Inheritance (The Dark Gifts) (38 page)

BOOK: Inheritance (The Dark Gifts)
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Sarah answered. 
“Did the rest of you hear that?”

they answered.

“You’re our resident expert, Shad.  What should we do?”
Jason asked.

“I need some time to think about it.”

“You have till morning,”
Sarah answered. 
“Because no matter what, tomorrow Antoli dies.  Agreed?”

Everyone nodded.

“Good.  Let’s get some rest.  I have a feeling we’re really going to need it.”


Rising early, Sarah opened the curtained window.  Sunlight cascaded through, giving the illusion of a warm summer day.  Only the frost on the ground belied the false impression.  Her friends, bemoaning the bright intrusion, stretched and grumbled. 

“What time is it?”  Jason said.

“Eight thirty and I’m starving, so let’s get a move on.” 

Subdued, Shad quietly rose, pulled his jeans up over his boxers, and motioned for Sarah to join him in the attached bathroom.  Taking her hand, he looked into her eyes.  “
Can you hear me?

Curious and unable to hear him, Sarah returned his gaze.

He exhaled, pointed to her head, and then to his. 

Nodding, she created a link.  “
What’s up?”

“I haven’t thought of anything yet.  Well that’s not entirely accurate, I’ve thought of several things, but nothing that will be quiet enough.  We need to try to get them alone today.
With you and Mar both there, we might be able to keep him subdued enough to take him before he calls his pack.  I just can’t think of any other way.”

“Okay, I’ll try to link to her and let her know.  It’ll be hard to do it without him noticing.  They don’t have the link Jason and I do, but I think they have one.”

“Just be careful, and if I need to speak to you in private I’ll say something about an earache.  Then you link to me.” 
Before she could answer, he pulled her close and kissed her. 

Arms sliding around his neck, she pressed her body against his, and reveled in their first moments alone in days. 

“Hey, you guys done in there?  I need the facilities.”  Ashley’s voice accompanied a knock on the door.



After a tense but uneventful breakfast, Antoli offered to give the guests a tour of his home.  Fully arrogant, he enjoyed flaunting his wealth.  The group traveled from one room to another, while listening to his ceaseless banter.  “Well there you have it.  My humble abode.  It is simple, yet comfortable,” he said as the entered the main parlor.

Smiling, Jason bobbed his head in agreement.  “
Can you believe this guy?

“Insecure much?” 
Sarcasm dripped from
Sarah's words.

Moving to his side, Mar smiled sweetly.  “But Antoli, you did not show them the best part.”

Face flushing, he asked gruffly, “What part?”

Mar’s smile remained fixed as she placed her hand on his hairy arm.  The thick, black, curly hairs seemed to grow over her tiny hand.  “My brother is too humble.  He is a brilliant photographer.  He’s never bothered with selling them, but he should.  The studio in the basement is amazing.”

Obviously flustered, he dismissed her statement with a flick of his hand.  “The studio is dangerous.”

“Why is that?” Pete asked.

Chin raising, he answered, “There are many chemicals involved in the process of development.  Some are, shall we say, intolerable to our systems.”

“Oh wow.  I didn’t know that.  What kind of chemicals do you use?” Sarah asked.

Shad’s eyes brightened.  “That’s too bad.  I’ve always been interested in photography, but just never had the money to invest in it.”

Unable to resist another chance to flaunt his position, Antoli replied, “Well then, I will show you my studio.  You should find it interesting.  Take care not to touch anything.  Especially you three,” he pointed to Sarah, Jason, and Pete, “Used developer mixed with fixer has a moderate concentration of silver.  It can cause quite a nasty burn.”

“Yeah, that’s not good,” Jason responded.  Then turning to Shad, said, “Guess you guys are the only ones that can touch it.  I’ll make sure I keep my hands to myself.”

“I am highly organized.  You have to be to run so many companies.  Everything is plainly marked, just don‘t touch anything.”

Sarah moved to Antoli’s side.  “That’s wonderful.  I was afraid to go down there.”

“Nothing to worry about.  I have it all under control.  Follow me.”  With a wink he headed down through the doorway.

The group said nothing, but smiled as they followed behind.


After lunch, Antoli decided to continue negotiations in the expansive library.  Sarah had to work hard to appear restive as he sat behind the massive mahogany desk peering at them.  Not that she tried, but it was difficult to find one thing she liked about the man.  Her face remained passive and smiling as her mind seethed with anger.

“So as you can see, it does not benefit my pack to join in your fight.  We must, as always, guard ourselves against the threat of others who desire our wealth.  Unfortunately, there is no other option at this time.”  Leaning back in his seat, he waited for someone to argue their point.

Jason sat quietly contemplating.  Crossing her legs, Sarah raised her chin and answered, “Your mind is obviously set in this matter, as there is nothing we can do or say to change it, we will move on.  We thank you for your hospitality and kindness.”

Frowning, he sighed and shook his head before focusing his gaze on Jason.  “You do realize how improper it is for you to allow her to speak for the group, no?  In our country, men are men, and women are quiet.”

Shad’s teeth clenched, causing a strange twitching in the jaw line.  Pete exhaled sharply, but bit his bottom lip to keep from speaking.  Jason, shoulders taut, crossed his arms, and answered, “She is our alpha, and in
country, the alpha is considered with the utmost respect.  Regardless of sex or age.”

Sarah reached out, placing her hand on his shaking arm.  “It’s all right, Jason.  He’s right.  When in Rome, and all that jazz.”  Then bowing her head to Antoli, she said, “My apologies if I’ve offended you.  I understand that we do things differently.  You misunderstand me though.  I do not claim leadership over anyone.  We work together as a team.  I spoke only because no one else did.  Any decisions we make, are made together.”

“How very nice for you,” he answered.  His cruel mouth drew up in a barely passable excuse for a smile.  “You will be leaving shortly then?”

Having learned a lesson, Sarah looked at her brother and waited for him to answer.  Jason cleared his throat.  “We have a long way to travel, and it is late in the day.  Would it be possible to impose on you for one more night?  We will leave at sunrise.”

“But of course.  And tonight we will have a party to celebrate our new friends.  You’ve not had a proper drink until you’ve tasted Romanian Vodka.  It is the best in the world.  For now, you should retire to your rooms.  Even though it is my understanding that you are all sharing one.”

Stoic, Jason replied, “Yes, the girls do not like sleeping alone in a strange place.
Once again, we are in your debt.  Thank you.”

Rising, he motioned toward the door.  “I have important business to attend to.  If you please?”

Mar rose as well, saying, “I’ll walk you to your rooms.  We wouldn’t want anyone getting lost along the way.”


Chapter Thirty-Two

In the hall, the group quietly strolled to their room with Mar in the lead.  As they entered their hall, she turned to face them.  “
Sarah, there are eyes and ears in all the main rooms and halls.  Anything you say or do will be seen.  Be careful.”

“Well thank you for guiding us back.  You could seriously get lost in this house,” Sarah answered.

“Yes, it is rather overdone, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s very nice.  We’ve enjoyed spending time with you.”

You will help?  You won’t leave me here?

“We will not leave before it is taken care of.  Don’t worry.”

Exhaling, Mar managed a smile.  “Have a nice rest.  I’ll be here around five-thirty to escort you to dinner.”


“So I’m going to take a nap,” Sarah said taking a seat on the floor.

Ashley joined her.  “Good idea.  I’m really tired.”

“It’s too bad he didn’t want to join us.  He’d have made a valuable ally,” Jason interjected.

Sarah squinched up her nose, sticking her tongue out. 

“He doesn’t seem to like you much, Sarah,” Pete joked.

Making a rolling motion with her left fist, she slowly raised the middle finger of her right hand.  Shad let out a short laugh, before sitting beside her.  Red faced, she slapped his arm.  “
So not funny.  Okay, can everyone hear me okay?”

Jason nodded, but said, “Well everyone take a nap, and Pete, no snoring.”

“Whatever, Jason.  You know you snore louder than everyone here,” Pete answered, trying not to laugh.

All right you guys, settle down.  We may not have much time.  Mar says there are eyes and ears in the main room.  So this place is probably bugged worse than an embassy.  Shad, did you come up with a plan?

“Actually I have.  It’s basically the same concept as the silver coated silver bullets.  I’m still trying to figure out how we get our hands on the chemicals though.”

Jason smiled. 
“When he mentioned the silver content in the used chemicals, I wondered if we could do something along those lines.”

“Why can’t we just lop off his head?  It’s not rocket science.  Tonight, we’ll get him alone and drunk, and cut his rotten head off.” 
Pete interjected.

“We can’t do that.  It needs to look accidental.  Although Mar was able to stop the pack from attacking her, we can’t be sure she’ll be able to do that again.  This can’t look like she had anything to do with it.” 
Sarah answered.

Well it makes more sense than trying to accidentally get him in a vat of used developer.  Did anyone happen to notice that none of the containers were very big?” 

Shad shook his head. 
“No, not douse him in it.  That would take too long.  If we can get him to drink it, it shouldn’t take more than an hour or so.  If he’s drunk already, he might not know the difference.”

Turning to look at her brother, Ashley said,
“How in the world are we going to get him to drink it?  The whole basement reeks.  He’s not going to accidentally drink a glass of something that smells like cat pee.”

“This might work.  You saw him last night.  He’s ever so proud of his rot gut vodka, and he drinks it with fresh squeezed lemon juice.  Add a little extra juice to mask the smell and taste, and he might not even notice the difference.” 
Jason said.

“And if he does?”
Pete asked.

Shad’s lips drew into a tight smile. 
“Plan B.  We lop off his head.”

Excited, the boys high fived silently. 

“Not to rain on your parade or anything, but how exactly are we going to get it, and then get it in his drink?” 
Ashley asked.

“Mar will have to retrieve it, but you my darling minx,”
Shad’s eyes locked on Sarah. 
“You will have to use those feminine wiles on him.  Get him comfortable.  Help him relax.  He Tarzan, you Jane--kind of thing.  Think you can pull it off?”

“Oh, great.” 
Sarah rubbed her face. 
“Why can’t Ash do that?”

Shad’s inner chuckle traveled through their minds. 
“Honey, I hate to tell you, but we’re human.  And therefore, disgusting to those with your sensitive upbringing.  It has to be you.  That’s the only way it will work.”

“Fan-freakin-tastic.  I’ll link to Mar, and let her know what we need.”


Mar arrived at precisely five thirty, gave Sarah a hug, and slipped a large silver flask in her hand.  Before leaving the room, Sarah shoved it in the front of her waistband, hoping it would remain there. 

After dinner, the troupe resigned to the carriage house for drinks and fun.  Eight men and five barely clad women joined them.  Music and booze flowed freely as the revelers began to laugh and play.  Antoli made it almost too easy.  It was as if he’d taken it upon himself to make sure Sarah had the best time possible. 

“Care for another dance,” he asked extending his hand.

She wiped the sweat from her brow, saying, “I’m kind of thirsty.  Why don’t we have another drink first?”

“But of course.  Romanian vodka…”

“Is the best in the world,” she finished for him.  With a wink she continued, “Let me get it for you.  It’s the least I can do.”

Ever conceited, he returned her wink and slapped her butt as she walked away.  “Jason, your sister is learning quite well.  I think she may yet be trainable.”

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