Inheritance (The Dark Gifts) (39 page)

BOOK: Inheritance (The Dark Gifts)
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The pool stick in his hand trembled ever so slightly as he answered, “Well she’s young yet.  There’s always hope.”

Throwing his head back, raucous laughter exploded from Antoli.

Behind the bar, Sarah watched as the others milled around.  No one seemed to notice her.  Sitting the glass on the first shelf under the bar, she filled it halfway with the contents of the flask, before finishing it off with lemon juice.  Grabbing a coke, she filled her own, before returning to Antoli.  She’d already given orders for everyone to stick to soda if at all possible. 

“Ah, there you are.” He said as she returned.  “What took so long?  I was getting lonely.”

Smile demur, she batted her eyelashes at him.  “You are just so sweet.  A girl could get used to being treated like this.”

“But of course, this is Romania.  Men are men here.”  Trying to remain calm, she watched as he tipped the glass and gulped.  A strange look passed over his face.

“I’m sorry.  Did I make it too strong?  You want me to add more juice to cut the alcohol?”

“No, no.  Is good.  Too much juice already.  I’m used to much stronger.”  He answered. 

She moved close, brushing against him.  “Oh, well I can fix that.  Do you want to finish this one, or shall I bring you another?”

As she’d hoped, he couldn’t resist the implied challenge and drained the glass.  Immediately after, his stomach grumbled and he belched.  Unabashed, he smiled and handed her the glass.  “Best in the world.”

“Be right back.  Now don’t go anywhere.”

He smiled, but pointed to a chair and took a seat.

Sarah hurried to the bar to repeat the process.  Shad caught her eye as she passed by.  “
You okay?
” he asked.

“I’m good.  I just started giving it to him.  I hope it kills the bastard soon.”

You’re doing a great job.  He thinks you really dig him.”

Sarah tossed her hair over her shoulder and continued to the bar. 
“He disgusts me.”

“It’ll all be over soon.  Stop talking to us, people are watching you.”
Pete’s voice interrupted.

Surveying the room, Shad said, “
He’s right.  The guys at the door are keeping close tabs on you.” 

Pete stood up straight, stretched, and wandered to the door.  “Got a smoke?” He asked one of the men making a smoking motion with his fingers. 

Without speaking, the man pulled a cigarette case from his front coat pocket, opened it, and offered it to him.

“Thanks.  Nice weather you're having here.”

The two men looked first at each other, then Pete, and shrugged.

Without missing a beat, Pete went into a conversation about the landscape and beauty of Romania.  He had no idea if they understood him or not, but for the moment their eyes were on him and that’s all he wanted.


Midnight approached, and although Sarah had completely emptied the flask an hour before, Antoli showed no signs of sickness.  He belched frequently, but she had no idea if that was normal for him or not.  Worried that morning would arrive and he’d still be among the living, she watched him.  Several pack members had left and those left were completely intoxicated.  Some had already passed out on the floor.  Two, who had wandered outside, chased each other back in
side naked and laughing.  Yelling something in Romanian, they shifted and transformed.  Those still awake began to disrobe and join them. 

Not to be outdone, Antoli wobbled as he stood to remove his clothes.  As he began to change, he grabbed his hair plastered stomach, screaming.  The flesh beneath his hands bubbled, turning a dark shade of green.  Within seconds, the darkened skin dissolved, and eyes full of fear, he begged for help.  Looking down, he gasped for air as his blackened intestines fell into his hands.  Quiet filled the room as the drunkards watched in shock.  The only sound that could be heard was his ragged breathing.  Then that stopped too.  Still standing, he swayed slightly, seemed to catch his balance, then dropped to the floor. 

It was over much quicker than Sarah had hoped. 

Another moment of silence followed before the wolves returned to human form and scurried to their leader.  Unmoving in all the chaos and yelling, Mar’s eyes locked on Sarah.  A single tear slid down her cheek.  “
Thank you.”


At dawn they were finally able to rest.  Sarah and her friends agreed it was best to stay on a few days to help Mar adjust, and watch her back.  The elders of the clan had been called in and despite her age, had decreed that she would take over as leader.  Very few had been against it, but those had, were among Antoli’s closest friends and followers.

pulled Sarah from her sleep.  Stiff and moving slowly, she answered the door.  “Yes?”

Short and stout, the servant, handed her a note that read:

Dear Sarah and Jason,

Please meet me in Antoli’s room.  There are things I need to discuss with you.  Myra will show you the way.



Holding her index finger up to Myra, Sarah shut the door and woke Jason.  “Mar wants to see us, get up.”

He groaned, “We’ve only been asleep a couple hours, can’t it wait?” Eyes already shut, he rolled on his side.

“Jason!” she hissed, shoving at his back.  “Come on, we don’t know what she needs.  Something might be wrong.”

“Okay, okay.  I’m up.”

Eyes bleary, Shad leaned up on one elbow, “What’s going on?”

“Mar sent a note, she wants to see us.”  Sarah answered.

“I’ll get dressed.”

“No, you go ahead and sleep.  She asked for me and him.  It’s probably nothing.”

Fully awake, his eyebrows furrowed as he spoke.  “I don’t like you two going off by yourself.  I’ll come with.”  Rising, he began pulling on jeans and a tee-shirt.

Shrugging, Sarah answered, “Suit yourself, but it’s just Mar, I don’t think she’ll be giving us much trouble.”

Before the two men were dressed and ready, Pete and Ashley were also awake and throwing on clothes.  Sarah opened the door and peaked outside.  Myra waited patiently against the opposite wall.  Again, Sarah indicated it would be just a little longer, and the woman nodded. 



Mar perched on top of Antoli’s massive satin covered bed.  The black sheen of the bedcovers, made her appear even more pale and drawn.  Even though fear and sadness blanketed her face, she managed a smile as they entered.  “Somehow I knew you’d all come.”

“Do you want us to leave?”  Pete asked.  His heart went out to the young girl who’d been treated so terribly.

She glanced down before answering, “No, not at all.  I wish I had friendships like yours.”

Moving to her, Sarah wrapped her arms around the girl.  “You do.  We’re here for you.  And even after we leave, we’re just a phone call away.  We can be back quick as a wink.  I promise.”

Sighing, Mar laid her head on Sarah’s shoulder, sliding her tiny arms around her waist.  “I’m so very sad.  I know I shouldn’t be, but I am.  I’m all that’s left now.  He’s killed my entire family and left me with nothing but money.”  Raising her eyes to Sarah’s she asked, “Can you imagine having nothing in the world but money?  It’s the one thing everyone wants, but it never makes you happy.  Those that have it never have enough, and those that don’t are always trying to get it.”

Jason plopped beside them, patting her leg.  “What’s going on, Mar?  This isn’t just about Antoli.”

“No.  You’re right.”  She stiffened and sat upright.  Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I’ve had seven proposals this morning.  Apparently, even though the elders are willing to allow me to lead the pack, they think I need a husband to handle the money.  One they approve of.”  Her eyes darted between Sarah and Jason.  “I don’t want to get married, especially to a forty year-old man.  One of them is sixty!  That is almost as repulsive as what Antoli desired.  I don’t even want to be the leader here.  When you leave, I want to go with you.  Will you take me?”

Covering her mouth with her hand, Sarah was speechless.

“Please!  I don’t want to be here.  I never did want this.  There’s no way I can ever trust these people.  They allowed my family to die.  They did nothing!  It’s just like with you, can’t you see that?”  Mar’s eyes pleaded for understanding.

Jason and the others exchanged looks, but no one had any idea what to say.

Completely distraught, Mar offered, “I have money.  Lots of it.  We can take as much as we want and go.  They’ll be happier when I’m gone anyhow.  The betas will duel, someone will take over, and everything will be fine.  My pack needs me as much as your own needed you.  I see you only had one willing to follow.  Considering the monetary fixation of mine, I don't even have that.”

“Mar,” Sarah said softly.

Reaching out, the young girl grasped her hands.  “Please, Sarah.  Don’t leave me here!”

Voice still soft, she answered, “They will never let you go.  Even if we take you with us, they will follow us, find you, and bring you back.  You are needed here.  This is your home.”

“No.”  Tears began rolling down her face.  Voice choked with sorrow, she croaked, “This hasn’t been my home since mother died.  These aren’t my people.  I’m a freak to them, an aberration.  They are no better than Antoli, they only want to use me.”

Pete knelt down in front of her, placing his hands on her knees.  “You don’t know that.  You’ve only seen them following his orders.  With the way they protect you, I doubt you’re just a pawn to them.”

“I do.  I’ve known them my whole life.  You don’t know what it’s been like.  How can I stay with people who’ve done nothing to protect me?  Nothing!” she protested.  She wiped her tears, raising her chin.  “Either you need to stay here with me, or I need to go with you.  I can’t do this by myself.”

Sarah asked.

“We can stay a little longer;
I don’t see what it could hurt.  She’s terrified.  Maybe after a few days she’ll feel better.”


“We should stay longer.  She’s right you know, there’s no way she could or
trust them.”

As her head turned to Shad and Ashley, they both nodded.  No one wanted to leave this young girl to fend for herself.

Sarah smiled and wiped away a tear lingering on Mar’s cheek.  “We’ll stay with you until you know for sure what you want to do.  Everything just went crazy, and you might change your mind in a few days.  We’ll wait and see.”

Mar threw her arms around Sarah’s neck.  “Oh thank you!  You’ll see, I know you will.  It will be best for all of us.”

Holding her close, and patting her back, Sarah said, “We’ll do whatever needs to be done.  If you really can’t stay here, we’ll take you with us.”

The other
s tensed at her words, exchanging doubtful looks between them.  Taking this girl away from her pack could cause more trouble than they were capable of handling.  Nervous glances shot around the room.

“There now, feel better?”  Sarah pushed her back, looking into her eyes.

“Oh yes.  Everything will be fine now, I just know it!”  Mar smiled.


Chapter Thirty-Three

Jason paced the bedroom as he spoke.  “It’s been a month, Sarah.  We’re wasting precious time.  Brogan was specific about getting to as many packs as we could in as little time possible.  I adore Mar, you know I do, but we can’t just keep hanging around babysitting her.”

Sighing, she continued gazing out the window.  Mar, and the others played outside in the first snow of the season.  Somehow, she’d enticed Pete into making snow angels with her.  Laughing, they both lay on the fluff covered ground, flailing legs and arms.  “I know that, but we can’t just leave her.  She’d be devastated.  The elders are really pushing her to make a decision.”  Turning to face him, she continued, “What if it were me, Jase?  What if everything on her shoulders was on mine?  Could you just walk away?”

Halting, Jason stared at her.  “She’s not you.  We didn’t even know her before a month ago.  We don’t owe her anymore than we’ve given her.  It’s time to move on.”

Arms crossed, her foot began tapping impatiently.  “Well it’s a damn good thing that everyone else didn’t feel that way when we needed them.  Thomas owed us nothing, and died for helping.  Pete, Shad, and Ash owe us nothing, but they stay anyhow.  Shad and Ash gave up their entire family for us.  Brogan sent us here.  There had to be a reason.  The man seems to know everything, so he surely knew we’d be needed here.”

“Sarah, we can’t save the world.”

“Isn’t that what we’re supposed to be doing right now?  Saving the world?  Wasn’t that our grand purpose?  Maybe we can save it, but it’d be easier one person at a time.”

Jason shook his head, swearing under his breath.  “Easier?  Probably.  But very unlikely.  We have a task.  We vowed to complete it.  It’s
time to move on.”

Sarah let out an exasperated gasp, and pivoting on her heel, returned to watching the antics in the yard.  “Then she needs to come with us.  She was right, and you know it.  She’s a pawn to them.  All they care about is the money.  She means nothing to them.”

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