Iron Gustav (85 page)

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Authors: Hans Fallada

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First published in German as
Der eiserne Gustav
by Rowohlt Verlag 1938
First published, in an abbreviated edition, in English as
Iron Gustav
by Putnam 1940
First full edition published in 1962 by Aufbau Verlag in
Hans Fallada: Selected Works in Single Issues
, edited by Günter Caspar, Vol. VI
First published, in this revised edition, in Penguin Classics 2014

Copyright © Auf bau Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, 2009
Translation copyright 1940 by Philip Owens
Newly translated material copyright © Nicholas Jacobs and Gardis Cramer von Laue, 2014
Note on the Translation copyright © Nicholas Jacobs, 2014
Foreword copyright © Jenny Williams, 2014

Cover photograph © ullstein bild/AKG

All rights reserved

The moral right of the copyright holder, the translators, and the author of the Note on the Translation has been asserted

ISBN: 978-0-141-96808-7

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