Indwell (Chasing Natalie's Ghosts) (23 page)

BOOK: Indwell (Chasing Natalie's Ghosts)
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“That would be a plan if I knew how to drive,” I informed him of our little dilemma.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. When we get back I’m teaching you to drive. I’ll call a cab for you then. You will have to walk from the street where he drops you off down to the pier. We have to take a boat across the lake then board a plane on the other side.” He jumped out of bed. I knew he was anxious now to make sure the day went smoothly. He was a very organized and in control kind of man. He pulled two suitcases out of the hall closet and gave one to me.

“Pack enough clothes for about five days and remember it will be warm,” he ordered.

“That would be a plan too if I had enough clothes to last five days. I guess I could wear a nightie on the last day,” I sighed. He quickly walked over to me and picked me up.

“What am I going to do with you?” he said as he kissed me sweetly.

“Don’t worry about the clothes, just pack what you have and I’ll take care of the rest later my darling,” he told me as he put me back down.

“What time do you have to leave?” I asked. I didn’t like the idea of being separated for too long.

“I’ll leave around ten tonight and I won’t be too long. I’ll call you after I’ve called the cab. Just be waiting in the lobby downstairs after I call and when you get to the dock call me on this cell phone. I’ve already entered my number.” He handed me a slim black phone.

“Nice! Thank you. Can I call you anytime?” I opened the phone and found his number.

“Well I’m hoping you won’t have too many occasions to call. I don’t plan on being away from you that much,” he grinned back at me as he left the room. I melted. What have I done to deserve such a beautiful and sweet man? I shuddered, thinking of him out there tonight capturing the evil undead. I know that he has done it before, but at least I didn’t know about it then. I breathed in heavily and decided I had to be strong. I quickly dressed and joined him for breakfast.

“So how long will the flight be?” I asked casually. Inside I was terribly frightened. I had never been on a plane before. I had no idea what to expect or what would be waiting for us when we landed.

“Well, we’ll be in the air for about ten hours or so, maybe longer. Please don’t worry too much my little one. I will not leave your side and anything you need I’ll take care of it. Are you okay with all this?” he asked.

“Don’t I need a passport?” I asked, still nervous. Did he really think I could travel?

“I’ve taken care of all the paper work. I don’t want you to worry.” He took my hands now in his, sensing my fear.

“Don’t you need a picture or something?” I asked still unsure.

“I have pictures of you darling. I actually have quite a few from when I was watching you.” He regretted what he said as soon as he said it. He closed his eyes tightly before looking back at me.

“I’m sorry. I know you should hate me for what I have done. You probably don’t trust me at all but I promise I will earn your trust back Natalie,” he sounded confident as he looked me in the eyes and squeezed my hands. I nodded, unsure of how to reply. I had so many doubts, not only in us but in myself.

Hayden was on the phone and working in his study most of the day. I snuck in a few times just to see him. He always stopped what he was doing to hold me. In the late afternoon he grabbed his keys and kissed me quickly.

“I just have to run out for a bit. I will be back, just stay here and don’t go anywhere. Call me if you need me,” he was smiling as he kissed my forehead and walked out.

I was having trouble sitting still. I wished I could have gone with him. I paced around the rooms. I would have cleaned but he had a maid that came in every week, usually before I woke up and the place was spotless. I sat down at his desk in the study. I smiled, remembering when I first arrived here and he let me use his study as a bedroom. He is so sweet, I thought to myself again. I flipped open the book he had on the top of his desk. It was well worn. It was bound in old leather. The pages were yellow. It looked like it should have crumbled with every touch. I flipped it open to where he had placed his book mark. I was shocked by the chapter’s title, ‘The Capture of the Lechers.’

Who was he going after tonight? This assignment was not a normal one for him. That’s when it hit me. My fear took over and I began to panic. I felt like my blood was draining from my head all the way down to my toes. It was a good thing I was sitting because I don’t think I could have held myself up. Hayden and I were going to be escorting this thing or things to Argentina. I was going to be in a small plane within close proximity to this poltergeist for ten hours, maybe more.

“I can’t do this,” I whispered. No, I have too. Hayden needs me. I have to collect myself. I will just try not to listen to them, hopefully it’s just one. I glanced back at the book and started to read it. I was captivated. I was so engrossed with the specific details of the capture that I hadn’t heard Hayden enter. He was standing in the doorway eyeing the book in my hands. I noticed the frown on his face as I looked up at him. He swiftly grabbed the book and placed it on the desk.

“Sorry,” I apologized, sensing his anger.

“No please don’t be sorry. I understand your curiosity. I just can’t put you in any danger yet. You are too fragile to handle this. Please understand. I need you in one piece,” he explained, grinning, as he pretended to pat me down, looking for broken bones. I laughed as he tickled me.

“I missed you,” I told him as I wrapped my hands around his neck and he kissed me softly, he pulled me to him firmly but carefully. I didn’t want him to stop and he didn’t.

“I picked you up a few things for the trip,” he told me as he was preparing a late dinner.

“No, you shouldn’t have. Is that why you went out?” I asked, feeling bad.

“No, I had to pick up some things to bring to Clive too. I asked the concierge to call his sister. She owns a boutique. I gave her your sizes and she quickly put together a full suitcase for you,” he explained pointing to the lovely red suitcase by the door. I stared at him, unmoving. I hadn’t realized I was crying. He walked over to me and held my chin in his hand. He wiped my tears away and kissed me. I could tell he was trying not to laugh at me.

“Thank you,” I managed to say through my tears.

“I love taking care of you, Natalie. It makes me feel good knowing at least the little things are taken care of. Please don’t feel indebted to me. That is not what I want. Trust me when I tell you that money is not an issue for us either. We have more important things to concern ourselves with now. That includes you, do you understand?” he asked as he swept a lock of hair off my face. I nodded, not trusting my voice yet. How could I not feel indebted to him? He rescued me out of the mental ward and saved me from either living with my abusive father or a life on the street. Now he was buying me more clothes then I’ve ever owned in my life. He feeds me three times a day. He has taken me into his warm and lavish home. He has offered me a future. I will forever be indebted to this amazing man.

The closer it was to ten o’clock the faster my pacing was. Hayden was busy collecting his thoughts for tonight’s task. He was focused and I was reminded that tonight’s capture was riskier than most. There was a reason Hayden had to accompany him to the Seekers. Hayden told me he would be a few hours at least before he could call me. He thinks I should try and sleep? How the hell am I supposed to sleep when he’s out there doing who knows what. I wished I knew more of the capturing process. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. As soon as Hayden walked over to me I knew it was time. I quickly grabbed his waist and sunk my head into his chest.

“Please be careful,” I told him, squeezing him tightly.

“I will be. I have to take care of you don’t I?” he said grinning. “Please don’t worry about me. Remember the plan and if you fall asleep turn the volume on the phone up first. I need you to catch the cab I will be sending for you. I have all the bags packed in my car and it will be parked down at the pier. I need you to just arrive safely and on time. Don’t talk to anyone, living or not. Do you understand?” I nodded, not exactly liking the tone in his voice. What did he think I was going to do? Go to a party first. He smiled sheepishly, like he read my mind.

“I’m sorry, I’m just a bit anxious about having to be away from you. If there was any other way I promise I would have entertained it,” he held me close.

“I know. Don’t worry about me. I will be there,” I assured him. He quickly kissed me then was gone.

“I love you.” I wasn’t sure if he heard me. I closed the door and locked it. I held my phone. I opened it to make sure it was on and turned up the volume just in case. I wished for some reason that I could go out. A movie in a theater would be nice. I could people watch and practice my `judgment skills’. Hayden would be furious with me if I left. The cab will be coming here for me. Maybe if I’m lucky it won’t take him as long as he thought and he will call sooner. I flipped through his movie collection and decided on one of my favorite vampire flicks and made popcorn. I had trouble sitting still. I jumped whenever I heard someone in the hall. I kept looking at the phone to make sure it was still on. I made sure my purse and keys were beside the door twice. I checked the kitchen to make sure the oven was off, not like I used it though. I checked the fridge door to make sure it was closed after I had grabbed my second drink. I barely ate. I checked my makeup in the mirror. I reapplied my gloss after I brushed my teeth. I combed my straight hair again. I sprayed on some jasmine smelling body mist Hayden had bought me. I was nervous. I didn’t want to smell on top of it. I sat back down on the couch and tried to watch the rest of the movie.

My heart almost stopped when the phone finally rang. I quickly tried to breathe as I grabbed the phone.

“Hello?” I gasped.

“Are you okay?” he answered back, anxiously.

“I’m fine, you?” I was still trying to breathe when he answered me.

“I’m great my darling. I have called the cab. It should be there soon. I want to stay on the line with you until you’re in the cab. So turn off that movie and leave the lights on. They’re on a timer,” he ordered. I grabbed my purse and sweater. I closed and locked the door.

“Okay, I’m heading for the elevator.” I decided I would give him a step by step commentary. He didn’t seem to find the humor in this.

“The doors are opening and I’m in the lobby now. I only see Gerard by the door,” I informed him.

“Stay inside until you see the cab.”

“Yes sir,” I replied. The other end was silent. I knew he was frustrated with my nonchalance. Gerard came in when he saw me standing there alone.

“Good evening Natalie. Are you heading out alone tonight?” he asked. I could hear Hayden telling me to give as few details as possible. “Let him know you are meeting me for a late dinner,” Hayden quickly told me.

“No, I’m not allowed out alone at night. I’m meeting Hayden for a late dinner,” I said smiling, knowing Hayden was cursing me.

“Well Miss Natalie, I can’t blame him for not wanting to see you out alone in the city. There are a lot of disreputable people out there and you are a vulnerable, sweet young woman.” As he spoke he was looking me up and down, he was starting to scare me a little.

“I’m not going far,” I replied, hoping to discourage any ideas he may be thinking. I had always thought Gerard was too nice. Hayden was always so gruff with him. I just thought he was being rude but now I wondered if he knew more than I did about him.

“There’s my cab. See you later,” I said as he held the door open for me.

“Good night little lady,” he yelled after me. I shuddered. The cab driver held the door open for me. How much did Hayden pay for this ride? The black sedan had tinted windows and leather seats. It was very comfortable. The driver knew where to go so I didn’t really have anything to say to him. As I sat back I realized I still had Hayden on the line.

“Hey, are you still there?” I asked, hoping he was.

“Hey you,” he replied, I knew he was grinning, I just wished I could see him.

“How are you holding up?” he asked softly. I sighed.

“I’m missing you, but other than that I’m fine.”

“I’ll be with you soon. So what movie were you watching or should I guess?” he asked. He was making small talk because he didn’t want me to hang up. I was just about to answer him when the car came to a sudden stop and the phone flew out of my hand. I bent down to reach it but couldn’t. I had to take my seat belt off. As I sat back up I was so startled by the faces looking in the car that I had to catch my breath. The faces belonged to phantoms. They were expressionless and they wouldn’t take their eyes off me. Even though the windows were dark, they could see me easily.

“Driver, are we stopped for a reason?” I asked, trying to make my voice sound calm.

“Sorry Mam, but there appears to be an accident up ahead, it looks like we will be moving soon, don’t worry,” he explained. I undid my seat belt and crouched down again to pick up the phone.

“Hayden?” I tried to not sound shaky. I didn’t want him to worry but it was too late. I could tell he was on the move.

“I’m coming love, don’t worry, I know where you are. Don’t open the door for any reason. Is it locked?” he asked.

“Yes.” I checked just to make sure.

“Maybe I should go see what is going on?” the driver thought out loud.

“NO! It’s okay please don’t open the door. I can wait,” I said shakily. He looked in his rear-view mirror at me and nodded.

“Okay, we can wait,” he tried to calm me but I knew he heard the fear in my voice. The eyes were at the side window now. They were still staring at me. I remembered what Hayden had told me. Not to talk to anyone, living or not. I looked away, trying to completely ignore them. I rummaged through my purse, looking for anything that I could fidget with. I pulled out my lip-gloss and put some on. I was trying really hard to ignore them. Maybe they would bore of me and walk away. I didn’t trust their stare, it was somehow menacing. Hayden could hear my breathing. He knew I was afraid.

“I’m almost there Natalie, don’t panic. Don’t look at them,” he ordered calmly. Just as he said that I looked through the front window and the stillest figure I have ever seen was staring in at me. He had long blond hair and very pale skin. His eyes were such a light blue they almost looked like ice. I couldn’t look away from him. I wanted to but he was captivating. It wasn’t his looks that I was attracted to, it was his eyes. He was looking at me like I was a prize he coveted. He had some sort of power over me. It was like a nightmare that you can’t wake up from. I tried to move but couldn’t. I lost control of myself. My arms wouldn’t lift, my eyelids wouldn’t close and I tried to scream but only air escaped my lips. Just as I was feeling ready to faint Hayden banged on the door. The driver quickly unlocked the doors, shocked by Hayden’s urgency.

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