Icarians: Poisoned Dreams (6 page)

Read Icarians: Poisoned Dreams Online

Authors: Vanessa Mock,Jessie Reinking

BOOK: Icarians: Poisoned Dreams
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It struck Analeigh after she got dressed and ready to go see Jaxon that she had no idea where he and Sadie lived. Then Analeigh realized that her cell phone was left upstairs all day and that she forgot to see who had called her so early this morning.

She ran up the stairs and grabbed it and Jaxon’s note off the night stand next to her bed. She opened her cell as she walked down the stairs to see her missed calls. Analeigh saw that it was Nicole that called that morning and ten more times since then along with five voice mails. Also she had three missed calls from her mother. She called her mother first.
"Hey mom, sorry I missed your calls."
"Hi sweetie, that’s ok. I just hadn't heard from you since you left. Your dad has been a basket case on the verge of coming to get you." Her mom laughed and so did Analeigh.
"I know but I have been so busy, the house is fantastic and its coming along nicely."
"Oh good! I'm so glad. I was dreading the thought of you down there in some condemned hole all by yourself."
"Oh no, not at all. Its in need of some minor repairs of course but other than that it just needs some heavy cleaning. I have to go into the city Monday to get some things, like bedding, towels and stuff."
They chatted a few minutes more and finally she called back Nicole.
"Where have you been?! I have been calling you all day!" Nicole started before Analeigh could even say hello. "I know I'm sorry I just realized that I had left my phone upstairs all day." She apologized.
"Ok. I'm sorry I just worry with you so far away and all by yourself." She sighed.
"I know but calm down everything is fine and I will be fine." She reassured her and then joked.
"I swear your more worried about me than my mother!"
"Hey I can't help but worry and if you was me you would worry too." She defended herself then went on to tell her, "The reason I called you was to tell you I was out last night and I ran into Todd Davis, he was asking all kinds of questions about you including, your phone number. Do you want me to give it to him?"
"Sure, Todd and I are friends now." She told her.
"Well, be fore warned that he didn't sound like he was interested in being just friends."
“Well, just give it to him and I'll talk to him and don't worry, we haven't been together for a year, I'm not going to start back up with him."
She and Todd had dated for about six months a year ago until he suddenly wanted his freedom, in guy language meant he wasn't ready to be with just one person. But Analeigh was fine with that. They had worked through their hard feelings and some how managed to remain friends. She would have no interest in getting back together with him.
"Also I have really good news! I'm almost finished with this internship, so I will be able to be there in about two weeks!" Nicole said excitedly.
"Oh my God Nickie! That would be fantastic! I have missed you so much!"
"See I knew you were getting lonely!" Nicole accused her.
"Well maybe just a tiny bit." Analeigh admitted.
"Ok I have to run. The next time I call, you better have your phone glued to your side!" Analeigh rolled her eyes and smiled, “Ok I will, I’ll talk to you later."
They hung up the phone and Analeigh looked at the time, it was a little after three pm. Surely Jaxon would be out of his meeting by now. She wished she had found out where they lived, she didn’t want to have to apologize to him over the phone. Then she remembered Sadie had said that they were her closest neighbor. She checked her face in the mirror by the door. She had gently applied some foundation make up to her face in a sad attempt to cover the dark purple and black bruise on her face. She grabbed her keys and went looking for their house.

Chapter 7


Jaxon leaned up against a fence post. He had shed his shirt sometime ago and now he was watching his two mares graze out in their field fondly. Kicker, his pure white German Shepherd was at his feet with his favorite ball waiting patiently for Jaxon to begin the game. Finally he turned away from his horses and scratched Kicker on the head. He grabbed the ball and threw it deep into the woods and Kicker took off after it.

Jaxon knew Analeigh was coming long before she pulled into his driveway. He turned back around and continued watching his horses.
Analeigh saw him as she drove up the driveway. Her breath caught in her chest as she got out, all he was wearing was a pair of blue jeans low on his hips, a black belt and what looked like a pair of old work boots. His upper body was naked, tan and very hard. The man wasn’t made for a shirt, she smiled to herself. He didn't appear to realize that she was there, but how could he not have heard her car? Maybe he is dreading this as much as she was. Analeigh walked over and stood next to him. She simply said "Hi Jaxon."

"Hello Analeigh." He said back without looking at her.
"They're beautiful." She said motioning toward the two horses. When he didn't reply she went on.
"You didn't strike me as the type of person that would own horses."
He looked at her then, deep into her eyes "What kind of person do I strike you as Analeigh?" He was completely serious, she realized he was waiting for an answer.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at the horses and finally said "I haven't figured that out yet."
He turned around now still looking at her. He leaned his bare back and elbows against the top wooden fence.
"Look I'm sorry for just stopping in like this, I just thought we should talk about last night and I didn't want to do it over the phone." It was difficult for her to concentrate past his abs and his rippled chest.
"So what do you want to say?" He asked her and she noticed he moved slightly sideways, a little closer to her.
"Last night I never should have drank so much, I'm not like that at all. I have never drank more that one or two glasses of wine." She said as she took a deep breath.
He inched closer still and said "Why was it important for you to tell me that Analeigh."
"I don't know, I just don't think I made a very good impression on you that’s all."
He moved until he was right in front of her, still leaning against the fence. She was getting a little light headed but she didn't move away from him.
"I wanted to thank you for saving me last night."
He grabbed her hand and started slowly rubbing the inside of her wrist sending delightful chills to all of her nerve endings. Her breath quickened as she went on.
"I also wanted to say that I’m sorry-" he cut her off by standing suddenly.
Then he slowly leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Don't apologize for kissing me, there’s no need." He let his lips linger on her skin just below her ear, then he kissed her there so lightly that she wanted to cry out for more.

She moaned out loud and closed her eyes when she felt his soft moist tongue on her earlobe. He moved back a little and looked into her eyes. He moved in close to her lips and whispered, "Do you regret kissing me?"
"No" She said and closed her eyes again waiting for his kiss. It never came.
He became aware that Mercedes would be driving up any minute, he pulled away from her.
"My sisters coming home."
She was in such a daze she could barely comprehend what he was saying. Then she heard the tires crunching against the gravel. She felt something rub against her leg and looked down to see a big white dog watching her intently with a stick in his mouth. She was trying to calm herself as she bent down in front of the dog.
"Who's this?!"
"His name is Kicker." Jaxon answered gruffly still breathing heavily. She reached out to let him smell her hand. The dog licked her hand and she took the stick from him. She threw it across the yard, he went and got it and brought it back. They repeated this until Mercedes walked up to them.
"Hey Sadie." Analeigh said.
"Hey what are you doing here, Analeigh?" She asked with a smile.
"Oh nothing much really. I was just out and about."
"Would you like to come in for a glass of tea or something?" Sadie offered.
Analeigh looked around at the house. it was quite a bit newer than her grandmothers house. This house was two stories as well but completely remodeled. It had new light blue siding on the outside along with a fairly new roof. There yard was much like hers except the pasture in the back.
"Sure, that would be good." She walked with Mercedes into the house leaving Jaxon behind.
The inside of the house was beautifully decorated in earth tones, with light wood trim and beige walls in the living room, the carpet was light brown and very clean. There was a light brown suede sofa with matching love seat and ottoman. The room was filled with framed pictures, decorative candles and house plants. Also in the living room was a big working fire place with more framed pictures on its mantel.
"Your house is beautiful." Analeigh told her.
"Thanks, but really it's Jaxon's. I want to buy something of my own after college. Besides Jaxon loves this place." Mercedes said looking around.
"Come on, the kitchen is through here." Analeigh followed her to the kitchen.
It was completely modern, all the appliances were stainless steel, the counter tops were polished marble and the floor was done in gray stone. Mercedes motioned for her to take a seat at the island in the middle of the room. As she sat down Mercedes started talking while she fixed the tea.
"I figured it would be better just to let Jaxon have the place, it might be years before I decide what I want to do."
"That’s understandable and very generous of you." Analeigh said as she took the tea Mercedes served her.
"I have decided that I'm not going to sell my grandmothers house."
"Oh Analeigh that’s fantastic!” Mercedes exclaimed.
"Well I haven't decided if I will live here full time or not, but I definitely don't want to sell. The town is really nice and so are the people here. I think my grandmother would be very pleased. I have so much stuff to buy, the list is never ending." Analeigh said smiling, truly happy with her decision.
"Hey why don't we go together? Jaxon would disagree of course but I could use a good shopping spree. We could drive up to the city on Monday. What do you think?"

"Monday sounds good to me. I'm really anxious to get started." She replied.
"I am so happy you decided to keep it!" She said looking very pleased. "I have heard your grandmother was so nice. I only met her a few times myself but she was always kind to me. do you remember her?"
"I wish I did but I was so young when she passed away, the few memories I do have of her are really good. I was there the night she passed away. Apparently I was with her but I can't remember. My mother took me to see a doctor the next day, he said I blocked out her death and the memory may never return." Analeigh sighed.
"I guess its a good thing you don't remember it then, right?" Mercedes asked.
"It goes both ways." Analeigh got up and stretched. "I better be going, thanks for the tea. I have so much to do tomorrow and I better get to bed early."
"Ok, well you call me if you need my help. I might stop by tomorrow if that’s ok."
"Yeah of course, that would be great." She said as Mercedes walked her to the door.
"Will you tell Jaxon goodbye for me?"
"Sure, drive careful."
Analeigh walked to her car. She didn't see Jaxon anywhere. On the drive home she thought about Jaxon. She was definitely attracted to him, but she couldn't figure him out, first he seemed to dislike her, and now she had no idea.

By the time she got home it was just getting dark. She pulled into her driveway and parked her car. She was looking forward to her and Sadie's shopping trip, she stopped on the bottom steps and saw that her front door was slightly open. Her heart jumped a little. She knew for a fact that she locked the house before she left. Shaking, she slowly backed away from the door. She looked up at the huge house to see if she could see anything at all. She was just about to turn away when she saw a figure standing in the tower, watching her.

She let out a startled noise and backed away from the house. Still keeping her eyes on the big silhouette she felt for her cell phone. The only person she could think to call was Jaxon or Sadie, they were the closest to her. If she called the police they might not get here in time. Shakily she dialed the number and waited for it to ring, just then the shadow moved out of her sight. She turned and ran to her car, yanked open the door and threw herself inside. She slammed and locked all the doors. She heard a voice from a far off distance, startled she forgot she had called Sadie. She lifted her phone to her ear.
"Sadie there is someone in my house!"
"Oh shit, I'll tell Jaxon, don't hang up! Where are you?" Mercedes asked. Analeigh could hear her moving fast trying to get to Jaxon.
"I locked myself in my car. Sadie I'm scared this person is big."
She could hear Mercedes talking to Jaxon but she couldn't make out what she was saying. Just then Analeigh looked at her house, she could see her front door slowly opening. It was completely dark inside her house and something was coming out of the door.
"Analeigh, Jaxon is on his way. Don't move and don't hang up!" She ordered her.
"It's too late he won't get here in time." Analeigh whispered dreadfully into the phone still watching the front door opening.
She started her car ready to take off any moment. Then she saw what was coming through her door, at first she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. A very large black panther stalked out of her house, it stopped and looked right at her. Suddenly it ran from her porch right at her. She screamed and ducked away as it hissed and clawed at her car trying to get to her. As quickly as it came after her something made it cock its large head back and the panther ran towards the woods behind her house. Analeigh saw lights coming from behind her but she couldn't stop staring after the huge black cat. It was all so surreal to her she felt like laughing and crying at the same time.

She watched Jaxon run up to her house but she stayed sitting in the safety of her locked car. It didn't escape her attention that she had dreamed about that same cat. That just couldn't be, could it? She thought to herself. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to control her breathing. She remembered Sadie was still on her cell phone, she looked around for it. She found it on the passenger side floor board. She put the phone up to her ear, immediately she could hear Sadie almost yelling into it.
"Analeigh answer me! What’s going on? Are you ok?"
"Its ok now, Jaxon just got here. I think he scared who ever it was away." Analeigh told her trying to control the tears in her voice.
"Oh God Analeigh, I was terrified when you didn't answer me! I could hear you screaming!"

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