Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty (53 page)

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Destanne de Bernis, Gérard, 132
free will vs. determinism debate
Diamond, Jared, 132
Dimashqi, Ghaylan al-, 87
Dink, Hrant, 329
Din ve Hürriyet
Religion and Liberty
) (Hazık), 165
Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet I·s¸leri Bas¸kanlıg˘ı), 17, 214, 226, 233–36, 271
Discourse on Method
(Descartes), 158
Discovery of Freedom, The: Man’s Struggle Against Authority
(Lane), 61
Directorate of Religious Affairs
Diyarbakır prison, 36
Donner, Fred, 295
Dream, The
) (Kemal), 207
Dreyfus affair, 171
Dubai, 239
Dutch Republic, 125
East Africa, 65
Ebusuud Efendi, S¸eyh-ül I·slam, 144
Ecevit, Bülent, 216
Edip, Halide, 182
Egypt, 21, 32, 66, 88, 169, 171, 174, 201, 213, 216, 241
El-Affendi, Abdelwahab, 253–54
Ellison, Grace, 318
English common law, 71, 76, 298
environmental determinism, theory of, 131
Epistle on Free Will
(al-Basri), 87
Erbakan, Necmeddin, 215–16, 217, 220, 221, 222, 240, 321
Erdog˘an, Recep Tayyip, 222, 223–25, 230, 240, 320
Ersoy, Mehmet Akif, 166
Ertug˘rul, Ismail Fenni, 164
Esat Efendi, Mahmut, 163
Essenes, 191
Ethiopia, 32
Europe, 155, 156
anti-Semitism of, 171, 316
capitalism and, 135
feudalism and, 133–34
Middle East compared with, 133–34
Mongol invasion of, 305
Ottoman Empire and, 145–46, 150–51
topography of, 133
as trade center, 127,
European Stability Initiative (ESI), 229
European Union, 215–16, 219
Eve, 104
(merit), 50–51
(sexual indecency), 270
Farabi, al- (Alpharibus), 94–95, 118–19, 254
Far East, 128
fatalism, 85
(opening), 65
(religious opinion), 17, 70
on Salman Rushdie, 280
Feldman, Noah, 71
Felicity Party, Turkish, 223
female genital mutilation, 31–32
feudalism, 133–34
fez (headgear), 17, 147, 178
fideism, 118
First Gulf War, 198
Forces of Fortune
(Nasr), 239
Forte, David, 62
Fox News, 195
France, 143, 146, 166, 173, 174, 181
Civil Code of, 161
Dreyfus affair in, 171
Ottomans and, 140
Francs, 17, 74
freedom, 39, 93, 123, 125, 135, 155, 175, 237
community state and, 94
European feudalism and, 133–34
Hayreddin on, 169–70
18, 94
in Ottoman Empire, 148, 151, 155–56
Özal Revolution and, 218, 219–20
of press, 148
in Qur’an, 164–65, 166
religious freedom
to sin, 271–72
Sunna tradition and, 99
virtue and, 272
Freedom House, 30
free will vs. determinism debate, 122
in Christianity, 91
created or uncreated Qur’an debate and, 91–92
Hadiths and, 105
Jabriyyah School and, 19, 85–86
justice and, 90–91
Mutazilites and, 21, 90–92, 93
Qadarite movement and, 23, 85–87, 90, 93
revelation question and, 91–92
as theological controversy, 85–87
in Traditionist-Rationalist confrontation, 96–98
French Revolution, 35, 165, 179
Fuller, Graham, 239–40
Gandhi, Mahatma, 187
Garpçılar (Westernists), 181–82
Gaylani, Abd al-Qadir al-, 215
Genghis Khan, 112
Gerber, Haim, 69–70
Germany, 134, 143, 166, 181, 321
Ghaffar, Ashraf Abdel, 241
Ghannouchi, Rachid, 241
Ghazali, al-, 117–18, 215, 266, 306
Gökalp, Ziya, 165, 317
Golden Age of the Mutazilites, The,
Görmez, Mehmet, 234
government, Islamic, 250–52
Gowharshad Mosque, 189
Grand Council of State, Ottoman, 147, 149
Great Britain, 20, 54, 157, 166, 173, 174, 183, 189
common law of, 71, 76, 298
Islam for the UK group in, 259–60
Ottomans and, 140
Shariah courts in, 257–58
Greece, ancient, 108, 117, 309
Greece, modern, 166, 226, 311
Gregorian calendar, 180
Gül, Abdullah, 222–23, 224, 225, 230
Gülen, Fethullah, 214, 237
Gülen movement, 225–26, 237
Güngör, Erol, 190–91
Guns, Germs, and Steel
(Diamond), 132
Hadith Project, 233–34
Hadiths, 17, 23, 24, 25, 28, 89, 103, 130, 144, 171, 172
apostasy in, 274, 276–78
art banned in, 105
blasphemy punishment in, 282–83
forgeries and fabrications in, 101–3, 106
free will vs. determinism debate and, 105
hearsay in, 100–101
jihad doctrine and, 105
Muhammad in, 102
non-Muslims and, 105
Qur’an and, 104–6
as sanctified narrative, 106
Shariah and, 103–5
stoning in, 297
Turkish critique of, 233–34
usury in, 105
women and, 233–34
Haeckel, Ernst, 163
Haggadah, 17
Hakim II, Caliph al-, 78
Halakha, 17, 257
Hamlin, Cyrus, 151
Hanafi school, 17, 20, 21, 24, 85, 97, 106, 111, 114–15
criticism of, 122–23
in Ottoman Empire, 144–45, 161
Hanbali school, 17, 111, 115–16, 120
(inherited merit), 50
Hashwiyyah, 124
Hat Reform (1925), 17, 178, 180
Hay, John, 159
Hayreddin Pas¸a, 169–70
Hazık, Doktor, 165
Hejaz region, 18
Hejaz revolt of 1856, 140–41
Hellenism, 23, 24
Henry II, King of England, 298

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