Icarians: Poisoned Dreams (12 page)

Read Icarians: Poisoned Dreams Online

Authors: Vanessa Mock,Jessie Reinking

BOOK: Icarians: Poisoned Dreams
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Jaxon appeared to have a bigger problem with Deans presence than she did, but he said nothing more. He went out back to join them. Analeigh shrugged her shoulders but she couldn't avoid the feeling that something really bad was going on right in front of her and she was left completely in the dark. She continued to watch Jaxon. It wasn't just his looks and body that appealed to her as a woman. His entire being screamed sexual charisma. Her body became fully aware of it when ever he was near her. She knew she needed him, she didn't know why. Analeigh had an uncontrollable need to fight it. She went to find Nicole who was setting the table.
"How you doing so far?" Nicole wanted to know.
"Not so good. I have a really bad feeling."
"About what?"
"I don’t know yet. It's probably just my nerves. I know tonight will not be easy."
"Analeigh I'm really sorry about all of this. I thought it would be fun. I didn't expect all this tension."
"Well that part isn't your fault." Analeigh told her as she threw a mushroom from the salad at her.
The party that night was casual dress of course and the meal was also, baked potatoes, salad, steak. Simple but delicious. Analeigh had changed after they returned from the store, she wore a light pink thin sundress with matching sandals. She had put her hair up in an attempt to control her thick mane of curls. The door bell sounded.

"Will you bring this out to Jaxon while I get that?" Analeigh handed Nicole a lemonade and went to answer the door.

Mercedes and Mason were looking crisp in shorts and light cotton tops. Sadie handed her a chocolate mousse as she walked through the door. Mason had his usual grin on.

"Thank you for the mousse, it looks delicious. The others are out back on the patio if you want to join them."

"Would you like any help?" Mercedes asked politely.
"I don't think we need any but your welcome to hang out in the kitchen with Nicole and myself if you'd like." Analeigh offered. She pointed Mason in the direction of the patio and Sadie followed her into the kitchen.

Outraged, Jaxon pulled Dean off by himself outside.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?"
"Todd saw me, what was I supposed to do?" Jaxon would have laughed at the irony of the situation if he wasn't so pissed.
"You want to explain to me how he saw you when you have the choice not to be seen?" Jaxon growled. Jaxon saw Dean turn white then red. At this point he didn't care, he should throttle the younger Icarian right here and now.
"We will talk when this is over." He didn't have to verbally threaten Dean, it was in his body manor and voice. Mason walked over to Jaxon then. "What the hell man?" Mason asked him looking at Dean.
"I have no idea but I intend to find out." Jaxon answered with a deadly calm.

Jaxon went back to were Todd and Dean stood. He couldn't do anything about Dean at the risk of exposing more than half the people here.

Analeigh, Sadie and Nicole finished preparing the dinner. Analeigh walked into the huge testosterone pit that had become her patio. As soon as she stepped out the door everyone stopped talking at once and looked at her. She simply said "Dinner is ready." When her back was turned she rolled her eyes as she walked back inside. She muttered to herself "Men."

They all sat down at her large table. Analeigh didn't have much of an appetite so she just picked at her baked potato and sipped the exquisite wine Jaxon brought. She followed the conversation pretty well, answered questions when asked. She couldn't wait for the night to end. The forecast called for severe thunder storms a little later that evening. She hoped everyone would be gone by then so she could get the much needed conversation with Todd over with.

Analeigh finally came to life when she caught Jaxon looking at her. She smiled shyly at him, she leaned in close to him and whispered. "What is it?" He leaned in even closer and whispered back.

"Your beautiful." Analeigh turned bright red and he added "Especially when you blush." She could have died. He had the power to make her feel like an awkward teenager.

A fist slammed down on the table making Analeigh jump. Todd stood up so fast that his chair almost fell to the floor. His eyes locked with hers, he almost said something but must have thought better of it because he just turned and stormed out of the room. Humiliated Analeigh stood and excused herself. She went after him. She quickly found him on the front porch with his back turned to her.
"What is wrong with you?" She demanded. Todd spoke calmly but she could feel his rage.
"What did you expect me to do when you and lover boy keep eye balling each other all night?"
She was completely thrown by his crudeness. He whipped around and pushed her up against the porch railing. She struggled to get away and he caught her face between his hands. He pressed his lips to hers hard. She lifted her hand and slapped his face hard. Stunned he let her go for a split second. Then he was on her again, she brought her knee up and slammed it into his groin. Todd barely grunted at the blow. Her heart pounded fast and hard. Suddenly Jaxon was behind Todd. He calmly laid a hand on Todd’s shoulder making his presence known. Todd froze.
"I believe its time you left."
"This is between me and Analeigh so butt out." Todd demanded.
"He's right Todd you need to leave, now." Analeigh was surprised at the steadiness of her voice. Jaxon smirked at Todd.
"I'll give you enough time to get your stuff and then I want you out of here. I'll call you a cab." Jaxon informed him already pulling out his cell phone. Todd looked as though he was about to say something more but he walked back into the house instead.

Analeigh looked at Jaxon and joked "Are you my own personal hero?"
"I'm no hero. Some friend you got there." Jaxon commented. Analeigh chose not to comment about that, she still didn't understand what was happening with Todd. She obviously didn’t know him at all anymore. She moved to the door and Jaxon caught her by the hand.
"Are you ok?"
"Not really, no." She told him and he wrapped his arms around her. She leaned into his embrace with astonishing ease. Nicole stepped onto the porch.
"What’s wrong with Todd?"
"He's leaving." Analeigh answered without letting go of Jaxon.
Nicole sighed and left them alone. Jaxon rested his cheek on the top of her head and continued to hold her until they both heard Todd stomping down the stairs. He let her go then.
"Why don't you go around to the back of the house, so you don't have to face him. I'll see him off when his cab gets here."
"Thanks, I'll do that." She snuck around the side of her house slowly not wanting to trip in the dark.
She really wanted to be alone for a moment so she paused and leaned against her house, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She promised herself that tomorrow her and Nicole would start to have fun, with the stress of Todd out of the way she felt somewhat relieved and a little sad. He was supposed to be her friend, but she could see his side as well. He obviously came here to reconcile and instead got his ego bruised.

From where she stood she could here Nicole, Sadie, and Mason in the kitchen cleaning up and talking. She could also here Todd and Jaxon on the porch, they weren't arguing but there was tension in their voices. Analeigh didn't want to hear any of it. She saw headlights pull up in front of her house. Silently she crept back toward the side of the porch just out of sight. It was so dark Analeigh could barely make out Jaxon’s large frame. She watched Todd walk to the cab parked out front. He turned at the last moment.
"We will be coming back for Analeigh and when we do you had better stand aside or you will die too."
Analeigh felt the panic rise inside of her. Todd got in to the cab and left. As soon as he was gone she stepped up onto the porch.
"What was he talking about, Jaxon?" Jaxon sighed heavily.
"I'm not sure."
Hurt Analeigh backed away from him, he was lying to her. She felt the wall go up between them.
"You know exactly what’s going on."

He stayed silent.

Disgusted she turned and walked back into the darkness at the side of her house. She was hurt that he didn't think enough of her to tell her the truth. She was done with it all. She went in through the back of the house and nearly ran into Nicole.
"Hey, what’s going on. What made Todd leave?"
"Ugh its a long story, lets just get rid of our guests and I'll be happy to tell it to you." Jaxon walked into the kitchen the same time Analeigh and Nicole entered.
"Where’s Dean?" She asked. Mercedes and Mason looked at each other.
"We thought he went outside with you guys." Mercedes answered.
"I'll look through the house, maybe he's in the restroom." Jaxon volunteered. When he came back to the kitchen he looked troubled.
"I couldn't find him. I think its time we left." He looked pointedly at Mason. They all said there goodbyes and Analeigh was left with Nicole.
"Thank god it's over." She told her.

They both went into the living room and sat down on the sofa. Analeigh rested her head on the back of it and began telling Nicole what happened with Todd. By the time she was done they were both exhausted and went up to bed.

Analeigh's dream that night was short but hideous. The same men that had her before dragged her into the condemned little house. She fought them the whole way. When they got inside she could see the elderly woman same as before, This time she got a better look. The woman was horribly mutated, her skin appeared to be rotting right off of her face. Analeigh could see the maggots eating away at her. The woman waited for them to bring Analeigh to her. Analeigh screamed loudly and a hand from behind crushed down onto her throat.

Analeigh woke choking and crying. Nicole ran into the room and turned on her light. Analeigh still felt as if she were going to die from strangulation. She couldn't get her breath, Nicole was at her side talking to her in a soothing voice.
"It was a dream Analeigh, breath. Your ok, your at home, nothing here is going to hurt you." Surprisingly Analeigh started to calm down and take in air again.
"Oh my god that was a horrible dream." She said when she could finally talk.
"You scared me half to death!" Nicole huffed.
"Analeigh looked at Nicole and fought the urge to laugh.
"I'm sorry, believe me if I could control my dreams I would." She sunk back into the covers and threw back a side for Nicole. She didn't argue she just sank down beside her. They were both asleep in no time at all.

Chapter 15


The next morning Analeigh woke feeling amazingly very rested despite last nights nightmare. She got out of bed and took a shower. Her and Nicole were headed to the beach today and she was looking forward to doing something so relaxing. When she came down stairs she was dressed in distressed blue jean shorts and a white tank top and flip flops. She left her hair flowing down her back.

Analeigh found Nicole in the kitchen on the phone, she went about her business of making her morning coffee and tried not to eavesdrop on Nicole. Nicole was wearing a similar outfit, tank top, shorts and flip flops. She hung up the phone and Analeigh smiled knowingly at her. It was refreshing to see her friend so smitten.
"You want some breakfast?"
"No I'll just have a bagel and my coffee. So?" Analeigh grinned at Nicole. Nicole rolled her eyes and blushed.
"Yes it was him. That’s all I’m going to say." Analeigh let it go.
"So what time do you want to leave today?" She asked.
"I don't know.. I guess as soon as possible since we have to find you a suit."
A short time later they were on there way into town. They stopped at a store called BAHAMA. Nicole pulled into a parking spot. The store was decorated in bright oranges and pinks, there was a beach scene in the middle of the room complete with a beach towel, an umbrella and sand. Analeigh and Nicole waved to the store owner and walked over to the bathing suits to look. Nicole pulled one off the rack and held it up to Analeigh.
"This is what you want." Analeigh laughed at her.
"Yeah right there’s more string here than spandex!" She did find a really cute light blue halter swim top with matching swim shorts.
"This ones cute, what do you think?" She held up the suit to Nicole. Nicole was frowning at the door.
"What is it?"
"I could have sworn that I just saw Todd. I mean he was staring into the shop window." Nicole told her.
"Well lets just get what we need and be on our way." Analeigh was creeped out but she was also mad.
She bought the suit, a bright pink beach towel, sun screen and sun glasses. Nicole bought a big floppy straw hat, Analeigh couldn't help but make fun of it. They changed in to their gear and left the store.

It took them an hour to drive to the beach, there wasn't a lot of people out so they had a big strip to themselves. The sun felt wonderful as they lay across the beach, it seemed to heat her from the inside out. She could here children playing a few yards down. Someone far down the beach was blaring hip hop music but they were far enough away so it didn't bother them.

Analeigh rolled on to her stomach and closed her eyes feeling completely relaxed for the first time since she came to Ravenwood. There was a slight breeze that carried the sent of salt water and honeysuckle to their noses. It was positively bliss. Nicole announced that she was going for a swim, Analeigh barely heard her, she was drifting off for a quick nap.

She had no idea how long she had been asleep, but she woke to a deep growling sound. Analeigh opened her eyes to look for the source of the sound. She turned her head to the right where the woods started about fifteen feet away. She froze when she saw the black panther. It was crouched low in a preditorial stance, staring right at her. "Oh my god!" she whispered in terror. Where was Nicole, she thought. She was completely frozen with fear. Slowly she tried to move. Afraid to take her eyes off the panther for even a moment, she sat up right and risked a quick glance at the water.

She caught sight of Nicole coming out of the water. Analeigh looked back at the big cat, it was so close to her there was no way for her to escape. She had to warn Nicole and fast. Analeigh jumped up and the cat took off after her. She screamed as she felt his claws penetrate the flesh of her back. Before it knocked her to the ground she caught sight of the horrendous look on Nickie’s face. She tried to tell her to run but nothing more than a muffled cry escaped her lips. She could feel the panthers teeth ripping away her flesh. Nicole screamed as she ran to her trying to get the beast off of her. Analeigh looked up and saw people from all over the beach running to her but none of them did anything. They just stood and watched. The panther tore the back of her neck completely off.

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