Read Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) Online

Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #Erotica

Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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* * * * *

Braden stared down at Alexa’s bare body stretched out on the bed. He loosened his grip in her hair and glided his other hand down her back and over her beautiful ass, still pink from his smack.
All mine

When his palm settled on her shapely butt, she trembled beneath his touch.

Good. Let her wonder about his plans. He’d shocked her so much with the spank that she’d sucked in hard and apparently was too surprised even to speak, because she hadn’t said another word. Or maybe she’d enjoyed it so much she hadn’t wanted to do anything to dissuade him. That was a tantalizing thought. Maybe
was her need. He’d soon find out. “Are you going to do as I say?”

One heartbeat passed. Two. Three. “Braden…” Her voice came out low, and her tone sounded uncertain. Had she changed her mind?

He refused to let her retreat. She needed to, once-and-for-all, fully commit or tell him to stop. There was no middle road. And he wasn’t going to sugarcoat what was about to happen, because once the ceremony started, he’d have to finish it. He smacked her ass again, harder this time. The sound of the slap bounced off the walls.

She yelped. “Yes, yes. Okay. I’ll do as you say.”

He smiled. She’d done it. Made her final decision. He heard it in her voice. His heart softened. She wouldn’t regret it. He squeezed her ass cheek. He knew the slap hadn’t hurt her. That yelp had been surprise that he’d done it again, not pain. He recognized the difference. Sure, her butt probably stung, but he suspected now that she liked it. He’d remembered watching her at the graveyard, and her reaction to the Egesa spanking the decoy. If she hadn’t liked it, hadn’t wanted what he intended to take her through sexually, she could have told him to stop. And he would have done so immediately. His hand caressed her bottom, and he dropped a soft kiss right above where her ass cheeks joined.

Alexa squirmed.

Very slowly, he allowed his tongue to touch the sensitive skin he’d kissed. Then he drew his tongue just barely between her ass cheeks.

“Oh, oh.”

“Easy.” He sucked at the flesh leading to the valley between those luscious mounds. He intended to take her right to the edge of her sexual limits.

“What are you doing?” Her breath came hard and fast. She again tried to turn over.

He tightened his hold in her hair. “Don’t move, or I’ll have to spank you again.” He watched for her reaction, wondering if she’d give him complete control over her body, or if she’d try to level the field somehow.

A long, tense moment passed before she responded. “Promise?”

Braden about choked on his tongue, and his cock jerked. He hadn’t expected
response. Sweat actually broke out on his brow. His hand hovered above her ass, until he noted a small smile on her face. She’d done that on purpose just to shock him—the little minx. When she chuckled, he knew it was the truth. “Okay, you managed to surprise me. Let’s see if I can return the favor.”

“Mmm,” was her only response.

Spanking might still be her special need, but she was bound and determined to test the limits. That was okay. He dropped his hand to his side. Two could play that particular, sexual game. “I want you to spread your legs, Alexa. Do it right now.” He wanted to fuck her like a rutting bull. But he had to restrain himself and do this right.

She opened her thighs about a half inch. He chuckled. Orders did not set well with this one. Or, at least, she pretended they didn’t. But in bed, he had a feeling she would enjoy being sexually dominated. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be pushing him. Seeing what he would do when she didn’t comply.

He’d put her off-balance by flipping her over on her stomach. And definitely by spanking her. But it had excited her. He could feel the energy humming through her. She needed some nastiness in her life. In her bed. And he was more than happy to provide it.

“Wider.” He spanked her again. His hand made contact with her soft flesh, and the sharpness vibrated through both of them. His cock twitched again, as his excitement grew. Damn, this felt good.

She murmured something he couldn’t understand. Not a protest certainly, for she pushed her ass up as if wanting more. Fine with him.

After a third sharp spank, she complied and spread her legs appropriately. He knew she was drawing this out on purpose. She was going to drive him mad with lust before the night was up.

He knelt between her thighs, pressed his pants-clad cock against her ass, and leaned over her back. Time to see just how far she was willing to go.

She wiggled beneath him, but he held her steady. Any more stimulation might send him over the edge. His lips grazed her ear. “Has a man ever pushed his dick up your ass?”

She stiffened beneath him, but said nothing.

Her lack of protest spurred him on.
Okay, Alexa. Let’s see what you can handle
. He reached between their bodies and popped open the top snap on his pants.

* * * * *

Erik pushed open the guestroom door. “If anyone’s naked, we’re coming…in.” He stopped in his tracks, and Leila smashed into his back.

“Ow.” She grabbed his arm. “Don’t stop like that.”

“What the hell happened?” Erik barked.

“What? Let me through.” Leila pushed past him.

Kam sat in the middle of the floor, rubbing his forehead. “Sorry, guys, she got away.”

Leila’s hands fluttered over him, checking him out, while Erik stormed across the room and inspected the window and screen. Still intact. “How’d she get out of here?”

“My transport-connector. She took my disruptor, too.”

Freakin’ perfect
. Erik pulled out his vid-cell. He punched in some numbers. “Erik 301085466. I need a transport destination check. A woman, within the last hour—thin, short black hair. Using connector 66678.”

“Can you stand?” Leila asked Kam.

“Yeah. I’m okay.” He pushed to his feet. “I just feel stupid. She was more powerful than I expected.”

“Thanks. Self-destruct that connector. It’s been stolen.” Erik ended the transmission. “No record of her. She didn’t use it.”

“She had to,” Leila said. “There’s no other way out.”

Kam sat down on the bed. He rubbed his forehead again. “Maybe she did something to mask her usage. We’ve underestimated her abilities from the beginning.”

Erik sat beside Kam and studied the man. He seemed okay. Just shaken. “It’s a possibility, I suppose. You’re lucky she didn’t kill you with your own weapon.”

“How’d she get loose to begin with? Did you untie her, Kam?” Leila asked.

“Of course not. I just loosened the restraint on one ankle. She’d rubbed it raw.”

Erik looked from Kam to Leila and back again. “You both are too damn trusting. Next time, we do things my way.”


Chapter Eight


“Braden, you’re not going to…” She couldn’t say the words. Alexa’s heart pounded harder than she thought possible. “You’re too big.”

He chuckled low, close to her ear and pushed his groin against her ass. “You’d be surprised how much the female human body can stretch to accommodate.” He rocked against her once, twice.

Her fingers curled into the mattress. She couldn’t believe it. He was actually going to do it! Should she protest or submit? Was she ready to experience something she’d never even fantasized about?

“However, that’s not what I have in mind…for now.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. He’d taken the decision out of her hands. She knew it was part of the ceremony with the small dildo. But Braden’s cock felt excessively big. He was just taunting her sexually, teasing her, trying to drive her over the edge of control.

Suddenly, his weight was gone from her body. She waited for his next move, but nothing happened. Too uncomfortable just to lie there exposed, she rolled onto her side and sat up. He stood at the foot of the bed, fiddling with the large Initiation dildo. The muscles in her vagina tightened. It was time. The next step. Or the first actually. He’d gotten her all worked up, now he intended to fuck her with

The thing looked huge. Eight, nine inches. She didn’t know. She never was any good at measurements. Maybe it was only seven. She reached for the sheet to cover herself.

“Leave it,” he ordered without looking up.

The flannel slipped from her fingers. Even though she’d complied, she wasn’t sure she liked the way he kept issuing commands.

After the Initiation was over, things were going to change. She wondered how he’d feel about getting
ass spanked. She snorted. With Braden’s unpredictability, he’d probably get off on it.

If she were honest with herself, his control of her, and the sharp smacks to her butt, had soaked her vagina. A secret pleasure she’d never admitted to with any other man. One hand eased down to touch the skin, which still felt a little warm. She actually wouldn’t mind him doing it again, once her ass cooled off.

She suddenly realized that she had no idea what they expected of her, after the Initiation. Would they want her to produce children continually? If so, no way.

After all this was over, if she decided that she wanted nothing more to do with these people, she would just leave. Disappear. And she’d have some decadent memories to keep her warm at night. Except she had a real connection now, and not only with Braden. Could she really leave?

He looked up, dildo in hand. “Ready?”

After a moment of hesitation, she nodded.

“Good.” Braden moved to the side of the bed closest to her and held the object at an angle. “Lick it.”

“What?” That wasn’t what she expected. Once more, he’d surprised her. A common occurrence it seemed. She’d have to stop trying to analyze what he might do next, because nothing he did was in her realm of normalcy.

“Lick it like you would my cock.”

His cock. The thought of tasting him heated her blood. She’d never had her lips around a man’s penis. Plain old, boring missionary position was all she’d ever experienced up to this point. Well, there was that one guy who gave her a quick lick between the legs while she was in a doggy position, then came all over himself. She didn’t figure that counted. There were so many sexual things she’d never tried. But all this seemed terribly out of order. “You haven’t even kissed me yet. Do you realize that?”

He smiled and lowered his head to hers. His mouth gently brushed hers, then he pulled back.

Frustration built and spread. She was about ready to tackle the man. “I’m not made of glass, you know. Not my lips, not my ass, and not my…” She waved her hand toward her breasts.

“They’re nipples, Alexa.” His lips quirked.

“I know that.” What did he think? Maybe she wasn’t some sex queen, but she wasn’t a porcelain doll either. “I want to experience everything…with you.”



He dropped the dildo on the bed and pulled her tight, crushing her breasts against his chest. His fingers tangled in her hair, and he covered her mouth with his, forcing her lips apart with his tongue.

She didn’t resist. Her tongue dueled with his. Sliding, tasting, exploring. He reminded her of molten fire and pure sin. She pressed closer, aggravated that he was still fully dressed. It wasn’t fair. She reached around and pulled the shirt from his pants, needing to touch his bare flesh.

Abruptly, he broke the kiss and staggered back a step. He stuffed his shirt back in place. “Don’t do that again,” he grumbled.

What? Don’t? She froze, completely stunned.

“I’m sorry.” The harsh lines on his face softened. “It’s just that we have to complete the ceremony first or we’ll never get to it. You’re too damn sexy. I’ll lose control and all sense of time.”

Alexa couldn’t believe his words. Not coming from someone as sinfully handsome and obviously experienced as he. The confession made her feel powerful, more confidant, and still feminine at the same time.

He reached for the dildo. “Now, let’s get on with it, while I’m halfway sane. Lick it.”

“I’ve never…”

He stroked her hair, then cupped the back of her head. His eyes filled with understanding. “That’s okay. Tonight will be a first for many things.” He drew her head down to within an inch of the object.

Her tongue darted out and touched the fat tip. Some substance stuck to her tongue. It tasted slightly salty, slightly sour. She licked around the tip, down the underside, and back up again until she’d covered the entire length.

A near groan escaped Braden. His fingers tightened in her hair. “Very good. Now I want to watch you suck it.”

* * * * *

Kam’s head snapped up. “The detector’s working. And there’s trouble. Two more. Definitely Egesa this time. In the kitchen.”

“Damn.” Erik glanced outside. With the approaching storm, the sun had faded earlier than usual. And now the creatures were coming out. He headed for the door. “Leila, stay put. Kam, you up to helping?”

He stood, staggered, and plopped back down. “Not yet. Sorry. You want to call in reinforcements?”

“If there’s only two, I can handle it.”

“Be careful,” Leila said, her voice soft and full of concern.

Erik hesitated, ready to spit out a quick retort. Instead, he came back and brushed her cheek with his fingertips. She cared too much about people. One of these days, that selflessness was going to get her into trouble. He drowned a moment in her concerned eyes, then turned and left the room.

* * * * *

Alexa pulled back. She’d completely covered the dildo, which gleamed from her mouth’s wetness. She hadn’t thought she could take its length down her throat without gagging. But after a couple of attempts and Braden’s direction, she managed several inches.

He handed the dildo to her, then stepped back to the foot of the bed. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay. Insert it into your pussy. Make sure you’re wet first.”

Alexa’s jaw dropped. “Excuse me?” Certainly, he didn’t mean that like it sounded. “You want
to do it?”


“No.” The idea of him standing there watching and giving ‘stick Tab A into Slot B’ instructions was not happening. It was one thing while she was sucking. This was quite another.

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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