In the Stars (4 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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I keep feeling like he is staring me down through the mirror, but I refuse to let myself look up and see. Then he starts to speak again with that oh so sexy voice. “Ok, I have to tell both of you ladies that I think you have pulled some really reckless, stupid moves today. Tara, you go showing up at some complete stranger’s door, ready for war. I know that prick, Andrew, has something to do with that, but we will discuss that part in a minute. She could have beaten the shit out of you, Tara, or filed charges. I mean, honestly, you had no idea what you were walking into.”

I can tell Tara has turned sideways in her seat, fully facing him, and the telltale hands start to fly again. “Eric, I told you we would talk when we got her back. I will not sit here, or anywhere else, and let you talk to me like I am your child. Reckless behavior on my part, or not, I think I have enough shit stressing me out right now, so please think about that before you start in on me.”

Eric takes a quick glance over at Tara, and then starts right back where he left off. “As far as your part, Caroline, I don’t know if your typical action is to risk it and put yourself in harm’s way, but why would you open your door early in the morning to a deranged girl you don’t know? Since you are here, I assume that is what you did, correct? Not only that, but you have gotten into two strangers’ cars today, as well. Did you really think any of this through?”

How dare he? I feel hot all over again, and, this time, it isn’t lust. I am right out pissed off. This whole treating me like a child shit has got to stop, now. I turn back toward the front, and can tell he is looking up in the mirror toward me, and I see Tara reach over and smack is arm.

We are now pulling in the lot where I live. I sit up straighter in my seat, and look right back at him through the mirror. “Oh, my thank you so much, Detective Wright, sir, for today’s lecture dosage. I don’t know how I would make it alive another day without your advice.” I roll my eyes at him, and his face goes very stern. We are now parked, and I grunt and remove my seat belt, reaching for the handle, which, of course, is locked.

Tara is still looking shocked with her mouth wide open at her brother, and then tucks her hair back again before she speaks. “Seriously, Eric, what the hell? You have no right to talk to her like that. If you’re pissed at me, then fine, but don’t dare go all discipline like on her.”

He has now removed his Ray Bans, and his eyes are looking right at mine through the mirror. I keep my eyes locked on his, refusing to look away. I want to make sure he knows I am pissed. “I need you to unlock the door so I can get out, go inside, and we can all go on with our lives. I promise not to talk to any more strangers on my way in.” I smirk my lip up and raise my eyebrows, while resting my hand on the door handle, waiting for him to unlock it. Eric removes his seatbelt and turns in his seat, fully facing me. The stern look he had going on relaxes, as he looks me right in the eyes again. God, those eyes of his; they are wreaking havoc on my anger, and I just want to stay angry right now—not all horny and overheated.

“Caroline, I am sorry for the way I spoke to you. You are an adult, and have every right to do what feels right to you. It’s just that, being in my line of work, you have to understand I see a lot of bad things. In so many of these cases, people just make really bad decisions and put themselves in harm’s way. I didn’t mean to insult you. A pretty girl like you, though, really should be careful, and I would hate to see anything happen to you. I wouldn’t want to see either one of you become one of my cases. Do you understand, and can you forgive my rudeness?” Tara lets out a sigh, and turns back straight in her seat. Eric then gives me another one of those full on panty melting smiles. Well, like I said, contagious—they are definitely contagious, because I immediately give one right back. “Yes, I understand, and, you are forgiven.”

He gives a slight smile again and unlocks the doors. “Thank you, Caroline, for your forgiveness, and for helping my crazy sister. Still really like that dimple of yours, by the way.”

Ok, I, now, know my face is blood red, and I seem to have forgotten what I was supposed to be doing. Eric laughs at the expression I have, as well as my lack of movement. “The doors are unlocked now; I didn’t mean to keep you hostage.”

shit, that is what I’m supposed to be doing
, I think, as I place my hand on the handle.
Get out of the car, Caroline.
“Well, thanks again for the ride, and, Tara, I guess I will talk to you again some time or another.”

I open the door and step out. At least Eric feels I am capable of handling this on my own now, since he is still turned back in his seat, watching me exit his truck.

Tara hops out real quick as I am shutting my door, and she has tears in her eyes again. She reaches out around my neck and hugs me. Oh, ok what am I supposed to do with that? I just reach up with one hand and lightly pat her back in return. She removes her arms from me and steps back slightly, while wiping her face dry again. “Thank you so much, Caroline, for listening to me, and, again, I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am about this morning. No matter what Eric might say, I promise I am not typically like this. I will definitely be getting hold of you soon, if that is ok? And, be safe when you head out later today.” I just nod my head ok at Tara, and give her a small smile.

I can’t help but glance up into the driver’s seat, and I see Eric with his eyebrows scrunched together in thought and watching us both. He then gives me a nod. “Goodbye, Caroline.” Oh, the way he says my name, I hope I can walk straight back into the building with these Jell-O legs of mine. As I turn to walk away, Tara hops back into the truck and shuts the door.

I take the short walk to the dorm’s door, and, as I am entering, I glance back one more time and see his truck is still there, and they are watching to make sure I make it in. As soon as I am fully in the door, and it is closing behind me, I see him backing out of his spot and driving away.

AS I AM walking back to my room, my head is spinning with all that has happened today. Of course, the main things that stand out all revolve around Eric. Early morning awakening to a door banging, finger pointing, pissed off girl is nothing in comparison to the introduction of Eric Wright. I also keep running everything he said through my head. He finally called me an adult, so that is a plus; knowing he doesn’t view me as a youngster, like I thought. Even more importantly, though, he called me pretty and commented on my dimple more than once.

My single deep dimple when I smile used to always bother me, but if he is liking it, then I now feel an all new appreciation for it. I get that dimple, as well as my blue eyes, from my Daddy. My olive skin, full lips, and smooth deep brown hair all come from my Mom. She also blessed me with a tiny waist and a full C cup chest. Both my parents are taller than me, but I have come to accept that—they made heels for a reason.

I have now reached my door, and listen for anything on the other side—wouldn’t want to open the door to Piper deciding to move the party to her room. Been there, done that before, and don’t want to see it again. By no means is Piper a proper lady, and she has no problem changing men like normal people change underwear. As a matter of fact, I am surprised she even bothers wearing underwear. I mean, going commando would save some time right?

It sounds quiet, so I unlock the door and open it slowly. All the lights are off, and the blinds are still shut, but, since it is light out now, I can clearly see Piper lying in her bed, fast asleep. I can tell her hair is a mess, but, of course, she still took the time to put her shoes and bag away neatly before crashing. I think about laying back down myself, but the reality is I know there is no way I am going back to sleep, and the caffeine has nothing to do with it.

I get everything I need for the shower together, and pull out my clothes. I decide on jeans and a tight fitting green sweater. I have to tell myself that choosing to wear this sweater, which is almost the same color as those eyes I can’t seem to get out my head, has nothing to do with my clothing choice for the day. I mean, it
chilly out, so a sweater makes perfect sense. I take a long hot shower, still contemplating if I should actually be taking a cold one, since I still seem to be a bit affected. I might want to look into getting me one of those friends with benefits guys, in case I ever run into this type of situation again. Maybe Eric could be my friend with benefits—now that would be something.

I take my time getting ready, since I still have plenty of it before I have to go. I make my hair extra smooth, and add a little more makeup. Rather than my typical mascara and lip gloss, with a touch of blush, I also go all out on my eyes; making them pop nicely, if I do say so myself.

I catch myself glancing at my sweater a couple times, and day dreaming about those eyes. Ok, I have to get out of here and busy myself before I seriously melt. I pack up a small overnight bag, since I happen to be off from the restaurant tomorrow, too. This way, I don’t have to worry about a sleepy drive back. I can either stay with Mom, Raleigh, or my Grandparents. Well, Mom or Raleigh that is; I really don’t want to have to explain to my grandparents why I am so tired.

I pull my comforter up on my bed, and then throw all my dirty clothes in my hamper. I then grab up my favorite hoodie once again and some gloves. Piper is still sound asleep; I guess she must have really wore herself out this time. For once, this thought about Piper actually bothers me. Knowing that Tara is somewhere trying to pull herself together, actually makes me really sad for Tara. I agree this isn’t Piper’s fault, being as Andrew could have let Piper be, but, still, I know how she is, and she loves being very persuasive. You would think she is attending college to become a hooker or private escort. I wonder how many years of college it takes to get a Bachelor Degree in that field? I have to laugh at myself; my head is all over the place today.

I open the door, turn the lock on the knob, and head out to my Blazer. The sun feels nice, absorbing through my sweater. As I am unlocking and opening my door, I can’t help but take a quick look around to see if I happen to see a certain black truck. Of course, it isn’t anywhere around, but a girl can have high hopes—can’t she?

ONCE I DRIVE out of the lot, I call up my best friend Raleigh. She answers on the third ring. “Hey girl; you’re up, good. Now start getting ready, so you can take me to my physical therapy appointment, Bitch.”

I have to laugh at Raleigh. Of course she would think I was she just getting up, since I worked late last night. Typically, this would be the case, but, of course, not today. “Well, actually, I am already on my way. I kind of had an extremely early start this morning. Are you excited about visiting your new physical therapist’s office today?”

I hear Raleigh walking, and a door open and close. “Yeah, I am, actually. It will be nice not to keep having to go to the actual hospital for every appointment. Between the accident and the therapy, I have had more than enough of my fair share of that place. This new office, and having new people to work with, will be a nice change of scenery for me. It is getting a whole lot better, though. The pain has gone down severely, and I am walking around pretty well. I would say my shoulder still hurts the worse. So, why exactly did you have an early start this morning? Not that I am complaining, because I love our time together. I really miss you, Caroline.”

I have a big grin on my face, because I miss this girl so much. It makes me feel good to know she is getting better all the time. “Oh Raleigh, I really miss you, too. I have quite the story for you, and you might feel like I am dragging you into a Soap Opera or something as I’m telling you. I have to say, though, I met a guy today that made me feel like when Alicia Keys sang about
A Girl On Fire
she was talking about me. Yet, in this case, I mean literally; I literally felt so hot that my body was going to burst into flames—that kind of fire.”

Raleigh starts laughing, and lets out her signature little snort with it. “Caroline, you are always relating things to songs; I love that about you.”

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