Invidious Betrayal (21 page)

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Authors: Shea Swain

BOOK: Invidious Betrayal
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Ian wanted to ask Sheriff Cole why he’d picked him over men who were trained to protect and serve—the very men that Sheriff Cole worked with and trusted with his own life. But Ian didn’t ask. Deep down, he knew why. He’d killed two men tonight and didn’t show any ill effects from it. When he thought about it, three things were apparent to him, and some may have been witnessed and described to the Sheriff as well.

First, he had killed swiftly, without a second thought, as if it were second nature to him. Two, it hadn’t affected him at all. He wasn’t sullen, saddened, or haunted about the lives he’d ended today, and he’d have no qualms about doing it again to protect Aria. And three, he moved faster, was stronger, and he had little trouble overpowering his opponents.

But what Sheriff Cole didn’t see or sense was what worried Ian. Even now he felt something changing inside him. When he was fighting today, something had unlocked, released inside him, spreading through him like a virus. Something powerful that Ian didn’t understand, but would fully embrace to keep Aria safe. Knowing there was no choice in the matter, that there was only one answer to Sheriff Cole’s question, Ian offered his hand. “I’ll protect her with my life, sir.”

No words could express the regret Ian felt about the events at Aria’s house. Whatever was going on in his uncle’s mind had nearly gotten Aria and her family killed. He couldn’t let that happen. Ian glanced over to Aria, sitting in passenger seat. His chest ached because there was nothing he could do for the pain and hopelessness she must be feeling. The only thing he could do now was keep her safe.

“I need to use the bathroom,” she whispered, breaking the long and uncomfortable silence that had existed between them since they left the hospital.

She hadn’t said anything to him since Harland drove them back to her house. She’d hugged Harland, thanked him for letting them borrow his wife’s car, and told him to watch over her mom and dad before she went into her boarded up house with one of the younger deputies to quickly pack. They’d put Land’s End in the rearview mirror after that, not knowing when they’d return.

“There’s a gas station and a few places to eat coming up at the next exit,” he told her. They’d been driving nonstop, hoping to put some space between them and their problems.
Well, the life threatening ones anyway
, he thought as he thought of the baby.

Ian took the exit and pulled into an all-night diner. He followed a limping Aria inside. While she went to the bathroom he sat down where he could see both entrances and out all the windows clearly then ordered burgers, fries, and something to drink for both of them. When the waitress walked away, he pulled his new pay-as-you-go phone out and dialed his father’s cell. When the line picked up, he was almost too shocked to speak.


“Dad,” Ian said with hope. That hope soon deflated as static rippled through the line. “You’re breaking up.”

“Ian, is that you?” his father asked. Ian heard his father tell his older brother that he thought it was him, but the number was different and he couldn’t hear clearly. “Hold on while I move.”

Ian left out of the diner in order to get a better connection too. “Dad!” he yelled repeatedly. By the time he got outside, the call was lost. Ian tried calling his father back several times, but the call wouldn’t go through.


He turned around to see Aria standing in the doorway of the diner. The concern in her eyes was palpable. He pocketed the phone and walked toward her. He took hold of the door and ushered her back inside, careful not to rush her. “I’d like you to eat something before we get back on the road,” he told her.

Aria stopped inside the diner by the door. “Who were you talking to?” she asked.

The look in her eyes said everything. She didn’t trust him. She probably would never trust him entirely, but he couldn’t blame her. “My father, but I lost the call.”

“Are you sure you should be calling anyone in your family?”

The question hit him hard. There was no way his dad was involved in this. Victor Howl was the most straight-laced person he knew. “My dad and Vincent are identical twins, but that’s where their similarity ends. They are total opposites, and we’re talking about my dad.” Aria lowered her head and nodded. She accepted his answer, but he could see she was still worried. He didn’t know how to make her see that she was safe, that she could trust him. “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said quietly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

“I know, it’s just that I…” She looked up at him.

Her thick, silky hair was down today. She tied her hair up most of the time, but he liked it flowing freely. She had the kind of hair that made him want to touch it, run his hands through it, and it smelled like fresh berries and cream. A scent he never really particularly cared for, but on her it made his body react in ways he wished it wouldn’t. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Aria,” he promised again. Then he took her back to their table and made her sit down and take the pressure off her foot.

Aria was wound up and he was sure that admitting he’d called his father had done more harm. Her shoulders were hunched and her hair covered most of her face as she began eating her food the waitress had placed on their table while he was outside. He picked up his burger and took a bite, deciding not to talk unless she initiated it.

Eating with someone without conversation was normal for him. His father and brother rarely shared meals with him, and when they did, the conversation was usually politically based, and Ian didn’t care for politics. So he was comfortable eating in silence, and watching her was somewhat of a treat, but the realization was giving him grief. Why couldn’t he purge the attraction he felt for her and just keep her safe?

After a while, he realized that she was no longer eating and her burger hadn’t been touched. “You don’t eat red meat?” he asked.

“I do,” she said, looking up, “but lately greasy burgers don’t really agree with me.”

He looked at her tray. “But fries are fine?”

She nodded. “Yup, most starches are.”

Ian gaze slid over his barely touched fries. To his surprise, she began eating them without protest. He smiled and was about to ask her if she wanted more, but his phone rang.

Frowning, he pulled the phone out and lifted his finger for her to excuse him. He left out of the door again and answered it.

“Is this Ian?” the too-sweet female voice asked.

It was Elaina Trent, his father’s aid. She was the one his father passed him to whenever he didn’t want to be bothered. “Yes, Elaina. I need to speak to my father.”

“Unfortunately, Ian, he is very busy. He has a meeting in a few minutes. Besides, the reception is really bad and the Prince prefers his guests to refrain from using any mobile devices when inside palace walls.”

“Look, Elaina, I am in some trouble and I—”

, “Look, Ian, I can barely hear you. We’re in the Middle East, and as I said, the Royal guard here doesn’t like us communicating with home too much. Your father is extending his stay with the royals to tighten relations between our countries, so if you need help call your uncle.”

Ian had never cared for Elaina. She was a parasite who had latched on to his father years ago in the guise of an assistant. When she wasn’t flirting with his father, she was flirting with his brother. Thank God she hated him from day one, yet still he’d find her checking him out whenever she thought he wasn’t aware. She was a capable assistant and excelled in running interference, so he figured she was doing her job.

“Elaina, please, I need to speak with my father. It’s a matter of life or death,” he demanded.

“Uh huh,” she said, “Vincent would have mentioned there was a problem during their call this morning. In fact, he stated that you were being difficult. Look, Ian, just deal with your little crisis on your own for now like you always have. If your uncle can’t help, you can contact Paul Kessler at the FBI headquarters in Maryland if you need to. He and your family are pretty close, so he’ll be able to help you with your frat boy troubles. I’ll have your father call when he can. Goodbye, Ian.”

“You bitch,” Ian yelled into the phone he’d pulled away from his ear and now held in front of him.

Through the window of the restaurant he could see Aria staring at him. She gave him a weak, worried smile then returned to eating his fries. Ian turned away from her, taking several cleansing breaths. For someone who prided himself on his control, Ian was brimming with anger and it was on display for everyone around him to see. It was unsettling that Aria had witnessed him out of character twice today already. He would have chosen to keep those parts of himself from her, but he couldn’t deny how alive he felt. Ian rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. In truth, he felt more alive since Aria came into his life.

Shutting down his anger, Ian turned his back to the window and took several more deep breaths before he returned to Aria.

Sitting in the car at the truck stop, Aria watched as Ian suspiciously eyed every vehicle that pulled in the entrance while she nervously tapped her foot against the car mat. When she stopped, he turned to look at her, but she turned away, avoiding his gaze. Of course he would notice when she’d stopped tapping. It seemed like he’d been in synch with everything around him since the attack at her home, always watching, ever vigilant.

Out of the window, Aria saw a family walking toward the large two story rest stop. The man and woman held the hands of a child who looked to be about four years old. Seeing them made her think of her father and mother. How they loved and tried to protect her from the ills of the world. But she’d brought death to their doorstep.

Aria glanced over at Ian. She felt that it was her fault he had killed.

For a moment, she was back in her room, huddled against her nightstand, clutching her injured foot. She saw what Ian had done to the guy he’d called Carlos. He’d moved with precision and skill. It was almost poetic the way he fought, but it was also frightening. And after Carlos had fallen, Ian had swung around and his eyes had focused on her. He’d thought she was afraid and she had been, but not for the reason he may have thought. She was afraid because at that moment, with his and Carlos’ blood dripping from his face, something primitive had been awakened in her and it wanted the beautiful bloodied man who watched her with his stormy eyes.

Get a grip
, she told herself.

“I have to go to the rest room,” Aria said, as she pushed open the door and stepped out of the car. She needed a minute alone. Ian was out of the car and at her side before she even shut her door. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?” he asked her.

Aria frowned as they looked at each other.
He had no idea that he had moved around the car in a blink of an eye.
People don’t move like that.
Who or what is Ian?
She looked into his eyes and again only saw his unanswered question in them. He really hadn’t realized how fast he’d just moved.
How was that possible
? The images of his fight with Carlos in her bathroom flashed before her eyes again, as she stared into his. He had been fast, but not like he’d moved seconds ago. Ian Howl was not normal, and he was clueless to that fact.

She turned her head slightly and looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. “Nothing,” Aria said, moving away from him, trying not to limp. As she walked, she thought over what she knew about Ian. He was mouth-wateringly gorgeous to a fault, his kisses were all-consuming, and he was protective of her. With little to no sleep last night, Ian was still alert. Last night they’d stayed in a motel. While she lay in the bed, dozing and waking often through the night due to those awful pain pills, Ian sat up in a chair. He’d kept watch the entire night.

Ian fought better than anyone she’d ever seen before, like someone in a movie. He moved like a cheetah, was as strong as a bear, and he could kill with his bare hands. All that added up; Ian was gorgeous, dangerous, and something else. All in all that was a wicked combo, and he was right behind her. Aria felt a tingling all over.

Ian stayed close as she made her way into the bustling building that was the Maryland House service area off of I-95. It was where Ian’s father’s friend, some FBI agent named Kessler, had told them to meet him. She didn’t want to seem paranoid, but she had a bad feeling about being this close to Baltimore.

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