Read Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) Online

Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #Erotica

Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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His hands dropped to his sides, and his eyes filled with something she couldn’t identify. She didn’t care. She wanted him involved in this. Not just an observer. She wasn’t some odd science experiment. She wanted to feel the heat of Braden’s body, his sexual power.

Slowly, he approached her. She could almost see his mind working overtime, trying to figure out what to do.

“You’re pushing me on purpose, I think.”

Was she? Seemed to her that he was the one pushing.

“Get up on your knees.” Instead of waiting for her to comply, he clutched her arms and pulled her up.

Oh, my
. His strength gave her pause, but excited her at the same time.

He reached between her thighs. She expected him to touch her intimately and held her breath, waiting for the contact. But then, Braden never did the expected. He rolled his fingers along the inside of her thighs, in the wetness there.

Raising his hand, he studied the sticky moisture on his fingers. He brought his hand to his nose and inhaled deeply of her scent. Slowly, he licked his fingers clean.

She stared, unable to speak. Sweat from a hot flash trickled between her breasts. Then she shivered when a chill hit her.

Braden gently wrapped his hand around hers. Both of them now held the dildo. “Together?”

The tenderness he put into that one word threw her off balance. She nodded, unable to do or say anything more.

Slowly, they inserted the dildo into her, one thick inch at a time.

* * * * *

Erik stepped inside the kitchen. Empty. He opened the back door. Nothing. The Egesa couldn’t have gotten by him. Unless… Maybe Leila hadn’t locked the front door after she’d retrieved the woman’s disruptor and transport-connector. The creatures could have circled around the back and then entered the front after he’d already passed.

He rushed into the living room. Nothing. He tried the front door. Nope. Locked. He headed down the hall. The bathroom was empty. He paused at Alexa’s bedroom door and listened. He heard a few murmurs. Nothing strange. He continued to the guestroom. “There’s no one here.”

Kam’s eyes narrowed. “They’re here. The detector is showing their presence.”

“Maybe in Alexa’s room?” Leila suggested.

“I didn’t hear anything unusual coming from in there.”

Kam shook his head. “Egesa are here in the house. Somewhere. Given all the electrical current shooting around this thing, maybe there’s a glitch in the locator. Let me fiddle with it a little.”

“I searched the whole damn place.”

A silent moment passed, then Leila and Erik looked at each other at the same time. “Master bath,” they said in unison.

Kam looked up. “That could be it. That must be it.”

“Are you sure?” Leila asked. “You need to be sure.”

His brow furrowed. “No, I’m not sure.”

“We need to alert Braden.” She looked to Erik as if seeking confirmation. After Braden, he was ranking Warrior down here.

He wasn’t sure what to do. If Kam was wrong…

Kam shook his head. “We shouldn’t interrupt, unless we’re certain. Alexa might bolt. I don’t want to disrupt the Initiation. I just need a few more moments to make some adjustments to the settings. Then I can probably get you an exact location, down to the foot.”

Erik pulled out his transport-connector. He couldn’t wait. Alexa and Braden might not have a few moments. “I’ll materialize into the master bath and check it out, discreetly.”

Before anyone could protest his idea, or offer an alternate plan, he was gone.

* * * * *

“Relax.” Braden brushed Alexa’s hand off the dildo and worked it in another inch himself. He thought she’d feel more comfortable inserting the object herself, but had misread her. That was okay. He’d rather participate than watch anyhow. He nuzzled her neck and licked at the sensitive skin there.

Her whole body purred and seemed to relax.

Given her history and his experimentation, he was piecing her needs together as fast as he could. To ensure her continued climb toward orgasm, he knew he needed to keep surprising her. Not let her get too comfortable or complacent. He cupped her breast and rubbed his thumb roughly across the nipple. The callus on his thumb tip caught and sandpapered across her skin.

She shuddered and grabbed at his shoulders. Her eyes closed, and a sigh escaped her lips.

Amazement flowed through him as he watched her response. She’d obviously denied herself so much sexually. Probably things she had never even known she craved. His fingers rolled and tugged at the nipple. She bit her bottom lip and the dildo pushed back against his hand as her internal muscles clenched in response. Good. He’d give her all the stimulation she could take.

He had to bring her to orgasm, so the fluid would inject and absorb into her body. The first time would be the hardest. After that, she’d know she could climax and would be more relaxed during the rest of the Initiation. In one smooth move, he pushed the length of the dildo home.


“Oh!” Alexa tensed. He’d completely inserted the glass-like cock. It filled every ounce of space inside her.

“Feel good?”

She gulped and nodded. The thing was pulsing! Not a lot, but enough to make her inner muscles quiver.

He helped her down onto her back, easing a pillow under her hips at the same time. He was so careful with her that her heart melted. He flipped some sort of switch, and a light vibration started between her legs. Ooo, yes!

“I can’t wait any longer, Alexa. I have to taste you. And not on my fingers.” He spread her vagina wide, bent over, and touched her clit with his tongue.

“Ah! Oh.” Her hips bucked and pleasure speared through her. The warm, wet sensation was like nothing she’d ever felt. This wasn’t a quick lick, but a total sensual assault. His slightly roughened tongue slid over her bud of nerves until she sobbed from the intensity. He varied his licks, driving her right toward the edge. As his tongue moved, she realized he was spelling out something on her clit. Over and over. B…r…a…d…e…n…s.

Alexa swallowed hard and rode the rising waves of pleasure. She felt branded, possessed, and totally at this man’s mercy.

* * * * *

Erik materialized inside the master bathroom. Two Egesa were crouched at the door, staring into the bedroom. Weapons drawn. They looked back at him, then materialized out before he could draw his disruptor.

“Shit.” He had the worst luck. But at least the creatures were gone. This had been a rotten decision on Braden’s part. He should have initiated Alexa on the ship, no matter her feelings. They would have been safer. Relocation wasn’t an option now, so they’d just have to deal with whatever came along.

He peered out the bathroom door to make sure the two of them hadn’t been hurt. He had to stand a little inside the room to see the bed.

The only thing in their favor right now was the Egesa’s determination to take Alexa alive. Otherwise, they could have killed her numerous times already. Braden was lucky his own ass hadn’t been fried. The man didn’t have on his shield coat or jacket. Another moment and the creatures probably would have disintegrated him.

Damn. What a view. Alexa lay on her back with a pillow raising her hips. Her back arched, her breasts thrust up, and Braden was tugging on one nipple with his fingers.

Erik’s eyes traveled down to lock on Braden’s tongue as he licked Alexa’s pussy. The smell of sex wafted through the air, exciting his senses. A low growl escaped him. He and Kam should be in on this. No one initiated alone.

His cock twitched when Braden curled his fingers around the dildo and slowly began to pump it inside her.

Alexa’s back arched even more. Her hips jerked. Man, she was responsive. And so beautiful. Her head turned toward him, and he couldn’t move away in time. Their eyes locked.

He heard her sharp intake of breath, even from where he stood. Shit.

Braden’s head jerked up. His eyes narrowed.

Erik knew he’d better get out of there. Braden felt differently about this woman than others. Right as he was about to step away, Alexa pushed Braden’s head back down.

“Don’t stop, Braden.” Then in a barely audible voice, which Erik wasn’t even sure he heard correctly, she added, “With him here watching, it’s…nasty.”

Braden’s eyes widened. He looked at her face, then back toward
. Erik’s knees locked, not believing this.

Braden lowered his head and lapped wildly at her cunt.

She bucked and moaned, clutching at his head, spreading her legs wider. “Yes, more, more.”

Erik’s eyes snapped to hers. Her heavy-lidded gaze traveled down his body, hesitating at his cock. She sucked a finger into her mouth, moving it slowly in and out. Damn. He shifted, his pants growing tight.

She was getting off on him watching and growing excited. Well, well, well. Alexa wasn’t so vanilla after all.

was Braden’s word. They were as close as brothers; he knew the man almost as well as he knew himself. Maybe Alexa really wasn’t doing this for herself, but for Braden. A lump caught in his throat at the thought.

He rubbed his aching cock, trying to get a little relief. Just how nasty was Alexa willing to get in her desire to please Braden? Possibilities flashed through his mind, and he almost came right there in his pants.

* * * * *

Daegal adjusted the picture on the closest monitor of a wall filled with screens. Was he seeing correctly? He zoomed in for a closer look. “Well, this is a surprise.” He chuckled.

Gabriella, his mate, shifted on his lap. Her hand caressed his chest in lazy circles. “I thought you said Braden had a possessive streak toward Alexa. Why’s he letting Erik watch him fuck her?”

“I don’t know. But it’ll work in our favor. The Egesa took care of their part. Everything’s set. And I’ve gotten in a preliminary report from the woman we sent. We’ll be able to get this show on the road real soon now.”

“What road?”

“It’s an Earth expression. I heard it on one of their television broadcasts.” He flipped a button, opening his private moon-to-ship transmission channel. “Send the two specially-selected assassins to the breeder’s home. Take out the lone male Warrior not participating in the Initiation. They can do what they want with the Healer, as long as they make sure she can’t cause us any trouble.”

“Why don’t you just destroy them all and take Alexa?”

“We will. But don’t underestimate Braden and Erik, my dear. They are quite deadly on their own. Together, they’re almost invincible. There’s a better way than a direct confrontation. We can’t afford to lose too many more of E-Team 30. They’ve already killed two, and another is currently missing.”

Gabriella snorted. “You are just toying with them, I think.”

Daegal chuckled and squeezed her bare thigh. “You know me too well.” The woman knew him not at all. And that’s the way he liked it. The element of surprise had always served him well. Soon, he’d have complete control of Marid
Xylon. Then he could concentrate on his pet project, the enslavement of Earth.

* * * * *

Braden knew Alexa was right on the edge. He just needed to push her over and let the orgasm take care of the rest. This would be a first for her, and a special moment between them. He wasn’t sure how he felt about having an audience.

He pushed against the dildo, getting it into her a little deeper. He rotated the angle to a better position. While caressing her breasts, he moved to lick and kiss her stomach.

Glancing across the room, he saw that Erik still stood there watching. The man’s cock looked ready to bust open his pants. Not that he could fault him for that. His own cock hurt so much he doubted he could even walk upright.

Personally, he wasn’t uncomfortable with Erik being there because they’d initiated women together many times. But the fact that the woman was Alexa sent pricks of jealousy along his nerves.

He’d been ready to bark an order for Erik to get out. Until Alexa stopped him. Nasty, she’d said. Throwing his own word back at him.

Damn. He didn’t know what to do. But then, maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing, after all. If Erik being here fed her excitement, she might be able to orgasm easier.

Braden sucked her nipple into his mouth. He scraped his teeth along the fleshy bud, knowing she liked that from his earlier experimentation.

Alexa whimpered. “Yes, yes, yes.”

Her pleasure meant more to him than anything else right now. He flipped off the vibrator, then pumped the dildo fast to keep her stimulated. He gave her nipple a small bite and a lick.

Making a decision he hoped would benefit them all, he looked over at Erik and motioned him closer.


Chapter Nine


“Where is he?” Leila asked, a snap of irritation in her voice. “He should have been back by now.” She paced in front of the guestroom window, chewing on her thumbnail at each turn. “Do you think something’s happened to him?” She paused beside the nightstand, took in a shuddering breath, then paced anew. Worry crossed her face and remained there.

Kam shook his head. “No, I don’t think so.” Erik was such a fool not to realize how much Leila cared about him. He should be
with her. “He’s okay from what I can tell. He’s on the detector and the sensor. Nothing abnormal.” Just highly sexual readings.

His brain had to be fried, and Braden’s too. It had already been decided, just as he knew Braden would want. Not that it was really a problem for him personally. Braden and Erik were both good men. But Leila was bound to be hurt. And Alexa would probably want to crawl into a hole after it was all over. Once her rational senses returned. She wasn’t accustomed to their type of lifestyle, and it would take time for her to adjust.

“Is he still in Alexa’s room?”


“And the Egesa?”

“Gone.” Kam stood. “We should go back in the living room and wait. It might be a while.”

should lie down. You still look pale.” Her brow creased. “If the Egesa are gone, then what’s Erik doing?”

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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