If Not For You (26 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Rose

BOOK: If Not For You
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As he pushed the head of his cock into my opening, my mouth dropped open and I let out my held breath with a surprisingly loud cry. He was impossibly large and I trembled as he pushed in farther and my body adjusted to accommodate him. The feel of his cock as it pushed past the lips of my sex was enjoyably painful, yeah it hurt, but it was the kind of pain that made your stomach ache with delicious pleasure.

The look on Gage’s face as he penetrated me was the sexiest thing I had ever seen and as tiny beads of perspiration formed on his upper lip, his teeth bit into his lower lip and his brows knit together. His groans were only slightly masked by his teeth, but the pleasure he was experiencing showed clearly in his heavy lidded eyes. I’m sure he saw exactly the same in mine.

He rose onto his hands and pulled back, held his stare and started rocking his hips, slowly and gently. I clamped my hands on his strong biceps and arched my back as he pushed in farther.

“Oh my God…ohhhh…” I called out and held on tight to his arms as he pushed inside me.

“Oh fuck, you feel like wet silk, baby.” Gage exhale noisily. “This might hurt baby, but not for long, I promise.” he growled and thrust deep.

“Gage,” I cried out.

I felt the head of his cock as he filled me to capacity, then a sharp sting. I gasped and I knew at that very moment, I was no longer the dreaded virgin. As he increased his rhythm, sliding in and out, the sweet pain slowly altered to pleasure and my hips moved to meet each stroke as he increased his pace. My hands cruised over his lightly dampened skin and my legs shook uncontrollably.

So full, my sex lips grasped tight around his cock, I held my breath and dug my fingers into the rippled muscles of his back. He scowled and groaned and I couldn’t help but grimace as he pounded into me.

“Breath, sweetheart, you gotta relax and let go,” he whispered, “feel me, every inch of me inside you.”

Gage shifted, positioning me so that my legs curled closer to my chest. I was so open and could feel the head of his cock each time it rammed deep against my cervix. His balls slapped loudly against my ass cheeks. On his elbows, he weaved his fingers into my hair, tugging slightly. Face to face we studied each other, luxuriating in each other’s satisfaction.

Euphoria, that was the only appropriate word I could come up with to describe what I was feeling as our sweat covered bodies thrashed together. The rhythm as the headboard of the bed banged against the wall had me wondering for a brief moment if my sexy neighbor could hear us. Was it a turn on listening to me cry out Gage’s name? I didn’t know, really didn’t care either.

Our moans and groans echoed through the room, we held nothing back. My hands roved over his sweat covered back and firm ass. Gage lay against my chest and his hands held my face as his rhythm increased.

“Oh your pussy’s so tight,” he called out, “I’m gonna cum…oh fuck baby…” The way he said cum and those filthy words were intoxicating. The sultry rasp in his voice as he got closer to his release had me squirming and panting.

His eyes locked on mine and glazed over as he held his breath, his jaw dropped open into an O and he battered his cock into me. I swear he swelled more as he visibly shook and cried out my name as he climaxed. It was sexy hot hearing him gasp out my name and seeing him come totally undone…exhilarating.

My chest tightened and tears filled my eyes the more he verbalized his enjoyment. At that very moment he made me feel adored, idolized, cherished. I meant something special to him if only for tonight. He meant everything to me and always would, forever. He would always be the man I gave my virginity to; no other man would ever know that feeling.

I ran my hands along his back and he buried his face into my neck and gave me tiny butterfly kisses up to my ear, as we both collapsed totally spent. He rolled off of me, discarded the condom and pulled me with him so we were facing each other and the sight of that dimpled smile, beads of sweat on his forehead and chest were out of this world.

He wiped away a tear from my cheek and asked, “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

Gage reached for the tangled sheet and pulled it over us. I appreciated the thought and it made me happy knowing that it wasn’t a wham-bam-thank-you-mam moment, and he wasn’t going to leave me alone with only my memories.

“I feel great,” I told him and I did. I felt new. Glad to leave the big V behind, never having to face it again.

“Was it all you thought it would be?” he asked, I wasn’t quite sure if he was teasing me or not, so I also wasn’t sure what to say or whether to answer at all.

“I don’t know…I mean…I won’t miss being a virgin,” I smiled. I was giddy; silly, on a mind-altering kind of high.

“Did it feel good...don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to feed my ego. But I’d like to think that it was as good for you as it was for me, cause baby it was fucking amazing, you were fucking amazing.”

He pulled me closer and if he could have seen the blush on my cheeks he would have known that
ego had just been stroked with his words. He actually thought I was amazing? It
been a long, long time for him.

“I would think after all these years sex with anyone other than your right hand would be amazing,” I said, with a little titter and Gage rolled, had me pinned under him faster than I would have thought possible.

“Stop. Don’t ever think for a minute that you are anything less than perfect to me. You’re beautiful, sexy hot and yes, fucking amazing. You make me hard just by being in the same room, the same world, hell, the same universe. I can’t get enough of you, fuck if it wasn’t that you need time to heal I’d be making love to you again right this second.”

Gage’s thumbs swept away the tears running past my temples and pecked my lips, I was an emotional piece of mush under this wonderful man.

“This wasn’t just sex for me and you’re not just
, sweetheart. You’re my all. You do realize you now own every part of me, my heart, my body and soul,” he said, so serious, my heart tugged, the guilt for what I’d said nipped at me and all I could do was throw my arms around his neck and hold him tight.

“I’m so sorry, Gage. I have this problem with my big mouth,”

“This mouth?” his tongue ran across my lower lip. “This perfect mouth, these perfect lips, I don’t see a problem.”

He had me laughing as he lapped at my mouth and lips, licking my face and neck playfully wriggling around on the bed, until we were both exhausted.

“Come on, let’s get cleaned up,” he said, rolling me off the bed with him.

My legs wobbled when I stood at the side of the bed and I couldn’t help giggling when Gage reached out to stop me from falling.

“You okay?...Shit you’re bleeding. Did I hurt you?” he asked, truly concerned. I followed his eyes as he looked at the sheets on the bed and I grimaced at the few spots of crimson on the cream colored sheets.

“Guess that’s what happens when you have sex with a virgin,” I joked, with a smile and a touch of my hand to his cheek. “I’m okay darling, better than okay.”

“I was too rough.”

“You weren’t too rough, you were incredible, couldn’t have been more incredible, no one else but you could have made me feel that good.”

I laughed with a wiggle of my brow and a bump of my hip to his, “We’re not virgins anymore are we?”

“No we’re not…we’ll have a shower then I’ll call room service to change the bed,” he said directing me to the bathroom.

“Yes sir,” I joked, giving him a salute and giggling as he pulled me under the stream of water.

He washed every inch of me, so gentle and caring and in turn I indulged in washing every inch of him, including his toes, you know I love his toes. His cock twitched as I soaped it up and Gage shook his head removing my hand, telling me no. I wanted a repeat performance, I wanted to feel him get lost in me but I understood.

We dried off and Gage brushed out my hair, helped me into a t-shirt and panties, threw on a robe, called room service and ordered us wine and fries. So very attentive, he made me feel like a princess, as sickeningly cliché as that sounded.

I took the sheets off the bed and rolled them into a ball before the chambermaid got there. I didn’t need to announce to her that I was no longer a virgin, I’m sure she wouldn’t care, but just the same. She remade the bed with fresh sheets and pillow cases and even placed chocolates on the pillows before leaving.

The bottle of wine and fries were gone in record time, I guess we were hungrier than we realized. Falling into bed, Gage fussed with getting me into the ideal position spooned against his chest. He twirled a strand of my hair around his finger, a habit I was growing to love, as he whispered softly into my ear, “Now that the ‘first time’ is past us, I’ll see what I can do about the other thing.”

I gave a tired smile at the idea there would be more and then questioned what he had said.

“What other thing is that?” I whispered back as my eyes grew heavy in the darkness, his playing with my hair relaxed me further.

“The O that you haven’t dealt with,”

“The O? Oh, the ‘O’.” I snickered when I become conscious of what he meant, giving into the darkness.



Day 29


I’d have to say this morning was by far the best morning I’d had yet. Waking with Gage wrapped around me, the sun streaming into the room and the dénouement of the big V behind me, nothing but nothing was going to wipe the smile off of this face.

It was a new day, hell it was a new
. I wanted to scream from the roof top, but I’d settle for the bridge, I was on a ship after all, that I was the happiest non-virgin in the world. Sappy yes, but happy.

I rolled onto my elbow and watched Gage sleep, playing with his mousy blond curls spread out on the pillow. I smiled at his tan skin and gorgeous body that was all mine. My eyes took in all of him, from the scruff of his beard and beautifully parted lips to his hand lying across his chest, so strong and yet so gentle.

My glance along the nearly invisible line of hair that started at his chest and led past those sculpted abs of his, had me wanting to lick my tongue on a course to the very manly V at his hips. I shivered every time I saw him in his sweats, but seeing him like this was altogether something truly bracing. The sheet lightly covered his lower body but I had the memory of an elephant so his man-parts were indelibly engraved in my mind. The urge to have a peek though, just a tiny peek, got the best of me and as I carefully pinched the sheet’s edge and lifted it, Gage cleared his throat and laughed.

“Looking for something, sweetheart?” he teased, his voice raw and husky as he stretched his arms over his head, with a yawn.

“Maybe,” I answered, with a rather naughty glimmer in my eye.

“Let me help you with that,” he said, pulling back the sheet with a dimpled smile and a hard-on that would shame the incredible hulk himself.

“Wow.” Was all my stupid head could think of saying, silly bitch! I must have turned bright red. I could certainly feel my face heat up.

Gage rolled onto his side to face me and pulled me against him, his morning wood standing at full attention pushing against my belly.

“How do you feel this morning?” he asked, brushing a stray hair behind my ear and planting tiny kisses on my cheeks and forehead.

“I feel great.”

“You’re not sore?”

“No, not at all, I’m slightly uncomfortable, perhaps a little battered, but not sore.”

“Battered?” His brows furrowed and he immediately stopped his exploration of my neck with his lips to look into my eyes.

I pursed my lips and held my tongue; I didn’t know quite how to broach the subject. This was all so new to me. Maybe I should keep it to myself, it wasn’t that big a deal, but it was indeed big.

“Poor choice of words, it’s nothing. Do you want breakfast with coffee?”

“Fuck coffee. Tandy, I hurt you didn’t I?” He was concerned and it was sweet, but unnecessary and somewhat embarrassing.

“You didn’t hurt me,” I assured him, snuggling into his chest. “It’s just...you’re big, okay? You have a really large...I just know you were there. It’s actually nice, like a reminder of last night.”

“I’m speechless, should I be flattered or what?”

“I’d be flattered. I suspect not every man hears a woman tell him he’s got a huge cock and it’s scary huge.” I had to laugh at my crude description, as did Gage.

“Well I guess I’m flattered then…how about we end this conversation?”

“You asked,” I teased.

I reached between us and latched onto his cock and stroked him gently, I had him in the palm of my hand, quite literally, and he had no choice but to surrender to me. He reached for a condom and handed it to me. I bit my lip concentrating as I rolled it down his shaft and as I did his hand closed over my sex and dipped a finger in with a grin.

“So wet for me,” he murmured, as his hand spread open my legs, he climbed between them and rubbing his cock between my folds, covering it in my juices.

“Oh yeah,” I moaned, as he pushed the head of his cock past my lips and rocked a steady slow rhythm with a growl of pleasure.

“Believe me baby, your pussy will get to know me well, so well that it will open eagerly and swallow me whole. You’ll look forward to the size of me,” he whispered, his hot breath on my cheek and I melted into the sheets.

His words had me writhing beneath him and I latched on to his delicious ass, rocking my hips to match his beat, until he found his release and cried out my name. I would never tire of hearing his sultry tone and the breathless sounds he made when he was inside me.

When our breathing returned to normal and he pulled from me, he held me tight to his chest as if he didn’t want the moment to end. I could still feel the pulse in my sex, the void where he had just been and it made me woeful for a moment.

Gage moved onto his side removed the condom and discarded it into the wastebasket before he picked up the phone and placed our usual coffee order. I reached out and caressed his beautiful ass. He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm as he lay back down and laughed.

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