Read Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) Online

Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #Erotica

Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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“I’ve got her. Don’t waste time, Dare.
is our party.”

“Don’t I know it. Try not to wear her out before I get back.”

. She couldn’t give up. There had to be a way for her to escape and get the two assassins out of Alexa’s house.

Shear ran his tongue down the side of her neck. The revulsion of his touch made her want to heave, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. She knew better than to fight. Shear was also a Pain Master. She’d heard the rumors of his conversion shortly after her Initiation. He would love for her to fight, so he could torture her. She’d learned that the hard way, years ago. Nothing had changed; she was sure. And she still had the scars to prove it.

“No reaction, sweet thing? You’ve grown hard, have you? Well then, I’ll just have to do you harder, won’t I?”

* * * * *

Kam heard the door click open. The slow entry about killed him. Leila was in trouble. He’d picked up her terror on the sensor. But he couldn’t help her. Not yet. Without evening out the odds, he’d die, and she’d be alone.

He had tried to transmit for backup on his vid-cell, but the electrical jolt he’d gotten from the woman must have shorted it out. He didn’t have his transport-connector, so he couldn’t get to Braden and Erik for help. If he ever came across that electrical-trained beauty again, she would suffer the consequences. She’d put them all in danger with her betrayal of their people.

The giant of a man stalked toward the lump on the bed, his heavy-booted feet making the wooden floor vibrate. “Cowering like a little girl, Warrior?” He whipped back the covers to reveal a mound of pillows and a male, blow-up doll. “What the—”

Kam smashed him over the head from behind with a heavy crystal vase. The woman must have reported in to the Marid ship; otherwise, this intruder wouldn’t have known another Warrior was in the house.

The man crumbled to the floor.

“That’s what happens when you get overly confident. You also get overly stupid.” Kam rolled him over. “Damn. Dare, the Pain Master.” No wonder Leila was projecting terror on all cylinders. Dare could scare even the toughest Class 1 Warrior. The man wasn’t the brightest orb in the system, but he knew how to hurt better than any assassin.

There was someone else with Leila now. He was picking it up on the detector. Only one man though. Good. She stood a chance.
Hang on, Leila
. As soon as he secured Dare, he’d figure out what to do next.

* * * * *

Braden grazed his fingers over Alexa’s ass. His handprint was clearly visible on her tender flesh. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He hadn’t realized how hard he’d smacked her. He knew he’d given her some good swats, but…

What was wrong with him? He could have seriously hurt her.

A tug on his arm drew his attention. He glanced over at Erik, but couldn’t drudge up enough enthusiasm to say anything.

“She’s okay, Braden. She just has pale skin.”

“Mmm.” All the more reason why he should have been gentler with her. He’d let his own excitement cloud his judgment.

“She liked it, Braden. You know she did. She needed it. She’s a strong woman. She would have told you to stop if she really wanted you to. The mark will fade in an hour, probably less.”

Perhaps. He still felt like a bastard. In the future, he’d be more careful. He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the pinkish mark. “I’m sorry, Alexa,” he whispered. “I’d never intentionally hurt you, sweetheart.”

Erik shuffled his feet, then cleared his throat. “Do the tender shit later, Braden. She’s not in a right mind to appreciate it anyway. Now get undressed.” He dropped a pillow on the floor beside the bed. “I’ll get her into position. It’s time.”


Alexa felt a hand on her arm. She was so groggy and couldn’t remember if it was day or night. Her butt hurt, her nipples ached, her leg muscles were sore, and she felt completely drained.

Sounds from outside reached her ears. A storm had moved in. She could hear it growing in intensity. Rain pelted the windows and roof. Wind slapped tree branches against the side of the house. The room seemed darker now than earlier. Only the small lamp in the corner threw out any light.

With the help of someone behind her, she dropped to her knees onto a pillow. Her mind vaguely registered that it must be Erik, because Braden stood on the other side of the bed taking off his clothes.

Talk about a perfect body!

A chiseled chest, lightly sprinkled with dark hair, caught her attention first. Strong and capable of anything was the thought that came to mind. Her gaze drifted down his six-pack abdomen. Nice. And…oh! His cock. Hard, long, and thick, it rose out of a thatch of coarse-looking, black hair. If he knew how to use that thing, she was due for a mind-shattering, orgasmic time. Powerful thighs, indicative of strong thrusting power, made the view picture-perfect.

She wanted him fiercely. Her clit throbbed, and her nipples hardened in anticipation.

Then a wave of dizziness hit her.

She would have fallen against the bed, if not being held. Why did she feel so out of it?

Rough hands caressed her stomach and hips. Firm lips grazed her neck. Who? Erik. Yes, that’s right. She couldn’t think. His hard erection pressed against her through his pants. Were they both going to…?

“The appetite is slowly taking hold of her, Braden. We have to complete the ceremony
, while she’s still able to follow instructions.”

Braden walked closer. He stood proud and naked before her. He slowly licked the palm of one hand, never taking his eyes off her, and fisted his already-erect penis. He pumped hard until the erection looked massive to her. She wanted that hunk of flesh inside her. When he sat on the edge of the bed in front of her, disappointment hit. She pressed back against Erik. Anything for some relief.

Erik’s voice rumbled in her ear. “Careful, Alexa. Don’t tempt me. I only have so much control. You’re going to need to suck Braden’s cock. Make him come in your mouth. Swallow as much as you can. Do you understand?”

She understood. She spoke English. She just couldn’t understand or remember how she’d gotten herself into a sexual situation with two men. This was
like her. And her brain seemed to be growing foggier by the minute.

Drugged? No, it was something else. Wait. Yes, somewhat like drugged. They told her, but her mind couldn’t grab onto the memory.

The scent of sex filled her senses. Somehow, she thought she should protest being naked with two men, but she couldn’t muster the energy.

A hand pushed on the back of her head. Before she even realized it, her lips were sliding over that big, hot, slick cock. She could barely get much more than the head in her mouth, it was so thick. She automatically sucked.

A groan filled her ears, while musky flesh filled her mouth. Had that been her groan or one of theirs?

Her body grew warmer, and her need increased. She
to suck. She couldn’t stop. As she relaxed, she was able to take another inch or two. His flesh tasted so…decadent.

Two hands cupped her breasts in a firm hold. Ah. Her nipples twisted in pain-pleasure from tugging fingertips, manipulating the hard buds. She jerked and moaned.

More. She needed more.


At the first touch of Alexa’s lips on his cock, Braden almost lost it. He had to hold out as long as possible. The more he let the pressure build, the more self-protecting elements he’d spew down her throat, and the better she’d be able to heal herself internally if the need arose.

The way her eyes halfway glazed over, he knew she’d be completely out of it soon. He stroked her hair, letting the silky strands caress his fingers.

At the same time, Erik was doing something to Alexa with his hands that Braden couldn’t see. She kept twitching and whimpering. And Erik kept pressing hard against her ass. His tongue was liberally bathing her from ear to neck to shoulder, and he left an occasional love bite on her skin. Braden could tell he was getting too excited, and soon wouldn’t be able to stop if he continued stimulating her. “Erik,” he forced out, trying to keep his mind off Alexa’s sucking for a moment. “Erik, stop.”

The man looked up. Surprise crossed his face, then his gaze skittered away as if he realized he’d gone too far. He released Alexa and scooted back. Without a word, he staggered to his feet and toward the master bath.

Braden felt bad for Erik but having him leave during this third step was for the best. He didn’t want to come to blows with his friend over a woman. And now he could concentrate fully on Alexa.

She sucked him deeper, and he groaned. Her tongue and mouth demanded he come. And he couldn’t deny himself any longer.

His fingers tightened in her hair. “Yes!” he shouted and came hard and long in her mouth. “Ah!”

She sucked and swallowed, over and over, until she’d completely drained him. Her enthusiastic response surprised and pleased him. For a woman who’d never sucked cock, especially Warrior cock, she was a wonder. He was sure being almost completely under the influence of a raging sexual appetite helped. The delay had worked in their favor.

He collapsed on the bed, worn out and unable to move. Her mouth on him, her tongue and lips hungrily taking all he could give, had been a trip into paradise.

* * * * *

Shear’s head snapped around at the sound of a shout. Leila panicked. That was Braden. If Shear and Dare burst in on them now, the ceremony might not be completed. And if Braden and Erik ended up killed, Alexa would be at the Pain Masters’ mercy.

Leila felt Shear’s hold loosen. She broke loose and ran in the opposite direction from Alexa’s room. “Stupid freak! You’re no match for a Xylon Warrior.”

“Get back here, bitch!” He thundered behind her, his massive body like a boulder on a mission of destruction.

Good. Now if she could just keep him occupied, maybe that would allow Braden and Alexa to finish what they’d started. She hoped Kam would spot Dare before he stormed Alexa’s room. If Kam could keep Dare busy, or if Dare would come back and check on Shear, that would give Braden and Erik the time they needed to get Alexa protected against any Marid sterilization procedure.

The thought of both Pain Masters being so near sickened her, but eventually, either Kam or Erik would check on her. She just prayed that would be sooner rather than later, and before she lost her sanity.

* * * * *

From just outside the master bath, Erik watched Alexa crawl up on the bed next to Braden. She was fully lost in the sexual appetite now. He saw it in her glazed eyes.

He watched her breasts sway as she moved. Damn, he needed to fuck, to come. He could barely stand straight. He popped the top button on his pants.

Alexa’s mouth traveled up and down Braden’s body, trying to revive him. She needed to fuck. Erik saw that in her eyes, too.

He’d had to put some distance between them while he could, before helping Braden put his mark on her. He was too excited to control his actions and responses. And Braden had known it.

Regret tugged at him. He’d already overstepped his bounds by pinching her nipples. She really liked it though when he tugged and twisted them between his fingers. She’d rubbed that soft ass of hers back against his dick and purred like a contented feline.

If allowed, he would have sucked her nipples hard and deep, until she screamed and her juices ran down her thighs. He’d have slowly licked every drop of that thick cream off her body, then gone right to the source for more. The thought alone made him hard as steel.

He’d already seen for himself what a great fuck she was. Hot, but also sweet. An irresistible combination. He knew her pussy would taste so good he’d want to eat her again and again.

Her mouth drew his attention. She’d done a pretty good job eating Braden’s dick. She had some technique to learn in his opinion, but still, she’d done well. Too bad she couldn’t service him the same way. He’d teach her everything she didn’t know.

He leaned against the door and unzipped his pants. His cock needed to breathe. He groaned when Alexa, apparently frustrated with Braden’s lack of response, reached between her own legs and rubbed her clit.

“Yeah. Twiddle it, baby,” he whispered, pulling his shaft free. In her present state, self-gratification would barely take the edge off. She’d soon find that out. But he had no problems watching her try.

As she pleasured herself, he gripped his thick flesh and pumped. His hand was a poor substitute for a tight, wet pussy. But it was all he could do. “Make yourself come, Alexa. Make me come.” He knew she couldn’t hear him, he spoke too low, but his words fueled his own desire.

* * * * *

Kam rolled Dare, now trussed and gagged, into the closet. The blow-up doll wouldn’t fit. He needed to ask Alexa about that thing. Later… Right now, he had to get to Leila.

Luck had been with him. When he searched Dare, he found a Pain Inducer. The small, taser-like gun induced compliance or punishment on prisoners. It would make a good weapon, if he could get close enough to his target to use it. Dare had a disruptor on him, too. But it was a modified model, and he couldn’t figure out how to switch the damn thing on. He stuck it in his belt anyway.

He slipped out of the room and quietly made his way down the hall. He peered around the corner. The living room was empty.

He heard Leila’s whimpers coming from the kitchen, and he moved quickly. Please, let luck remain on his side. He hoped that whoever was with her was facing
from the door.

“You love it, you little bitch. You know you do.” Shear positioned his Pain Inducer between her legs. “It’s so much more powerful against bare skin, especially with the power adjustments I’ve made. This is just a tease. Soon, you’ll really scream good. Let’s get you stripped and strapped. I’m sure you remember how I love to belt-whip a woman’s body before shooting my come all over her.”

Remember? The man’s words incensed Kam. Had he done such a horrible thing to Leila at one time? He’d never known about any abuse she had suffered in the past. But then, she never spoke of her past.

BOOK: Initiation (Xylon Warriors 1)
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