In a Dark Embrace (11 page)

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Authors: Simone Bern

BOOK: In a Dark Embrace
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Lee sighed and shook her head. She was taking this too seriously. Jeremy was simply caught up in the whirlwind of being with someone who had the potential to become what he craved. She’d given him back the hope of finding a real mate. After suppressing that intense wish for three years, no wonder he was overreacting. She should cut him a break. He’d make the mental leap to the realization that there were other witches in the world soon enough. A more clearheaded evaluation of her character would follow and then they could both step back and decide whether they really suited one another. She’d be prepared for that truth to hit him, maybe even help him find his way there. In the meantime there was no reason not to enjoy his company. She could keep things in perspective, even if he couldn’t. And it wasn’t as if there was anyone else on her date calendar.

Lee pulled her next file in a more relaxed mood. She was still tired but less distracted now that she’d made peace with the whole Jeremy thing.

* * * * *

Her schedule was clear from half past one to three in the afternoon so Lee picked up a sandwich from the nearby deli and wandered around until she found an empty bench to sit on. The sun was hiding behind clouds and it had cooled considerably since yesterday. She was glad of her GORE-TEX jacket. It would probably rain by the time she left work. She spared a moment to feel sorry for Gord, her coworker. This week he was getting the bum deal, trading a sunny Saturday for a gray Monday.

She had just taken a big bite from her turkey sandwich when her cell rang. Chewing and swallowing as quickly as possible, Lee grumbled a curt greeting into the phone.

“Did I catch you at a bad time?” a deep, sexy voice asked.

“Hi, Jeremy. Just trying to eat lunch. Why does the phone always ring when I’ve just shoved food into my mouth?” She kept her tone casual.

“Don’t know. Maybe some clever witch cursed you.”

“Hmm…now that would be an interesting exercise in the craft. Don’t think I could pull it off. Too many random variables.”

“What? There’s something you can’t do?”

“Lots. There’s rules. And there’s a price for everything.” Some of her weariness crept into that last sentence.

“You sound tired. Should I apologize?”

“No. My own fault for not leaving earlier yesterday.”

“I guess you’re right about not getting together tonight then…” He sounded wistful, as if he was still hoping she’d change her mind. Jeremy had offered to drive into town and take her out to dinner after work but she’d turned him down. He had been a bit hurt by her refusal. Probably was still upset about it. It was strange to have a conversation without the emotional readings she took so easily. She was forced to guess his feelings from the tone of his voice just like an ordinary person.

“I need a quiet evening at home, Jeremy,” she said softly. “I’m a wreck today and it isn’t fair to my clients.”

“We could be quiet…”

“The hell we can. And it isn’t really noise I’m talking about. I need some time alone. Being with people takes something out of me. I need to shut myself off from everything on a regular basis. It’s part of the price for what I am.” That was entirely true. He didn’t need to know that she wanted some space from him as well.

There was a moment of silence. “Sorry for pushing. I need time alone too. Tell me when you’re ready for company again.”

“Maybe in a couple of days,” she offered.

“Can I call you tonight?”

“Not tonight. I’m turning the phone off at home—need to totally disconnect, you know. How about if I call you tomorrow?”

“I’ll be thinking of you.” He sounded disappointed.

“Don’t think too hard at work. Could be embarrassing.”

He chuckled. “Too late. Goodbye, my little witch.”

Lee shut off the phone and stared at it. Her pulse was racing just from that brief call and she couldn’t blame it on his emotional projections because he was miles away. His voice alone had triggered a response in her. Just like Pavlov’s dogs she was drooling at a sound she’d come to associate with something delicious. The passion between them definitely didn’t come from just one side. She was tempted to call him back but resisted. The time apart would be good for both of them. Maybe this mad desire would ease into something more manageable.

* * * * *

Jeremy put the phone down and sighed. Damn. No way he could see her tonight and it sounded like tomorrow was off the list too. Then he’d be on nights and it would be impossible to get together. It could be Friday before he saw her again. A long weekend of the hottest sex he had ever had only made him crave it more. He’d woken up that morning hard as a rock and had jacked off with his nose buried in the scent she’d left behind on his sheets. Phoning her had been a mistake. The sound of her voice triggered memories of her begging to be fucked and he was losing the battle against the nascent thickening of his cock. Four days until he saw her again. How the hell was he supposed to get through four days of this?

He prodded the paperwork on his desk and wrestled his mind back to routine tasks. Jeremy had only just managed to pull his mind away from the tantalizing images of Lee naked when a large form dropped into the chair across from him.

“So, buddy. You never called. How did the date with your hot Yaletown chick go?” Eric’s broad face grinned at him.

“I’m as useless as tits on a nun today,” Jeremy said dryly.

Eric chuckled. “From that I assume it went well. When are you going to see her again?”

“Don’t know. Not tonight. She’s too tired.”

“Doesn’t have your stamina, huh?”

“Not quite. Although she comes pretty close.”

“That’s impressive. I hear you’re not entirely human in that department.”

Jeremy grinned. “What can I say? I’ve been blessed by the gods with everything it takes to make a woman happy. Unlike you.”

“Fuck you, Jer,” Eric replied good-naturedly. “I have Thursday to Sunday off. Maybe we could get together.”

“I just started my week too. But after Friday I’ll definitely be busy.”

“I meant it would be nice to meet this mystery woman. I’ll hunt up a date and we can all have dinner somewhere.”

Jeremy considered the idea and realized he wanted to go. It would let people see they were a couple. “Maybe. I’ll ask Lee. Just don’t bring Melissa. That idiot saw us down at White Rock on Saturday and insisted on coming over. Lee was far from impressed.”

“I can imagine.” Eric flashed him a curious look. “So her name’s Lee. Is that short for something? Lisa? Leanne?”

“Don’t know. Never asked.”

Eric frowned. “Did you actually talk to this one or just fuck her brains out?”

Jeremy felt his shoulders tense. “Lee is an interesting, intelligent woman. We talked.”

“Good. I’d have been sorely disappointed if a bimbo, no matter how hot she is, could set your head spinning.”

“You won’t be disappointed. Lee is…bewitching.”

“Has you under her spell already.”

Jeremy smiled wryly. “You don’t know the half of it.”

* * * * *

Jeremy paced around the furniture in his living room, waiting for the phone to ring. Damn, it was after ten already and she hadn’t called. He glared at the phone lying on the glass coffee table, picked it up and started to dial her number. Then he growled and tossed it onto the leather sofa. He slumped down next to the phone and picked up the clicker. A hundred fucking channels and there was nothing worth watching on TV. The phone rang and he fumbled in his eagerness to put it to his ear.


“Hello, my sexy wolf. Are you still dressed?” Her voice purred into his ear.

Jeremy grinned. That sounded like an invitation to a very hot phone call. “Yes. But I can correct the situation. You?”

“I’m pulling off my panties as we speak. The little lacy tank top shouldn’t be in the way.”

Excitement shot through him. “What color is it?”

“Black of course.”

“Can you move it aside to free a breast?”

“Yes, I can do that. Ummm. I can almost feel your hand caressing me.”

He closed his eyes and imagined the weight of her rounded breast cupped in his hand. He ached to taste her. “Can you feel me take your nipple in my mouth? I’d lick it gently and swirl my tongue around the hardening ridges. Is your nipple getting hard?”

“Both my nipples are jutting out. Oh yeah, I can feel your mouth. The way you suck my nipples. Teasing me with your breath then closing your lips down hard. Take off your t-shirt, Jeremy. I want to know that you’re half naked too.”

“Sure. Hold on a second.” He put the phone down and tugged off the shirt. “Done. I’m walking to the bedroom now. Where are you?”

“I’m lying on my bed. Should I spread my legs for you?”

He sucked in a deep breath. “Yeah. Spread them wide so I can see your beautiful cunt.”

“Hmmm…you like that, I know. And I’m wet already, wanting you so bad. Put your hand down into your jeans, my wolf. Is your cock hard?”

Jeremy lay down on the bed and undid his fly. “I’m as stiff as a tin soldier.” He pushed down his jeans and underwear. “Are your fingers in your cunt?”

“I’m exploring the edges, ‘round and ‘round. Just a little dip…now…and then.” Her voice told him that she was playing with herself exactly as she’d described. “Have you wrapped your hand around the shaft? Are you pumping yourself?”

“I can’t keep still, not with you lying there fucking yourself and telling me all about it,” Jeremy said. He had a clear mental picture of Lee sprawled across crumpled blue sheets, her legs wide apart and stroking herself.

“Gods, but I miss your long, strong fingers.” She gave a frustrated moan.

“I wish I were there. I’d give it to you just the way you like it, hard and rough. My cock wants to be where your hand is, wants that slick, wet heat. Can you feel me pushing into you? Can you feel me fuck you?”

“Almost, my sexy wolf, almost. But my fingers won’t do… Wait, I have a toy in my nightstand. It isn’t as big as you, nowhere near as wonderful but it will have to do. There, I have it now. I’m sliding it into my cunt. Ohhh yes. That’s…much…better…” He could hear her panting into the phone.

He groaned and his cock jerked in the tight grip of his hand. The image of Lee fucking herself was so hot it burned a path straight down to the tip of his shaft. He imagined her with her knees raised, both hands between slender parted thighs, pumping herself. He could see the way she bit down on her swollen bottom lip as she plunged the vibrator deeper inside.

“Oh, oh yes!” Lee cried out. “Are you with me, Jeremy? Are you fucking me in your mind?” Her voice was rough.

“I’m there. Mounted on you. Pushing my cock into you. Watching you writhe and moan. Fucking my wild, sexy witch. Oh god, I can almost smell you.” As he spoke he could hear her breathing get more and more ragged.

“Oh yes…I’m almost… Harder! Yes!” She gave several moaning cries and then a small shriek.

“Did you come, my wolf?” she asked when her breath returned.

He grunted in reply, still working on reaching climax.

“Come for me, Jeremy. Spill your seed on your belly and I’ll lap it up like a cat. Can you imagine my tongue licking your cock clean? Can you feel my breath, my mouth, as I suck the last bit of cum from you?”

He did feel her mouth then and her clever tongue. Jeremy ejaculated with a strangled howl.

“Oh, my witch,” he groaned. “I’m done. Are you?”

She sighed. “It helped. I still want you though.”

“I can be there in half an hour,” he offered.

Lee chuckled. “Not without breaking every speed law on the books.”

“I work the next two nights.”

“I know.”

She sounded unhappy and he felt a small spurt of joy. She did miss him. “I guess it’ll be Friday then…”


“You get off at five? I’ll be there by five thirty.”

“Pick up some takeout,” she said in agreement. “Something we can eat cold.”

He grinned. There would be no long torturous dinner to endure this time. “I’ll bring sushi.”

“Perfect.” He could hear the smile in her voice. “How was your day?”

“Hard. Literally and figuratively. I kept thinking about you and getting erections all day. Damn cases I’m working on aren’t anywhere near interesting enough to keep my mind off…other things.”

“This is going to be a difficult week.” It sounded like she was struggling too.

“I can hardly wait for the weekend.” Jeremy hesitated then added with careful casualness, “Speaking of the weekend, my friend Eric was wondering if we could get together for dinner. You, me, him and whichever girl he decides to bring.” He held his breath waiting for her answer.

“Sure, that sounds okay.”

“How about Sunday then?”

She agreed and they switched over to chat of inconsequential things for a while. When Jeremy put the phone down he smiled with satisfaction. She missed him and they would see each other on Friday. He’d fuck her six different ways that night and another dozen the next day. Then they would go out as a couple on Sunday. Things were definitely moving in the right direction.



Jeremy stared at the house for a full minute before getting out of his car. The yard was a mess and the place could do with a new coat of paint. It wasn’t as bad as some of the homes in this neighborhood—there were no rusting, partially dismantled cars in the yard, no old appliances lying around—but it was bad enough. Maybe he should mow the old man’s grass for him. Then again his dad wasn’t working so he really had no excuse for not doing even the minimal amount of yardwork. Jeremy walked around to the back. As expected, his dad was sitting on a lounge chair, drinking beer and reading.

“Good book?” Jeremy asked as he dropped into the chair next to his dad.

Hard blue eyes glared at him over the top of the heavy volume. “It’s about the coming ecological collapse caused by global resources being consumed at an unsustainable rate by a bunch of greedy motherfuckers who think they deserve four TVs and a never-ending stream of sweatshop-produced, overpriced sneakers.”

“Your usual light summer reading, I see,” Jeremy responded dryly.

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