In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2 (3 page)

BOOK: In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2
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After a long, exhausting day of sifting through all of my belongings, trying to salvage some things, moving what I could clean and salvage to my new place and then shopping to replace clothes and other stuff, I am completely wiped out.

There is a knock at my new bedroom door. “Kara?”

“Come in, Sly.”

“Hey, girl, you need any help? I’m an expert panty folder.”

I can’t help but laugh. I know Sly is trying to keep my spirits up. “Thanks, but I’ve already got that done. Not many pairs to fold, you know.” I shrug. “May have to go commando some, until I build my stock pile back up.”

“Thanks for that sexy image.” He laughs. “Anyway, I came to tell you we just ordered a pizza. You need to come eat so you can take your medicine. You’ve had a tough day. If you don’t take the pain meds then you’re gonna feel like hell in a little while.”

Sitting my stuff down on the dresser Lox left behind, I sigh. “Yeah, I better stop for today.”

He slides an arm around my shoulder. “Come on, let’s go chill out. You need to get to know your new roomies.”

“Something tells me I may find out more than I want to.”

He laughs and shrugs. “Hey, you’ve already seen me naked and although Huck and I are supposed to be identical, he got the short end of the stick, if you get what I mean.”

“Ugh. I do not want to know these things.”  We round the corner into the living room.

“Don’t want to know what things?” Huck asks over the back of the couch.

I look up, dead serious. “Your dick size.” He looks up, about to ask, but I put my hand up and shake my head. “You don’t want to know. It’s your brother.”

“Oh. Never mind then.” He turns back to the TV. “So, do you watch

“Oh my God, yes. But it’s not on tonight.”

Sly spins me around. “Are you on the current season?”

I nod cautiously. “Yeah.”

“Don’t say anything. We are almost caught up to the current season. We don’t talk about
ahead of time. We only watch together. I don’t know what Lox is going to do now.” He shakes his head. “We have the current season DVR-ing. Once we’re caught up, we’ll watch it. You can watch with us, but you aren’t allowed to divulge any information about more current episodes.”

“O-kay. Don’t get so worked up, I understand.” I put my hand on his chest, trying to calm him down. “I promise, I won’t say anything.”

Huck shakes his head and the doorbell rings. Sly jumps up off the stool he was leaning against. “Pizza’s here!”

Huck rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “No shit, Sherlock.”

This is going to be an interesting living situation.


In the middle of the night, I wake up holding my throat and trying to catch my breath. I can still hear Drake and people from my past in my head, taunting me.

You’re nothing but a fat ass. You’re sorry, you’re lazy. A lot of good your pretty face will do you, Tessie Two Ton.

I shove the comforter off my body and head to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. Running into a topless girl with obviously fake tits in the hall is not something I will say I was prepared for.

She giggles. “Hi, I’m Cami.”


“So are you here with the other twin?”

“No, I live here.”

She looks shocked. “Oh.”

I nod. “Yeah. Oh.”

“Well, I just didn’t know they had a sister or something. I’m so sorry, if I’d known I would have never assumed you were sleeping with one of them. I’m so embarrassed. I mean looking at you now, I can see that you aren’t even their type.”

I don’t even bother to correct her. I’m used to it. I’ve never been viewed as any kind of threat by other women, or well, not ones that look like Cami anyway. 

Okay, so to say the past two weeks have been interesting is putting it lightly. Getting used to being coed roommates is different. Funny, disgusting, annoying, but different. We’ve had to sit down and make a list of rules.


  1. Put the toilet seat back down. (Huck and Sly)
  2. No having sex in the living room, kitchen, hallway or foyer. (Huck)
  3. Don’t leave bras and panties hanging in the bathroom. (Kara)
  4. Turn down the porn. (Everyone)
  5. Don’t drink milk from the carton. (Sly)
  6. All hair and beauty products have to stay in our own bedroom. (Sly and Kara)
  7. Put the toilet paper on the roller. (Sly and Huck)
  8. I don’t want your (one nighter) to ask me to join in if I happen to be up going to the bathroom. (Huck)
  9. Pre-warn any female that you bring home that another platonic female lives here. (Sly and Huck)
    Close the loaf of bread back up when you use it. (Sly and Huck)

My face is healed enough that I can finally go back to work. Today was my first day back and besides the awkward glances from patients, it was pretty great. I missed being at work. Hanging out here every day, I felt like I was hiding out. Which could be partially true, but the State Attorney’s office called me today to let me know that Drake had been served with a No Contact order. Sly and the guys still think it would be a good idea if I go back to self-defense class. I probably will once my ribs are a little stronger.

I still have some nightmares. I still hear him in my head pointing out all of my faults. Trust me, my faults are something that have been pointed out to me since I was in Junior High School. Teenager’s words can make Drake’s seem like a pussy cat. Trust me, I’ve been on a diet of some sort or kind since I was thirteen. I have a big ass, I know it.

Sly walks in the living room as soon as he gets home. “Huck isn’t coming home tonight so we can’t watch
. What do you want to do?”

“You don’t have to stay home and hang out with me. You could’ve went with Huck.”
You could’ve lined up whatever piece of blonde bimbo Barbie ass you wanted to for tonight.

He shakes his head violently. “No, I don’t know what the fuck he does on nights like tonight, but he does it all on his own. I don’t know if he hits up the red light district, or if he is out ravaging nuns or something. If I’m being honest, I’m kind of scared to find out.”

Okay, so that makes me laugh. “Okay, then. Would you like to watch a movie with me?”

“I don’t know. What about that show Lox is always talking about now? The porn show.”

I look at him like he’s lost it. “Huh?”

“You know, that one he and Sloan watch together because he says it would be too weird to watch with another guy.” He taps his head trying to think. “It’s some sort of vampire show or something.”

“Oh! You mean
True Blood
. Yeah, it is kinda like ‘B’ porn. It’s an okay show. The lead girl kinda gets on my nerves, but her brother is soooo freakin’ hot.”

He looks like a little kid with his eyes bouncing around. “So can we watch it?”

I shake my head and laugh. “Yeah, sure.”

“Ooh, can we eat junk food like you girls do?” he says, bouncing around and trying to be funny.

“No, but I will go get in my lounge clothes,” I say, walking to my room.

“So no snacks for you?!” he yells from the kitchen.

“Just grab me a bottle of water and a banana.”


A couple of hours later, he’s sitting in total amazement. “Okay, so she’s falling for this dead guy? And she knows what everyone is thinking but him?”


“What’s up with that bartender? He seems kinda creepy.” He shoves some popcorn in his mouth.

“You just have to wait and find out. While you’re waiting to find out you can watch just how HOT the brother is.” I snicker.

“You would, you kinky minx.” He grins.

“You don’t know if I’m a kinky minx or not.” I toss a pillow at him.

“Oh yeah, you put the brakes on our night of passion.” He grins.

I freeze for a second. “Yeah,” I say, turning back to the TV.

He puts a hand on me and I jump a little. “Sorry. Can you tell me what happened that night? I mean I know we didn’t have sex and you let everyone think we did.”

Drawing my feet up under me, I look at him. “Nothing, I just lost interest, that’s all. I wasn’t in the mood anymore.”

He barks out a laugh. “I might have been about half lit on pain meds but I remember you being in the mood. Could I not get it up or something? Because if that’s the case then it was totally the pain meds. If that wasn’t it, then what? You had my dick in your mouth for crying out loud, so I know you were turned on.”

I wrap the blanket tighter around me. “Look, if you didn’t want people thinking we had sex you could have just said so. I didn’t correct what they assumed because you didn’t correct them.”

“That’s not it, Kara. I want to know what happened. I want to know why we were in the middle of some pretty fucking intense foreplay and you got up and left,” he says roughly.

“Look, I don’t want to talk about it,” I say sharply.

“Well, I do.”

“Look, you weren’t that interested in me anyway so what the fuck is the big deal?” I roll my eyes and sigh.

He points to his chest. “I wasn’t interested in you? How in the hell can you even think that? Why would I have you in my room then?”

“So Lox could hook up with Sloan,” I deadpan. Really, does he think this is a huge stretch for me?

“You really think that? Hell no.”

“Why wouldn’t I think that? I see what kind of women you guys bring around. I’m not them. As you said that night, I’m just a fat ass.” I stand up from the couch.

He grabs my arm and I tense, but this time he overlooks it. “I never called you a fat ass. I would never call you a fat ass. I love your ass. I do remember saying I can’t wait to smack that big ass of yours, but that was totally a compliment. For the record, I don’t discriminate. I just like women. Short or tall, big boobs, little boobs, big asses, little asses, any color of hair is fine, too. Women are just crazy beautiful creatures so don’t say you aren’t the kind of woman I want.”

He snatches away and storms down the hall, slamming his door.

Great. Just great.





Days have passed since mine and Kara’s argument the other night. I just seriously can’t believe she thought I would cut her down like that, I would never think that way about her. Kara is beautiful and has curves in all the right places. I need to find a way to make this better between us, the weirdness between us is just making everyone feel awkward.

To top it off, that dick, Drake, is still planning to press charges against me. Since Kara wasn’t in immediate danger when I beat the shit out of him, he has that right. My attorney has said that I shouldn’t worry too much. If it ends up in a judge’s or jury’s hands, I’ll probably end up with a fine or community service since I’ve never really been in trouble before.

I’ve been stressed about it all. Marco worked so hard for years to make sure none of us ended up behind bars. Marco’s not mad, it’s just making things difficult right now and now, I’m going to get a massage. Doc and Marco agree that it would be good for me. I have a fight this weekend and I cannot be wound up like this. I asked Sloan if she’d feel uncomfortable doing it, but she says no. I also asked Lox and he says it’s okay. Call me crazy, I’m just not sure I could deal with my best friend’s naked body getting rubbed all over by my fiancée.

Walking in, I’m greeted by Kara at her station. “Hey.”

She nods. “Hey. Did Marco give you those papers to fill out?”

I pull them from my back pocket. “Yeah, here you go.”

“Okay, thanks. Sloan will be out to get you soon.” She turns and walks away. She looks so sad, so sickly. We need to make sure she’s eating enough.

A few minutes later, Sloan calls me back to her room and hands me a towel. “Okay, I know you aren’t shy. Strip to either your undies or bare, COVER yourself with this towel and lie face down.”

Stripping down, I cover my junk and lie face down on the towel. I hear Sloan tap on the door. “Sly, you ready?”


She lets out a yelp, spinning around, slamming the door and putting her back to me. “Damn it, Sly. Why is your ass uncovered? Where is the towel I gave you?”

“It’s covering my junk. You said to cover myself so I did.”

She lets out a frustrated growl. “I meant your ass and your junk.” She reaches over, grabbing another towel and absently throws it over me. Once it’s on top of me, she adjusts it. “You are crazy, Sly.”

I grin. “I know.”

“Okay, so what is giving you trouble? I know you’ve got a matchup against Dallas this weekend. Just nerves got you stressed?” I feel her putting some kind of warm pad on my back.

“No, just all of it combined, I think. Marco says I’ve got some bad tension in my shoulders, he wants me to try and get it worked out.”

She starts rubbing. “I get that. If you go into that fight with your body this tight, you’ll get hurt.”

She works on my muscles around my neck and upper back. “So is she still having nightmares?”

“I don’t know. She and I had a weird argument a few days ago and it just hasn’t been the same.”

“She’s been on edge with all of this. Her damn emotions are all over the place. I’m mostly concerned because she’s losing so much weight. Also, it looks like she isn’t sleeping, that’s why I asked about the nightmares.”

“I’m not going to say anything about her weight. I’ll try to get her to eat more but that was part of our argument the other night.” I feel Sloan grind into my back. “Ouch.”

“What did you say about her weight?” she grinds out.

I explain the whole argument the other night and she sighs. “Sorry for hurting you. Wow, so you guys really didn’t sleep together? Damn. It’s just- Kara seems all badass and like she’s comfortable in her own skin, but she’s not. Drake really did a number on her self-esteem, I think, and it was already fragile from what Jade has told me.”

“What did Jade tell you?”

“Well, she wondered why Kara ended up with Drake. Kara developed this set of rules right out of high school.” She stops. “Don’t tell her any of this. Jade told me in private and only because we’re so worried about Kara.”

“Okay, I won’t. You’re scaring me.”

“Okay, as you can imagine, teenagers are assholes and most of them can be just damn cruel. Well, for Kara, she was always picked on a little for her weight. She’s always been a little sensitive about it. Well, she had a couple of guys play some nasty tricks on her in high school. She thought they were boyfriend material but once she gave it up, they dropped her. So when she graduated, she wanted a fresh start. She decided that she would instigate the
one nights
. She said if she didn’t get her feelings involved, she couldn’t get hurt. So she’d sleep with them and before they had a chance to break her heart, she would move on. She didn’t feel like anyone would ever want
. When Drake came along, I guess he said all the right things and did all the right things to get her to think they had a future. You see how that went.”

Sloan motions for me to turn. I notice she’s crying. “Sloan, you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just I hate that Kara sees herself as anything less than beautiful. I wanna go find those guys who ruined love for her and kick their asses. Then maybe she wouldn’t have fallen for Drake’s shit.”

“I know. I’m not allowed to kick anyone else’s ass unless it’s in the cage.”

She snorts. “I know and I love you for doing that to him. He deserves more. When Lox and I got there to pick her up, I could hardly see past all of the blood on her face.” She shivers. “I don’t think I’ve ever been that afraid in my life.”

“Why don’t you see if you can get her to come to the fight? Maybe it’ll help her a little. She stays locked up in her room now. She was watching TV with us on the couch until our argument.”

She nods. “I’ll see what I can do. Maybe if I take Sage with me, she’ll come.”

“Has he seen her since the attack?” I adjust myself a little more so I can see her.

“Yeah, she was at my house the other day when Jade brought him in from school. He wasn’t happy at all. He ran over to her,” she turns my head. “Keep your head like that or you’ll end up in worse shape.”

“Okay. Keep going.” I put my head back into the massage pillow.

“Anyway, after he gets to her, he asks, ‘Ms. Kara, what happened? Did you get in a fight like Lox?’ Bless his heart, he looked like he was about to cry.”

Sloan moves down my legs. “Kara tried to comfort him and tell him she’d be okay. Finally, Lox put him in his lap and said, ‘Remember how we talked about fighting being my job? How it’s not personal? Well, someone hurt Kara. It was personal.’”

I feel Sloan tense up thinking about the story. “Sage asks Lox, trying to be tough and hide his fear, ‘Who hit her, Lox? They hurt her bad.’

“God, Jade and I both were about to start bawling.

“Lox told him, ‘Her boyfriend, Drake.’”

She moves over to my other leg. “Here, lift this.” She works my leg around in some weird motion. “Then, Sage’s demeanor completely turned and he looked mad. He growls out, ‘Boys aren’t supposed to hit girls! He better hope I don’t see him, I’m gonna kick his ass and punch him in the balls.’”

She moves to my mid back and laughs, “Well, that broke the tension in the room. I really tried not to laugh when I said, ‘Sage, I told you about saying ass, and balls, too, for that matter.’”

I shake my head, that sounds just like Slick. “He just sighed and said, ‘I know, Mom, but like Sly says, sometimes those words are just wanted.’” I have to laugh at my boy about that one.

“Then Lox laughed. ‘It’s ‘warranted’, Slick, and you don’t need to take all of your advice from the twins. What did I say?’”

I start laughing even harder. “Leave it to Lox to hang me out to dry like that.”

She laughs again. “Don’t worry, the only thing Sage said was, ‘You said I can talk like you guys when I’m a grown up.’”

She shakes her head. “If it hadn’t been so serious, it would have been so funny.”

“Hey, he’s a great kid.”

She smiles. “I know, I know. Lox is really good with him. He’s going with his class to a the zoo next week. Lox with 25 six year olds, can you picture it?”

I laugh. “Oh yeah. Those kids will have a new vocabulary after that field trip.” She goes to walk out so I can dress. “Sloan?”


“You know Lox loves that kid like he’s his own son, right?”

She nods with tears in her eyes. “I would’ve never accepted his proposal if I thought otherwise.”

I shake my head. She’s a damn good momma. She reminds me of Elaine. No wonder Lox fell head over heels for her and Slick.

I dress and make my way to the front desk. I decide to try and lighten Kara’s mood. “So, sexy, you gonna come watch me fight this weekend?”

She looks up from her phone. I can see something is bothering her. “I- I don’t know.”

“What’s on the phone?”

She looks up with tears in her eyes. “I- It’s...”

I take the phone from her.

9049175555: Fat Bitch You’ll Get Yours.

I slam the phone onto the counter, breaking it. “Get your stuff, we are going to talk to the cops. Again.”

“Sly, it won’t matter.”

“Yes, it will. I want them to get how dangerous he is. Either that or I’m going to kill him.”

I grab her hand, pulling her out the door behind me.

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