Innocent Desires (2 page)

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Authors: Abie,Malie

BOOK: Innocent Desires
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"Fucking little shit head" I muttered and got out of the shower. Masturbating was out of the question. I
was too angry. I poured a drink from my supply and sat in the easy chair, wearing only the robe, put my
feet up and picked up the TV remote.

I turned on the set, went to movies, adult movies and then the selection. It was extensive. I seldom
watched porn but it seemed like a release. I picked a title and watched the usual array of porn offerings.
Huge tits, amazing cock, blow, fuck and the requisite cream on her face. Gangbang with the girl
drenched in cum. Two guys, one girl and the inevitable double entry scene. Two massive cocks,
stretching both pussy and ass, the girl moaning in ecstatic pleasure. Two girls, one guy, who fucks like a
machine on overdrive. The inevitable girl-girl scene with two women, in make up, serious hair and loads
of jewellery, skanky clothes and high heels, who never seem to take off the heels. At least the women
seem to be okay at giving each other oral. And finally, the two ended dildo scene with both women
having endless orgasms.

Porn made, produced and directed by men, for the male audience. No wonder the guy I had kicked out
earlier was so bad.
Two drinks, more porn and I was finally ready to sleep. Almost mechanically I massaged my self to an
orgasm and fell asleep. I awoke in the morning with a headache, vague memories of disturbing dreams
and a renewed appreciation for decent lovers. Another quick shower, breakfast by the pool and now I
was on the beach.

Knowing I was likely to run into the guy who was such a disappointment, I considered how to handle any
negative comments. "You're an immature jerk" seemed to work.

In the afternoon, I decided to get out of the resort and explore. The surrounding area was considered
safe, if you weren't looking for trouble and didn't stay past sundown. I walked through a market,
admiring the locally made crafts. A beautiful wrap caught my eye. I put it on and admired myself in a
mirror. Only minor bargaining so as to not look too stupid and it was mine. The older teen girl at the
table smiled and said, "It was made for you, Senorita." I smiled back. Instead of putting it in a bag, I
decided to wear it as a sash and walked away. Some more looking at jewellery, clothing, leather goods
and I was ready to walk back to the resort. To my surprise, the table where I purchased the wrap was
now being looked after by an older woman and the younger one was not there. As I walked out of the
market, a hand took mine. It was the girl.

"My aunt was pleased at how much you paid, Senorita. She let me go early." She smiled again and I
smiled back, touched by her child like innocence. She walked with me and chatted about her aunt, how
she worked at the table sometimes and what school was like. She looked to be about late teens but
acted younger. She had a child like manner that made me think she might just be handicapped in some
way. She was treating me like we were old friends, instead of strangers who just met. I chatted with her,
wondering if it was appropriate to be walking her away from her aunt.

"You are a very nice girl, but don't you think you should be getting back to your aunt?"


"No, Senorita, I can play now until I want to go home." She had yet to let go of my hand and I felt like I
was walking with a child of eight, not an older teenager.


"You are from the resort, Senorita? I have never been. It is for," she paused, thinking of the word, "from


"Tourists?" I offered.


"Si... you know." She was really not mentally a teenager. That was obvious. "Can you show me the
resort?" Her eyes beamed like a child on Christmas morning.


"Don't you think we should ask your aunt? She will worry."

"No, I come back later. She will know." I thought 'what harm then' and we walked the distance to the
resort chatting like school girls. She was very pretty, big bright eyes and a wonder about the world I
almost hoped would never go away. Her hand was still clutching mine.

"What is your name," I asked.


"Isabella, "she said.


"I'm Kathy."

We walked around the resort and her eyes grew bigger. She had obviously never seen swimming pools,
manicured lawns, gleaming bright buildings and resort staff in crisp white and red uniforms. "Your room,
Senorita, which one is it?"

"Would you like to see it'" I asked, enjoying her banter and happiness.

"Oh...please, yes." And we went to the room, her eyes registering a bit of confusion at the elevator.
When the door opened and we were on a different floor, she clapped her hands. I opened my door and
we went in, the room immaculate after the housekeeping staff had been through. She walked around,
wide eyed at the room with a large bed, comfortable furniture and carpeting. "Senorita, you must be a
"No," I laughed, "just another tourist." There was bottled water on the desk and I opened a bottle and
poured her a glass. She took it and sipped hesitantly, then smiled when she recognized water. There
were many things here new to her. We continued to chat and I found it hard to picture an older
teenager when she was so much younger inside. Her body was slim. Her hips were narrow but not
childish. Her breasts were slightly bigger than mine and plainly not surrounded by a bra. They were firm
and self-supporting, as if they were just swelling. She was wearing a simple skirt and a tee shirt that was
partially covered by a traditional native vest. Her long black hair shone in the sunlight. She really was a
beautiful young woman, an older teen going on eight. I wondered what her life would be like.

"Are you hungry at all," I asked.


She looked around and said, "yes, but there is no kitchen."

I gave a little laugh and said," That isn't a problem. We can just call for some food." She looked sceptical
but nodded. I got out the room service menu and asked, "How about some dinner." It was about five in
the afternoon.

"But what is there here?" she asked. I gave her the menu but it was quickly apparent she couldn't read


"How about some pizza?" I asked, thinking that would be a safe bet.


"What is pizza?" was the reply.

I smiled again and said, "You will like it." I called and ordered the pizza, some salad and a bottle of
chilled white wine for me and milk for her. When the food arrived she was ecstatic. She liked the pizza
and was hungry, eating most of it while I had some salad and sipped the wine.

When she was done she simply said, "Pizza...I like it".
Taking the wine and my glass, I sat in the chair, put my feet up and without a word, she sat on my lap
and curled up like a child. She was slim, so her weight wasn't uncomfortable, but she was taller than a
child and had to pull up her knees. She settled in and closed her eyes. In minutes her breathing was slow
and steady. She was asleep. I held her in my arms and stroked her hair. The teen child adjusted her
posture a bit and resettled. I felt almost like a mother. Not quite, but close. I felt warmth from her and it
was penetrating my body. Her hip was right over my vulva and I could feel her warmth penetrate to that
as well. With her knees drawn up tight, I could see her panties, thin and washed out, a bit small for her
now. The fabric was stretched tight over her labia and I could see a definite slit between the lips. 'Camel
toe' I thought to myself and inwardly blushed at my desire to gaze.

Almost unconsciously I moved my pelvis to feel her against me. It felt like heaven and I caught myself. I
was getting wet! The teen child was turning me on! I sat and slowly rocked my pelvis, enjoying the
delicious sensations. The girl was sound asleep as I rocked slowly for several minutes. I put one hand to
my breast and massaged my nipple. The combination of sensation took me closer to release and I closed
my eyes and imagined her giving me oral sex, her mouth and tongue delighting me. The orgasm built
and I tried not to move very much but my pelvic gyration increased as I sought out my climax. Pursing
my lips to not make a sound, I felt the wash of pleasure flood up from my pelvis to sweep over me. God,
it was good! I involuntarily shuddered a few times and she stirred.

Her eyes opened and there was a moment of confusion and fear as she didn't recognize the
surroundings. I squeezed her hand and said, "It's all right. You are safe with me".

She was more awake now and her fear was gone, replaced by contentment. Her eyes were open but she
seemed far away. She slowly came back and looked up at me, smiling. "I think it's time to take you back
home." She nodded and got up. We walked back to the market, her hand in mine. This time there was
less chat, but it just felt better that way. As I walk away from her at the market I was hoping to be with
her again.

That evening, I gave the nightclub a pass and walked along the beach, thinking about what had
happened. I felt no shame or remorse. The girl was unaware and not harmed in any way. I was at peace
with the fulfilled desires I had felt. There was a certain concern over my fantasy to have the girl
participate, but I really hadn't done anything that untoward, so I passed it off to hidden desire and put
the concern aside.
Back in my room, I thought about how to fill the rest of the evening. The thought of my orgasm with the
girl got me thinking about porn and I turned on the TV and went through the adult movie selection until
I found one that seemed to be all girls. Sitting back with another glass of wine, I watched as the movie
unfolded. Unlike most porn, this one actually seemed to have a plot. A woman, recently divorced,
finding herself exploring same sex affairs. I smiled. It could have been me. After a scene in which she is
seduced by a co-worker and a scene in which she goes to a women's gym and seduces someone else, it
switched to her home. A teen girl comes to the door and the woman invites her in and seduces her. The
actress portraying the teen didn't look to be of legal age to be in a porn film, but that just added to my
excitement. The scene was long, tender and sweet. No toys, high heels or skanky outfits, just tender
sweet exploring, kissing and caressing, with gentle passionate sex and when the teen started to give the
woman oral sex, I was taken. I imagined it was my self and the teen child. I massaged my self and timed
it so the older actress and my self came together. I closed my eyes and imagined the girl between my
legs, looking up and smiling.

That night, I tossed and turned as I dreamt of sex. Sex with guys, sex with the girl, tender and soft. I even
dreamed of anal sex with the older gentleman. Somehow he got his thick penis into me, giving me the
most incredibly sexual anal sensations I had never experienced and I shuddered and came in my dream.
I woke up and realized that I had come. I hadn't climaxed during a dream for at least a decade. This
vacation was definitely good for me. With a hand between my legs, softly massaging myself, I drifted
back to sleep.

In the morning, after breakfast, I went to the resort gym and did a workout. There were several other
people there and I found my self eying the women, checking out bodies and mentally undressing them. I
thought about the porn scene at a gym, but I knew I didn't have the courage to try and get it on with any
of these real life women. Maybe tomorrow, I thought. I showered at the gym and gave myself a quickie
as I fantasized about one of the women I had seen there. As I started to climax, my fantasy switched to
the teen girl and I shuddered and came hard, my mind seeing her spread for me, my mouth devouring
her young femininity. Back at my room, I changed into my two piece and wearing my new wrap, went to
the beach. As I applied the sun screen, I hesitated just a few seconds, then took off the top, applied
some screen to my breasts and lay down. The soft ocean breeze on my breasts felt wonderful. I thought
about what the breeze would feel like if I took off the bottom as well. Maybe tomorrow, I thought. With
my eyes closed, I just let my mind drift, relaxing and feeling the heat of the sand under me and the
sunshine on my breasts. I lay like that for some time and drifted off into a nap.

I awoke to the sound of someone sitting down beside me. It was Mr. Disappointment. Instinctively I put
an arm across my breasts and sat up. I reached for the wrap and covered up. "You don't have to do that.
I've already seen everything." He was smiling and seemed to be unaware of how badly he had treated
me. "I want to apologize for the other night. I'm sorry about the names. I was drunk".
So he did remember. And he wasn't that drunk, just rude and immature. "I really don't want to talk to
you. You were horrible to me and if you think we're going to try it again, you're dreaming. So please just
leave me alone."

He scowled and got up, muttering, "Cock teasing bitch", he walked off.

"Fuck you" I muttered to myself, not wanting him to hear me and carry on with more vile insults. I tried
to relax again but it was hard. The jerk had really ruined my day. Deciding not to give him the
satisfaction, I applied screen to my back and legs and lay on my stomach, forcing myself to mentally slow
down. I listened to the sound of the waves and my breathing got deeper and more even. I relaxed and
thought about the good things in life. Like older gentlemen and young girls. The warmth on my back felt
sublime and I drifted off.

That afternoon I avoided the market, not wanting to appear too interested in the girl. I took a bus tour
and just played tourist for that day. At dinner I was seated with a man who looked a bit older than me.
He told me his name was Kurt. We chatted and the conversation was free and easy. I told him I had been
divorced for two years and that this was my first vacation in a long time. He told me he was recovering
from the death of his wife, who six months earlier had succumbed to cancer. I had no way of deciding if
he was being honest or just looking for a woman to be sympathetic and offer sexual condolences. He
was wearing a wedding ring. I asked him about that and instead of answering, he took out his wallet, got
out a picture and showed it to me. An emaciated woman, with tubes all around her sat in a hospital bed,
the man by her side and somehow smiling for the camera.

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