If I'd Only Known (Milan Women Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: If I'd Only Known (Milan Women Series Book 1)
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course Perri along with every other woman in the world knew what Barrington's
chest looked like, because he loved to take his shirt off on stage, showing off
his abs of steel with pecs that demanded to be met. His six pack was always
calling her name, and now she was gonna answer that call. “My turn.”


ogle you like you did to me,” she clarified. “It's my turn now.”

did not ogle you.”

so did, Barrington. And now fair is fair so stand up.”

willingly complied, all the while grinning, as he stood with his backside
facing her.


shot her a naughty look over his shoulder, chuckling, turned on by her words.
“Girl, don’t let your mouth start something you not willing to finish.”

shook her head. “You talk too much, Barrington. Now turn around,” she

did as he was told.

jaw fell all the way to the ground, maybe from shock, maybe from pleasant
surprise; could be both. She didn't know but heard herself saying, “That's
going inside of me?”

laughed. “Okay,” he said, “do I need to take time to tell you about the birds
and the bees?” he teased.

eyes were like totally glued to his protruding and massive manhood. She blinked
several times, and while she already knew from their many sessions of making
out that he was a beautifully chiseled golden tanned man, she had not seen him
without his briefs or boxers prior to now. She had to admit she didn't expect .
. . well, it didn't even cross her mind Barrington was packing like that. Yeah,
sure she’d felt his hard erection  against her before; but feeling it and then
actually seeing it in its full prideful length as he stood so gloriously naked
before her was two separate things altogether.  All she could say was, “That's
really going inside of me? All of it?”

laughed out loud, amused at her reaction. “Don't worry, Perri, it'll fit,” he

blinked several times, seriously doubting his words. “But it's so big . . .
well, thick . . . and long. And I'm so,” she pointedly glanced down at herself,
“I've never been broken in . . . .”

is gonna be all right, baby. I promise.”

laughter held no humor. “Forgive me if I don't rush to believe you.”


rip me apart, Barrington! And . . . huh . . . I still need to sit as well as walk
. . . once this process is over.”
Did I really just say process? God, that
was stupid
. Perri knew he probably thought she was daft. Not that she had
anything by way of personal experience to compare it to, but the man could
probably be arrested for assault with attempt to please. And looking at him—if
she actually thought all of him would fit—no doubt he'd go out of his way to
please her. But come on now. She was sure he knew as well as her she couldn't
open her legs wide enough to receive all he had to offer. Suddenly, she
wondered how on earth he was able to sit when he was this fully aroused, and
the thought made her want to laugh out loud but she wisely bit it back.

tried not to; he really did, but he burst into laughter at her dramatic antics.
The fact he could see she was really serious had him laughing harder.

was up on her knees in the center of his bed before she knew she moved. “What
are you laughing at?” she demanded with her eyes still glued to his impressive manhood.

. . . it won't . . .” Barrington paused.
It won't what
How could he
explain where she would understand
? He couldn't say it wouldn't hurt her
with her being a virgin and all; it would hurt her the first time, probably the
second time, too. He knew he needed to prepare her but he didn't want to shock
her anymore than she already was. “Perri, this,” he stroked himself, “is meant
to please you; it won't kill you. And I promise, baby, I won't rip you apart.”

I'm supposed to believe this because why?”

had to laugh before he forced himself to get serious. “Come here, Perri.”


come here.”

me why first.”

shook his head. However, he approached the bed to stand directly in front of
her. He reached out to her, “Give me your hand, Perri.”

are you gonna do with it?”

being difficult and just give me your hand.”

hesitated before slowly placing her right hand in his left hand.

you.” With his other hand he lifted her chin so her eyes were fixed on his.
“Now, baby, I need you to trust me. Think you can do that?”

a single blink, she nodded.

Barrington smiled reassuringly. “Touch me.”


of repeating himself, Barrington guided her hand to his manhood. Then he kept
his hand on hers as he moved her hand up and down, allowing her to stroke him.
Before long he removed his hand and she was exploring him on her own. He
released a low growl. “That's it, baby. Feel me; get to know me intimately,” he
urged her on. Barrington thought he would die when she slowly started to
squeeze him softly.

of disgusted, Perri was absolutely fascinated. Especially when she felt
Barrington's manhood jerk under her touch, and he shuddered as she continued to
stroke him. Truthfully, though no expert as of yet, she thought that turned her
on every bit as much as it did him; maybe more so because suddenly she heard
herself sounding strange and feeling desperate to have him inside her.

. . .” she panted and didn't recognize her voice, but knew it was hers.



her order, he simply said, “In time, sweet Perri.”

much time?” she inquired impatiently.

chuckled softly at her inquiry then answered, “As much time as it takes to love
you inside and out, baby.” Barrington pulled back the covers on his bed and
helped her underneath them before joining her. He then watched her study him
with eager eyes that let him know she only wanted him, for he was all she saw.

she asked him. Perri was gonna die if he didn't touch her again . . . and soon.

of answering, Barrington gazed down into her chocolate brown eyes, melting
under the weight of them as they bore into his soul. He knew he loved this
woman; knew he would always love her; knew he wanted her forever.


heard his name on her lips, but he swallowed her words as she called out to
him, silencing her so he could take her to a place she'd never been but was so
eager to travel to, wanting to explore every avenue of it; the
his body, which he fully intended to give her unselfishly. Barrington smiled
seductively at her, his intent to seduce her into awareness as he taunted and
teased her to a higher level of arousal. Only when he was sure her uncharted
body was fully awake did he even attempt to go deeper in his quest of her.

by little her body was melting under the slow and deliberate assaults of
Barrington's tongue exploring her body from head to toe. He sucked her toes and
she thought she'd die from the pleasure.
Were toes really made for sucking
She closed her eyes as he worked his way back up her body. When he got to her
inner thigh she felt him tenderly tongue her there before he moved on and did
the same to her other thigh; she bit back a cry and a single tear rolled down
her left eye.

she felt him . . .
Oh my god
“What are you doing?” she shrieked.
Oh my goodness
! She almost jumped sky-high from his bed, but he was
quicker and firmly grasped either side of her hips, holding her in place to
that one spot in his bed. “Oh, Barry . . .” she cried out, feeling his mouth,
tongue, even his teeth where she never dared dream she'd feel them.

she felt little tremors in her lower belly, like her body was teetering on the
verge of being electrocuted and it was enough to scare her.

if sensing her fear, Barrington removed his tongue and mouth long enough to
say, “It's all right, Perri, it's just your body responding its pleasure. Relax
your body. Relax all of your muscles. Concentrate on the way I’m making you
feel; let your body talk for you and know that it is my tongue inside your wet
core.” Then just like that, he picked back up where he left off.

. . . Perri almost leapt in the air.

. . . he firmly held her hips in place.

felt like curling her toes, or pulling her hair or his hair, anything to cope
with the pressure, sweet as it was, building inside her. She lost track of
where she was, suddenly time and space didn't matter. Perri only felt
Barrington doing wonderful, and what she assumed had to be sinful things to her
with his mouth, teeth, and well-placed tongue. It was pure torture to be still,
but she enjoyed every second of it, however sinful it may be. She didn't know,
wasn't sure; didn't care. All that mattered was Barrington, and my, oh my, how
he was surely pleasing her and teasing her at the same time. Perri wanted more
as her moans became louder and she fisted her hands through his hair, pushing
his head closer while her hips ground against his face and mouth.

. . .” her body convulsed again.

continued to suckle, tease, and lick her tight, wet sex.

body convulsed again.

continued to drink her juices, swallowing every drip-drop she released into his
eager mouth as if it were a fountain where he sought to quench his growing

Perri could catch her breath enough to recover, her body convulsed once more.

then, did a satisfied Barrington, release his grip on her hips, withdrawing his
tongue and removing his mouth from her heated and extremely wet core.

okay, baby?” he asked softly.

voice was so gentle, Perri couldn't help crying as it caressed her soul, washed
over her body, and finally, settled within her heart.

she answered truthfully, wondering if she'd ever be okay again. She didn't want
it to end. It felt so good . . . so right in his arms, and she wanted to stay
in them forever.

her need, on cue, Barrington held Perri a long time.

she smiled, “that's called 'making love'?”

chuckled. “That's just one form of making love, Perri.”

she eagerly said, “You mean there's more?”

laughed out loud. “Yes, there's more.”

much more?” she wanted to know.

lot more; a lot better.”

. . .”


what are we waiting for?” she whined, eager to find out what more was in store.
Because if it was anything like she just experienced she might not survive it.
Just then, Perri felt Barrington's finger playing with the center of her core,
revealing her secrets to him as he slowly slipped two fingers inside and
tortured her with the same slow and agonizing pattern as he'd done with his
mouth and, just like his tongue, his fingers were well-placed, too. She felt
that slow rumble in her belly building up, ready to resurface at any given
moment; she knew he felt it, too, because he sped up the friction of his two
fingers working inside her.

. . .” she cried out under the tremors of her body.

her recover strength in his arms, Barrington held Perri for a long time then,
too. For him it was a great exercise in patience because he was wrestling with
his body’s desire to be buried deep inside her right now. But this was his
baby’s first time and he wanted Perri to be able to remember it with pleasure
even when they were old, gray, and married for fifty-five years. And he didn’t
have a doubt in his mind that this woman would be his wife someday.

that's the more,” Perri quietly observed.

chuckled, thinking she was so funny. “No, baby, that's just another form of
making love.”

you kidding me right now?”

shook his head and laughed out loud. “Nope, I'm totally serious, Perri.”

feeling the world was hers, she said, “When do we get to the end?”

Barrington replied, “There is no end, Perri. There's just a form better then
the first two you just experienced. It does get better,” he assured her.

come in all the times we made out you never did those things to me before now?”

I knew where that was going to lead and I didn’t think you were ready to go all
the way with me yet,” Barrington answered honestly. “I love you so I wasn’t
going to rush you.”

should have asked me,” she said serious, “because I’m thinking I would have
liked doing this with you before.”

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