Ice Station Nautilus (41 page)

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Authors: Rick Campbell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sea Stories, #United States, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Military, #Spies & Politics, #Espionage, #Technothrillers, #Thrillers

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Title Page

Copyright Notice



Main Characters

Prologue: USS Michigan—Barents Sea

Twelve Days Earlier

1. Norfolk, Virginia

2. Gadzhiyevo, Russia

3. USS North Dakota

4. Barents Sea

5. Moscow, Russia

6. Barents Sea

7. Marginal Ice Zone

8. Washington, D.C.

9. Arctic Ocean

10. USS North Dakota • K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

11. USS North Dakota

12. K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

13. Suitland Park, Maryland

14. K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

15. USS North Dakota

16. Norfolk, Virginia

17. North Island, California

18. Point Loma, California

19. Washington, D.C.

20. USS Michigan

21. Moscow

22. St. Petersburg, Russia

23. Moscow

24. St. Petersburg, Russia

25. K-329 Severodvinsk

26. USS Michigan

27. Arctic Ocean

28. Severomorsk, Russia

29. Gadzhiyevo, Russia

30. Pechenga, Russia

31. USS North Dakota

32. K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

33. Ice Camp Nautilus

34. USS North Dakota

35. USS North Dakota

36. K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

37. USS North Dakota

38. Ice Camp Nautilus

39. St. Petersburg, Russia

40. Murmansk, Russia

41. USS Michigan

42. K-329 Severodvinsk

43. K-157 Vepr

44. Pechenga, Russia

45. Ice Station Nautilus

46. USS North Dakota

47. Washington, D.C.

48. Ice Camp Barneo

49. Svalbard, Norway

50. Ice Station Nautilus

51. USS Michigan

52. K-157 Vepr

53. K-329 Severodvinsk

54. K-157 Vepr

55. Ice Station Nautilus

56. Ice Camp Barneo

57. Ice Station Nautilus

58. Ice Camp Barneo

59. USS North Dakota

60. K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

61. Ice Camp Barneo • Ice Station Nautilus

62. USS North Dakota • Ice Station Nautilus

63. Ice Station Nautilus

64. USS North Dakota

65. Ice Station Nautilus

66. USS Michigan

67. K-157 Vepr

68. USS Michigan • K-157 Vepr

69. Ice Station Nautilus

70. USS Michigan • K-157 Vepr

71. Ice Station Nautilus

72. USS Michigan

73. Ice Station Nautilus

74. K-157 Vepr • USS Michigan

75. Ice Station Nautilus

76. K-157 Vepr

77. USS Michigan

78. Ice Station Nautilus

79. K-157 Vepr • USS Michigan

80. Ice Station Nautilus

81. USS Michigan

82. Ice Station Nautilus

83. Ice Station Nautilus

84. PRM-1 Falcon • USS North Dakota

85. USS North Dakota

86. Ice Station Nautilus

87. K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

88. Washington, D.C. • Moscow

89. Ice Station Nautilus

90. St. Petersburg, Russia

91. K-329 Severodvinsk

92. PRM-1 Falcon

93. K-329 Severodvinsk • USS Michigan

94. K-329 Severodvinsk • K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

95. USS Michigan • K-329 Severodvinsk

96. K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

97. K-329 Severodvinsk • USS Michigan

98. USS North Dakota • K-329 Severodvinsk

99. USS Michigan

100. K-535 Yury Dolgoruky

101. Barents Sea

102. Washington, D.C.

103. Ice Station Nautilus

104. AS-34

105. Moscow

106. USS Michigan

Epilogue: Arlington, Virginia

Complete Cast of Characters

Author’s Note

Also by Rick Campbell

About the Author



This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

. Copyright © 2016 by Rick Campbell. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Cover design by Young Jin Lim

Cover photo-illustration by Steve Gardner / Pixelworks Studios, Inc.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Names: Campbell, Rick (Navy Commander) author.

Title: Ice Station Nautilus / Rick Campbell.

Description: New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2016.

Identifiers: LCCN 2016003700 | ISBN 978-1-250-07215-3 (hardback) | ISBN 978-1-4668-8355-0 (e-book)

Subjects: LCSH: Submarines (Ships)—Fiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Sea Stories. | FICTION / Technological. | FICTION / Espionage. | GSAFD: War stories. | Spy stories. | Sea stories.

Classification: LCC PS3603.A48223 I29 2016 | DDC 813/ .6—dc23

LC record available at

e-ISBN 9781466883550

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First Edition: June 2016

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