Innocent Desires (7 page)

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Authors: Abie,Malie

BOOK: Innocent Desires
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I smiled and thought of her curled up on my lap, her thin panties over her young and tender labia. "Yes,
and you should call me Kathy. We are friends now."


The elevator again delighted her. On entering the room she gazed around again, pleased to be in the
luxurious surroundings. Then she looked a bit uncomfortable. "Sen....Kathy, where do you...where is..."


"The bathroom is through that door." After a few minutes she came out with a puzzled look on her face.


"What is it?" I asked.


"There are holes in your bathtub. How does the water stay in?"


I smiled and said, "It's a jetted tub. I'll show you how it works.

I filled the tub with warm water. Isabella again looked sceptical. When the water level was over all the
jets I turned on the pump. The girl startled at the sound but was amazed at what was happening. "Put
your hand in," I suggested.

She did and cautiously moved it over one of the jets. Her eyes lit up and she said, "It tickles."

"Watch this," I said and added a little bath foaming gel. After a few moments, the room filled with the
scent of the bath gel and creamy white bubbles started to cover the water. I felt a stirring in my vagina.
A second of hesitation, then I asked, "Do you want to take a bath, Isabella?" The thought of being in
such a bath was overpowering. She looked at me wide eyes. "Oh yes Se...Kathy. I do. Thank you so
much." She started to remove her clothes, as unconcerned with my presence as if I was her own aunt.
Trying not to show any sexual excitement, I looked at he teen child stripping in front of me. She pulled
down the skirt and casually stepped out of it. Looking at me with a childish excited smile, she started
undoing buttons. As she pulled the blouse back and off, her gorgeous, adolescent swelling breasts,
topped with puffy adolescent nipples were pushed forward as her arms went backwards. She looked
exquisite. Then she pulled down her thin, washed out cotton panties, and lifted each foot in front of her
to slip off her sandals. As each foot came up, parting her thighs, I saw her thinly haired young bush
above her well developed labia. As she stepped into the tub, her eighteen year old bum, not thin, not
wide, just adolescent, looked like two gracefully shaped tight, round, firm melons. She sat down in the
scented, swirling bubbly water and sighed. "Oh Kathy, this is so wonderful."

She was sitting up and the bubbles were just below her breasts. Even though I could have visually eaten
them for an hour, I said, "Lay back, relax and let the water surround you. She lay back with her head on
the convenient head rest and again sighed. I was sure she had never been in such a luxurious situation.
"I'll leave you here for a while, Isabella. Enjoy yourself."

I was afraid to stay. I was sure that if I did, I would be all over her. As much as that thought thrilled me, I
somehow felt it would frighten her. Best to go slow and bring her along to the point where she wanted
me to sexually please her. The dark thought just made my moist vagina get wetter. I thought about
myself at her mental age, how I ached to touch another girl, laying beside me at a sleepover. I
remembered the thrill of forbidden fruit as we finally kissed, fondled and then slowly, cautiously
lowered our hands, to finally touch each other's young and willing lips, and thrilling to the flood of
pleasures. I remembered how I felt as my friend touched me, just as I wanted her to, my young clit so
eager to be caressed and my young, wet vagina aching to have her finger enter. And how I felt as the
first orgasm I ever received from someone else made my body so tense and rigid as the orgasm got
close. And how I bit my hand to keep from crying out and alerting my mother to what was going on as
the orgasm overcame me.

I caught myself as I realized my hand was under my panties, massaging my clit as the memories took me
back. I carried on and imagined it was Isabella touching me. I slowed my hand to prolong the pleasure
and after several minutes, my hand now very wet, went to my vagina. With Isabella safely in the tub, I
slipped off my panties, lay on the couch and putting a leg over the back, exposed myself to no one and
continued the delightful masturbation.

I could hear Isabella singing to herself and as the climax approached, I had three fingers in my vagina
and the other hand on my firm clit. I pushed in the fingers, stretching myself, feeling the fullness in my
vagina and let the orgasm build. Again I had to bite a hand as the orgasm swept over me. Three, then
four shuddering body convulsions shook me as the climax seemed to go on and on. Then I relaxed back
into the couch, my legs still splayed, my vagina open to whoever wanted it. Isabella, perhaps?

I lay there, panting, my breasts lifting with the movements of my chest. My sexual desire only partially
satiated, I thought of how to seduce Isabella. I poured a soda into a glass, poured some wine for myself
and went into the bathroom.

I handed the soda to the girl who accepted it with a smile. "Thank you, Kathy. I like this." I smiled at her
in a simple friendly way and said, "You're welcome." The room smelled of the bath gel, a lovely floral
scent. The hum of the Jacuzzi motor and the sound of the water jetting into the tub and the sight of the
teen child, sitting up to drink her soda, her young breasts again displayed, was all so very enticing.

"Isabella, you look like you're having so much fun. I think I'll join you." The girl smiled, showing no sense
of alarm. I casually started removing my clothes, as if it was an every day occurrence to strip in front of
her. As I remover my bra, Isabella seemed to look with some interest. As I slipped my skirt down and off,
Isabella was still watching. The fact that I had no panties on escaped her. I got into the tub, facing her
and smiled.

"Oh my, this water is good." The jets at my back did feel good but I was too focused on Isabella to really
care. She had a very slightly nervous expression now. I wasn't sure if it was because my being there was
now uncomfortable to her or because she was feeling aroused and didn't understand why. I gave her a
reassuring smile and moved to lean forward to give her slight kiss to her cheek. "Doesn't this feel good,

She seemed to relax and smiled back. "Yes Kathy, it feels so good to feel this water moving." I wondered
if she had already tried to place herself up against a jet to let the water massage her clit.


"Kathy, the moving water, it makes me makes me feel so good inside." That seemed to answer
my question. "The boys, they touch me, but this feels better."

"I know it does, sweetheart, it makes me feel so good inside too." It was now or never.
I moved and knelt in the tub, to let one of the side jets come up against my clit. I sipped the wine as if
this was the natural thing to do when a young girl was bathing with me. I smiled at Isabella who simply
smiled back, but her eyes were a bit wide as she thought of what was happening. Letting the jet caress
my tingling clit, I sighed and put a hand to my breast and held it tight, sighing some more. Giving Isabella
a reassuring smile every now and then, I let the pleasure build.

The presence of the teen child, the thoughts of watching her do the same, the jet pulsing into my clit
and the overall sexually charged vacation soon had me on my way. Giving the girl one last look, my face
now showing my excitement, she was looking at me with interest, not alarm. I returned to my pleasures
and with one hand holding the edge of the tub and the other my own breasts, I let the orgasm quickly
build and flood over me. I gasped, shook a few times and gasped again, all in the pleasure and not just
for show.

As I came down, I sat back on my own legs and with my eyes closed, just massaged myself, getting the
last sexual pleasures and letting my breathing slow. I opened my eyes and smiling at Isabella, I picked up
the wine, sat back where I was and again pretended this was normal for me. Isabella was smiling in a
different way and it took a second to realize that under the carpet of bubbles, her hand was at her vulva.
"Come here, sweetheart."

She came over and I arranged her to lie back against me, facing away and with us both semi-reclined. I
took her hand and put it to her vulva, again as if this was normal and proper. She was a bit hesitant. I
kissed the top of her head and gave her a hug, as if to say, 'Its okay. Touch yourself.' Her hand started

I luxuriated in the sensations, her young, slim, wet, soapy body against mine. Her hard round ass against
my vulva and the slight movement I felt as her hand moving over herself. Her upper back was against my
breasts and my nipples, fully erect were thrilling to the slight movement. I let Isabella stroke herself
without any help from me. Then I moved one of her legs apart a bit, inviting her to continue. She moved
the leg at my touch and she sighed. After about another minute I put one hand over one of her wet,
slippery breasts. They were incredibly firm and her puffy nipple went full. I massaged her breast and
then also held the other. Her body was making little movements now, her ass muscles contacting and
her little pelvis moving as well. The movement against my vulva was heavenly.

If she was concerned about masturbating on my lap, she didn't show it. I moved a leg and pulled it up
and out, giving her more room for her hand. She went with that and her hand seemed to move farther
down and move a bit faster. I was amazed that she was so overtly sexual with me. I hugged her tight and
she kept on masturbating.

Isabella was now giving out little girl moans and murmurs. By her movements she was close to climax. I
moved a hand from her breasts to her hand, pressing it and encouraging her. She seemed to take that as
permission and I felt her hand rubbing her clit harder and faster. She took several gasping breathes,
paused a second and then came. Her slim body shook and she cried out with a gasp. She gave another
shake as she finished her orgasm and she lay tense against me. I held her tight, hugging and caressing,
letting her know it was alright to come with me there. "Shush, sweetheart, shush."

She relaxed and her body melted against mine. We lay like that for a minute and then she said, "Pizza?"


"Yes, sweetheart. Time for pizza."

I moved to get up and she did as well. Her long hair was wet, her lithe young body was glistening and
she looked very happy. Orgasm and now pizza was my guess. I helped her towel and I partially dried her
hair and put it up in a towel. Smiling at her, I said, "We can wear bathrobes." She looked puzzled and I
said, "I'll show you." We went out to the room, both nude except for hair towels and I too a robe from
the closet and helped her put it on. I closed the robe and tied the sash. I didn't want her to feel
uncomfortable. Then putting on my robe, I phoned room service and ordered dinner.

We chatted about simple things and I gave Isabella another soda, and then poured some more wine. I
was determined not to bring up the sex we shared. If she wanted to, that was fine. After several
minutes, she did. "Kathy, please do not tell my auntie what we did. She caught me with two boys who
were touching me...down there, and she was very angry. She said...only bad girls did that."

I gave yet another reassuring smile. "I won't sweetheart. I promise. And you're not a bad girl. Just don't
tell auntie I said so," and I smiled again. She smiled back, happy to conspire with me. When her pizza
arrived she was even happier.

As she ate her dinner and I nibbled at my salad, I looked at her and felt a tinge of remorse. But the
memory of her body against mine as she climaxed soon put that aside. She chatted as she ate. "At first I
didn't like the boys touching me but later I did. Sometimes a boy wants me to kiss his...."
"Penis?" I offered.

"Yes, that's it. But if I do that he has to kiss my..."


"Special place?" I offered.


She smiled. "Yes, that's it. My special place. Hector said he wanted to put his...penis in my special place.
But I said no."


"That's good, sweetheart. Don't do that. That's how babies are made."

She giggled. "Yes, Maria told me that. Her sister had a baby and she is only fifteen. So I just let Hector
kiss me there. It feels good but not as good as the water. When I did...what you did, it felt so good, much
better than Hector."

I smiled at her and said, "Yes sweetheart, it really does feel good. And that's not a bad thing, just don't
tell your auntie."


She nodded her head in agreement. "I won't even tell Maria, or Hector."


I felt slightly ashamed as I said, "It will be our little secret." But again, the memories of how she felt
against me had me getting moist.

Isabella, having ate her fill, said, "I like that," and looked satisfied.
As much as I wanted to return to the Jacuzzi, I wanted her hair to be dry. Standing up and walking to
her, I took off her towel and felt her hair. It was still damp. "Come with me, sweetheart. I want to dry
your hair. Again she looked puzzled. "You'll see," I said as I took her hand and led her to the bathroom.

I was sure she had never seen a hair dryer, so I used it on my hair first. She looked amazed. Then I let the
warm air current flick over her face. She giggled again. Then, taking my brush, I started to dry her hair.
She stood still as I used the brush and dryer. She was looking at herself in the large mirror. I
"accidentally" let my robe open. I could see her looking at me and I moved a bit to the side to give her a
better view.

I kept my attention on her hair and let her gaze at my reflection. "You have beautiful hair, sweetheart."
She kept silent and her hand went to her sash. After only a few seconds of hesitation she let it open. She
looked at her own body, just swelling into full, young womanhood and she smiled. I glanced at her in the
mirror and said, " You are beautiful all over, Isabella, You will soon be a beautiful young woman."

She just smiled. I don't think she had ever seen herself this way. I ached to put down the brush and
dryer, to run my hands over her but resisted. It was time to take her home, unless her aunt got overly
worried. "Isabella, it's time to go back. Your hair is now dry and your auntie might be getting worried."

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