Innocent Desires (3 page)

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Authors: Abie,Malie

BOOK: Innocent Desires
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"Unless I ever get married again, this ring stays put." He smiled at me, but a calm, determined smile, as if
saying, 'Don't ever doubt me again.' I didn't feel guilty about asking after the ring, but I did feel a twinge
of sorrow for the man. He obviously had loved his wife and now she was gone. We continued to talk, but
something was missing. It wasn't the same.

Finally I said, "You must be very lonely." I wasn't trying to pick him up. I just felt that he was struggling
and I wanted him to know I cared.
"It has been hard, but I'm doing okay. Thank you for being my dinner companion. Perhaps we can do this

I smiled and said, "Yes, I'd like that." He got up, excused himself and put out his hand. I took it and we
gave each other a squeeze, then he walked away. He looked misty eyed and I was sure he was trying not
to cry.

That evening was Polynesian night at the club. Hawaiian shirts, leis, grass skirts and even coconut shell
bras were available to be worn, if desired. I considered it and thought it might be fun, as long as Mr.
Disappointment stayed away from me. I took a grass skirt and then after a moments hesitation, a
coconut bra. Back in my room, I took off everything but my panties and put on the outfit. After fiddling
with the bra, adjusting the strings, I got it to fit reasonably well and went to the club.

Mai Tais, chi-chis and beer flowed like water. Nearly everyone there was dressed in some variation of a
Polynesian theme. The coconut bra was uncomfortable but I smiled and danced with the various men
who asked. The grass skirt was itchy and hot, but I liked the way it swayed with my movements. I was
sitting at a table with several unattached women and we laughed, drank and watched the crowd.
Several of them had a guy picked out for a bed partner that evening and made their plays to nab them.

"Who do you want to take to bed tonight?" asked one of the women, her eyes large with anticipation.

"I really haven't got a guy in mind. Maybe someone will catch my eye." She was dressed like me, her
larger breasts a little confined in the coconut shells. Her name was Sarah. She appeared to be about my
age, and was rather good looking. I was hoping to see my dinner companion. Not so much to sleep with
him, but just to continue talking and maybe dance with him.

The woman smiled and said, "Well, if you can't find a guy you like, I'll keep you company." I must have
shown some surprise, even with my thoughts about checking out the women at the gym. She put her
hand on my thigh and said, "I'm not a lesbian. But I don't like sleeping alone."

Her hand felt good. I put my hand on hers and gave it a very slight squeeze. Not really being brave
enough to accept her offer right then, I said, "There's a guy I met that I don't see here. "
She smiled again, gave my thigh a firmer squeeze and said, "I understand. I'm in the market for a guy as
well. But I meant what I said." Just then a couple of guys came up and asked us both to dance. They
were both younger than us. While I danced with one, he looked me over very thoroughly, like he was
deciding whether to buy me. I felt annoyed at his attitude. He was reminding me of Mr. Disappointment.

"Got a question for you" He raised his eyebrows as if he were about to offer me a sweet deal. "My
buddy and I have been looking you two over. Care to have a foursome with us? We'd love to have you
two stay with us tonight."

The thought of being the two guy's sex toy for the night was revolting. "Well actually, I have made other
arrangements. Thanks, anyway."


"Well, if it doesn't work out, let me know. You look pretty good in that outfit," and he walked away. I
prayed that the other woman, if she'd been asked, had said no. She had been asked and she had said no.

"Getting double fucked by those two? I don't think so," and laughed. After a few more drinks and a few
dances, one with my new friend Sarah, I was almost hoping my dinner companion wouldn't appear. I
was beginning to look forward to having sex with another woman. I hadn't done that since college.

At the table we chatted like old friends, touching each other and laughing together as we watched the
various hook up attempts play out. "Watch this," she said. "That girl with the long blonde hair over
there, she's been after that body builder type all night." We had watched earlier as the two of them had
checked each other out. "She's going to make a move soon. I can just feel it." She was right. Blonde and
builder were heading out on the dance floor.

"Dirty dancing time," I said.

Sarah just nodded and then added, "The guy must be on steroids. Maybe his nuts have shrunk." We
both burst out laughing. Blonde didn't waste too much time. She got behind builder and wrapping her
arms around him, humped up and down his ass. He let her carry on and she moved a hand down to go
for his package. She moved her hand up and down openly masturbating him. When she stopped, he
turned around. She did as well and he humped her ass and went for her vulva. He had to get his hand
through the grass skirt first. He must have liked what he felt because his eyes lit up and he beamed.
Sarah and I looked at each other and said in unison, "No panties," and again burst into laughter.

I was feeling warm inside and the thought of sleeping with Sarah was making me moist. I was sitting very
close to her and leaned over and whispered in her ear. "I'd love to keep you company tonight."

She shivered, not from cold and whispered back, "I was hoping you would." The other women at the
table seemed oblivious to our plans. Two had already left with guys and the other two were still flirting
and chatting up their prospects. Mr. Disappointment walked up and asked me to dance. I looked at him
and said, "I don't want to dance with an immature jerk like you. I told you to leave me alone. Now get

He scowled again and looked at Sarah. "How about you, care to show a young guy a thing or two?"


She burst out laughing and said with a false politeness, "No thanks, but come back when you've grown

He went red with anger and almost lost it. "I wouldn't want to fuc.." He stopped in mid insult. One of the
guys that had been chatted up by one of the remaining women had walked over and hearing the
exchange, had put a warning hand on his shoulder. Disappointment spun around and looked up at the
guy, several inches taller and much bigger than he was.

"Just apologize and walk away," said the guy, in a voice that wasn't going to take no for an answer. Mr.
Disappointment tried to go around but the guy just put his hand to his neck and squeezed. His eyes were
boring into the now frightened smaller man, who turned and mumbled, "Sorry, I've been drinking. It
won't happen again."

The bigger guy released his neck and Mr. Disappointment got out of the nightclub, without looking back.
The woman that had been after the bigger man looked at him like he was Superman and said, "You were
wonderful." Her eyes were wide open and she got up, took his hand and led him out the door.
"You know that prick?" asked Sarah. I just looked at her and said, "I'll tell you later." Now there was only
one unattached woman at the table. She didn't know that Sarah and I were hooking up. The guy she had
been eying came over and asked, "What was that all about?"

"I'm not sure. Want to dance?" He grinned and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor.


"That's our cue," said Sarah and stood up. I got up and together we walked out. "Want to come to my
room," I asked. "Yes, but let me get out of this ridiculous outfit."


"Okay," I said, "Room 412. I'll be waiting." Sarah gave me a quick kiss and her hand went to one of my
coconut shells.

"I won't be long," she said and walked away. I went to my room, got out of the grass skirt and coconut
bra. 'What should I wear' I asked myself. I quickly ran through my choices and picked out my sexiest
panty and bra set, put on a simple skirt that flattered my butt and a blouse that was slightly see through.
I giggled to myself. 'She's only going to take it all off'. I checked my hair, applied another hint of my
perfume and I was ready. At the knock on the door, I felt myself getting a chill of excitement. My moist
vagina was now wet. I opened the door.

Sarah had put on an outfit remarkably similar to my own. We looked at each other and laughed
together. We were both a bit nervous and Sarah asked if I had anything to drink. I had a bottle of red
wine in the cabinet and took it out. Sarah said, "Lovely," and stepped forward to take me in her arms
and kiss me.

The bottle didn't get opened. We stood there, kissing, lip locking and running hands over each other.
The pressure of her breasts against mine was heaven. I had forgotten how good it was to feel a powerful
sexual attraction for another woman. My hands ran down her back, over her butt and her thighs. She
almost gasped as my hand moved under her skirt, between her legs and up to her panty covered ass. It
felt so good, so real, and so sensual. She did the same to me and I did gasp as her hand went to my ass
and a finger massaged my lips. I shifted my feet to give her better access and she got her finger under
my panty and went for my vagina. It was so wet that she had no problem getting a finger tip in. Curling
the finger, pulled a bit and I gasped again. We started undressing each other, still kissing and fondling.
We were like over sexed teenagers, opening buttons, fumbling with bra closures and in a minute we
were both nude. We made a dive for the bed and started serious exploration of each other. Her breasts
were full and soft, her hair smelled of apples and her perfume was intoxicating. We rolled around, hands
to the other's vulvas, breasts, butts and we kissed and sucked each other all over our overheated

We settled into a sixty-nine position and gave each other several orgasms, she on top for a few minutes,
then rolling over so I was on top. Her mouth and tongue played my clit like it was her profession. She
entered my vagina with her fingers and sought out my G Spot. I did the same and we gave each other
several more pelvic twisting deep vaginal orgasms. I was clutching her, my arms holding her tight as she
made me come and come until I was moaning and groaning in sheer ecstasy. I got her on her back,
spread her legs and settled in to give the same pleasures.

My mouth and tongue kissed and sucked her clit, her labia and her thighs as I worked her G spot with
two fingers. It was an orgy for two. No toys, no condoms, no male participation, just pure lust between
two women who really wanted to fuck each other silly. For about an hour we fucked each other and
didn't say a word, except for the words of passion as we each came and let our hearts say what we really
wanted to say.

After she had given me my umpteenth orgasm, I rolled onto my back and said, "Stop. I need to take a
break." She lay beside me, a hand over my vulva, massaging gently.

"Yes. Me too." And we lay there, exhausted and spent. After I caught my breath, I rolled over and looked
at her sweat covered body, her womanly breasts and I put an arm over her and sighed. She snuggled in
close and we just lay in each others arms, occasionally kissing, and looking in each others eyes. I hadn't
had sex like that since....I had never had sex like that. Sarah was the most skilled lover I had ever had.
The older gentleman had fucked me beautifully, but Sarah had fucked me until I couldn't take any more.
This was animal passion. This was lust at its finest. I smelled of perfume, mine and hers, and of sweat
and sex. My vaginal fluids and my sweat were all over her. And hers were all over me. The sheets were
damp with it. My vagina was tingling and my clit was warm and a bit tender. I was never so happy in all
my life.

After what seemed like an hour of gentle holding, I felt the urge to pee. I got up, stretched like I had
been asleep for days and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess,
my makeup was streaked and my skin was still glistening with sweat and her fluids. I peed and thought
about what had happened. 'It was wonderful,' was all I could come up with. Sarah came in, sat on the
toilet and peed as well. She looked at me, smiled and said, " We need a shower."
We showered together, soaping each other, washing each others hair, running the wash cloth over the
other's body, rinsed off the suds and got out. We towelled each other's hair, wrapped ourselves in the
plush robes in the closet and sat in the room. We both had a towel around our heads and we both
stretched out in the chairs and looked like two cats that had each caught a canary.

Sarah put one leg over the armrest, exposing herself without a trace of embarrassment. Her freshly
washed pubic hair, trimmed and neat was eye candy. "I'm hungry," she said. I giggled and put a hand to
my vulva. "No, I mean I'm hungry for food, you little nymphomaniac." I smiled and got out the room
service card. I had a momentary thought that it was the teen child sitting exposed and I remembered
the climax I had as she sat in my lap.

I handed Sarah the card and asked, "What would you like?" She looked it over.


"I'm really hungry. How about steak sandwiches?" I nodded and picked up the phone and ordered two
steak sandwiches, Caesar salad and some veggies.


"Shall I open the wine?"

While sipping the wine and waiting for the food, I told her about my disaster with Mr. Disappointment.
When I told her about his attempt to fuck me in the ass and his words of derision, Sarah said, "He
actually said that? Christ...what a little peckerhead."

Then I told her about meeting him on the beach and his comments as he walked away. "Little prick
should have his nuts removed," Sarah commented. "Take his genes out of the pool."

The food arrived and we both attacked it. I was truly famished. Sarah had depleted a lot of energy. We
told each other our life's stories as we ate and drank. She was divorced, like me, lived in a state far from
mine and was working at a hospital as a social worker. She had one daughter, who lived with her and
was now at her mother's, while she took this vacation. She admitted that as much as she didn't like to
sleep alone, it was the way she slept almost every night. She had gone through several boyfriends since
her marriage failed, but none of them seemed like husband and father material.
I asked her if she had a special girlfriend. She said she did, and that the two of them had an
understanding. They got together for sex but would end it the minute a decent guy came along. "No you
wouldn't," I said and she laughed.

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