Infinite Desire (29 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

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tangle my fingers into Kayden’s hair as I tease my swollen clit with the head
of his velvety cock that’s now glistening with pre-cum. I only have to rub it
against my clit three times and an orgasm is tearing through me. I shove my
face into his neck to muffle my moans.

up, I flash Kayden a seductive smile as I slide down onto the floor kneeling
between his legs. Now that I’ve had an orgasm, it’ll tide me over while I
pleasure Kayden for a few moments and give him time to finish up his call.

eagerly take the head of his dick into my mouth as he slides his fingers into
my hair, cupping the back of my neck. I gaze up at him as I swirl my tongue
around his mushroom tip; I know how crazy it makes him. His entire body
stiffens as he watches me.

further up onto my knees I slide his cock further into my mouth. After using
deep throat gel enough times, I’ve trained my throat to accept almost all of
him. As soon as I push his cock past the barrier and feel it slide further down
my throat, Kayden lets out a low hiss and fists my hair as he begins guiding my
mouth up and down his shaft.

can sense he’s getting close to finishing, so I stop and climb back up onto his
lap and sink down over him relishing in the feel of his hard thick cock
stretching and filling every inch of me.

call you back…something just,
came up
.” He says, coyly into the earpiece
before ending the call. “Fuck. You’re so fuckin’ hot right now…” His voice
comes out like thick molasses as he laces his fingers into my hair. He pulls my
face to his, crashing our lips together for an explosive, passionate kiss,
causing every inch of my body to become engulfed in desire for his touch.

bring out the naughty in me…” My words come out breathy as I toss my head back
and begin sliding up and down his shaft; slowly rotating my hips, stimulating
my sensitive clit against his pubic bone and caressing the spot deep inside
with the head of his cock.

we only have a few minutes, I quicken my pace. I’m teetering on the edge with each
thrust and can feel my climax building. Kayden begins fucking my mouth with his
tongue; the mixture of his kiss blended with the hard thrusts of his cock are
all it takes and I’m riding out an intense orgasm. “Kayden…God!” I scream
against his lips, as his breathing hitches and he climaxes, pumping his seed
into me.

stay sitting on him for a few moments as we both recover from the mind-blowing
sex we just experienced. “That was fan-fucking-tastic.” I laugh into his ear.

it was…I think we need to do this more often. I suddenly feel energized enough
to tackle the stack of work on my desk.

I could help.” I whisper against his lips, as I press a quick kiss to his mouth.
I finally have the strength to move, and slide off him to quickly run into the
bathroom and get cleaned up before our lunch gets here.


Kayden still at work, it gives me time to finish up the final touches to the
nursery. I hired a mural artist to come and paint the University of Texas
stadium on one of the walls in the babies’ room. I found a girl on ETSY who
made us custom Longhorn minky and fleece baby blankets.

nursery looks absolutely adorable with the burnt orange, white and brown color
theme. I cannot wait to see Kayden’s face when I show him. I’ve had the door
locked for weeks and told him he couldn’t see it until it was finished. So for
his special Christmas gift, I’ll be showing it to him tonight.

the door, I head downstairs and get all the cupcakes onto the holder in the
center of Kayden’s game room. We’re having Dixon, Brooklyn, Jax, Rebecca, Mya,
and Braxton over for the big reveal.

flew in a few days ago so she could find out before her and Jax go jetting off
to LA, then Sydney for Christmas. Brooklyn and Dixon are splitting the holidays
between here and LA too, but we all agreed New Year’s will be spent with us all
together, no matter what.

received a text from Kayden about forty minutes ago letting me know Jax and
Rebecca picked him up at Beaumont Industries and they’re on their way here now.

turn on the sound system, and put Brad Paisley’s
Anything Like Me
play after the reveal; as soon as we found out we were having boys, this song
popped into my head. I think Kayden’s going to love it! I brought my laptop in
so I can show everyone the videos of Little Knox number 1 and Little Knox
number 2.

can’t stop thinking about who they’ll look like. Will they both have brown hair
and green eyes? Or blonde hair with big blue eyes? Or, a combination of both.

after another twenty minutes, everyone’s here! Time for the big reveal!

with Kayden in front of everyone, I tell them, “Y’all grab a cupcake, and on
the count of three bite into it to find out Boy or Girl for baby number 1.”

happily counts down, “Three, two, one…EAT!”

dives into their cupcakes eagerly biting a big chunk out. Brooklyn with a mouth
full of cupcake starts jumping up and down with Rebecca and Mya soon following
as they scream, “It’s a BOY!” They’re all spewing crumbs out of their mouths.
Such ladies!

the guys give Kayden a bro hug congratulating him, “Okay, we still have to
reveal baby number 2.” Kayden says as they all grab a cupcake from the other

better be a girl!” Brooklyn says matter-of-factly as she peels the paper off of
her cupcake. “We need a little princess to dress up!”

is she going to be disappointed. I can’t help but smile inside as Kayden counts
down again and they all take another big bite. This time all the guys run to
Kayden high-fiving him for getting not one, but two boys. I just shake my head
laughing as they all take turns hugging and congratulating us, and; of course,
I’m crying. 

babies and both boys…two Knox’s at that! Girl I’ll be keepin’ you in my
prayers.” Mya jokes, pulling me in for a hug.

stomps over to me, puffing out a loud sigh and squats down to talk to my belly.
Holding her hands on my little round bump, she tells the babies through utero
“Auntie Brooklyn loves you both, even if you are boys. There’s always next
time,” In a sing-song voice.

burst out laughing, “Umm, let’s not rush it Brooklyn! You want a girl, go look
at your husband!”

practically drops his beer at the realization of what I just said hits him, “Don’t
be giving her any fuckin’ ideas, damn it!” He laughs pointing his beer from me
to Brooklyn. “We agreed we’re going to wait a year or two before we start baby
makin’; we gotta get our house built first.”

spend the next hour talking about possible baby names, and showing everyone the
new sonogram photos and videos. Then I played Kayden the song; he started
tearing up, his eyes never leaving mine until Dixon had to start making up his
own words to go with it to include all of Kayden’s crazy antics as a child and

felt bad because Reagan is at his parents for the holidays and couldn’t make it
so we snapped a picture with the blue cupcakes texting it to him. We’ll tell my
parents tomorrow when we fly in.

going to pack the remaining cupcakes to give to them and the rest of my family
at Christmas dinner. It’s funny as I think about it; I revealed I was pregnant
over Thanksgiving dinner, now we’ll be revealing the sex over Christmas dinner.


just said goodbye to everyone, and now it’s time to show Kayden the nursery.
I’m so nervous, I hope he loves it!

Knox, you ready for the big reveal?” I ask over my shoulder as he follows me up
the stairs. Of course he doesn’t waste an opportunity to fondle my ass.

yeah! I almost broke down and picked the damn lock the other day; the wait is
fuckin’ killin’ me, baby. I need to see our boys’ nursery!” Excitement getting
the best of him, he sprints past me making it to the top of the stairs in
record time.

slide the key into the door and turning to Kayden, I tell him, “Cover your
eyes.” Before opening it and stepping into the nursery, I flick the light on as
he walks through the doorway, “Okay, open them!” I shout with excitement. Dropping
his hands he takes in the room before him, instantly his mouth hangs open as he
spots the mural.

shit baby, this is fuckin’ awesome! You really were going to let me do a
Longhorns theme room? Even if we had girls’?” He’s awe struck as he walks
around looking at all the little custom Knox items I have around the room.

smile and lean against the door; I love seeing the surprise and excitement
consuming him right now. “Yup! I would’ve added more frilly stuff, and
incorporated some pink, but I love you and your crazy obsession for Texas
football. So I wanted to do this for you; no matter if we had girls or boys.”

across the massive football shaped rug, I hug Kayden from behind as he looks up
at his old number fourteen jersey hanging in a frame on the wall. He used to
have it down in his man-cave, so I waited until tonight to grab it and hang it
up. I knew he’d be too distracted with everyone here earlier to notice.

around he stares down at me with the biggest smile stretched across his face,
“This is the most amazing Christmas present you could’ve ever given me baby…I
love it…All of it. Our boys will too, I just know it.” Bending down he flutters
kisses from my lips, to my neck, between my breasts and stopping on my belly.

has been absolutely wonderful. I can’t wait! Only five more months and we’ll be
able to finally show the babies their kick ass nursery.

have to say it turned out pretty freakin’ awesome. Now we just gotta decide on
baby names.” I tell Kayden as we make our way down to our bedroom.

already have names, you just need to realize they are the best fuckin’ names on
the planet, and we’ll be all set.”

is the biggest pain in the ass, stubborn man on the planet. Now I’m bringing
two more Knox’s into this world.

my eyes, I take his hand and drag him into our room, “We’ll discuss this later.
Right now, I’m in serious need of you naked in our bed.”

lets out a low growl, “Dayum, you don’t gotta ask me twice. We’ll focus on
names tomorrow, tonight I just wanna focus on this hot ass body of yours.”



Chapter Twenty Five

you believe it’s only three weeks until your due date?” Brooklyn says as she
follows me up to the stables. Bentley and Bailey are busy chasing each other

know! Only twenty days to go, but Dr. Hayes said I could go anytime. I’m
already dilated two centimeters and both Brayden and Colton’s heads are down; so
now we just wait.”

took us a few days to finally settle on names. After lots of back and forth we
finally agreed on Colton Maverick and Brayden Johnathon Knox. The only thing
left now is to finally welcome our little Knox boys into the world. I’ve been
having a lot of Braxton Hicks and have been instructed to stay off my feet as
much as I can for the last two weeks. So I think we’ll definitely be meeting
them before my due date. We’ve been so blessed; most multiple-pregnancies don’t
carry as far as I have.

me get the horses into the stable, and then I think that’s all we have left to
do.” I tell Brooklyn, as I unhook the fence.

a bad storm coming up from the Gulf with high winds and flood warnings. I even
heard there’s a tornado warning out for some areas, so we gotta get everything
secured so none of the animals get hurt.

well lets hurry up because the sky isn’t looking to healthy at the moment.”
Grabbing Whiskey’s reigns, she walks her into the stable while I bring Cheyanne

a few minutes, all of the horses are safely in the stable and along with the dogs;
we head back down to the house. Kayden’s mother flew in two weeks ago when I
was advised to take it easy and has been staying here at our house in Sugar
Land. She’s going to stay for a few weeks after the twins are born so we have
some extra help until we hire a nanny.

parents are planning on flying in from Beverly Hills to stay at their beach
house in Galveston next week. They have some work to finish up on their new
album then they’ll be able to come and stay for about a month.

and Dixon finally moved into their house down the road from us last month. It’s
a beautiful two story Southern Colonial house made of red brick, a second story
balcony and a wrap-around porch with pillars at the entryway. It reminds me
somewhat of my parents’ house back in LA.

time will Kayden and Jax be back from the office? They said the storm will be
touching down within the hour.” Lorelei asks over her shoulder as we walk
through the French doors into the kitchen. She’s finishing up our dinner; my
favorite, chicken parmesan.

to the fridge I grab a water and slide up onto the bar stool, “He texted me a
little while ago when he asked if I could put the horses in the stable. He said
they were on their way; he was wrapping up a video chat with one of his
business partners.

a drink of the water I stop mid-sip and hold my stomach as I feel another
Braxton Hicks. They’ve been happening on and off all day. The doctor told me
not to worry; it’s my body getting prepared for labor, but they freakin’ hurt.
This one just took my breath away…Don’t worry, my ass!

starting to get dark as Kayden and Jax finally get home. “The storm already touched
down in Galveston, Pasadena and parts of Houston. There are trees down
everywhere and traffic’s backed-up; we ended up having to take a detour to get
home. It’s a crazy fuckin’ mess out there.” Kayden says, as they come barreling
through the door.

wind is now gusting and the rain has been falling for over twenty minutes. It’s
coming down so hard you can barely see anything when you look out the window.

up to Kayden, I take his jacket and greet him with a kiss, “Well I’m thankful
you made it home okay.”

dinner, we all head into the living room and sit down to watch a movie; there’s
nothing else to do. Sitting down beside Brooklyn, I say, “Sorry Dixon is stuck
in New Orleans; at least here you’re not alone.” I give her a sympathetic smile
as I cover myself up with a throw blanket and snuggle under Kayden’s arm.

a sip from her glass of wine, she gives me a weak smile, “Yeah, it sucks. He
said the pilot didn’t want to risk trying to beat the storm because of its
unpredictability. So he’ll fly in tomorrow after it passes.”

lights keep dimming, but nothing’s gone out yet. We have a generator to run the
whole house if it does go out; Thank God. The only thing we can do is ride out
the storm, and hope that it doesn’t turn out as bad as they’re predicting.



spent over a year sitting in jail; between LA and now being in this hell hole they
proudly call
Ramsey Unit
. I found out fast that it is one
of the worst maximum security prison’s that the Texas Department of Corrections
have; next to Huntsville, which houses the death row inmates. Ramsey is
prideful of their brutal enforcement of the law and there’s no protection here.
The Guards just turn their backs to all the injustice inmates put one another
through. This place is old, withering and downright fucking nasty. 

what they don’t realize is how smart I am. I just sit back and
patiently bide my time until I can break out, and
finally get my revenge on that bitch Savannah, for killing Jacob.

still think its bullshit; I am supposed to spend the rest of my fucking life
behind bars, when I never actually killed anyone. Yeah, I attempted to kill
Brooklyn and her body guard, but I didn’t. Savannah on the other hand, shoots
my boyfriend, killing him and goes about her life. Self-defense my ass.

want to stab my fucking eyes out with a rusty spoon every time I have to see or
hear about Savannah and Kayden. Every frickin’ magazine I pick up is either
going on and on about their wedding or her pregnancy. Makes me fucking sick!

that ends tonight. I’ve waited, patiently plotting my plan, and tonight is the
night I put it into action.

is one of the selected shows we are allowed to watch in the Rec. Room, which is
ironic. Anyhow, it came in handy in assisting with my ultimate plan.

on my bed in my cell, I scream out in pain holding my stomach as I curl in a ball.
The Guard finally makes it to my cell after some more yelling out in pain; he
radios a signal that an inmate is in need of medical attention. I just keep
yelling, moaning and groaning. Two more Guards arrive, one pushing a gurney. I
am shackled and strapped to the gurney, then taken to the infirmary.


Nurse starts assessing me, checking my vitals; all the while I am screaming: “It
hurts! It feels like someone’s stabbing a knife into my side!” I scream out in
pain, as she pushes around on the right side of my abdomen. Each time she
touches it I yell out.

those years of drama in high school are paying off.

up at the guard, she tells him, “I think he may have appendicitis or it could
be his gallbladder, but we don’t have the ultrasound equipment here for me to
confirm it.”

they’re talking to one another and not paying attention to me, I quickly shove
my finger down my throat, forcing the dinner I just ate to come up. Gagging I
cry out in pain as I vomit on the floor beside my bed, doing my best to get it

my God!” The nurse shouts jumping back trying to avoid any vomit from getting
onto her clothing.

before the Guards came, I wrapped myself in all of my blankets. Mixed with the
humidity in here from the storm, it instantly caused me to become drenched in
sweat to give me a feverish look.

presses her hand to my face, “He feels clammy. Either condition can be fatal if
not treated; we need to contact St. Luke’s’ and let them know we’re bringing a
prisoner in.” She turns to Guard number three and instructs him to call 911,
reminding him to let dispatch know it’s a maximum security transport. “He may
need to have his appendix or gallbladder removed. We need to hurry, because the
last thing we want is a rupture.” Great for me, I didn’t hear the Guard tell
dispatch that I was a maximum transport.  This is going better than I could
have hoped for.  Stupid, fucking hicks.

the next ten minutes, my hands are cuffed and I’m being transported in the back
of an ambulance. They have one security guard riding along and no police
escort. It’s raining like cats and dogs outside and the winds are howling
harder than I’ve ever heard it. It came over the radio a few minutes ago that a
tornado warning is out for all residents in the Fort Bend County, and tons of
roads are flooded causing detours.

now or never; I’ve only got one chance. I gotta take it!

happens so fast that it’s all a blur. Jumping up, I wrap my arms around the
guards’ neck, choking him with the cuffs. He struggles and tries to get his
gun, but all the defense classes I took back in LA taught me everything I need
to know to make him lose consciousness within seconds.

EMT; who was monitoring me, immediately jumps back, holding her arms up and pleading
with me to not hurt her. Grabbing the Guards gun, I stick it in her face and
tell her to unlock my cuffs.

as I get my cuffs off, the driver of the ambulance; startled by my attack, has
taken his eyes off of the road and is looking into the back of the ambulance.
Snapping his eyes back to the road, I hear him yell about a tree falling in the
road. All of a sudden, I’m smashed against the wall of the ambulance as the
tires squeal and we begin swerving all over the road.

must have lost consciousness for a few moments; because when I woke, the
ambulance is on its side and the EMT and driver are unconscious, and covered in

around through the spewed items, I collect some medical things that’ll come in
handy tonight. I need to get the hell out of here. I don’t know how long we’ve
been wrecked, but I don’t want to wait around for the cops to show up. I didn’t
go through all of this to just end up back in prison with escape charges on top
of the time I’m already serving.



the winds picking up to dangerous speeds, and the threat of tornados, I’ve sent
Savannah, Brooklyn and my mother to her reading area/office she has in the
center of the house. It’s between the living room and my game room so there are
no windows nearby, making it the safest place for them right now. They’re all
in there watching the first season of
Witches of East End
on Netflix,
while Jax and I keep an eye on the storm outside.

been keeping in contact with my two security guys out at the security building
by the gate to make sure they’re okay out there. I’ve asked them to check in
with me every fifteen minutes to keep me up to date on the flooding.

been lucky so far and not had any here, but I saw on the news a few minutes ago
a ton of streets around us are flooded. I’m prayin’ that this is the worst that
we get.

into the kitchen, I grab two more beers and rejoin Jax in the living room.
Twisting off the cap, I toss it onto the coffee table and sit back kicking my
feet up while taking a long pull from my beer. We sit here watching the news
for any updates.

a breaking news report comes across the bottom of the screen, my cell phone
begins ringing.


to my feet, I spring for my phone, grabbing it off of the island in the
kitchen. My heart stops when I recognize the number as one of the detectives
with the Harris County Sheriff’s Department, “Hello.” I answer, with my voice

Mr. Knox, this is Detective Harrison with Harris County, I’m not sure if you’ve
seen the news…”

him off with anger resonating through every inch of my body, I snap, “Yes, I
just saw a breaking news report right before you called me. Zackery Galliano
escaped from fuckin’ prison. Can you explain to me how this was even fuckin’
possible!? The mother fucker is practically housed in my backyard, now this!” I
see Jax rushing into the kitchen…if looks could kill!

begin pacing back and forth in front of the fridge, raking my fingers through
my hair. If the fuckin’ piece of shit steps foot near this fuckin’ house, I
swear to God, I will snap his neck.

feel bad for snapping at this guy, but I’ve had my fuckin’ fill of all of this
shit with Zak; he’s a fuckin’ parasite. It’s like no matter what you do, he
just won’t stay away!

not really sure how he managed to get away. All we know was the prison nurse
thought he was suffering from either appendicitis or gallbladder attack and then
we’re getting a call about a wrecked ambulance. The guard and EMT who were
assisting in the back are okay, but I heard the driver of the ambulance
perished due to injuries sustained during the accident. I listened to the 911
tape and the Guard never informed the operator that it was a prisoner transport
so, Fort Bend Sheriffs’ were never dispatched to escort.”

talking with the detective a few more minutes, he lets me know they have police
all over trying to find him. He won’t get far; so they say, but I’ve heard this
all before. It causes an eerily, all too familiar feeling to wash over me. It’s
as if I’m back on that December night all over again.

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