all excited by this latest tidbit tossed my way like
a bone to a hungry dog.

My dog-induced thoughts weren’t stopping anytime soon, regardless of my fearful feelings
about the four-legged fiends. I hated to admit, I’d taken a real liking to Kelsey
— Seth’s retriever — the first ever dog that had caught my fancy, except, of course,
the werewolf sitting next to me.

I stifled an unexpected giggle.

Zane gave me his lopsided grin. “I’m glad you find this all so amusing.”

“I’m sorry,” I fibbed. In truth, I was thankful for my imagination. Having an offbeat
sense of humor and always creative mind had proven very helpful over the torture-filled
years at school, when snooty girls like Darlene Davenport made it their top priority
to shred my self-esteem. Right now, my inner-comedian kept me from drowning in despair.

“No reason to apologize. There’s more than enough for us to worry about. As for Rita,
she’s a retired college professor. Her area of expertise is the study of ancient and
lost languages. She’s worked with some of the greats in her field. She’s also what
you might call a packette.”

I pulled over and parked across the road from Will’s. “
I’m curious. What’s a ‘packette’?”

“Werewolf supporter, groupie, fan … someone who has discovered our existence and has
committed to maintaining complete confidentiality. In turn we provide protection from
those unhappy with her knowledge.”

“I guess at this point that title would apply to me?” This was good news; the added
protection policy.

mate. You are under
protection, making
far more valuable than any packette.”

“Oh,” I squeaked.

Afraid to look at him, I did it anyway. His eyes shimmered golden and his mouth formed
a firm line. The myriad of emotions churning under his tight expression said more
than any words.

As difficult as it was, he remained bound to his self-imposed, no touching without
permission rule. The strain this boundary was causing him had become unbearable, evidenced
by the twitch in his jaw, his ragged breathing, and the way his body instinctively
leaned toward me.

A little moan sounded deep in my throat as I stretched to reach him. His eyes widened
for a split second before his hands cupped my face. “You are everything,” he whispered.
His mouth descended, pressing, at first tentative, than devouring mine.

This kiss was unlike any prior. It was full of promise, protection, and a hint of
pain. The pain he’d felt staying away from me melted away as I gave myself over to
the exquisite things his mouth was doing to mine. Our tongues danced in perfect rhythm,
our mouths expressing the feelings I had been fighting. My, oh my — my wolf could

He stopped mid-kiss and tensed.

I gripped his shoulders. His stillness told me that we weren’t alone.


An instant later, I spotted the cloaked man. He hovered near Will’s garage.

Keeping my gaze locked on the hunched intruder, I nudged Zane. He shot me a quick
glance, confirming he’d already honed in on our target.

“What now?” I whispered. It appeared we were in an old-fashioned stand-off.

Zane answered. “We wait. Let him make the first move.”

I sent my telepathy out and captured the creature’s thoughts. He, too, was terrified,
and not just by our presence.

His mind was filled with splattered images. Mutants, blood, decaying corpses — the
same pictures I’d gleaned during our first encounter. This time I saw a vision with
no obvious connection to his other thoughts — a sterile medical facility lined with
hospital beds. They were occupied. Young men lay in varying positions on the beds
that lined both walls in the long, rectangular room. Some patients were asleep; others
stared expectantly at a double door.

I know you’re in my thoughts. What do you want?

I gasped, stunned. Zane shot me a worried look.

“He’s speaking to me telepathically.” I raised my finger to my lips. Zane fixed his
eyes on the intruder.

I’m trying to find out who you are and why you’re here,
I offered.

You don’t have much time. Check the chimney,
he instructed.

What about the wicker?
In light of the situation, I realized how silly my question must sound
and felt him laugh in my head. A nice laugh … not evil. Not condescending either.
He thought my question was funny.

Not everyone has wicker items in their homes. I must go. They’re looking for me. Hurry!
You are on the right path. I will find you again. Remember, the chimney.

Wait …!

“He’s gone.”

“And?” Zane pressed.

“We need to hurry. The coin is hidden in the chimney …”

Zane was out the door before I’d finished explaining. Not sure if I should follow,
I waited. Someone needed to keep a watch out for the bad guys. I strained to press
my powers outward, seeking anything supernatural.

Got it!
He cut into my thoughts.
Start the car.

A few minutes later, we were speeding back home to wait for Alcuin and Mack. I hoped
they’d experienced the same success. Having help from our hairless, hunched, but humorous
friend, had made our expedition a whole lot easier. I told Zane about the thing’s
laughter and his desire to help us.

“I don’t know what he is, who he works for, and why he’s helping us. Not knowing
bothers me. But I trust your judgment. You were the one bouncing around in his head.”
Zane paced to the kitchen and refilled our coffee cups.

We were both growing uneasy. Alcuin should have returned. It was almost eleven. I
wasn’t too worried about Mack. His assignment had been pretty straightforward. Michael
was at work watching over our animal friends.

When my cell rang, I bumped my mug, spilling hot coffee on my leg. “Ouch! Damn that
hurts.” It appeared my clumsiness had returned with a scorching vengeance.

Zane retrieved a damp dishtowel and was cleaning me up before I could locate the phone
hiding in the cluttered bowels of my purse. No longer ringing, the glowing screen
displayed a number I knew all too well but hadn’t expected to see this late on a Saturday
night — Luke’s.

Leaning over me, Zane was quick to identify the glowing digits. “This can’t be good.”

“Should I?” Calling him back was bound to bring bad news.

“I’m not sure you have a choice, if you want the week off. Remember his conditions?”
Zane collapsed on the couch next to me. “How’s the leg?” He’d removed the towel and
was caressing the damp splotch on my jeans.

“Better, thanks to your quick thinking.” Times like this made Zane’s werewolf super-speed
all the more appealing. “I’m going to change first.”

I returned to his side feeling fresh and cozy in one of my old jogging suits, I dialed
our boss’s familiar number and made sure to press the speaker button.

“Hey, what’s …?”

Luke didn’t wait for me to finish. “I need you guys here right away. Michael spotted
someone lurking around the zebras. He took off faster than an Olympic sprinter and
hasn’t come back. I tried to reach his dad before calling you. No luck.”

Zane was up and had the keys to the Corvette in his hand. “We’re on our way.”

Back in the car I tried repeatedly to reach Mack. It seemed he and Rita were too involved
in their research to respond. Or worse, maybe he was in trouble too. It wouldn’t surprise
me. No Alcuin and both M’s missing, not a good way to end the evening.

“He’ll be okay. I’m sure of it. Michael knows when to back off,” Zane said as he
touched my thigh.

I hoped he was right. From what I’d seen of Michael led me to believe otherwise. He
was an energetic and confident young man who could become a wolf at will — a lethal

Even more lethal was the Corvette’s increasing speed.

Zane had a serious heavy foot. We were pushing ninety on a treacherous mile of curving
freeway. “Honey, please, we can’t help anyone if we’re trapped under the car. Dead.”
I braced, prepared for the inevitable accident.

“I can see these roads well, even at night. Remember, I’m not human.” He flashed his
teeth, but, to my relief, kept his eyes on the dark road. Traffic was pretty much
nonexistent, to our benefit.

I forced myself to relax, heeding Zane’s “I’m not human” reminder.

The wailing didn’t register at first. Then I realized that the shrilling sound was
a police siren. Talk about déjà vu. Pulled over twice in one week, both times for
speeding — at least I wouldn’t be the one worrying about a ticket this time.

Zane pounded his hands against the steering wheel and pulled onto the shoulder. “I
should have listened to my wife,” he groaned.

I liked the way he said wife, and was tempted to agree, but decided to keep my mouth
shut when I saw the approaching officer in my side mirror. Mr. Creepy FBI agent, from
Portland, was walking next to a highway patrolman I didn’t recognize.

My body recognized the threat Agent Green presented, and responded by sending a rush
of adrenaline and giving me a jolt of energy that coffee shops only wished they could
sell in a paper cup.

I inhaled and started my reverse counting routine. I hoped to appear unruffled by
their presence.

The unfamiliar officer tapped at the driver’s side window. Watching it slide down
reminded me of a stage curtain parting to reveal something sinister. A sudden shiver
sent goose bumps racing down my arms. These two men gave me the willies.

“Can I help you, officers?” Zane smirked.

I wanted to smack him and tell him to put the testosterone on hold.

“I don’t know, Dr. Marshall.
Can you
?” Agent Green sneered, his own testosterone making an ill-timed appearance.

Now there were two manly-men ready to defend their masculinity. I’d watch for an opening
to diffuse the situation. I hoped it would come sooner rather than too late.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but we had an emergency call from the wildlife park. One
of our animals is in danger,” Zane explained, sounding more official and less smug.

Agent Green leaned down and peered into the car. He noticed me and smiled. “Ms. Carpenter,
how nice to see you again. Any additional
animal visions
to report?” His mocking tone was far from admiring.

A stab of humiliation sliced through me. This was the same man who’d claimed to believe
me following my puppy interrogation at Will’s.

I struggled to keep my cool. Forget testosterone, hormones could be blamed for the
sour words threatening to spew from my mouth. Sensing my dilemma, Zane dropped a bomb.

“You may want to make a note, Agent Green. This lovely lady is no longer a Carpenter.”
Zane paused for effect. “She’s a Marshall.”

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