Into the Azure: A Fantasy Bad Boy Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Into the Azure: A Fantasy Bad Boy Romance
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Chapter 6

I was half asleep when I felt a cold hand caressing my back. They traced the ridges of my spine slowly, almost methodically. I squeezed my eyes closed tight and tried not shudder underneath his freezing touch. I held my body firmly against the hard mattress and tried to from screaming, or shaking, or both at the same time. He continued moving his leather clad hand over my bare body, and traced his fingers down to my buttocks. His fingers trace my crack and caress the bottom of my supple ass, leading towards my inner thigh and teasing at the small hairs of my pussy lips. I bite the blanket silently, trying not to squirm. I turn my head trying to hide my eyes with my hair as I continue to play dead. If I didn’t respond to his touch, he may just leave me alone, maybe he is just curious. I crack my one eye open just a tiny bit and stole a glance at my intruder. He is leather clad like the others, but his suit is more official and looked more elaborate. He was wearing some hind of long leather cape that dragged on the ground and atop his head is a long, spherical crown made of the same leather as his suit. I glanced at him for only a second and the squeezed my eyes back closed in horror. My heart beating and banging around in my chest.

He wasn’t like the others, this man, this THING was more important than them. A smaller shutter rushed through my body with fear, I knew he could do whatever he wanted with me, that he was in charge, a realization that scared me even more than the chaos that I had just come from. With that though I began to shake under his hand. He froze, his leather paw on my buttock. I let out another shutter and he recoils almost as if I had startled him. He grasps at the blanket and pulls them over me, just like my guard.

Were they trying to be nice? I questioned myself. Did that concept even exist to them? Was I mare like an alien to them in their eyes, and they were just studying me, much like we would have done to them on my own planet? Both of these things?

Many different question raced through my mind as I saw the royal looking one moved towards the door, his fine leather cape grazing the floor.

“AUMI ANAN!” He shouted through the cracked open door and immediately a strange new guard came running into my chamber.

He was smaller and more slight than all of the guards I had seen, the royal one seemed to almost tower over him. With a couple of brisk harsh words, the superior one walked out, the door closing behind him and the new guard turned to stare at me. I immediately felt my stomach turn as he looked my frozen body up and down. I had a bad feeling about this one, there was something harsh and unkind about the way he looked at me, there was no tenderness in his cold stare. He cracked open the door and peeked his head out, looking either way. When he saw the coast was clear he shut the door behind him and fastened the ancient looking locks. In one swift motion he threw his gun to the floor and jumped on me, shoving me into the bed.

“NO-!” I tried to wail as he pushed his body against mine with crushing brute force.

He raised his leather clad hand and brought it down on my face, hard. I let out a cry that stopped me from screaming as he covered my face with his massive hands. I squirmed and squealed as he forcefully spread my legs open and placed himself between them, while he held my face down, his body crushing mine into the bed.

“No,” I thought desperately and terrified, “I can’t be getting taken by one of these creatures.”

He grabbed at one of my breast and squeezed hard enough to make me let out a muffled scream and I clenched my eyes closed, tears welling up in my eyes.

I open them and see that his eyes were wild with desire, he grunted and moaned, squeezing at my every body part. I felt my head growing lighter and I feel my body begin to grow weak under his massive strength.

“This is it,” I thought to myself, “just let yourself pass out, whatever this monster, this THING is about to do to you won’t be as bad if you just give into it.”

I felt his massive finger move their way up my thigh and he began to insert them into my clenched pussy. I groaned in pain and started to lose consciousness when the door suddenly opened with a slam, nearly breaking off the hinges on impact. My assaulter immediately stopped his abuse as he was met with whomever that had opened the door. I saw his wild eyes nearly bulge out of his head in fear when he saw who it was; It was my guard.

Chapter 7

“Ani okanis!!,” My assaulter cried out in a confused tone, almost as if he was trying to explain himself.

He continued to babble on as my guard looked at him and then at me, his cold eyes wild with rage. He lifted one strong hand to point at the small guard and looked at me.

“DID HE TRY TO HURT YOU?!” He bellowed, his voice echoing the stone room and shaking the walls.

My heart skipped a beat as I became overwhelmed in complete shock at what I was hearing - English!? My own language!

“Wha?- What?” I let out in my cracked, confused voice.

“HIM DID HE TRY TO HURT YOU!?” He shouted, his voice had a strange kind of inflection to it, making it sound almost Arabic.

I looked over at my assaulter, he was shaking underneath his leather uniform, his grey eyes dumbfounded with fear. I lifted my head and felt the tears began to well up in my eyes again -  I nodded gently. My guard stopped across the floor and the assaulter cowered beneath him. With one swift movement of his hand he grabbed the small guard by the back of his head, lifting him into the air effortlessly. The small guard screamed in a cracking voice as my guard marched him to the window, threw open the shutters and tossed him out, effortlessly. I heard his voice disappear as he fell and then heard his body land with a muffled splat against the stone ground.

“Oh my god!” I exclaimed, terrified for a moment that my guard may have lost it, and would do the same to me next.

But he did not. Instead he closed the shutters, blocking out the cold air and slowly turned to me to stare into my eyes. His gaze was soft and almost apologetic ad he moved his eyes over my now trembling bare body. He closed the nearly broken door and slowly walked towards me so not to startle me. I recoiled in instinct as he held out his hand.

“It’s going to be ok, I’m not going to hurt you,” He whispered in a soothing hushed tone, almost the way one would talk to freaked-out horse.

So many questions raced through my mind; Who are you? WHAT are you? Where am I? Where is Eva?

But the only thing that could escape my lips was, “English yo-you speak English?”

He smiled underneath his mask and grabbed a heavy clean blanket off the back of a velvet chair. He removed my dirty blanket from my bed and placed the blanket around me, never looking at my naked body.

“Yes,” he whispered, his voice was rough and low, “I speak a great many different languages, including yours.”

The relief of hearing my native tongue made my eyes burn and I felt long streams begin to flow down my cheeks. I hid my face in the blanket as I began to sob uncontrollably; The chaos of the crowd, losing Eva, almost getting shot, then almost getting raped. It was just all too much for me to handle. I felt like I just wanted to curl up in this bed and never leave it again, all I wanted was to feel safe.

“Hey, there there now,” The guard whispered.

He walked over to my bed and sat on the edge, his massive body making the bed creak as he reached his large hand over and held my shoulder up.

“That man is not going to hurt you, no one is ever going to hurt you,” He grumbled in his low baritone while he rubbed my shoulder in a calming manner.

“I’m sorry,” I blubbered, “I’m just very confused about all of this, I have no idea what is going on and I very confused and frightened.” The tears were pouring down my face.

I saw his eyes, there were actual real guilt in them, an almost humanness to them. He scooted over the bed and closer to me. He wrapped me up in the blanket and pulled me onto his knees, making me feel almost childlike in his presence. He stroked the back of my head and I lay my head on his shoulder. I felt all of this entire new word seem to fade away almost like magic.

Was it his touch? Was it how he held me? Was it that I had finally snapped under the pressure? All I knew that even with my mind rushing with thoughts there was something about his touch that eased my mind. I grasped at his leather uniform and squeezed him tightly, not wanting to be let go, he held me even tighter.

“I know what you are experiencing right now must be bringing you great distress, Isabelle.”

He knew my name; how did he know my name?

He lifted a hand to my face and wiped away a single tear.

“But what you must know is that you shan’t worry any longer, I have chosen you.”

“Chosen me?” I croaked “Chosen me for what?”

“We have been teleporting human to our dimension to work for us, to help us build our land into a great utopia.  Given, that the humans have not been happy with this and do tend to fight upon arrival, but soon they understand that our way of life is the right way of life.” He said with an almost pompous inflection in his tone.

“Don’t you think that some of us liked our way on earth?” I snapped at him, annoyed by his arrogance.

He took my head deeper in his hand and lets out a hearty chuckle that made his chest heave.

“Oh Isabelle, you have much to learn and I can’t wait to teach you. You will make a fine servant.”

“Servant?” I almost yelled, taken back by the comment. “Im not going to be anyone’s servant, I don’t care what planet this is, no way!”

He chuckled again and pulled me in closer.

“Whatever you choose to call it, I have chosen you and you will be safe with me, no matter what, do you know why?” He asked.

I shook my head, relishing the warmth and feeling of safety his presence gave me.

“Did you see the man in the large, leather crown and the sweeping cape which came into your room?”

I nodded.

“That was the king, the mighty one, and he is my father.”

“You’re a prince!?” I exclaimed.

“Yes, that I am,” He laughed “Prince of all of Azure. How do you think it was that I was able to stop them from killing you before? They were about ready to blow your brains out, but I knew I wanted you.”

He cupped my head in his massive palms and lifted my chin so my eyes could meet his gaze.

“I can keep you safe, but you must always do exactly as I say” he whispered, his eyes soft and promising.

I hesitated for a second but eventually nodded obediently. It wasn’t like I had a better choice.

He lifted me up and placed me back on the bed and began tucking me in like a child.

“But, I will explain everything later, for today has been a very long and stressful day and I will need you to rest so you will be able to fulfill all of your duties by tomorrow,” He moved his huge hands around me making sure I was perfectly comfortable.

He moved over to the door and turned his head, “Isabelle, you will serve me well,” he said sternly.

I nodded slowly, still unsure of my new fate.

He nodded back.

As he turned to leave and placed his hand on the door handle,” If you need anything, I can be found..-.”

Chapter 8

The prince’s last words were cut off as the door burst open once again, this time sending it flying off of the hinges. Ten large guards immediately swarmed my room and tackled him to the ground, his massive body hitting the floor with a thud. He began screaming at them in his native tongue, flailing violently towards me as I was grabbed off my feet by my arms by two of the masked ones. It took eight of them to hold the prince to the ground, sending furniture and paper flying.

A hush suddenly goes through the room as a 11th man enters and I saw my Prince’s eyes now widen with fear. I glanced over at the door, and see standing in the doorway, the regal one, his cape swooping behind him, his presence daunting. He glided across the floor towards me. He lifted my head with his hands and examined my every feature.

“So, tell me, prince, this is the one you have chosen for yourself?” He said, his voice cold.

The prince lifted his head to answer him, but was cut off when the King held up his hand.

“You’ve been quite the problem lately boy, rebelling against the guard’s code, not taking heed to your mother, or me, taking anything you want. Why it’s almost like you already think of yourself as king!”

“Father I-“ The prince croaked.


He released his grip on my jaw, almost cracking it, and turned to the guards that were hold my up.

“Take her away,” he said and with a wave of his hand they drag me from my room.

“PRINCE HELP ME,” I screamed as he fought wildly underneath the weight of the eight other guards, laying atop his back, trying desperately to hold him to the ground.


We stopped at the doorway where we were met with the king, his eyes angry and cold as he stars at his son.

“Don’t ever forget who your king is, young one, or I will take everything.”

I see my prince’s eyes filled with anger and confusion as I was dragged out of the room and down a dark, stone hall. I could hear his screaming in his language as the guards carried me, arm in arm, further away from my prince. I heard the shattering of furniture, him wailing my name. I felt my head begin to become lighter and lighter as I was taken further and further away from him. The world began to spin again and I felt myself collapse. It felt like I was falling into darkness again, falling deeper and deeper into my own body.

In one day I had lost my best friend, and a person who could have protected me in this new strange land. I felt my body become weightless and I gave into everything. I gave into the fact that I was helpless once again, I gave into the guards, no more kicking and fighting them as they carried me, I gave into the thought of becoming a slave, I gave into this strange new world; I gave into the Azure.

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