Jared (35 page)

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Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Jared
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Angelina spotted him first. “Go away.” She turned her head into the guy

s chest
which really pissed Adam off.

“You heard her
asshole, get lost
The guy turned and Adam found himself staring into the eyes of a

he was at the fairgrounds the other night.” Steve’s eyes narrowed
looking around. Five more
s circled around

“Is there a problem?” Dillon walked up next to Steve with
and Jill close behind.

“Angelina.” Adam’s voice was calm, but firm. “Come here.”

She looked up at the
frowning. “Were you one of them at the fairgrounds?” She ask
trying to pull away.

An arrogant grin tipped his lips. “So what if I was?” He held her tighter when she struggled.

Adam didn’t even warn the
before he punched him in the side of the head with one hand
Angelina with the other to pull her out of harm’s way.

recovered quickly
his lips curled in anger baring his fangs at Adam. Humans quickly made their way to safety, the girl who had been with Angelina pulled her out of the way as Adam stood ready.

“He’s with the
arriors Brad.” One of the
s warned. “Let’s get out of here.”

“I’d take your buddies

advice.” Adam kept his eyes on his threat
, the
s hissing not backing him down. Steve, Dillon,
and even Jill took a step closer to Adam.

“I say let’s not give him an option.” Dillon cracked his knuckles shifting his head from side to side loosening up.

A wicked grin spread across
face. “Jill
I say you take the pussy with the flowered shirt.”
chuckled when the smaller
stared at Jill wide eyed. “Just don’t hurt him too bad. The
arriors probably want him alive.”

Jill looked him up
down with
eyes. “No problem.” She stood poised
picking at her fingernail as if bored out of her mind.

Their confidence was making the others
. “Dude
I didn’t sign up for this shit.” The
half-breed with the flo
red shirt
. “I don’t want no problems with the

Brad glanced over at him in disgust. “Then get the fuck out of here Dave.” His gaze returned to Adam. “Maybe if you kept your girl happy she wouldn’t come looking for more.”

Not taking the bait Adam kept a steel hold over his control. “I’m going to tell you this once.” Adam replied
looking at them all one at a time. “The
arriors are hunting you down and I suggest you turn yourselves over. They just want to question you.”

Shaking his head
Brad laughed then looked at Angelina. “Honey
now I know why you came looking for something more because this poor boy ain’t got no balls.” He smirked
leaning closer to Adam. “As soon as I kick your ass I’m going to fuck that fine
piece of ass
and show her what a real man feels like.”

Adam also leaned closer. “Well
that o
be a miracle because I’ve never seen a dead man fuck anything.” The breed’s eyes widened at Adam’s words.

shit.” Steve sighed just before Adam and the other breed went full force at each other.


Tessa did her closing routine which included calling a cab for
old man
who had his very own bar stool
Going through her tips she pulled out money, then went around the bar when she heard the cab beeping outside. “Come on Bob.” She took his skinny elbow. “You
ride awaits.”

“Did I ever tell you the time when me and you
r grandpa went
hunting?” Bob wobbled on his feet
almost taking Tessa down with him, but Jared was there holding them both up.

“I’ve got him.” Jared helped the old man toward the door.

Her eyes shot up to Jared’s
appreciation. “You mean the time you shot Will Jackson’s prized bull?” Tessa chuckled. She remember
coming in that night all red face
huffing about never drinking and hunting again.

The old man cackled. “Will Jackson’s a
grizzly old
asshat.” Bob snorted
throwing his hand up in the air almost smacking Jared in the side of the head.

grinned at Tessa
finally realizing where she got her colorful vocabulary

“Well I guess I’d be an asshat to
if you shot my prized bull.”
Tessa chuckled
shaking her head

“I swear it had antlers.” He stopped
crossed his heart on the wrong side of his chest.

use to talk about that all the time.” Tessa smiled at the old man who stopped to stare at her.

“You look just like her…you know that don’t ya
” Suddenly Bob Farley didn’t seem so drunk
, his eyes
as he
stood picturing
the past
. With Jared’s help he took the three steps needed to stand in front of Tessa. “You
momma was a good woman. She took care of me just like you do.”

Tessa’s eyes blurred as she leaned up and kissed his wrinkled cheek. “That’s the best compliment anyone has ever given me.”

He patted her cheek. “You’re a good girl. I’m glad you’re back. Th
new bartender didn’t know his ass from a hole in
the ground.” The cab blared it
s horn again making Bob snap his head toward the door with a frown. “That driver is gonna be farting that horn
I shove it up his fat ass.”

Tessa slapped her hand across her mouth, her eyes crinkled with laughter. Getting herself under control quickly
she grabbed his other arm
helping Jared lead him out the door. “I already called Martha.” Tessa
as she put money in the older man’s hand for cab fare
. “She’s waiting for you.”

Jared pushed the money back at her. “I’ve got it.”

Watching the cab pull away
she waved at Bob as he waved from the back window. It was the same routine every night Tessa worked.
Walking back into the bar Tessa smiled up at Jared. “Thanks.”

“You’re an angel.” Jared pulled her into his
holding her close
to the country song playing on the old jukebox in the corner.
“I’ve been wanting to do this all night.” Jared whispered in her ear.

Wrapping her arms around his neck she pushed closer to his body.
“I’m finished except for locking up.” She tilted her head back to stare up into his eyes.

“After this dance.” His hands ran up and down her back. He leaned down taking her lips in a slow sensual dance of their own.

et a room.” Sid grunted as he walked pas
toward the door.

“Shut up Sid.” Jared and Tessa hissed against each other’
s lips

The door to the bar burst open sending everyone in
fight mode.
Jared push
Tessa behind him
ready for anything

Otis hurried into the bar
full uniform. Spotting Tessa behind Jared
e thumbed behind him. “Seen your car so I knew you were still here.”
Then he frowned. “Do you ever check you
damn phone?

“What do you want?” Jared demanded
reaching behind him lacing
fingers with Tessa’s.

“Adam was arrested
long with
” Otis sighed. “I just heard it over the radio.”

“Arrested?” Tessa took a step around Jared. “For what?”

“Fighting.” Disapproval colored his words.

Jared looked at Nicole. “Help her lock up.”

Nicole nodded, but Tessa grabbed his arm. “I’m going with you.”

“Ah, I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” Otis said in his best Sheriff tone.

“I’ve got to bail him out.” Tessa replied already heading to the back to lock up. “He’s my brother.”

“He’s one of us now.” Damon kissed Nicole quickly
heading toward the door. “We got it.”

Jared caught Tessa tilting her chin up. “Go with Nicole.” He leaned down and kissed her hard. “I’ll get your brother.”



Jared walked into the police station followed by Otis, Damon and Sid. Otis stepped around him to head to the front desk where an officer sat a
t a

“Hey Otis.” The officer nodded
looking away from the computer screen. “What brings you to the big city?”

s were brought in about an hour ago. One is
brother of my….” Otis glanced at Jared who was sneering at him. “a friend of mine. Adam Pride.”

The officer whistled. “They sure did some damage to the new night club on
treet. The owner is wanting blood.”

“How much is bail?” Jared ask

that’s the thing.” The officer finally noticed the
iors standing with Otis. “There’
s no bail. They have to wait to see the judge in the morning.”

“Get Duncan on the phone.” Jared told Sid before bringing his
glare back to the officer. “I need to see Adam Pride.”

“No can do.” The officer shook his head. “No one is to see them until after court in the morning.”

“Who made this call?” Jared was getting tired of the game already. “With
being vampire they fall under
Council responsibility.”

“Well there must be a new rule book because your
ouncil made the call.” The officer rolled back in his chair at Jared’s snarl.

Jared leaned his head back
a smile without humor
curved his hips
. “Listen officer…” He leaned his head back down eyeing his name badge. “Preston. The only thing that is keeping me from walking myself back there is
because I’m wanting to do the right thing
. I’m trying to be patient, but it’s
really wearing thin
. I will give you two minutes to find the officer in charge so we can cut the bullshit and get things done.”

“But…” Officer Preston looked at Otis who just shrugged his shoulder.

“Time is ticking
….Officer Preston.” Sid hummed the t
the officer stumbled out of his chair.

Jared looked away the smile completely wiped off his face. “What the fuck is going on?”

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