Read Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) Online

Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #Erotica

Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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Kam wrapped the belt he’d taken from Dare around Shear’s throat. Let’s see how
liked a belt used on him. The man rose up with a roar right before his voice cut off.

Leila kicked the Inducer from his hand. It smashed against the wall and broke.

Kam tightened the belt, hanging on for dear life. The man had a neck like a mastodon. “Leila, get the Inducer from my belt.”

She jumped up from the kitchen island, where Shear had pinned her, and whipped off her gag. She grabbed the Inducer from Kam’s waist. Without waiting for instructions, she pressed the unit to Shear’s groin and hit the activator full blast.

The shock reverberated throughout his body.

“How do
like it, you bastard?”

He gurgled in pain, the belt still around his neck, and slumped to the floor.

* * * * *

Erik’s heart pounded. Watching Alexa touch herself, with him right there so close, made jacking off much better than any fantasy he could make up in his head. He just hoped she didn’t finish before he did.

Her eyes still looked glazed and would remain that way for quite a while. She probably didn’t even realize what she was doing—not really. And she might not even remember any of this. Some women did, some didn’t. She’d probably be better off not remembering.

She spread her pussy, and he moved so he could see every wet, intimate inch of her. Her fingers circled her clit, then she teased her entry with a finger positioned at the opening.

“Do it.” He groaned, his hand pumping faster over his hot, straining flesh.

Alexa pushed her finger inside.

“Ah. That’s right, baby. Yeah. All the way in.” He moved his hand to the same rhythm as hers. His gaze took in each beautiful move she made. She bit her bottom lip, and he could tell she wanted to come desperately.

“Not yet, baby. Keep fucking yourself. Wait for me.” She inserted a second finger inside herself, and he felt his balls tighten. “Oh, yeah. That’s hot.” When Alexa moaned, and her eyes locked with his, he came in a massive rush. She climaxed almost at the same time.

Both their voices mixed with the raging storm outside and filled the room.


Chapter Eleven


The sound of voices, along with the storm, brought Braden out of his stupor. Damn. How long had he been out? He hadn’t crashed like that in years.
They’d been away from Xylon longer than prudent. His thought and speech patterns were becoming too alien. He’d noticed it in the others as well. They normally tried to mimic the speech patterns of whatever planet they were on. But when the majority of one’s thought patterns followed, that’s when he knew it was time to go home.

He glanced over at Alexa. She had sucked all the energy out of him—figuratively and literally. He stretched his arms over his head, working the muscles loose. After his rest, he felt revived.

He reached for her, pulling her down beside him. She pressed a kiss to his shoulder. Her skin felt good against his. Cool and soft. She draped a leg between his thighs and snuggled against his side.

He caressed her hip, rolling slightly toward her. “How are you feeling?” She still had a while before her sexual appetite would ease.

She rubbed his chest. “I need you inside me.”

Her words stirred his emotions and his cock. He was ready. Ready to penetrate her. He rolled over, trapping her beneath him.

She clawed at his back. “Now.”

He felt between her legs. Wet and creamy with her juices. He brought his fingers to his mouth and licked her essence from his flesh, delighting in the taste of her. With deliberate ease, never taking his eyes from hers, he pushed his cock into her, one slow inch at a time. He felt ready to explode, but held back, needing this moment to last.

Her eyes closed, and a smile of pure bliss crossed her face.

His heart pounded, and his pulse raced as he stared down at her. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. “Look at me, Alexa. I need to see your eyes.”

She opened her eyes, and he captured her gaze with his own. Their fingers interlocked as he lowered her hands down to the mattress, holding them above her head. He pushed deeper inside her. Braden marveled at the tight, lush heat of her body—her willingness to trust him, and give him every part of herself. Her soft folds held his cock lovingly, while her inner muscles caressed the length, squeezing his hard flesh.

“Deeper, Braden.”

He gritted his teeth and, in one smooth move, buried his cock deep into her pussy.

“Ah!” Her legs circled his hips, and she pushed up against him.

The perfect fit of her around his thick flesh was almost his undoing. He hadn’t expected the intensity of penetration to be this strong. “Oh, geez! Alexa. You feel incredible.”

“I need you so much, Braden. Fill me up.” She pulled her hands loose and raked her nails down his chest.

He shuddered, his muscles contracting beneath her touch. He slowly pulled his cock almost completely out of her, then pushed back home. Slow. Tight. Wet. Stretching her to fit him.

Her tongue found the pulse in his neck, and she licked at each beat against his skin. One sensual stroke after another. Her fingers tangled in his hair. “More! Faster.” She pumped her hips.

He grabbed her wrists and held them against the mattress again. Her eyes practically glowed from her intense need. With a low growl, he drove into her.


Having gone through the cravings himself, he knew what she needed and gladly continued to give it to her, increasing his rhythm until he was pounding into her body.

It didn’t seem to be enough. She whimpered and undulated against him, trying to get closer.

Braden dropped his control. The sexual animal in him took over. Only raw need existed. He moved like a wild man, untamed, undisciplined, with only one goal. Mindless pleasure—pure sexual satisfaction for himself and his mate. He thrust into her with abandon.

Alexa pulled her hands free of his grip. She pinched his nipples and called out his name in a needy voice. He roared in ecstasy. Nothing had ever felt this good. Grunting loudly with each thrust, he continued pumping into her.

The squeaking of the bed. Their ragged breathing. The smell of musk. The banging of the headboard against the wall. Their bodies slapping hard against each other. The aroma of sex. It all fueled his excitement.

An orgasm rushed through Alexa, then another. The muscles inside her pussy pulled at his cock.

“Yes!” she sobbed.

Pure ecstasy. He rolled them over onto his back, not ready to release her or take his own pleasure yet.

Alexa rose up on his body. She threw her head back, arching her neck and spine. He wondered if she’d ever been on top before.

If not, she caught on fast. She rode him hard, bouncing on him as if her life would end in the next five minutes if she didn’t make him come. Damn! Now this was fucking! A true fantasy. His dick would be sore for a month. But he didn’t care.

She looked down at him and squeezed her breasts, pushing them together. Her tongue swiped along her bottom lip.

Words spilled from his throat before he could stop them. “You’re everything to me, Alexa. I’m all yours. Forever, if you want me.”

In that instant, time seemed to stand still.

Her eyes cleared and locked with his. She slowed her movements. Her fingers slid down her body and across his hot flesh, until her fingers curled in his chest hair, then straightened.

Keeping eye contact, she moved her hips almost completely off him, then sank back down to the hilt. Over and over. Slow and steady—a complete seduction of his senses.

As he stared up at her, amazed at the change, something beyond the physical act gripped him inside. A deep, emotional joining weaved around them. The physical and emotional feelings grew and took hold. This wasn’t fucking. Something more was bonding them.

When she sank down the next time, taking all of him inside her, he held her hips steady, pushed up, and poured himself into her. A cry of pleasure escaped him, and he came harder than he believed possible, pulling her right over the edge with him.

Looking up at her, he drowned in the blueness of her eyes and felt closer to her than he’d ever felt to a woman. She collapsed on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to his heart.

He had heard about this happening during an Initiation, but it was rare, and only occurred between perfectly matched breeder mates. She was now a part of him, an equal part. And he intended to cherish her forever.

* * * * *

Kam and Leila pushed a duct-taped Shear into the garage. He rolled up against the wall, crashing into some paint cans.

“Thanks, Kam. What happened to Dare?”

“He’s out cold in the guestroom closet. Are you all right?”

She took in a large breath. “Yes, I’m fine.”

He saw her trembling and knew she was lying. But if she didn’t want to talk about it, he wasn’t going to push. The best thing he could do for her was be her friend. “We need to get out of here.”

“Shear took my transport-connector and vid-cell. I don’t know what he did with them. What about your vid-cell?”

“It’s not working. I didn’t find your equipment on Shear. He must have dumped them in the house somewhere.”

“Let’s look.”

They made a quick search of the kitchen and living room, but turned up nothing.

Leila sighed. “What now?”

“We make sure the others are okay. Braden and Erik both have transport-connectors. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. When Dare and Shear don’t return, they’ll send more assassins and Egesa, if they have the crew for it. We can’t take the chance. They’re more persistent than I expected they’d be.”

“Do you think they know Alexa’s a super breeder?”

“Anything’s possible. They do seem overly-eager to take her alive.”

“Should we interrupt the ceremony?”

“Given the circumstances, we have no choice.”

Leila nodded and followed him toward the bedroom.

Before they took more than three steps, an Egesa materialized next to the fireplace. He pulled out an energy ball and tossed it across the room.

“Down!” Kam turned and tackled Leila to the ground.

* * * * *

Erik let the warm water of the shower roll over his sated body. He’d jacked off again after stepping into the stall, his climax so hard he imagined the ground shaking beneath him. He had never seen a joining like that of Alexa and Braden. Their union went beyond that of mere sex. Although the sex had been hot to watch, too.

For Braden to have allowed him as much freedom with Alexa as he had awed him. Would Braden regret his leniency? He hoped Alexa wouldn’t hate both of them for it, but instead would embrace the Xylon lifestyle. It probably depended on how much she ultimately remembered, and how much she felt able to trust them.

He didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable around him. And he didn’t want to lose Braden’s friendship should he have any regrets later over the turn of events. They were brothers in spirit if not blood.

His current plan was to stay close. Help with the Branding and make sure everyone stayed safe, until transporting up to the ship. After that, they’d all return to Xylon, where Alexa would receive the best of protection. She and Braden could then spend all the time together they wanted.

* * * * *

The low-grade energy ball had rolled under the sofa and exploded. The cushions contained most of the blast, but that sofa was history. Better it, than them, was the thought that rattled through Kam’s head.

Another man materialized inside the living room.

Kam couldn’t believe his eyes.

The man drew a disruptor, catching the Egesa off guard. The creature screamed and materialized out, taking a severed arm with him.

Leila gripped Kam’s arm like a lifeline. Her nails digging into his skin.

“It’s okay.” He loosened her grip and helped her to her feet. “How’d you get here?” After ten years, the man’s appearance had changed, but not enough so that he wasn’t recognizable. Still dark and dangerous. And something more glinted in his eyes now.

“I heard there might be trouble.”

“Be careful. He’s an assassin,” Leila whispered to Kam.

“He doesn’t work for Daegal.”

“But he wasn’t on the Xylon ship. I’d have known. I cleared all the male Warriors; my assistant did the females.”

The other man laughed.

Kam didn’t think he’d ever seen him laugh before. Maybe banishment had done him good. “Leila, this is Torque. He’s on our side. Torque, this is Leila. She’s one of our Healers.”

“Torque? Interesting name.”

His gaze slid down Leila’s body.

Kam stepped in front of her. He hadn’t forgotten about the man’s habit of
women. Leila would not be one of them. “What are you doing here? I thought you were still on the Sand Moon. Banishment doesn’t allow travel privileges.”

Torque raised an eyebrow. “Territorial, Kam? Is she yours?”

Leila pushed him aside. “Step out of the Dark Ages, guys. I belong to no one. How do you two know each other? What’s going on here?”

Kam sighed. “Leila, this is Braden’s brother.”

* * * * *

Braden grabbed a bottle of wine off the dresser. He didn’t remember it being in the picnic basket of food. His mind must be going. After coming like one of Earth’s freight trains though, that wouldn’t surprise him. He smiled at the memory.

Alexa squirmed on the bed, pinching her nipples. He needed fortification before the next round with her.

No glasses in sight. He took a large swig straight from the bottle. Oh, that tasted bad. Her wine selection definitely needed improvement.

A quick glance around the room showed that Erik was gone. Probably in the bathroom. He checked the time left before they needed to leave orbit. It would be close.

He needed a shower. So did Alexa. He smiled. Sex in the shower held appeal. They could come together, wash each other, then come again.

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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