First and foremost I must acknowledge and thank each and every person who took a chance on a new author and read Irresistible Desire. A special thank you to the fanpages and blogs who pimped my book out and helped spread the word on my novel. Without you guys I would not be where I am today. I huge thank you to Natasha at Scandalous Book Blog & Mirdanda from Mommy’s a Book Whore fanpage for editing this book. You helped me make this book truly AMAZING!! I also need to give a big THANK YOU to
Kayla the Bibliophile
on facebook. Without her I would not have been able to represent the town of Galveston so well. She informed me on all the hot spots in Galveston, helping me make this story as real as possible.
I want to give a special thank you to my beta readers who helped with feedback to make this book what it is! Victoria Murphy, Kellie Montgomery & Sarah Jayne from
My Fictional Boyfriend and Book Whore Page
on facebook, Dionne Renfroe, Charlie Chishom from
Fifty Shades Worldwide
on facebook, Stephanie Smith, and Lisa Bayley. You all helped me so much with all your opinions! I appreciate the feedback and you all made my face hurt from all the smiling I did after reading your emails when you finished reading Inescapable Desire!