Infinite Desire (27 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Infinite Desire
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presses his hand over my knee, stopping it from moving. “You’re making me
nervous bouncing around like that.” He laughs, as his bright green eyes sparkle
at me in the afternoon sun that’s seeping through the windows.

I squeak, as I nibble on my finger nail.

is killing me! Just open the damn box already!

He pops the lid open, and a look of confusion crosses his face as he takes in
the baby tissue paper, then as if a light bulb has gone off in his head, he
snaps his eyes back to mine, “Is this what I think it is?” His voice is raspy
and laced with excitement as he pulls away the tissue paper.

don’t answer him, all I can do is smile and nod slowly. He peers down at the
two positive pregnancy tests and then practically gives me a heart attack as he
tosses the box onto the coffee table and tackles me, pinning my body beneath

pregnant?” The excitement in his voice is overwhelming, and thanks to my damn
hormones I can feel the tears coming.

a few times, trying to push the tears away, but failing one slides down my
temple as a smile dances across my face, “Yes…we’re going to have a baby.” I
choke on my words as my happiness consumes me. It seems so real now that he’s

love you so much.” He kisses my lips, holding them together. His entire body is
shaking as the adrenaline from all of the excitement resonates through his

love you too, baby.” I murmur against his lips, as I soak in this moment. I
want to lock it away in my mind so I can look back at it as one of the many
happy days since Kayden came into my life.

onto the floor, Kayden kneels beside the couch. He slowly slides my blouse up
exposing my stomach. He rests the palm of his hand over my belly causing my
entire body to become blanketed in goose bumps. “I can’t believe it; we’re
gonna be parents…” His words trail off as he stares at my stomach then leans in
to place a soft kiss on my belly. “I can’t believe a piece of us is growing
inside of there.” All I can do is smile through my tears of joy.

Chapter Twenty Three

has always been one of my favorite Holidays. Now, thanks to being twelve weeks
pregnant and nausea being an everyday occurrence, I’m kinda dreading it. Kayden
took me out for our one year anniversary on the twenty-fourth and it didn’t end
well. We had to go home early because half way through dinner I was throwing up
in the restaurant bathroom.

I’ve only suffered from nausea, no vomiting, but the restaurant was
overwhelming with so many food aromas that it was my undoing. So lately, my
food of choice has been saltines’.

we have Thanksgiving at my parents’ home in LA, but since they just finished
their tour, they decided to stay a few weeks at their house in Memphis. It’s
secluded and peaceful here.

and I have been waiting until we were almost in my second trimester to tell my
parents about my pregnancy, but I told him I don’t think I can get passed my
mother if we’re spending an entire weekend with them.

is flying in tomorrow to have dinner with us; my parents’ were thrilled when he
agreed to come to Memphis. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without him.

gave Jax the week off. He and Rebecca are flying to Sydney so she can finally
meet his parents. She was beyond nervous when I talked to her a few days ago,
but I told her that they’ll love her just as much as Jax does, and to just be

should be back by the time we fly into Houston on Monday. Then it’s back to
life as we know it. I’ve enjoyed having this week with no work because I’m so
tired. I find myself falling asleep in the middle of the day while lying on the
couch, working on my laptop.

breasts feel like someone beat the crap out of them, they’re so tender. My
stomach and back are aching non-stop as my muscles stretch; so now, warm baths
are my new luxury, and it’s only been twelve weeks!

with tradition, we’re setting up our tree today. My dad and Kayden have been
hard at work getting the seven foot artificial tree put together so we can
decorate it. After we finish decorating the tree, Kayden and I plan on taking a
page from my book and reveal the news to my parents similarly to the way I told
Kayden. We wrapped a picture frame with one of our sonogram photos in it for my
parents’ mantel. 

all ready to be trimmed.” My dad announces proudly popping his head into the
kitchen. My mother and I have been busy making the pie crusts and fillings for
dinner tomorrow.

over to Kayden, I snake my arms around his waist and smile up at him, “You guys
did a fantastic job; the tree looks great.”

thank ya, Darlin’! Now let’s get this baby decorated.” My heart flutters when
Kayden says baby and I immediately feel nervous again.

can’t wait to tell my parents; they are going to be bursting with excitement.
They’ll get twenty four hours to let the news sink in before we tell my
grandparents and Reagan tomorrow at dinner.

spend the next hour telling Kayden stories of my childhood Christmases and explaining
all the sentimental value behind my ornaments; like the one of a horse I got
for Christmas the year I won my first blue ribbon at one of my horse shows.
Another is an ornament with my picture on it where I’m missing my two front
teeth, and it plays the melody from
All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front
. Kayden flattered me by telling me how adorable I was even when I was

the step stool, I climb up and set the angel on the tree. “There, the tree’s
all done and looks perfect!”

it does.” My mother says, as she takes in the tree all lit up before her.
Walking towards us, my mother gives me a small hug, and then Kayden, “This has
been so much fun having you here to do this with us Kayden.”

look on Kayden’s face makes my heart swell. It means the world to him that my
parents love and welcome him into our family.

all sit down and turn on the Hallmark Channel to see what Christmas movie is on
and have some hot chocolate. Deciding now is the perfect time to tell my parents,
I look from my mom to my dad who’re lying on the opposite side of the sectional
from Kayden and I. “I have to go grab something out of my bag, I’ll be right
back.” I quickly excuse myself, and go retrieve the gift from my suitcase.

heart is pounding forcefully against my ribs as I walk back into the living
room and sit back down beside Kayden.

my hand into his, he laces our fingers together and flashes me a cocky grin;
he’s been dying to tell them since the moment we walked through the door. The
only people that know are Brooklyn and Dixon. We’ll be telling Kayden’s mother
tonight via Skype. She’s in the Philippines right now helping care for those
hurt in the horrific tsunami they were hit with.

have a little gift for you and Daddy,” I say handing my mother the small
wrapped box.

clearing his throat, turns his eyes from me over to my parents. He takes sip of
his cocoa looking as if he wishes it was something a tad bit stronger. Smiling
I watch my parents unwrap the box together.

hope y’all love it.” Kayden says nervously, as he rubs circles with his thumb
on my knee.

mother lets out a small laugh, “Oh sweetie, we love anything ya give us, y’all
are just too sweet. I don’t know what we did to deserve a gift, but thank you.”

is this?” I father asks, pulling the silver frame out of the box. He’s staring
at it, while my mother’s jaw hangs ajar.

parents’ look at each other than back at the frame and I notice tears start to
fall from my mother’s eyes as she looks at the 4D sonogram. I’m so engrossed in
watching my parents reaction as the realization sinks in that they’re going to
be grandparents, I hardly notice Kayden slide his arm around my and hug my
tightly to him.

why are there two little grey blobs in this picture?” My father finally asks
raising his eyes from the photo to Kayden and me. My mother is just sitting
there with her hand cupped over her mouth in a state of shock.

can’t help but laugh, “Uhh, well, that is baby one and baby two.” I answer
matter-of-factly. We can now laugh about it because the moment of surprise has
sunk in, but it never gets old watching the shock on people’s faces when we
tell them.

was excited to say the least, she screamed so loud she almost blew out my

Paisley, they’re having not one but two babies!?” My dad’s voice is loud and
full of excitement; I’m so loving this.

I should’ve recorded this!

her head, my mother stands and makes her way over to Kayden and me. “I am soooo
happy for you two! A baby…two babies!” Sitting down beside me, she presses her
hand to my belly that is sporting a tiny bump thanks to two little Knox babies
growing in there. “I can’t believe there are two in there!”

her in for a hug, I laugh as tears stream down my face. Damn hormones! “I know,
when the doctor told us there were two, I almost passed out and Kayden fist
pumped the air with excitement…You know these Texas Boys; always ‘
go big or
go home’

father sets the picture frame up on the mantel, and then makes his way over to
us. Kayden and I quickly stand, “Well Daddy, ya ready to be a grandpa?” I ask,
with laughter in my voice.

wrap my arms tightly around him as he kisses the top of my head, “I’m more than
ready, Princess. I can’t wait to take my little grandsons or granddaughters
huntin’ and teach ‘em how to shoot.”

that will be a little ways down the road since the only thing they’ll be doing
for a few months is poopin’, eatin’, spittin’ up, and lookin’ adorable of
course.” I can’t control my laughter as my father’s eyes grow big and he lets
out a low husky chuckle.

two parents down, now time to tell Kayden’s mother. Victor can find out when
the rest of the world does, after we reveal the news on the cover of Envy next
month when we find out the sex of the twins.

was thrilled to learn the news; we showed her the framed ultrasound and let her
know we have one waiting for her at our ranch. As soon as we find out the sex
of our twins, I know between all the excited grandparents, we’ll be drowning in
baby gifts.

the pies have finished baking for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, so we all
settle back on the couch. I snuggle beside Kayden sipping my hot chocolate, as
I relax to the sound of the fire crackling in the fire place. We spend the next
several hours watching Christmas movies. It feels great to just relax and do
absolutely nothing, because tomorrow is going to be crazy busy with preparing
our Thanksgiving feast.


against the porch railing breathing in the cool air, I bask in the warm sun
shining down on my face. I had to get outside for a few minutes by myself. All
the food cooking in there is killing me. So here I am, outside, nibbling on

my dad, Reagan and my Papa Rodney and Grandpa Wayne are all inside watching the
football game. While my mother, Mimi Caroline and Grandma Jane are all inside
making the side dishes to go with our Turkey.

crazy to think this time next year we’ll be celebrating our first Thanksgiving
with our babies. The babies are due May twenty seventh, so they’ll be six
months old and just beginning to crawl all over. I rest my hand over my belly
whispering, “Can you go easy on me today? I
want to eat some
turkey, stuffing and pie without barfing it up.”

in an hour and then we’ll finally tell my Grandparents and Reagan the news. I’m
a bundle of nerves; I can’t wait to hear Reagan’s reaction when he learns we’re
not having just one baby, but two!


successfully made it through dinner; I could only nibble on a few bites of
turkey, but was able to eat stuffing and sweet potato casserole! I just helped
mom cut everyone slices of pie, and now is the big moment.

back down beside Kayden, I take a small bite of chocolate cream pie, smiling at
him as I chew. Winking at me he gives me the signal.

we have some news to share with y’all…” I slide my gaze from Reagan to my
Grandparents. Everyone stops mid-chew and stares at Kayden and me.

I can tell everyone, Grandma Jane lets out a small laugh and looks from Kayden
to me with a sly smile creeping over her lips, “You’re expecting a child?” She
asks, but the way she says it, lets me know she already knows the answer to
that question.

my fork, I look at Kayden. Who the hell told her? He looks just as surprised as
me. Turning I focus on my Grandmother.

worry, your mother didn’t tell me. I know these things. You’ve looked peaked
all day darlin’, and you haven’t drank a drop of wine.” A loving smile appears
on her face, easing my nerves, “Your Grandpa Wayne and I couldn’t be happier
for you two.” She pats my grandpa’s hand as they both grin ear to ear as they
congratulate us.

leans back in the dinning chair and rests his arm on the back of mine, he looks
relieved, that was pretty easy, we didn’t even have to say it; they already
knew. “We’re excited, and there’s more; we’re not just having one baby we’re
having twins.” Kayden’s voice is filled with happiness as he announces the news
to everyone.

Caroline instantly burst into tears of happiness, “I’m so happy. We’ll have two
beautiful great grandchildren to spoil!” Papa Rodney came around, gave me a hug
congratulating me, and gave Kayden a man hug. I think this was the perfect way
to announce it to everyone.

glance at Reagan who’s still not said anything; he’s just sitting there stunned
by our announcement. Kayden, understanding my need to talk to Reagan alone
stays in the dining room with everyone and continues to tell my family his
plans for a full University of Texas themed nursery. Girls or Boys.

outside with me.” I tell Reagan, and pull him out onto the deck for some

on the porch swing, Reagan sits down beside me. “So, twins huh?” He asks as he
rocks his heels on the wooden deck causing us to start swinging.

rest my head against the back of the swing, and turn it towards Reagan. The
pain in his eyes is almost too much. Thanks to my hormones being all over the
damn place, it takes everything in me to keep my tears at bay.

Twin’s. It’s still sinking in…you should’ve seen my face when the doctor told
me. I just about passed the hell out. I keep having dreams that I get as big as
a whale.” I joke, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

his hand over his face, Reagan lets out a long sigh; the wind is slowly picking
up and causes me to shiver. “Here put my coat on,” he says sliding his sports
coat off and draping it over my shoulders. “I’m happy for you Savannah, really,
I am. It’s just an end of an era ya know? The days of you, me and Brooklyn
partying until the sun comes up are long gone. I miss having my partner in
crime at my disposal.”

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