Invisibility Cloak (25 page)

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Authors: Jill Elaine Prim

BOOK: Invisibility Cloak
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“Ick.” Amanda scrunched up her forehead. “I don’t like them, they’re so uncomfortable, Kels.”

“You’ll ruin the entire look, Amy!”

“Don’t make me wear it, please, Kelsey.” Amanda studied herself, and oh no, she did have the lines and her butt looked terrible.

“Amanda Eugenia . . .”

“Ug, so now you think by sounding like my mother, you’ll get me to wear them?”

Kelsey chuckled. “Of course, it usually works, doesn’t it?”

Amanda pulled her brows down and reached under her dress to pull off her bikinis. She turned to look at her butt in the mirror. Yes, lots better.

I don’t need to wear that thin scrap of anal dental floss. I’ll go underwear-less under my gown! No one will ever know.

Kelsey narrowed her eyes. “Uh oh, why that smug look?”

“Ha! I just won’t wear anything under the dress tonight.” Amanda twirled around before facing her reflection again in the glass. “No one will ever know.”

“Uh, I do
.” Kelsey frowned. “Make sure the dress is cleaned five times before you return it,
.” Her best friend laughed. “But seriously, you look much better than I ever did in it, I should just let you keep it.”

“I have a hard time believing that. You’re so much prettier than I am, Kelsey.”

“Oh, Amy, I’m just more colorful than you are, you mean.” Kelsey came and stood in front of her and set both hands on her shoulders. “You’re pretty, and you just don’t notice it. It’s like you downplay your looks or something.”

” Amanda said before she turned to go into her closet. “Good news is, with this long dress, I can at least walk smoother again, because no one will be able to see my gross brace.”

“Ewe,” Kelsey scrunched up her face as her speech morphed into a Valley Girl voice. “You mean that totally un-cool and not tubular brace, right?”

“Yes, in tween-age speak that is.” Amanda giggled. “Totally not Rad. Barf me out brace, gross thong and totally un-tubular shoes.” She fitted her brace on her left leg and then slipped on some flat shoes. “But no one will be able to see them under my dress.” She turned serious. “OMG I need a total girl’s night out. I am going nuts. Kids are gone too. How about next Friday? You able?”

“Fer sher!” Kelsey laughed and bobbed her head. “You know, that actually hurt my head to talk like that.” She crooked her finger at Amanda still laughing. “Come. Sit. Must apply make-up.”

Amanda laughed along with her. “Yes, master.” She turned woodenly and walked like Frankenstein with her arms out to her make-up bench seat and sat down.

“Dark and smoky or soft and gentle?”

“Not sure. What do you recommend?”

“Let’s do sultry. Hey, Amy, when will you be going to
Dinner Dance at
Club again? You’ve got to live it up.”

“You’re right.” Amanda waved her off. “Go downstairs and let’s have a glass of wine. I got this. Oh, and . . .” She bit her lip. “Ryder will be down there. No flirting.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Kelsey wagged her eyebrows as she walked through the bathroom door into her bedroom. “I’ll be back in two hours!”

“Have fun down there,” Amanda snorted as she picked up her charcoal gray shadow from her table. Kelsey wouldn’t really flirt with Ryder would she? She carefully lined her top lid and tried not to think about them laughing and talking downstairs. Her cheeks burned and she shook her head.

I cannot believe that I’m jealous!

Even after that intimate tearing-off-the clothes scene while Kelsey stood at her front door, ringing the bell incessantly? Heck yes she was. She’d never had kissy scenes like that before with anyone―but Ryder. Not even her Wayne, when he was her husband. They’d always planned out their sex. Looked at their schedules to make sure they were both available at the same time. Never did the devouring each other’s lips, crazy make-out sessions.

How pathetic was that?

Soft footsteps came up the stairs and Kelsey peeped into the bathroom and held up two glasses of wine in each hand.

“This is a peace offering.” She walked over and set down a glass of red wine by the eye shadow. “Mr. Studley Do-Right wasn’t even down there.”

Amanda looked away from the mirror and pushed her lips out.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Kels.”

“I did hear the kid’s shower going.” Kelsey slanted Amanda a sly look. “Thought maybe I could pop in and see what he was up to, you know?”

Amanda pushed her eyebrows up waiting to see how her friend would get out of this one. She loved Kelsey; she was the sister she never had. They always had fun together no matter what they did, and guys never got in the way of their friendship. Kelsey knew Ryder was off-limits. And Amanda knew without a doubt that her best friend could have any guy she wanted.

“But he’s not even remotely interested in
” Kelsey lifted her nose up in the air. “So, I’m not even going to waste my time on him.”

“How should I wear my hair?” Amanda didn’t want to talk about Ryder anymore; didn’t want to joke about him. It was too personal for her.

Kelsey must’ve gotten the hint because she dropped the subject and came over and lifted the ends of her hair into her hands. “Up?” She tilted her head down studying her hair. “Yes, I definitely think up.”

“You think?” Amanda lifted both hands into her hair.

“Yes.” Kelsey said as she plucked out a shell-looking barrette from her drawer. “Here.”

Amanda took the barrette and secured her fine hair up. “Ta da!” She swirled around all ready to go and looked at Kelsey. “Am I good?”

“Yes, perfect.” Kelsey’s grin widened. “But I do need to go.”

“Already?” Amanda protested.

“Yes.” Kelsey reached over and slung her purse over her shoulder. “Your date will be here soon, my dear. Not to mention the hunk that is staying with you. Spend some time with him.” Her friend bobbed her brows up and down a few times. “If you know what I mean.” She walked down the stairs, but said over her shoulder, “Love ya! Call me tomorrow. Can’t wait to hear the details.”

“Kelsey,” Amanda groaned quietly as she heard her front door open and close. “Don’t leave me. I’m not sure I’m ready for all of this.”

effrey?” She plucked the clean, crisp tightly rolled-up one hundred dollar bill in her hand and sauntered over to the glass table in front of the sofa. “I need you to do something for me.”

“What now?” The tall thin man strolled over to the dark liquor cabinet and poured brandy into the two snifters already sitting on the bar. Scooping the stems of both glasses up, he approached her. “Well?”

“Tonight.” She reached for her brandy. “I need―”

“I won’t do anything kinky,” He lifted the glass up and away from her. “I’ve already told you that, a million times.”

She pressed her hand to her diaphragm to hold back a laugh. “Ah, no, darling.”

He thrust the brandy into her hand. “What then?”

She took a sip of brandy then set it down on the glass table, near the line of coke already laying there. “You aren’t even remotely my type.”

“God, I’m sorry I brought it up, now,” he grunted. “What? Only rough-looking men, who look like they’d kill you without blinking an eye?”

“Oh hush.” Pushing her index finger on her right side of her nose she sat on the couch and sniffed up the fine white powder in her left nostril. She lifted her chin up and swiped any powdery residue left on her nose. “I need you to get into Amanda Harris’ house, tonight.”

“What?” He lifted the glass to his lips and pulled his brows down. “And more importantly, why?”

She ignored his questions and picked up a small vial on the bar and held it out to him. “Just slip this into her drink sometime tonight. Take her home and call me when she’s passed out.”

Jeffrey took a sip of brandy and then set his glass back on the bar. Grabbing the tube from her, he lifted his eyebrow as he studied the pink pill in the container. “Why? What are you involved with now?”

“Someone is calling in some debts. Not much I can do about it, but play along.” She narrowed her eyes. “For the time being, that is. Now you’ll have to open the pill and mix the powder into the glass. Think you can handle that?”

He nodded stiffly. “I suppose.”

manda,” Ryder called up the staircase. “Do you want another glass of wine?” His heavy footsteps thudded up the stairs.

“Uh, okay.” Amanda felt frazzled. Searching frantically around her bathroom, she didn’t even know what she was looking for. Maybe she just needed a diversion? Ryder would see her in her long, elegant gown and she held her breath. Her hand automatically reached for her silver bracelet and her fingers followed the round loops. She hated dressing up like a kewpie doll. Cripes, she never was any good at this stuff.

Did she look good? Panic engulfed her. How would she compare to all the other women there tonight?

“Amanda.” He rounded the corner into her bathroom and stopped in his tracks.

Swiveling on the bathroom chair, she turned and bit her lip. He looked gorgeous. Ryder’s hard build fit great in a dark suit, white shirt, and dark tie. He could have easily passed as a model. Even down to his burgundy wingtips.

“You almost ready?” He walked to her with her wine glass filled up. “Here,” he grunted as he handed her the goblet.

“Thanks.” Their fingertips brushed against each other as she grabbed the glass. Her body jolted from the contact. “You really didn’t have to bring me up another glass, I’ve already had one.” She smoothed her free hand down the side of her dress. “Do I even have time to drink this?” Not waiting for him to answer, she tipped up the goblet and took a big sip. The air between them was thick with


Amanda looked beyond him. “Jeffrey should be here soon.” She cleared her throat needing to break the silence. “You look great, by the way.”

Ryder stood in front of her. “We have an hour.” Angling his body in front of the doorway in a protective stance, he said, “Plenty of time.”

“Plenty of time?” Amanda’s body tingled. But trying to look calm and collected, she sipped some more at her wine. “For what?” She tilted her head up at him and set down the wine glass on her vanity.

He stepped closer to her, reaching his arms out. “Amanda, I . . .” His palms came down on her shoulders.

She closed her eyes. He ran his hands down her arms until he gently clutched her fingers with his.

Pulling her up off her vanity chair, he brought her up against his body. “Damn it.”

“What’s wrong?”

Lowering his head, he said darkly, “I am so pissed off. I do not want you near this guy, Jeffrey Smeth.”

Amanda shuffled back. “Why?” Her pulse skyrocketed. Was Ryder actually interested in her, like Kelsey said? For a relationship?

“There is just something off about him, Amanda.”

“Ooh!” she puffed out. Turning around, she studied her reflection in her bathroom mirror. Ryder stood behind her and pulled down his brows.

Why did she even have to feel anything for him?
She’d sworn to herself that she would never feel anything emotional about a guy again. So why were her insides turning to mush?

Ryder reached out again to grip her arms. Her back was pressed against his front-side and her body was flattened against his chest. His suit-coat collar rubbed against the back of her nape. It was undeniably intimate. Looking in the bathroom mirror, she watched his dark head lower over hers.

He planted soft kisses across the back of her neck and she shivered. “Amanda,” he growled. “You should be going out with me, not Smeth.”

Angling her head so he could kiss the left side of her neck as well she whispered, “Then why aren’t we going together and why are you taking Sophia Edgington?” She closed her eyes and pushed her rear into his body.

Ryder twirled her around so fast― she didn’t see how he did it. Now her breasts were plastered against his chest. “I don’t even belong to the fu―” He stopped and pulled her chin up so they could look at each other. “I’ll take you somewhere else on our first date. I don’t even belong to the Harbor Falls Country Club. The only―” he stopped and shook his head, “And I repeat―Only reason I am going with Edgington tonight is because she told me that you were already going with Smeth. And I don’t like it. Something fishy is going on.”

Amanda opened her mouth and was going to say,
Why? Don’t you think Jeffrey would ever ask me out?
But she never got the chance, because he planted his hands on her back and pulled her tightly against his chest. And then he kissed her, instantly pushing any previous thoughts out of her head. She wove her hands around his neck as desire swirled through her body.

Ryder picked her up in his arms while still kissing her. She realized they were moving and wondered slightly what he was doing, but she really didn’t care. Reason flew out the window as excitement soared through her. Her bare back was soon pressed against her quilt.

This scene was like out of one of her sappy, romantic movies she watched on television. Amanda had never in her wildest dreams ever thought a man would pick her up and carry her to bed. Ryder’s body followed her down and his mouth was on her neck, making his way toward her cleavage.

“Ryder,” she moaned as her hands ran down his arms and onto his backside. Her fingers danced over the silkiness of his shirt until she pulled up the hem and touched hot skin. Slipping her fingers under his shirt, she gripped at his hard back. Amanda drew in her breath when coolness slipped onto her legs and Ryder’s calloused hand glided up her calf. She puffed out a panicked, “No!”, when she realized his hands would touch her brace and she tried to back away. Embarrassment moved in and filled every single pore in her body.

“I could care less about that, Amanda,” Ryder’s deep voice rumbled through his chest. As if to prove he meant what he said, his finger lightly out-lined the hard plastic already fastened on her leg. With the pads of his fingers, he gently touched her left leg, softly messaging her calf as he ventured upward. With his other hand, he’d pushed aside the delicate top part of her dress and she groaned again as his mouth found her breast.

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