In the Stars (10 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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“You know, whether you chose to tell me about your day dream, or whether you were going to show me.”

Oh yeah that answer, hot damn. “Oh, definitely show you. It just wouldn’t be the same trying to put it into words, when the actions are so much better.”

I hear that rumble again, faintly, through the phone, and I like it. “Once again, Caroline, you are killing me. Maybe we should change the subject to teddy bears or something. Because if you keep this up, I may be forced to enslave you in my bed and never let you go.”

Was that supposed to be a bad thing, because right now it is sounding pretty good. “I have to know first, Kyle. Will there be growling with these teddy bears. You see that will remind me of the throaty sound I hear coming from you when you get turned on by something. Frankly, that will then just turn me on more.”

There goes the rumble again—yes! “Damn it, Caroline, what is your schedule like for this week? I have to see you, and very soon.”

I let out a giggle. “I am off work tomorrow, Thursday night, and then again on Sunday. Tomorrow I am supposed to meet with this girl, Tara, though.”

Kyle cuts me off. “Thursday, Caroline. I will be coming your way Thursday, then.” Once again, the main thing I get from this is the “I Will Be Coming”—when did I become such a perv?

“I only have one class on Thursday, so that would work great. What time do you get off, and are you sure you want to drive all the way here?”

“I am off this Thursday too, and right now I will drive no matter what the distance to get to you. I hope you are ready for what you keep building up?”

Hot damn, am I ever! I am seriously contemplating taking a major detour, and heading his way right now. “I believe I am ready. To be honest with you, for some reason I feel very brave with my words when I am talking to you. I hope I can be as brave with my actions too.”

“Caroline, I want you in so many ways. One of those ways is to just be near you, though; to hold you, and feel the warmth of your lips on mine again. I want all of you, but I will wait as long as necessary to make it right. Please don’t feel forced or rushed into anything.”

“Thank you, Kyle. I don’t feel pressured by you. I have thrown myself out there a lot more than what you have tried to push onto me. I want you as well; I just needed to tell you that in case. I don’t want to disappoint either of us.”

“I promise there will be no disappointment. The only thing that is disappointing is having to wait until Thursday to be with you.” Kyle’s voice is very quiet as he says this, and he truly sounds sad about the wait.

I let out a slight sigh of contentment. “I think it is going to feel like a long wait for me, too. I am back to my lot now, so I will talk to you sometime tomorrow. I have to go shower and get some sleep.”

“You had to bring up the shower, didn’t you? Now I know, for certain, where my thoughts will be going tonight. I will be going to bed a very happy man. Do you mind staying on the phone with me until you step into your building? I will feel a lot better knowing you made it in ok.”

This man is too sweet. “Ok, I am walking up to the door now.” I stop on my way, taking a gaze up at the night sky. Hearing about my mom’s engagement has made me very happy. It has also made me think about, and miss, my dad a little bit more, too. I know my mom will always love Dad. I also know that Dad wouldn’t want Mom to be alone. He would be happy she found a good man to be in her life.

“Are you inside yet?”

I look ahead and start walking again. “Oh sorry, I got distracted looking at the sky. I am inside now; thank you, Kyle.”

“I noticed it was a very clear night sky myself tonight. Of course, it made me think of you. I’m glad you made it in. Sleep well, Caroline, and I will talk with you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight Kyle.”

WHEN I WAKE the next morning, I feel coffee is definitely in order. I have enough time to stop by Starbucks for a bite to eat and my favorite Latté, while I work on some homework before my first class starts. As I walk in, I notice the same girl with the blonde and red hair is working, but not Adam.

Once I have my drink and scone in hand, I walk over to one of the single chairs with a little table in front of it. It is a pretty busy morning in here. The chill in the air draws everyone in for the prospect of their favorite hot drink. I put my phone and drink on the table. I sit with my legs crossed over each other up in the big chair. Laptop on my lap, and book resting on the armrest. I get busy eating and typing away.

Once I am done and shutting down my computer, I hear my phone chirp. I grab up all my things and toss my trash. I pause at the side of the door so I can read my text.

Morning Caroline, I was just checking to make sure we were still on for coffee at 3 today? *Tara*

Yes still on. Just leaving from morning coffee, headed to first class.

See u then.

I get an immediate response.

K *Tara*

As I’m reaching to push the door open, someone else is pulling it, throwing me off balance. Adam’s arms quickly reach out for me to keep me from face planting. I can feel the heat of embarrassment running through my face, and he starts laughing. “I am sorry about laughing, Caroline, but you sure do seem to be a bit reckless on your feet.”

I look him in the eyes, and can’t help but laugh back. “I am going to have to blame that on you, Adam, because it only seems to happen in your presence. Are you coming in for work now?”

We both step back to the side, so we aren’t blocking the door. “Yeah, I have to clock in in ten minutes. I just got done with my one class for today.”

I look down at the time on my phone. “Shit, I only have ten minutes to get to class myself. I have to warn you, though, Tara and I are supposed to be meeting up here at 3. So I am going to need you to be on guard, and make sure to stay clear of me and my reckless self.”

Adam pushes the door back open for me. “Ok noted. Tara—you mean the girl with you the other morning?”

“Yeah that is her. I have to hurry; see you later.” A quick wave passes between us, and I rush across campus. I make it to my seat with one minute to spare.

I grab my phone out to silence it, and realize I have a text from Kyle.

Hope u have had a great morning so far. I have a busy schedule today. Will try and call u around 5 if ok?

I send a quick message back, and then put away my phone.

My last class ends at 2, and then just meeting up with Tara, so that should be fine. Talk to u then.

Both classes seem to fly by today, and I am now starving. I have time to head back to my room, drop off my stuff, and get something fast to eat from our mini fridge. Other than the bathroom (and she really has no choice there), this is the only thing Piper is willing to share with me. I try and keep little sandwich kits, yogurts, and water in there.

As I am getting close to my room, I notice a young boy is standing by the door, holding a bouquet of flowers and getting ready to knock. “That is actually my room. Are you looking for Piper?”

The boy looks over at me, and then down at the clip board in his hand. “Actually, this is a deliver for a Caroline Reyes.” I stand stunned for a moment. “Is this not the room for Caroline?”

“Oh yes, sorry. I am Caroline; I just assumed you were looking for my roommate.”

“Well then, these are for you. I am going to need to see ID first, though, sorry.”

As I am reaching for my ID, the door suddenly opens. Then Piper gets a big smile on her face. “Oh look, flowers for me. I wonder who they are from this time?”

I hand the delivery boy my ID, and take the clip board to sign. Piper gets a very confused look on her face. I look right at her with a big smile. “I am not sure who they are from yet, but I do know that they are not for you. They are addressed to me.” Well, that pissed her off—ha. She narrows her eyes at me and walks off past us, and the delivery boy follows a safe distance behind her.

I drop all my school items on my bed, and take a good look and smell of my arrangement. It is half a dozen coral colored roses, with a single blue iris in the center. The vase has a purple ribbon tied around it. I sit the vase on my desk and pull out the card attached.

Caroline I can’t stop thinking about you. My hope is when you look at these you will be sure to think of me as well. The roses remind me of the shirt you wore on our date. The blue iris represents your eyes, which are my favorite color. The purple ribbon was just to be sure there was a touch of your favorite color as well.


I hold the card to my chest and smile. Holy hell! This man sure does know how to make a girl swoon, with his romantic nature. Raleigh would be bursting at the seams if she saw this. She is definitely all about a romantic, and this is right up her ally. Honestly, I am really enjoying it too. I send Kyle a text.

Thank u so much for the beautiful flowers. I will be sure to think of u every time I look over at them.

While I am putting together my sandwich, I decide I have to call Raleigh. She answers on the second ring. “Why does it feel like it has been forever since I talked to you, Caroline? I decided you are going to have to quit school, and move back here with me. I miss you too much.”

“I really miss you too, Raleigh, you know that. I couldn’t imagine leaving Piper, though. I mean, think of the heart break that would bring.”

I hear a snort through the phone. “Huh, that bitch. I don’t know how you have dealt with her for this long. I would have had to claw her eyes out with her own finger nails by now.”

I start laughing. “Yes having the chance to get away from her would be wonderful. As a matter of fact, I do believe I just pissed her off, yet again.”

“Good for you, Caroline. How exactly this time?”

“Well, there was a flower delivery to our room, and I met the guy outside the door. When Piper opened it, of course she assumed they were for her. I might have very smugly made sure she knew they were actually for me.”

I hear a loud squeal through the phone. “Oh my god, Caroline, you got flowers delivered to you! You bitch, what do they look like, and what does the card say?”

“I will take a picture and send it to you. I will read you the card, though.” The phone goes very quiet, and I can almost feel the excitement coming from Raleigh waiting to hear what the card reads.

Once I am done reading it to her, she lets out a sigh. “Damn Caroline, you got yourself a good one there. When are you going to see him again?”

“Actually, I have a slow day Thursday, and he is off. So he is coming here. Not sure what we are going to do yet.”

“Oh, I think I know exactly what you are going to do. I will give you a hint: You will both be sweaty and out of breath.”

“Raleigh I can’t say for certain you are right, but I am pretty sure, yes, I could be having sex with Kyle on Thursday.”

“Wow Caroline, who said anything about sex? I was talking about you both going out for a run. You really do have a trashy little mind, don’t you? I guess sex will work too, though.”

We both start laughing. “How I miss you so, Raleigh. I really do. I have to go now, though. I am meeting up at the coffee shop to talk with Tara for the first time since our crazy Saturday.”

“Oh wow, do you think her oh so hot brother will show again too?”

I can feel my body warming up at the mention of Eric. I seriously cannot figure out what has happened to me since I met him. Every time anything makes him cross my mind I get all heated. “I believe this will just be a normal getting together today. No need getting the police involved again.”

“I wonder what he looks like in uniform? Have you thought of that yet, Caroline?” Well damn it, I sure as hell am now. The image I have looks damn hot too. Especially when my vision has him starting to pull the hand cuffs out.

Suddenly I hear laughing. “Did I lose you there, Caroline? I am pretty sure if you hadn’t thought of Eric in uniform before, you just were now.”

“Yes I was; thanks a lot, Raleigh. Why would you do that to me?”

“Well what are friends for? Enjoy your day, and keep me in touch on how this whole hanging out with Tara thing goes, ok?”

“I will. Bye Raleigh. I love you.”

“I love you too, you lucky bitch. Talk to you soon.”

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