Icarians: Poisoned Dreams (10 page)

Read Icarians: Poisoned Dreams Online

Authors: Vanessa Mock,Jessie Reinking

BOOK: Icarians: Poisoned Dreams
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"I’m going for a run. Want to come?"
"Sure." He looked as though he hadn't slept either.
They were on their way after he put on his running shoes. They jogged three miles not saying anything to each other, the only sound was their heavy breathing and the thud of their tennis shoes on the dirt road. On the way back Analeigh snuck a peek at him from the corner of her eye, she noticed he was just barley breaking a sweat. She on the other hand was drenched. The run felt fantastic, she was used to the physical exercise. Which made her realize how much she missed it. When they returned back to Analeigh's house he said "I'm going to take off now you got my number." She watched in silence as he left.
She shook her head. He was such a complicated person. Analeigh went inside and armed her alarm. She got undressed for a shower when something in the mirror caught her eye. Slowly she turned so she could look at her lower back. She gasped at the awful red hand print on her back. Analeigh reached around to feel it, surprisingly it didn't hurt. She quickly showered and dressed. She needed to see Pearl. When she arrived, Pearl was just opening her shop.
"Hello Analeigh! What a surprise."
"Hello Mrs. Donovan."
"Come on in. Is there something I can help you with?" When they got inside Analeigh asked her "I was wondering about the key. Have you remembered anything?"
"Yes I have, I remember that your grandmother had a chest. I have no idea what she kept inside, I never asked her. Have you found anything like that?"
Analeigh let out a sigh, "No, how big is it?" Pearl looked at Analeigh and smiled " Oh I’d say it was big enough to hold a pretty large book."

"Is there anything you can tell me about my grandmothers house?"

"Like what dear?" Analeigh told her a little about what was going on.

"Well I don’t think I know anything that would help you right now." Pearl told her.

Analeigh looked at Pearl and got the feeling that she was holding something back, but she decided to leave it alone for now.
As Analeigh drove back home her thoughts turned to Nickie, she was wondering if it was such a good idea to have her come after all. It was too late to change her mind, Nickie and Todd would arrive in two hours. Once she arrived home she went right into the bathroom, she looked at her appearance and thought Nickie would really be worried if she saw Analeigh like this. She still had the bruise on her face, dark circles under her eyes from the sleepless nights and to top it off she had lost weight, not a lot but enough to notice in her face.

When it was time for her to meet them she was completely dressed and that included her hair and make up. She went into the kitchen and sat down to wait for Nickie to call, her thoughts a million miles away.

Jaxon snuck around to the back of Analeigh's house to talk to Dean in the woods.
"Hey, how is everything?" He asked him.
"Everything’s been quiet since you left, she left once but returned a short time later. Otherwise not much to report." Dean answered him.
Jaxon looked at the younger man, he felt something not quite right about him. "You remember she has company coming?"
"Yes, is it just one?"
"No, she has two friends coming." Jaxon told him trying to shake the strange feeling.
He shrugged it off as just being tired and edgy. He told Dean that he would be back to relieve him tonight. Jaxon could feel Deans eyes on him as he walked away. It made him wonder if Dean was the best choice to watch over Analeigh.

Chapter 12


Nicole finally called and said they were at the edge of town. Excited, Analeigh rushed out the door and almost forgot to punch in the code. She drove a little faster than normal to get to the only convenience store in town to meet her. She couldn't wait to see her friend.

As she drove into town, at the side of the road on the edge of the woods she saw a black figure. It seemed to be waiting for her to pass by, and as she drove by the figure moved further away from the road. She could see that it was a human form but she couldn't make out much more than that. Chills ran through her and she tried not to think about anything but seeing Nicole again.

Finally Analeigh reached the store, she pulled in and parked. Since Nicole had yet to arrive she went inside and bought herself a bottle of water and a pack of gum. She walked back outside just as Nicole pulled in.
"Nicole! Oh you are finally here!" Analeigh said as she threw her arms around Nicole and she did the same.
"How was the flight?"
"It was good, Todd slept most of the way."
That brought her attention to Todd who was just stepping out of the car. He was just as handsome, if not more so, than she remembered. Todd walked to her and wrapped his arms around her.
"Hi Todd, you look good."
"You are just as beautiful as ever." His arms lingered around her just a little too long, finally he released her.
"Do you guys need anything before we head back to my house?" Todd went inside to use the restroom.
"You have no idea how glad I am to have you here." She told Nicole and hugged her again.
Nicole was a few inches taller than Analeigh's five foot three. She had short auburn dyed hair, green eyes and pale skin. Nicole was just slightly on the heavy side, which Analeigh always thought looked best on her. When Todd came back they all got in their cars.

Nicole and Todd followed behind Analeigh. They were almost to her house when Analeigh saw the black figure in almost the same place he was when she had left earlier. She didn't slow down as she past it this time. In the blink of an eye the form was in front of her car. Analeigh let out a shriek and jerked the steering wheel hard to the left. She barely missed the person standing in the road, now her car was headed for the ditch at a speed that guaranteed an accident.

Analeigh tried to hit her breaks but the peddle just sank to the floor. In a panic she braced herself for the crash she knew was coming fast. Her car slid on the loose gravel and slammed hard into a huge oak tree. Luckily she was wearing her safety belt and her air bag deployed. Analeigh lay her head on the back of her seat. She tried to open her door but she couldn't budge it, so she tried to lift herself out through the broken window but her leg was caught between the seat and her dash board.
"Analeigh! Oh my God!" She could hear Nicole screaming. Todd appeared next to her window.
"Analeigh you have to get out of the car!" He sounded panicked and she felt a little too out of it to fully comprehend the seriousness of what was going on.
"My leg is caught on something, I can't get it loose."
Todd went through the passenger side door to get to Analeigh. He tugged on her leg with no success. He came closer and reached between the dash and seat. He twisted her leg and she cried out with pain.
"I'm sorry Analeigh but I have to get you out."
He twisted a little more and her leg was loose. Todd grabbed her under her arms, drug her out and laid her on the ground a good ten yards away from the car. When Nicole came to her side Todd went back to her car and grabbed her purse and keys. Todd barely got away before the car exploded. Analeigh gasped and tried to sit up. Todd looked her over and Nicole was on the phone with the police.
"Are you hurt?" Todd wanted to know.
"No I’m just shocked. Is the person ok?"
"What person?"
"The person that ran out in front of me. you guys didn't see him?"
"No, we didn't see anything."
"The police are on the way. I told them to send an ambulance." Nicole said as she got off the phone.
"No Nicole I'm not hurt." Analeigh protested.
"Its ok they can just check you over." Todd told her with his hand rubbing slowly up and down on her back in a soothing manner.
Analeigh just felt anger. What the hell was going on? She knew there was someone in front of her car. She looked around to see if she could spot him.
"How is your leg?" Todd asked.
"Its a little sore but a small price to pay considering the alternative. Thank you for saving me."
He leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. It wasn't a long kiss but it was definitely not a friendly kiss. She suddenly felt very tired, she longed to be home, in bed. They heard the sirens coming through the silence and out of the darkness.

The ambulance came first then the fire department and a Ravenwood police officer. An EMT looked her over and said she had a mild sprain in her knee but otherwise she was fine. Then the police officer came over to take her statement.
"Have you been drinking this evening Miss Evans?" Officer McLeay asked her.
"No, of course not." She was mildly offended but knew it was just his job. Analeigh explained to him what happened.
"Where did this person go?" McLeay asked her in disbelief.
"I don't know where he ran to. I was too busy being smashed into a tree."
Now Analeigh was getting irritated and so was Nicole who up until now had been standing very patiently by the cop car. Nicole walked over and put an arm around Analeigh.
"Are we free to go Officer McLeay?" Nicole asked sweetly but her voice oozed venom.
The fire department put the fire out before it spread into the nearby woods. Analeigh looked up to watch them leave and another truck pulled up. Analeigh felt the familiar tingle through out her body she came to except whenever Jaxon was near her. He walked up to her.
"What the hell Analeigh, does trouble just follow you around?" He regretted it as soon as the words left his mouth.
"It would seem so wouldn't it?" Analeigh walked away from him without looking back. The three of them piled into Nickie's compact two seater car.
For Jaxon's benefit Analeigh didn't complain when she had to sit on Todd’s lap. She knew Jaxon was watching them and knew he was fuming mad. The ride to her house was uncomfortable and not just because she was sitting on Todd’s lap. Its not as if she had never set on him before, but of course things were very different. Analeigh felt the same old excitement when she felt his hand slide down her back to her hip in the intimate way he used to but this time she didn't feel anything for him except friendship. She didn't want to encourage him so she gently moved his hand from her hip. Analeigh pointed the way to her house, thankfully they were only a few miles away.

Jaxon watched as she got into the car. He knew she was angry and she had a right to be. None of this was her fault. Logic told him it wasn't his fault either but he felt the guilt just the same. Jaxon looked at her car and then at the officer in charge.
"How’s it going McLeay?"
"Not too bad. New girl in town, driving to fast. She's lucky she didn't get hurt. One thing I don't understand, the car exploded. There’s no reason it should have exploded. You taking it tonight?" McLeay asked him.
"Yeah I'll give it a few hours to cool off, then I’ll tow it." Jaxon replied.
Jaxon got back into his truck and sat for a second, he knew he shouldn't but he pointed his truck toward Analeigh's house anyway.
He pulled into her driveway, he could see her standing by her friends car. No turning back now. He stepped out of his truck, he couldn't believe how incredible she looked in moon light.
"I'm sorry Analeigh, for being so harsh back there." Jaxon apologized.
"You know I don't ask for this kinda thing and before I moved here I never had this much stuff happen to me." Analeigh sniffed.
Jaxon realized she was crying. He moved close to her and she went into his arms willingly. Even after she had stopped crying he held her. He breathed in her hair, she smelled so desirable. Analeigh looked up into his eyes. As if by an unknown force he was drawn to her lips. His lips just whispered against hers making him want her so much more. He moved away from her and cleared his throat.
"I just wanted to let you know I was taking your car to my shop tonight. There isn't anything I can do for it of course but I can get rid of it for you. Also Sadie and I will drop off my car for you in the morning."
"No, Jaxon you don't have to do that. You and Sadie have helped me out so much I will never be able to repay you guys."
"It's ok Analeigh, just let us help you." Tenderly he moved a strand of her hair from her face.
"Analeigh are you out here?" Another voice spoke.
"That’s Todd, I better get inside." Analeigh told him regrettably.
"Who is that guy?" Jaxon asked her.
"He's a friend from back home. Come on, you can meet him and Nicole."
"No some other time, I have to get back anyway." Jaxon wasn't in the mood to meet anyone, He was afraid he would smash the guy's face in. Without waiting for her to object he got in his truck and drove away.
It seemed as if she was always watching him leave. One minute he was hot and heavy and the next cold and allusive. Analeigh was getting very tired of his games. She walked into the house and announced she was going to take a shower. When she came out dressed in her night clothes Nicole was waiting for her in her bedroom.
"Hey how do you feel?" Nicole asked her.
"A lot better now that you are here." She threw a pillow and hit Nicole on the arm.
"Where's Todd?"
"He's already asleep. Hey...do you still feel anything for him?" Nicole wanted to know.
"Honestly, no. I still like him but only as a friend, but I think you were right about him. He's definitely looking to reconcile. I'll have to let him down easy. So what do you think of my house?" Analeigh changed the subject, the last thing she wanted to talk about was Todd. "Oh it's wonderful. I love it. I'm so glad you decided to keep it."
"Well after all that’s happened I just don't know. Since I came here I have had the most horrible bad luck."
"Everyone goes through that, where it feels like the universe is out to get you." Nicole said it with a smile, but that’s exactly the way Analeigh felt.
"It's not just the dreams, its the stuff that has happened to me physically. I haven't had a chance to tell you, and now I can just show you." Analeigh got off the bed and lifted the back of her shirt to expose the small of her back. Nicole came off the bed to where she was standing.
"Oh God Analeigh, who did this to you?"
"My dream." She answered simply.
"There is no way a dream can do that to someone. Does it hurt?"
"No not at all. I had the dream that a man's hand burned me and I woke up with this." Nicole stood looking at the hand print burned into her skin.
"Wow, I'm speechless. Analeigh I'm studying to get my PhD and I have read some pretty strange stuff, stuff that I still have trouble believing, but nothing compared to this." Nicole got out her cell phone and snapped a picture.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to send it to a friend of mine." Nicole rolled her eyes and went on to say "I met him during my internship, he's sexy and brilliant. I trust him. I'll see what he thinks."
"Nicole you didn't tell me you were seeing anyone!"
"Well its still very new. Nothing really official yet, but he is so perfect for me."
"I have never heard you talk like that before, he must be amazing." Nicole had a few boyfriends growing up but nothing that lasted more than a few months, not that she didn't have men after her, she's always been very choosey. Analeigh was truly excited for her. They talked for a few more hours and then finally went to sleep.

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