Infinite Desire (20 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Infinite Desire
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Chapter Sixteen

stomach is a ball of nerves. Tonight is our rehearsal dinner and tomorrow our
big day. I’ve been stalking the weather channel’s website to make sure
tomorrow’s forecast doesn’t change; the last thing we need is rain while we’re
getting married on the beach.

mother arrived at our beach house a little over an hour ago, along with tons of
other family members. Kayden’s mother, Rebecca, Jax, Ryder and Kylee with their
daughter Evelyn are staying at our house.

didn’t learn until just last week that Ryder and Kylee split up; so now, they
are sleeping in separate guest rooms. I feel bad that his girlfriend Harper
couldn’t make it. The only good thing is they seem to be getting along well, so
I pray there’s no wedding day drama.

parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are staying at my parents’ beach house.
Since they’re all staying there, Brooklyn and Dixon are spending the night at
our beach house too. All of our other guests have rooms for the weekend at the
Hotel Galvez here in Galveston.

doing a practice run down on the beach in fifteen minutes, and then heading to
Galvez for dinner with everyone. My mother suggested I get a room at the hotel
for the night because it’s supposed to be bad luck to see the Groom before the
wedding. But I told her we’ve already discussed it and Kayden is going to stay
downstairs in one of our guest rooms, and I’ll sleep up in our master bedroom.
We’re going to take extra care to not see each other until the moment I walk
down the aisle.

ready to head down to the beach?” Kayden asks snaking his arms around my waist
and hugging me tightly against his back.

around, I lace my fingers together behind his neck and lean up on my tippy-toes
giving him a short sweet kiss. “Yup, I just gotta get my flip-flops and I’m all

cologne instantly consumes my senses. It’s the most intoxicating aroma, with a
mixture of zesty lemon,
cedar, sandalwood, and amber.
Every night I sleep in one of his t-shirts and fall asleep with his scent
blanketing me.

out onto the deck, I notice it’s packed with our friends and family. We have
the newest country hits thumping out of the sound system while everyone’s been
spending the afternoon snacking on chips, wings, an assortment of salads, and of
course quenching their thirst with a variety of alcoholic drinks. “Y’all ready
to head down?” Kayden asks tilting his head down towards the beach.

our fingers laced together we walk hand in hand down to the beach where the
reverend is waiting.

nervous yet?” Brooklyn asks, as she trudges through the sand beside me.

am more nervous than a whore in church! We have over five-hundred guests who’ll
be at our reception tomorrow and witness our little surprise we have planned.

at her momentarily, I drag my eyes back towards the crashing waves. “I’m a tad
nervous, but mainly about everything going smoothly. I’m a wreck over our
surprise for tomorrow. I swear I’ve played everything over in my head at least
a thousand times in the last few hours today.”

she bumps her shoulder into mine, “Don’t be nervous, it’s going to be so much

give her a weak smile, “I hope so. The last thing I want is to make myself look
like an ass at my own wedding!”

squeezes my hand gently and pulls me against his side as we approach Reverend
Gordon, who is waiting for us by the Alter. “Tomorrow is going to be,” bursting
with excitement and channeling his inner Barney Stinson, he yells,
“legan-wait-for-it-dary baby! I for one cannot wait to surprise the hell outta

my head I smile up at him, “You are a lunatic; I swear you have nerves of

spot our wedding planner Heather and her assistant Caroline talking with the
crew. They are hard at work setting up our wedding alter and all the chairs for
tomorrow’s wedding. I am so glad Mya suggested I hire her, because she’s been a
God send these last few months. She’s managed to bring the perfect wedding I
imagined in my mind to life in a matter of months.

give her a quick wave as we join the rest of our wedding party. Dixon is
Kayden’s best man and the groomsmen are Jax, Braxton, Reagan and Ryder. Dixon’s
nephew Toby is our ring bearer and our flower girl is Ryder and Kylee’s
daughter Evelyn.

my maid of honor and my bridesmaids are Mya, Rebecca, Dixon’s sister Lila, and
Kylee. After Mya introduced Kylee to me a few months ago, we have become great
friends. She and Ryder live in San Diego, but she comes to Houston all the time
to visit her family and she always takes time to contact me for a get-together when
she’s in town. I’ve come to look forward to her visits and miss her when she’s

the actual ceremony here in Galveston, we only have about two hundred guests
attending. We tried to keep it to just family and close friends. Then back in
Sugar Land we’re having our reception which will have roughly five hundred
people attending. Between our family, friends, co-workers and my friends in the
music industry, it’s going to be huge. We’ve already had paparazzi popping up
throughout the day trying to snap pictures of us at our beach house and of the
wedding preparations down on the beach.


went perfectly; the kids did fantastic and were too cute. I thought it’d be
harder getting them to cooperate but they rocked it. Fingers crossed it runs as
smoothly tomorrow for the real thing.

now my turn, and even though I know it’s only practice, I still get lost in the
moment. Seeing Kayden as he’s watching me make my way down to him causes all
the air to leave my lungs, and my heart to slam rapidly against my ribs. I take
in long sharp breaths as I walk along the white fabric rolled out in front of
me. With each step the sand shifts beneath my feet; this is why we picked
flip-flops instead of heels.

beside Kayden, we turn to Reverend Gordon and listen to him go over our
ceremony for tomorrow. I don’t know about Kayden, but I’m only half listening.
My mind is drifting off as I daydream about our real ceremony tomorrow…at noon
I’ll become Mrs. Savannah Knox. It feels as if it’s taken forever to get here,
but at the same time it also feels like it’s flying by. It’s the most surreal

finishing up our rehearsal, we all head back to the houses to get ready for our
rehearsal dinner.

Hotel Galvez is an upscale Hotel and Restaurant. It was built at the turn of
the century and the only structure to survive the hurricane of 1900. It’s one
of the few places that still require dress attire, so Kayden decided on a
charcoal grey suit. I couldn’t help but smile when I noticed the Longhorn
cufflinks I got him last Christmas, and the mint green tie that he was wearing
the night of the Envy party last November.

decide on a black cocktail dress and chandelier earrings as the only accessory,
before pulling my hair back into a sleek ponytail. Slipping on my black Louboutin
peep toe pumps, I quickly do a once over in the mirror to make sure I look
okay. I touch up my lip gloss, and spray on some perfume before heading down to
my Maserati with Kayden.

smell delicious, like candy rolled in honey.” Kayden husks into my ear leaning
over towards the passenger seat and fluttering kisses along my shoulder.

into the leather seat, I relish in the few moments of peace and quiet we have.
It’s been a crazy twelve hours and tomorrow is only going to be more intense. I
cannot wait to get away on our honeymoon, it’ll be just Kayden and me; no one
else for miles.

you. You smell quite intoxicating yourself, Knox. Oh and don’t think I didn’t
notice the tie!” I flash him an impish grin and slide my fingers over the satin
green tie. “Of course you wear it when you know damn well it won’t get used
tonight.” I purse my lips at him as I slowly move my eyes over his torso before
my blue eyes meet with his green. That’s another reason why I love this tie so
much; it makes his eyes even more vibrant.

the car, Kayden gives me a cocky smile before shifting into drive, “Who’s to
say the no sleeping together the night before the wedding rule won’t be

in my seat and facing him, my voice goes a few notches higher, “You better not
let that thought cross your mind, Knox. We don’t need any bad luck, we’ve had
our fair share over the last several months, and I want tomorrow to go off
without a hitch.” I tell him matter-of-factly, making sure he hears the
seriousness in my voice.

his eyes and letting out a husky chuckle, keeping his eyes on the road he tells
me, “But Baby, rules are made to be broken, and that’s one rule I would rather
enjoy breaking.
Over. And. Over. Again

I feel the heat rise in my chest, and my face turning red.

blushing, my sweet Savannah. You know how much it turns me on when you get all
bashful. I love naughty Savannah, but nothing is sexier than when you get all
shy on me.”

my God. He is sex on stick…a walking, talking, temptation that slowly pulls me
in to his sinfully sexy reality. My mind is screaming at me to lock his ass out
of our bedroom tonight and not risk temptation. But then my heart tells me to
just let him sneak in tonight, and fuck me seven ways to Sunday one last time
before we officially become husband and wife.

Shaking my head, I push the naughty images flashing through my head to the back
of my mind and focus on changing the topic.

spend the remainder of the car ride talking about our surprise tomorrow. I
think Kayden is more excited about this than I am. Now we just hope and pray it
all goes as planned.


night was amazing. We all had a wonderful time at dinner, it was so nice to
have all of our family and friends together and have a drama free night. After
dinner our entire wedding party went out to Vertigo to party it up. I made sure
we all watched our alcohol consumption, no hangovers for us or our wedding

we got home, I gave Kayden a sweet kiss goodnight, before heading to bed. I
thought for sure he was going to sneak up to our room, but he surprised me and
stayed downstairs in the guest room all night.

know it sounds silly but I was happy we didn’t sleep together. It makes today
even more exciting, knowing I won’t see Kayden until our eyes meet as I’m
making my way down the aisle to him.

bridal party, my mother, and Kayden’s mom are all up in my bedroom getting ready
for the ceremony. I’ve yet to leave the room since I awoke this morning. My
girls joined me for breakfast while the guys ate downstairs with Kayden.

took everything in me to not sneak down to the kitchen and see Kayden one last
time before our ceremony. I just kept telling myself, the anticipation will
make that moment when his eyes land on me in my wedding dress even more

master bedroom is bursting at the seams with my entire bridal party. Toby and
Evelyn are outside running around; kids have it so easy. I just hope Evelyn
doesn’t do anything to her flower girl tutu dress I got from
Bailey Booper’s
. I had it handmade so she’d look like a little country princess as
she tosses her rose petals.

God we have a massive bathroom. Quinn, Fionna and their new girl Chelsea are
busy working their magic on everyone’s hair and makeup. Of course I went first
so I could get my dress and veil on. 

less than an hour you’ll officially be my daughter-in-law.” Lorelei says
cheerfully, as she helps me with the buttons on my wedding dress.

in a deep breath I blow it out slowly between my lips, “I am praying I don’t
puke before walking down the aisle. Right now I’m a ball of nerves. I barely slept
last night; I kept having a nightmare that I forgot my vows mid-sentence.”

normal sweetie, you’ll do fine!” My mother says, carrying my veil over to me.

taken me weeks to get my vows perfect, but now I am scared to death that I’ll
freeze up and forget them.

should’ve just gone with the run of the mill vows, just said whatever the heck
the Reverend tells me to say. Why did I suggest writing our own vows? I swear
my brain is going to turn to mush the minute I step up to that alter.” I can
feel a panic attack brewing and I start focusing on my breathing.

sitting on a chaise lounge that’s placed in front of the massive windows
overlooking the beach and ocean. She glances behind her and down where the
ceremony’s going to take place before turning her eyes back to me.

you get nervous and forget your vows, just wing it. Speak from the heart.
You’ll be fine!”

has a point. I
wing it if I need too.

spend the next thirty minutes getting ready for the beach ceremony. I’m wearing
my wedding dress and flip flops. My bridesmaids are wearing burnt orange satin
strapless dresses that stop just above their knees with flip flops. Brooklyn’s
wearing the same but her dress is hot pink.

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