In the Stars (6 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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He is now standing in front of me and holds out his hand, waiting for something. I am confused for a second—does he want me to shake on it? I guess my confusion shows on my face, because he says, “The band, please,” while wiggling his fingers. I have to shake my head back and forth. Wow, today has been quite the day.

“Oh yes, sorry about that; here you go. I promise to keep my hands off for now on.” As I am handing him the band, our hands slightly touch and he gets a very big and sexy smile on his face, which, just like with Eric, I can’t help but return.

Raleigh is just sitting there, looking between the two of us our eyes seem to linger for a moment on each other. He then reaches over toward Raleigh. She starts to shake her head back and forth. “I don’t have a band; she was the only one messing with them.” Raleigh then feels the need to grin at me again. I am so going to get her.

He lets out a laugh. “No, I was reaching out to shake your hand for introduction… finally. Hello Raleigh, I am Kyle Brooks, and I will be working with you today. You ladies can just call me Kyle; no Mr. Brooks necessary. That will just make me feel like you are talking to my father.”

Raleigh laughs, and takes his hand to shake it. “Oh, hello Kyle; nice to meet you and sorry about all that. I promise we are not always like this.”

Kyle then reaches over toward me, this time obviously extended for a hand shake. “Hello to you as well, Caroline.” I feel a slight blush on my cheeks, and as I shake his hand I notice he is making complete eye contact with me and holds on to my hand a little longer then he did Raleigh’s.

He is very handsome; not sex God material like Eric, but definitely worth looking at. He is probably around six foot tall, with messy-in-that-sexy-kind-of-way brown hair. His eyes are hazel. They are very nice eyes, but nothing like the emerald ones I saw earlier today. I can tell, even under his long sleeve button up shirt, that he has broad shoulders, and, since it fits snugger around his upper arms, it shows that he has decent biceps as well. He retreats a step back, and gets Raleigh to stand so they can get to work.

Throughout the appointment he is very attentive to Raleigh and explains a couple things to her and I that we can work on together to help her through this process. She winces several times throughout, but never gives up. She is doing so much better than either of us thought she would be at this point. I am so proud of her.

When her time is up and we have said our thank yous and goodbyes to Kyle, he stops me as I am getting ready to walk out of the room. I look up at him in confusion. “Caroline, I don’t usually do this, and if you were my patient I wouldn’t be asking you here, but would you mind if I got in touch with you? We could maybe go out for lunch or dinner some time?”

My eyes go wide. I am genuinely shocked by this, yet excited at the same time. “That sounds nice. Here is my phone, send a text to your phone from mine, and then we will have each other’s numbers and maybe we can work something out.” I reach for my phone out of my back pocket, and hand it over to him with slightly shaking hands.

Raleigh has now stepped out into the hallway and the door has closed behind her. I can’t imagine what I am going to get from her when I step out. He takes my phone from me and types out a quick text. Our hands slightly touch again as he is handing it back, and, once again, he has a big sexy smile on his face, and, yes, I return a smile right back. “I have to tell you, though, I am only here visiting for the weekend. I actually go to school about an hour away, so it might be hard to work out an available time.”

He tilts his head slightly to the side, thinking. “Are you visiting for the whole weekend; will you still be here tomorrow?”

I start to nod my head up and down. “Yes, actually I am here through tomorrow.”

Then the sex eyes seem to come out, as well as the smile this time when he speaks. “Well than, if you’re able, I’d love to meet up for lunch tomorrow. I can call you later to discuss a time and place?” I suddenly feel shy, yet giddy.

“That sounds like it would work out just fine.”

With that, he opens the door and gestures with his hand for me to walk out first, and then leans down toward my ear slightly. “I look very forward to it. I will call you later tonight.” I can feel his breath on my neck as he says this, and a slight shiver runs down my back.

I smile again and walk toward Raleigh, whom is standing down the hallway looking like the Cheshire Cat, and lightly tapping her foot. Oh boy, I hope she at least waits until we get outside before she starts up. Once I reach her and we both start walking toward the waiting room door, I take a quick glance back toward Kyle and see he is still standing there watching us with a smile on his face.

AT LEAST RALEIGH was decent enough to wait until we get to my Blazer before she starts in on me. She literally looks like she is going to bounce away with excitement, as she rocks on her feet and claps her hands together. “Oh girl, you better start talking. I don’t know what is in the stars for you today, but, damn, they sure do seem to be working in your favor, as far as the male race goes”

I roll my eyes at her. “Really, Raleigh, can we at least wait until we are safely enclosed in the car before you get me talking?” I don’t think I have seen her move that fast since the accident. She was in her seat, door closed, and seatbelt on before I could even sit down. God I love this girl! I can’t help but laugh at her as I am starting the engine up and buckling, while she very impatiently sits waiting while tapping her fingers on the dash. She has her lips closed tightly together, glaring at me now.

As I start to drive out of the lot, I decide she has waited long enough.

“Ok, let’s just say that I possibly just had a type of Carly Rae Jepsen, Call Me Maybe moment. Yes, I think that song fits.” I sit there with a grin on my face.

Raleigh waves her hand around in the air, gesturing for me to continue on. “So, he told me he would like to have lunch or dinner with me sometime, and asked if he could call me. I told him that I didn’t actually live around here and am just visiting for the weekend, so he asked if I would still be around tomorrow. When I said yes, he asked me if I could meet him for lunch.” I glance over at Raleigh, and she has a huge smile on her face.

“You are so going to get it on with the physical therapist. I mean, think about it, the word physical is in his job title, and, trust me, he was great with his hands. Girl, I do believe he is going to give you several orgasms per session; it just depends on how long you plan on making him wait to gift you with them.”

I start laughing, and swat at the top of Raleigh’s head. “Seriously, Raleigh, how long has it been since you had sex? Because you are all over whether I am going to be getting some soon or not.”

She just rolls her eyes at me. “Well, since I haven’t had a steady boyfriend in about eight months, then I guess you could safely say eight months. I was going to try and fix that problem with the new therapist we just met back there, but it seems he has another interest. So, did you give him your number?” Raleigh is lifting her eye lids up and down in her silly suggestive way, and I start patting around for my back pocket to grab my phone.

“Caroline, you are driving; lift your rear I will get your phone out.”

I give her my sexy eyes. “I know you really just want to fondle my ass, Raleigh. You didn’t have to use the phone as your excuse; you could have just asked me.” Raleigh gives me an extreme roll of the eyes. “Maybe you should be asking yourself how long it has been since you last had sex Caroline, being that you are now encouraging me to feel you up? Ok, I have your phone; what am I looking for?”

“It has been six months since I had my last big sexual O, so I still got you beat, Raleigh! I told Kyle to send a text to his phone from mine, so we would have each other’s numbers. So look at the latest sent text, and see what it says.”

Raleigh starts sliding her finger across my phone, and then she smiles with a full set of teeth and clutches my phone to her chest with a sigh. “Seriously, Caroline, if you don’t have your way with him, I will. He typed out: Until we meet again.”

I smile over at Raleigh. “Raleigh, you always have been the one that was more into the mushy romantic guys; that was really sweet, though. Not too over the top, but point made. I guess there is no rule that states you can’t be sweet and rough, right?”

We are now pulling into Raleigh’s driveway. “Caroline, you are crazy; romantic is wonderful. I don’t want a complete pussy or anything, but he has to be romantic. That way his words can sweep me off my feet, and his arms can sweep me into his bed.” We are both laughing as we get out of the car.

Once inside the house, Raleigh starts talking to her parents about how her appointment went. I really don’t feel like she is going to have to go much longer. She is really doing so well with her pain and mobility progress.

As they are talking, I go grab my hoodie and step out onto the back patio to call my mom. She is happy to hear about Raleigh’s progress, and makes me promise to stop by tomorrow before I head back.

The day is really starting to catch up to me, and I feel extremely tired all of a sudden. I go back inside, and find Raleigh in her room laid out on her bed reading. “Hey girl, I am really tired and think I need a quick refresher nap before we go into slumber party mode. Is that ok?”

I hear her let out a sigh of relief. “I am so happy you said that, because I could use one myself after that work out, and I didn’t want to be the one to bring it up, since you came here to be with me.” She puts her book on her night stand, pulls back the cover, and scoots to the side. I climb on up, pull the covers over us, and am asleep in no time.

I have dreams about the God Hemrios coming down to earth to have his way with me, as I look into his emerald green eyes. I wake up in a sweat, with my phone ringing by my ear.

Raleigh is already up and sitting at her desk, giving me a very sly look. “Must have been some dream, Miss Moaner. You plan on answering your phone or what?”

I gasp at the thought of what Raleigh might have seen, or heard, while I was dreaming, and quickly answer my phone. “Hello?” My voice is a little scratchy, and I didn’t get a chance to look at the number on the screen before I answered. “Hello, Caroline; this is Kyle. Did I wake you or anything; you sound tired?”

I look over at Raleigh, and point at my phone while mouthing to her to tell her who it is. “Oh, hi Kyle, sorry I had a crazy early start to my morning, and just needed a quick nap to get through my evening. I’m awake now, though. How are you?”

“Very good now, thank you. So, you have big plans for your evening huh?”

I snicker a little, and can tell that Raleigh is holding on to every word and watching my every action. She is chomping at the bit to hear what comes from this—she is too funny. “Not exactly. Raleigh and I don’t get nearly the time together as we used to, so we are planning on rewinding back in time and having our own little slumber party type of night. I know it sounds silly, but we both really enjoy each other’s company. We seem to be good at making one another’s lives a lot more fun.”

Raleigh is smiling at me, and I hear Kyle laugh. “Actually, it doesn’t sound silly at all. We all need to let our immature side out every now and then, and I think it is great that you two seem so close.”

“Yeah. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without her. So, you had mentioned lunch. Where did you have in mind?”

“Well, are you staying near where the office was today? If so, I know a really good sandwich shop we can go to, and they have salads and soups too. I can pick you up around twelve, if that is ok?”

“That sounds good. I have to meet up with my mom around four before I head back to school. I can meet you there if you rather, though, so you don’t have to come get me and bring me back?”

I think I hear a light throat rumble through the phone. Now that was sexy. “No, Caroline, I want to come to you. This way, I will also have more time with you. Just give me the address, and I will be there.”

I give him Raleigh’s address. There is a pause of silence for a moment. “I live only about twenty minutes away from there. I look forward to tomorrow, and, Caroline, sweet dreams.”

“See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams to you too, Kyle.” I have a big grin on my face as I hang up the phone.

Raleigh comes and sits on the bed beside me. “So, he is picking you up here, huh? If you chicken out, I will just hop in the car with him instead, ok?” We both start laughing.

“Hey Raleigh?”


“Seriously, are you bothered about me going out with him? You have mentioned your interest a couple times now, and I don’t want to step on your toes or anything.”

Raleigh smacks my leg. “Shut up Caroline, you know I am just giving you shit. Even if he was interested in me, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea, being that I am currently one of his patients and all. Plus, he made it pretty obvious that he was very interested in you. I am telling you, this is going to be a good thing; enjoy it. I mean that in every way possible, too.” She wiggles her eyes up and down at me suggestively again.

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