Invisibility Cloak (29 page)

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Authors: Jill Elaine Prim

BOOK: Invisibility Cloak
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“A gun?” Amanda wearily eyed his pistol.

“Damn straight, honey.” He pointed to the door jam. “Stay here until I clear it.”

After nodding to him, she realized she couldn’t contain her curiosity. So she clutched onto the door and peeked around the corner to look into her room. Her hand flew up to her throat to smother the despair that threatened to erupt from her.

Walking more fully into her bedroom, Amanda couldn’t hold back the squeak that came out of her mouth. “Ohmygod!” It was a mess. “What in the name were they looking for?” She turned slowly to take in her room’s disarray as her garbled words tumbled out.

All of her bureau drawers were pulled out and dumped over. The dressers were turned upside down as well. It looked like someone’s fists smashed through the bottom of every drawer. They even tipped over her queen-sized bed. All of her bedroom furniture was completely ruined. She bit her lower lip as tears prickled at the sides of her eyes.

“Pack an overnight bag,” Ryder barked out as he walked out of the room. “I’m checking the kid’s rooms.”

Again she nodded, almost falling over, but still she shuffled to her closet to pull out a small duffle bag. She couldn’t look at anything for fear that anguish and fright would drive her over the edge and into a crying fit. So instead she focused on what Ryder asked her to do and packed. Shoving a handful of underwear and socks, and the first pair of jeans and T-shirts she came to that were thrown on her floor in the bag, she thought that would be sufficient. Then she went in the bathroom.

Unbelievable! They even destroyed her beautiful little bathroom! Stepping around bottles and various containers littered on the floor, a hysterical laugh bubbled up and escaped through her lips. She bent over to collect her toothbrush and hairbrush and set them on the counter.

What else could possibly happen? Her gaze darted to her large bathroom mirror which reminded her that she still had her beautiful gown on, the one she’d borrowed from Kelsey. Looking at her reflection, she twirled a few times and glanced again at her form in the glass.

Her head swam, forcing her to grab onto her bathroom counter.

I’m going insane.
She nodded at her mirror image.
Either that or I’m having a nervous breakdown.
Another high-pitched burst of laughter tumbled out of her mouth.

Ryder popped his head into the bathroom. “You must be feeling better, eh?”

Amanda looked over at him and slurred softly, “Yes I am,” slightly embarrassed by him walking in on her.

“Ohmygod” . . . was I just traipsing around the bathroom looking at myself? What is wrong with me? My house was just torn apart and I’m pirouetting?

She thrust both her hands through the sides of her hair and groaned. Straightening, she threw her assortment of toiletries into her bag and walked into the hallway.

Ryder came up behind her. “It’s all clear. No one else is in the house.”

“Do I even want to see the kids’ rooms?”

“Nope.” He pressed his mouth together and shook his head. Swinging his arm around her waist, he directed her to the stairs landing. “Come on.”

“Where to?”

“My place,” Ryder said as they walked down the stairs landing.

She stopped on the first tread and almost fell headfirst down the stairs, but Ryder’s arm caught her. “But, I need to get this place cleaned up. I don’t want to leave it like this.”

“Can’t move anything yet, darlin’.” Bending down, he picked up her duffel. “First, we need to see if we can lift any prints, find any evidence.” With his free hand, he tugged her to walk down the rest of the way. “And then we’ll get it straightened up.”

“Shouldn’t I call the police?”

“Already did.” He stopped and nodded his head where Jeffrey was sprawled out on the floor. “Called Jeremy Coolman, He’ll be by shortly. Already gave him the run-down.” Ryder looked down at Smeth and shook his head in disgust. “What a weasel.” Turning back to her, he slung her overnight bag over his shoulder. “I think I hear his car.”

That man has unbelievable hearing.
She angled her head to try and see if she could hear a car outside too, but nope. “You’ve been busy.”

Jeffrey groaned and she darted her eyes down to him. “Jeffrey?” She bent down while holding onto Ryder’s pant leg and softly patted Smeth’s cheek. “Are you okay?”

“Amanda, is that you?” He levered himself up slightly. “Are you all right, my dear?”

“You sure didn’t care a minute ago when you were shoving your tongue down her throat if she was all right, did you, asshole?” Ryder growled as he towered beside Amanda.

Oops that’s right. I almost forgot about that
. . .

“Yes, I’m fine.” She looked up at Ryder and thinned her lips while shaking her head at him, silently mouthing a
. Turning back to Jeffrey, she wobblingly explained, “My house is trashed.”

“Did Stevenson do that?” Jeffrey rubbed his head. “The man is positively barbaric!”

“I wasn’t the one attacking a woman, you bastard.” Ryder grunted. “I should have hit him a little harder, so he’d still be out.”

She’d wished the fogginess would lift in her head. “You feeling dizzy or anything? Do you need me to take you to the ER, Jeffrey?”

“No, that Neanderthal didn’t get the best of me.” Jeffrey adjusted his glasses on his nose and shot Ryder a dark look. “I should press charges.”

“See, he’s fine. He’s lucky that’s all I gave him.” Ryder muttered underneath his breath, “Light-weight.”

“Amanda, come home with me.” Jeffrey extended his hand out to her while glaring at Ryder. “This man is a brute and I won’t leave you alone with him.”

“She’s mi―” Ryder put his hands on her waist as she pulled herself up. “I’m taking care of Amanda.”

Jeffrey slid his gaze over to Ryder. “I could press charges against you, asshole,” he said dramatically.

“I wasn’t the one attacking a woman, you bastard.”

Amanda stood and placed her hand on Ryder’s arm. “Ryder.” Her head swam slightly and she clutched her hand around his forearm to keep from swaying.

“Amanda? What’s wrong?” Ryder tightened both hands on her waist and studied her face.

“Just a little dizzy is all.” She blinked a few times. “I do feel better though.”

“I think if anyone is pressing any charges it should Amanda,
.” Ryder turned to glare at Jeffrey. “So just what did you put in her drink?”

“Hey.” Jeffrey shook his head. “It wasn’t my idea.” Then he clamped his mouth shut.

Ryder yanked him up by his shirt collar and pushed him up against the wall. “What? You want to start at the beginning?”

“Wait,” Jeffrey panted out. “Put me down. I’m not a damn rag doll.”

“You sure feel like one. Act like one too,” Ryder sneered as he jostled him so Smeth’s head bobbed back and forth involuntarily a few times. “What kind of man would do that to a woman?”

Amanda’s eyelids felt like lead and she closed them briefly. “Jeffrey.” She pulled her brows down as she stepped closer to him. “You put something in my drink?”

Pressing him against the wall, Ryder narrowed his eyes. “Tell me what you put in her drink and who told you to do it.” He yanked him off his feet once more. “You got two seconds before I start beating the intel out of you.”

“I’m not saying anything until I have a lawyer present.” He shook his head. “I didn’t do anything!”

“Who told you to do it?” Amanda slurred as she closed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief.

Who would want to do something like that to me? And more importantly . . . Why?

“Smeth, so help me,” Ryder snarled. “You better give me some answers.”

“Ryder, that you?” A tall man with dark hair peered around the front door.

“Over here, Jeremy.” Ryder released Jeffrey’s shirt and he fell to the floor.

“Hey!” Jeffrey let out before he stood up.

Ryder lifted his palm up in a greeting. “Jeremy.” With his arm around Amanda, he dragged her with him to meet the large man halfway across the room. “Thanks for coming, man.”

“Hello, Amanda.” He whistled. “What happened here?” Jeremy Coolman looked around. “Who’s he?” Jeremy pointed at Jeffrey.

“A total ass―”

Jeffreyyyy Smeth
,” Amanda interrupted with garbled speech. “I think he’s something to do with all of
.” She held her arms out. The disarray was obvious.

Detective Coolman studied Amanda’s face for several moments. “I see you’ve already had a break-in?” he asked looking down at his notepad.


Jeffrey walked by them quietly.

“Where in the hell do you think you’re going, Smeth?” Ryder stalked over to him.

“I’ll press charges!” Jeffrey put his hands up. “If you touch me again! And I have plenty of witnesses.”

Jeremy looked at Amanda. “Ma’am, do I need to know anything about this man before he leaves?”

She waved him off. “No just let him

Again, she felt the Harbor Falls police detective take a long look at her before he turned to Ryder.

Ryder grabbed Smeth’s upper arm. “He at least needs to be questioned, possibly charged with drug possession and attempted rape. Look at Amanda. He’s up to something.”

Jeffrey marched to the door dramatically. “You’re lucky Stevenson, I’m not pressing charges.”

“Empty your pockets, Smeth.” Detective Coolman calmly sauntered over to Smeth.

“What? No I won’t!”

“Are you afraid I’ll find something? You either do it for me here or down at the station.”

Jeffrey pulled out a lighter, cell phone and a small package of mints. “I don’t have anything arrest worthy here, do I?” Smeth glowered at Ryder. “And I won’t blackball you, yet, in regards to your work.”

“Just what in hell did you put in her drink?” Ryder hissed.

“Amanda obviously had too much to drink tonight! She said herself she had a few glasses of wine here before we even got to the Dinner Dance.”

“Is this true, ma’am?”

Amanda lifted her eyebrows and nodded grimly but protested, “Yes, but I’ve never been like this before on two glasses of wine!”

“You’re free to go, since Ms. Harris won’t press any charges, just don’t leave town, Smeth.”

Jeffrey dramatically stormed out and slammed the door.

After spending about an hour going over the details of the night before, Detective Coolman dusted for prints and finally left. Ryder and Amanda both sat at the kitchen table finishing up their coffee after they walked the Harbor Falls detective to the front door.

Her head was finally clearing, to a more coherent place than before, anyway. “Nice guy, have you known him long?” Amanda carried their coffee cups over to the sink. When she stifled a yawn with her hand, her gaze flew up to her kitchen window, over her sink. In the window’s reflection she noticed she still had her evening gown on and looking down at her dress she said, “Ah! I have to change. I can’t believe I wore this the whole time.”

“Leave it on. You can change later,” Ryder said as he got up from the kitchen table.

She yawned a few times before she rinsed out their cups and loaded them in the dishwasher.

“Yeah, we go way back. Me and Jeremy, that is. ” He came up behind her and whispered in her ear, “How’re ya feeling?”

“Better, especially after the coffee.” The night was still relatively early and she looked out the window again. This time she looked past her image in the pretty dress and saw her backyard. “I feel like everything is changing.”

He grinned. “Yeah, you’re finally talking in sentences again and not one long

She grabbed her kitchen towel from the oven door and whacked him with it in the stomach.

“Ouch!” He bent over in mock pain. “You have a mean right hook, woman.”

Ignoring him, she turned her attention again to her large yard that her children had always played in. They barely went out back anymore she thought as she ran her fingertips over the countertop.

“What’s different? Is that a good thing?” Ryder asked and tugged her around so she faced him. “Did I tell you how pretty you look tonight?”

“Actually . . .” She tilted her head. “Now that you mentioned it, I don’t think you said
about how I looked tonight.”

He scowled. “Well that’s because Smeth ran out with you, honey.”

“I think that’s just an excuse,” she said airily and looked around the kitchen. Out of nowhere, her eyes started to droop and she yawned again. Exhausted now, all she wanted to do was close her eyes and curl up somewhere.

Ryder bent his forehead down to touch hers. “It’s the truth, Amanda. Come on, let’s go to my place.”

“I have to change. It’s silly that I’m still in this dress.” She looked around. “And I should probably start cleaning up.”

“No. Leave it.” He picked up her duffle off the floor.

“Leave what? The house or my dress?” Amanda asked following him to the garage.



“Because you look damn good in it, that’s why.”

“Ryder . . .” she said breathlessly.

He yanked open the garage door and looked back at her. “I’m planning on peeling it off you myself. And I know what you have on underneath, darlin’.”

Amanda’s cheeks heated up. But she did want to stay in her dress a little longer. The delicate blue evening dress did make her feel feminine and pretty.

Would he really peel it off of me?

She shivered. Okay, she’d leave on the dress. Let’s see what happens. Nodding, she followed him to his car. “Let’s go, then.”

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