Read Insatiable Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Insatiable (17 page)

BOOK: Insatiable
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She opened her eyelids, and Brent gazed at her with loving eyes.

“Can you feel Evan’s big cock inside you?”

She nodded, squeezing her muscles around it.

“Do you like it?” Brent asked.

“Oh, yes,” she replied, her voice hoarse.

“Good.” Brent kissed her, and her insides melted with slick desire.

She loved Evan inside her, but she wanted more. She wanted Brent, too.

He wrapped his hand around his big, hard cock and eased closer. She felt his solid erection press against her vagina and she opened for him, desperate to feel his big cock inside her, too.

He thrust forward and she moaned. His hot, marble-hard cock filled her. Both men’s bodies pressed snugly against her, their long erections spiking into her. She sucked in air, trying to catch her breath, but the excitement flooding through her made that impossible.

“Oh, God, I can’t believe you’re both inside me. That you’re both going to make love to me at the same time.”

Brent kissed her while Evan’s lips nuzzled the back of her neck.

“That’s right, baby.” Brent’s mouth brushed hers again. “We’re going to fuck you until you can’t breathe. We’re going to drill you until you scream in ecstasy.”

“Oh, yes, do it! Please do it.” She gasped as both cocks drove in deep. “Fuck me. Fuck me! FUCK ME!”

Her pleasure soared as they thrust into her—again and again. Rising like the incoming tide. Pounding through her.

But then it hit a plateau. They continued to fill her with their glorious cocks, but the crest of ecstasy never came.

She squirmed and threw her head back.

*   *   *

Light blasted through her eyelids and they flickered open. The feel of the big, hard cocks inside her faded. She squeezed internal muscles, hoping to ride the wave to completion, but to no avail.

She became aware of Evan’s face on the pillow next to hers, his eyes closed. He was asleep.

Damn it. It had all been a dream.

Well, not all. She did have two sexy naked men in bed with her, but the part where they were fucking her was a dream.

She glanced at the clock: 6:10.

She grinned. Maybe it was a dream, but it was one she intended to make come true.

*   *   *

Brent woke up to the erotic feel of something warm and moist wrapped around his cock, which was swelling rapidly. Without opening his eyes, he reached down and stroked Crystal’s hair as she sucked on his now hard cock. She kissed up his belly, then lapped at one of his nipples, which became bead hard under her flicking tongue. She sucked, sending burning heat through him, and he groaned. She shifted, and he opened his eyes and smiled.

Then his smile turned to a frown at the sight of Evan lying behind Crystal as she rolled onto her back and stretched out between them.

But his cock throbbed in need.

He shifted onto his side to face her, and she turned toward him with a smile. She cupped his cheek and leaned forward to nibble his whisker-roughened chin. Then she kissed him. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to his body, trying to ignore the sight of Evan, who had moved close behind her and was kissing her shoulder. Her soft breasts compressed against Brent’s chest, driving him wild. He tucked his hand around her head and kissed her, driving his tongue inside her mouth. Her tongue undulated against his, then he felt Evan’s hand slide between their bodies and capture her nipple. A shiver rippled through Brent at Evan’s touch. Her mouth slid away from his as she sucked in a breath. Then she groaned.

Brent stroked down her side, then his hand glided over her stomach to her thigh. But as he found her sweet pussy, his fingers brushed against something hard.

Evan’s bulbous cockhead pushed between her thighs, and right now it rested in Brent’s palm. Solid and thick.

An overwhelming desire to squeeze it … to wrap his hand around Evan’s cock and stroke its length … raged through Brent. Oh, God, he wanted it so bad.

Brent jerked back. “God damn it!” His stomach clenched as he flung away the covers and bolted to his feet, then strode from the room.



Crystal watched him go with wide eyes. Oh, God, had she ruined everything?

“Should we go after him?” she asked Evan, whose cock still sat snuggly between her legs, resting against her very slick, and aching, slit.

Evan squeezed her breast gently, drawing her back against him.

“No, he needs some space right now.”

“What about you?” Her intense desire, stoked by being sandwiched between two hot, naked hunks all night, and an extremely erotic dream, made it difficult to concentrate. She flattened Evan’s hand on her breast and leaned into it. Her nipple thrust into his palm. “You don’t need any space?”

“I need as little space as possible between us right now.” He guided her around to face him.

She immediately missed his big, hard cock so close to her wet, needy flesh. She stroked away the errant strands of hair that hung in his eyes and meshed her lips with his, then dipped her tongue into his mouth and tasted him.

“Oh, God, me, too.” She wrapped her hand around his thick cock and stroked, imagining it gliding inside her, then slid her tongue into his mouth again.

He pressed her onto her back and prowled over her.

“Woman, you’re driving me insane.” He slipped his hand around hers and guided his cock to her opening. Then he teased her, gliding the tip over her slick opening but not pushing inside.

“Damn it, Evan. Push that thing inside me before I scream in frustration.”

She drew her hand from his and dragged her fingertips over his balls to entice him.

He grinned. “I do intend to hear you scream, but frustration’s not what I have in mind.”

He nuzzled her neck, seemingly ignoring her demand while he continued to stroke her with the tip of his erection—then he shifted and drove into her. His hard shaft filled her like a thick, erotic stake, his body pinning her to the bed. She whimpered at the intense pleasure.

He grasped her wrists, pinned them above her head, and grinned down at her. “So? Is that what you wanted?”

She shimmied under him. “Almost.” Then she squeezed her internal muscles around him, dragging a delightful groan from him. She nuzzled his temple, then blew in his ear. “Now fuck me.”

“Yes, ma’am!” He drew back, then drove in deep again.

This time she groaned.

“Oh, God, give me more,” she cried.

He drew back and thrust again. Then again. A few more thrusts of his hot, hard cock and joy catapulted through her. She moaned as she pushed against his hold on her wrists, the feeling of being restrained heightening her pleasure.

He kept thrusting, then arched his pelvis against her. Heat filled her as he groaned.

She relaxed and opened her eyes to see Evan staring at her intently. He captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

“God, I love you so much.” He kissed her again. “I want you to be mine, to spend your life with me.”

Her heart clenched. “Oh, Evan, I love you, too, but…” She couldn’t keep staring into those deep green eyes of his. She rolled out from under him and buried her face in the pillow and groaned, tears prickling at her eyes. “I don’t want to choose between you and Brent.”

Evan settled beside her. She felt his hand stroke her shoulder, the contact gentle and reassuring.

“I know you love Brent, too. I get that. I don’t know if it helps, but if you choose me, I would be happy—no, make that thrilled—to have Brent join us anytime you want.”

She turned and gazed at him over her shoulder. “Really? You mean in bed?”

“Of course. I find it hot watching him make love to you. Bringing you pleasure. We’d have to work on the threesome thing—clearly we still have issues there—but I’m game.”

Evan would let the three of them continue together. If she chose him. If she
him. If she chose Brent, however, would he agree to allow Evan into their relationship? And would Evan agree to that?

“You’re thinking pretty hard. I hope that’s a good sign.” He smiled and captured her lips. “Now let’s go have some breakfast.”

*   *   *

Brent leaned against a palm tree as he gazed out over the glistening turquoise water edged by a white sandy beach. When he’d raced out of the bedroom this morning, he’d grabbed some shorts and a shirt from his luggage in the guest room and jumped in the rental car. Then he’d driven, mindlessly following the road until he’d wound up here, on yet another of the gorgeous beaches the island offered.

The sun beat down on him, and the breeze caressed his face. He sucked in a deep breath, then started to walk.

Damn, here he was in this tropical paradise on what was supposed to be his honeymoon with Crystal but had turned out to be a honeymoon for three. He’d shared a lot of things with his best friend, and the thought of sharing a woman with him had always been a turn-on, but with the reality had come the disturbing truth that … damn it, could he really be attracted … sexually … to his best friend?

Damn it, he should go back and demand that Crystal choose between the two of them right now. She couldn’t have both of them. Not when sharing her meant being close to Evan, too. Possibly touching Evan, as he had this morning.

It’s funny that when he’d fantasized about sharing a woman with Evan in the past, he’d never thought that part through.

Brent sucked in a breath. He and Evan had always been close friends. And he hoped that despite the fact they were competing for the same woman, they could continue to be close.

But not that close.

God damn it, if he kept up this behavior, he was going to ruin his chances with Crystal for good. Clearly, she wanted a partner who was open to new experiences, and Evan had been demonstrating that trait. And Brent had to admit, it was a huge turn-on watching her with Evan. At first, he’d thought that was because anything that gave Crystal sexual pleasure was a turn-on to him. Like watching her with Sarah. That had been hot beyond belief.

He stopped walking and turned to face the ocean, pushing his hands in his pockets.

But now he realized it was more than that. As disturbing as it was, he seemed to be turned on by Evan. Maybe his desire to share a woman with Evan had really been a desire to be with Evan all along. Sharing a woman had just been an excuse. And the reason they had never done it was that even though some part of him might want to be with Evan, he just wasn’t ready for something like that.

Damn it, he really didn’t understand this. He loved Crystal. He had no doubt about that. Why, then, did he have this growing desire to share sexual intimacy with Evan?

His fists clenched at his sides. No matter what happened on this vacation, or with his attitudes about sex
and his best friend,
Brent knew that the only important thing was that he won Crystal back. He needed her to choose him.

Because he loved her with all his heart.

Which was why it had been such a stupid move to fly out of there this morning, leaving her in bed,
with Evan. He knew she’d been extremely turned on, so there was no doubt in his mind that Evan had made love to her after he’d left.

He shook his head and stared over the vast ocean in front of him. The thought should make him angry, but things were so screwed up … emotions all around in such turmoil … it just made him realize what a mess this was.

He and Evan had been friends for a long time, and they’d shared a lot of confidences, supported each other through breakups, job problems, family issues, and more. If he needed someone, he always knew he could depend on Evan. That made this whole thing with Evan falling in love with Crystal even more difficult.

He dug his sandaled toe into the sand. The thing was, he understood Evan’s point of view. Brent had had the same dilemma when he’d met Crystal years before. She was already engaged at the time, and he had longed to be with her. Sure, he hadn’t done anything about it, but he hadn’t gotten to know her back then as Evan had in these past two years. Ever since Brent started dating Crystal, the three of them had spent a lot of time together. They’d become very close. If Brent had been paying more attention, he would have realized that the growing friendship between Crystal and Evan had been turning into something more. Brent had to admire the fact that Evan had held off so long.

He’d believed Evan when he’d said he hadn’t intended to act on his attraction at all. As the wedding day had grown close, however, Brent couldn’t really blame Evan for finally falling prey to his own desire for happiness and at least telling her how he felt. Crystal deserved the right to make up her own mind, and she had. If Brent hadn’t been a fool and walked away, then Crystal would have married him that day. He couldn’t blame Evan for what had happened.

Now Crystal had to sort out her feelings. He had to admit, he didn’t want to win her just because she felt obligated to follow up on her promise to marry him. He wanted her to want him the most.

But she seemed to be in love with both of them.

And Brent really didn’t want to give up his friendship with Evan, which seemed sure to happen no matter how this went.

Unless there was some way to figure out how to let the loser not actually be a loser. If Crystal chose Brent, could he get past his issues about being in an intimate situation with Evan and invite Evan to continue their erotic adventures? If Crystal was his wife, Brent could get over the feeling that Evan was a threat to his happiness. Would Evan consider such an arrangement?

*   *   *

Crystal and Evan ate a breakfast of fruit and croissants on the patio as they enjoyed the incredible view of the ocean glittering in the sunlight, the dazzling white sand of the beach, and a vivid blue sky devoid of clouds. Brent still hadn’t returned after another hour, so they decided to continue their plans to go swimming with the stingrays, something Crystal had been anticipating since she’d won this trip. Renee had told her about a place where they could stand in waist-deep water and the tame, almost petlike stingrays would swarm around them, then they could feed the rays by hand. Renee had suggested a great tour company and had booked their excursion ahead of time.

BOOK: Insatiable
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