Infinite Desire (18 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Infinite Desire
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into the car, Brooklyn leans between the two front seats, resting her chin in
the palm of her hand and burrows her eyes into me, “So. How’s Kayden holding up
after the shit Victor pulled last night? I didn’t want to pry last night since
he was glued to your damn hip for the remainder of the evening.”

let out a small laugh and roll my eyes at her, “You are so damn dramatic, it’s
a good thing you picked acting as your career. Kayden had a rough day yesterday;
so yes, I stayed by his side for the remainder of the party to make sure he was
okay. He seemed fine this morning before he went golfing with Dad and Dixon.”

features soften, “I still can’t believe they would even bother showing up. They
should’ve known Kayden would react the way he did. I mean, did they really
expect it to go well?”

in my purse for my lip gloss, I apply a thin coat. I let out small groan,
responding to Brooklyn as I rub my lips together, “I wish all they would’ve
done is just
show up
last night, instead of spewing the crap that they
did. I still can’t believe they would sink so low as to say the things they did
to him last night, especially throwing Melody in his face. Kayden used great
restraint in not beating his dad to a bloody pulp. Victor’s lucky he walked
away with just a broken nose. And, don’t get
started on Luanne
getting in my face and putting her hands on Kayden.”

Brooklyn leans back in the seat and gives me a
who are you kidding?
as she tells me, “I am more shocked you didn’t beat Luanne’s ass last night. That
bitch needs to be knocked down a few pegs.”

mother shakes her head as she listens to the conversation between us. “I just
want to let you know, honey, how proud I am of you for how you conducted
yourself last night. You let everyone see you were the bigger person. My heart
broke for Kayden, but seeing how you were with him last night made me so proud.
Anyone with eyes can see how much you two love one another. I’m honored to call
you my daughter, and Kayden my future son-in-law.”

my mother speak about Kayden this way is amazing. They’ve opened their hearts
up to him, “Thanks Mom. He truly appreciates everything you and dad have done
for us. Even with everything that happened yesterday, we still had a good
time.” Pausing, I twist the cap off of my water and take a sip before
continuing, “I have not told you the depths of this sordid story, which is
Kayden’s to tell, but Victor and Luanne did the unthinkable…unforgivable to
Kayden. There was no way to avoid what happened last night. As bad as it was,
it could have been worse.”

quiet for a few moments, I can tell she wants to say something but is
questioning if she should or not, “I know with everything that’s happened with
Logan, you were hesitant to open yourself up to another man; then to have the
God awful Giselle and Logan pay that girl to lie about being with Kayden in an
attempt to break you two up. I know it really shook you to your core, and I
understand why you came back to LA for a short period of time. But I want you
to understand, with the life we live, it’s bound to happen again. You just need
to remember Kayden loves you; I see the way he looks at you Savannah. That boy
has it bad for you. I don’t believe he would ever do anything to jeopardize
what you two have. I don’t know if you realize it, but you are soul mates. It
was destined and you will have that bond in this life and after”

my fingers through my hair, I stare out the window as my mother’s words sink
in, tears threatening to flow.

hate thinking back to February, and that awful time in our lives. I hate myself
for doubting Kayden, and the guilt still eats away at me. I hate Logan for
doing this to me, for damaging me so badly that I would think even for a second
that Kayden did, in fact, cheat on me. When in reality, I should’ve known from
the minute I saw that tabloid it was nothing but lies.

know. Kayden and I have talked about it a lot. I now know that if anything like
that happens again, we stick together and fight the lies the tabloids try to
sell. I love him and he loves me. That’s all that matters.”

spend the next fifteen minutes doing nothing but singing along to the radio as
we make our way through traffic. Talking about Kayden has me missing him, so I
decide to quickly text him. Scrolling through my phone contacts I click on
Kayden and fire off a message,


Hey babe. Heading 2 the
spa. I miss u ;) hope you’re not kickin’ my dad’s ass too badly…

can’t stop smiling as I read Kayden’s response, God I love him.


Miss u 2 babe. I’m
kickin’ his ass and everyone else’s, but I promised them all a round of beers
at the club after the 18
hole lol. C U 2night, I can’t wait to run
my mouth all over your silky skin after ur spa treatment ;)

I quickly type in a response:


;) I am looking forward
to that <3 u

phone vibrates almost instantly after pressing send as Kayden texts me back,


I’m getting hard just
thinking about it. This boner will affect my swing.
I g2g <3 u 2

he’s writing you, it sure is making you turn crimson.” My mother teases, as she
glances at me out of the corner of her eye.

my eyes from my phone to my mother, my mouth falls open, but I quickly snap it
closed. “Mom!” I let out a nervous laugh, “I was just telling Kayden that we’re
on our way to the spa and wanted see how golfing was going.”

mumbling in the back seat decides to put her two cents in, “You and Knox can
never just keep your texts PG, and you take sexting to a whole new level.”

My. God. Shoot me now…she just said the word sexting in front of my mother.
That’s wrong on so many levels.

seriously!” I shout, spinning back around to face her. Finding this amusing,
she just laughs harder. I swear I could kill her right now.

back around, I shove my phone into my bag, and continue to stare out the

as I think this conversation is over my mother pats my leg and gives me a
sympathetic smile, “Relax, you act like I’ve never heard about sexting before.
I’m not that old Savannah. Your father and I send texts to each other all the
time and they get pretty hot. It keeps the flame going, ya know.”

let out a puff of air and smack my hand onto my forehead, “I think you just
scarred me for life.” I spit out with shock; disgust lacing in my words.

my, this is priceless; your mom’s a freak!” Holding her stomach from laughing
so hard, Brooklyn wipes away a stray tear from the corner of her eye as she
watches the
Paisley and Savannah Dysfunctional Show
unfold before her.

so happy to see the spa as we round the corner and pull up to the valet. I need
to get out of this car and get onto a massage table ASAP.

Chapter Fifteen

been three months since our engagement party and so much has happened over that
time. Between work and wedding planning, I’ve been running non-stop trying to
get everything done before our big day. Eloise was nice enough to give me the
last two weeks of August off to get ready for our wedding and another week for
our honeymoon.

and Braxton’s wedding was beautiful, watching them say their vows to one another,
it made me emotional. All I could think about the entire time was that in a
matter of a few months it would be Kayden and me. It’s crazy to think back when
Brooklyn and I first met Mya in December; we had no idea what to expect and now
she’s one of our best friends.

my parents traveling all over Europe for their tour, we didn’t have our annual
Fourth of July Bar-B-Q at our house in Memphis, but I told my mom not to stress
since we’ll have everyone together soon enough for the wedding. We’re going to
do a huge party at our house in Sugar Land for our reception. It’ll be nice to
have everyone together again and no drama this time…I hope.

haven’t heard a word from Victor or Luanne since the altercation the night of
our engagement party. I was grateful when Kayden’s father willingly signed over
his half of Knox Hotels refusing payment. Kayden didn’t fight him on it since
Kayden’s been running the business for years. I looked at it as Victor trying
to buy his forgiveness by doing an act of kindness, but I think he finally
realized there is no hope for reconciliation.

week I had a doctor’s appointment with my OBGYN in Los Angeles. I was in LA for
my last week of work before my vacation, so I squeezed in my yearly exam while
I was there to kill two birds with one stone. Dr. O’Donnell asked if I was
renewing my birth control for the next twelve months. Normally my answer was
yes, but for the first time ever it was no.

other night, while lying on the couch with Kayden watching a movie, I brought
up the topic of babies, and if he wanted me to get another years’ worth of
birth control. I wanted to see where he stood on kids. I know we both want
them; I just didn’t know how soon Kayden wanted to start a family after getting

I was with Logan I had always said no kids before I was thirty. I wanted to
focus on my career. Since meeting Kayden, he’s changed all of that. For the
first time, I can actually see myself pregnant and even putting my career on
hold for a little while to raise our kids in Sugar Land.

Kayden told me he would love nothing more than to start trying for a baby as
soon as we can, I was over the moon. I was nervous he’d want to wait a year or
two, so I was thrilled to know we were on the same page.

doctor said it could take up to a year to get pregnant, so if I don’t get
pregnant right away she said there’s no need to worry. I guess it can take a
few months for my cycle to regulate after stopping the pill since I’ve been on
it for so many years.

for the time being we’re having fun trying, and if it happens it happens. We’re
not going to go all crazy and do the whole ovulation and temperature things.
I’m leaving it in God’s hands.


officially ten days away from our big day. Kayden and the guys are jetting off
to Vegas, and my girlfriends and I are on our way to the Big Apple. Kayden sent
us girls on the other Beaumont Industries’ jet so we can fly in style. We’ll be
staying in New York for two days for our girls’ weekend and to have a
bachelorette party. It’s starting to feel real now; I am actually going to be
getting married in ten days!

ready to tear it up in the city that never sleeps!?” Rebecca asks bursting with

and Brooklyn are sitting next to her, drinking the signature drink for the
weekend; one of our favorites, Cherry Hookers.

around and sitting on her knees with a Cheshire cat grin on her face, Mya looks
from me to Brooklyn, “Soooo, are we going to have strippers at the bachelorette
party, Brooklyn?”

Knowing my best friend, I can only imagine what she has planned.

from ear to ear, Brooklyn takes a sip from her Cherry Hooker, and drags her
gaze to me momentarily before back to Mya. “Maybe…” She says in a sing-song

and Mya are immediately bursting with excitement and giggling like school
girls. Brooklyn, Rebecca and I all went to a bachelorette party for a co-worker
a few years back, and it got pretty wild. Brooklyn was pulling the strippers
G-string away from his crotch with her teeth, hell bent on proving her theory
of “sock-stuffing”, while Rebecca shoved, yes,
hundred dollar
bills into them.

you hired strippers Brooklyn, I am officially scared for them. Let’s try to
remember you’re a married woman now.” I know her all too well; married or not
she won’t be able to behave herself.

Brooklyn makes her way across the jet and sits down beside me. Resting her arm
behind my head, she leans in to me, flashing a smile at Rebecca and Mya before
turning her eyes back onto me, “Oh bestie, you know there’s no way in hell I’m
keeping my hands off a fine-ass-man who will willingly strip for me. As long as
I don’t kiss or fuck him,
it isn’t cheating


landed at JFK around three. Kayden had a chauffeur waiting for us on the runway
to take us to Knox Hotel in Manhattan Lower East Side. After having our bags
brought up to the penthouse suite, we went and explored Times Square. We all
took turns taking pictures with the Naked Cowboy.

tweeted the picture and my feed instantly filled up with tweets from others
who’ve met him; some sent me their pictures they took. It’s hilarious to me
that someone can make a career out of walking down the street in tighty
whities, a cowboy hat and cowboy boots while holding a guitar.

was almost eight by the time we made it to Broadway to watch Mary Poppins.
Every time I’m in New York I have to watch Mary Poppins; I absolutely love that

though I’m missing Kayden like crazy, it’s great getting away with my friends
for a weekend. Between work, boyfriends, and just plain ol’ life, we barely
have time to all get together.

back to the hotel, I shoot Kayden a quick text letting him know I’m having a
blast and missing him tons. I can’t control my goofy grin as I read the text he
sent back telling me he loves me and misses me like crazy. I laughed out loud
at his text telling me if Brooklyn gets our asses tossed in jail he has his
staff ready to bail us out when needed.

knows my crazy, balls to the wall best friend too well. Poor Dixon…wait, what
am I saying? Dixon is just as fuckin’ crazy as she is, so I guess they’ll
either equal each other out or drive each other completely insane. I’ll go with
the latter.

sent me a picture of him and the guys at a strip club with the hashtag


has been amazing! Since we did the whole tourist thing yesterday, we decided on
a spa day today. It felt amazing to be pampered. We got Mani’s and Pedi’s done
along with full body massages.

we finished up in the spa, we headed to the salon down the street to get our
hair done by one of the world’s top hair stylists for the who’s who of the
Celebrities. Pierre Leloir is almost impossible to get an appointment with, but
as a pre-wedding gift, Quinn called him up and was able to get us in this

seven, we headed to Pearl & Ash on the Lower East Side. They are a new
restaurant and out of all of the places to dine in Manhattan, they have one of
the finest selections of wine. The food and wine were unbelievable; I’ll have
to come back with Kayden the next time we’re in New York.

to the party!

limo pulls up to Club Vertigo, Kayden’s New York City club, dropping us off at
almost a quarter after ten. The club is closed for the night, which is a huge
thing on a Saturday night because it’s the busiest night of the week. We have
the entire place to ourselves for my bachelorette party.

into the club, I take in our surroundings. This club has an edgy- contemporary
feel to it, unlike the ones in LA and Houston which is themed on each City’s
most popular features. The entire place has neon colored walls and art work
with stark white furniture that contrasts with all the eclectic art pieces.

bartender flashes us all a welcoming smile as he pours us shots to start our
evening. You can’t start a party without Jack Daniels.

all wearing the rhinestone tops I bought for us to wear tonight. My pink tank
top says Bride, Rebecca and Mya’s say Bridesmaid, and Brooklyn’s Matron of

their shot glasses up the air, all three smile at me and shout, “To Savannah
and Kayden!”

taking our shots and getting us Cherry Hooker’s, I head over to the table
that’s covered in my favorite selection of cupcakes from Crave Cupcakes. They
all have little tiny fruit punch Jack Daniels bottles on top of them. I quickly
snap a picture with my cell and tweet tagging Kayden. Brooklyn did an amazing
job setting this up.

smile stretches across my face as I spot a platter of chocolate covered
strawberries with a small note card lying beside them. Picking it up, I open
the card and like I thought, it’s from Kayden.

Hope you’re having the
time of your life baby. I can’t wait, only nine more days and I can finally
call you Savannah Elizabeth Knox. I love how your name sounds with Knox on the
end of it.

I would love nothing
more than to hand feed you each and every one of these strawberries, but since
I can’t, you better snap a picture of you enjoying one of them and send it to
me. Hope you enjoy your bachelorette party; just don’t enjoy it too much… Love


I put a thick coat of gloss on and do as my fiancé asks and snap a picture of
myself biting into a chocolate covered strawberry, making sure I send him a
great view of my tongue licking the bottom of the strawberry. I send the
picture to Kayden, and head over to the bar.

up onto the leather seat I take a small sip from my cocktail, “So what do y’all
have planned for our wild and crazy evening?” I ask eyeing my three best
friends who look like the cat that ate the canary. They are so up to something!

around on her stool, Rebecca jumps down and makes her way over to the bartender
whispering something into his ear. I look from Mya to Brooklyn giving them a
questionable look but they both just grin at me and sip their drinks.

back towards us Rebecca begins giggling as the bartender turns on the sound
system blasting Big & Rich’s
Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy.
Stepping up
onto her stool she climbs onto the bar flashing me a devilish smirk as she
holds her hand out towards me. “Come on Savannah!”

my head as I let a small giggle escape me, I climb up onto the bar beside her,
taking extra care not to slip in my stilettos.

and Mya waste no time jumping up on the bar beside us. We’re all in a fit of
laughter as we dance on the bar; we know this dance from the music video by

knows exactly what she’s doing. Our first night in Houston back in November we
danced on the bar to this song and that is the same night Kayden blew into my
life altering it forever.

the song ends, the entire nightclub goes dark and the stage lights up.

snap my head looking at my friends who seem none too shocked by what’s
transpiring, so I know this is yet another surprise in their evil plan for this

all climb off the bar and Mya begins walking towards the stage, glancing over
her shoulder she tells us, “Okay Ladies, time to sit down and enjoy the show!”

as the words leave her mouth music starts thumping out of the speakers, and we
all hurry across the club and sit at one of the couches by the stage.

God. I already know what this is. Strippers!

practically reading my mind confirms it when she shouts, “Get your dollar bills
ready, Ladies! The party is about to begin!”

Punk’s song
Get Lucky
starts playing as the first stripper makes his way
out onto the stage. He’s dressed head to toe in a police costume.

Take it off baby!” Brooklyn shouts, swinging her hand full of dollar bills
around in the air.

and Mya start cat calling at him as he spins around and begins grinding his
hips and flings his hat towards us.

can’t stop laughing. These poor men; they’re fresh meat and I’m in a room full
of hungry lionesses.

around he shakes his butt at us as he rips his pants off and tosses them to the
side of the stage. Rebecca jumps to her feet whistling and runs over to slip a
hundred in his G-string.

his aviators down his nose he winks at her with a cocky smile on his face.
Rebecca gasps and slaps her hand over her mouth, the music starts to change to
It’s Getting Hot in Here
, as Mr. Sexy Police Officer makes his
way off the stage spinning his handcuffs around his finger.

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