Jaz's Warriors (Bondmates Book 2) (4 page)

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The red-haired Matriarch with a circular bondmark pattern spanning her cleavage from shoulder to shoulder clasped Jaz’s hands. “Thank you so much. If you hadn’t talked me down after learning about the
Gili Fertility Ritual
, I’m afraid I’d have high-tailed it back to Earth.”

“So you survived it?” Jaz asked with a warm smile.

“Oh yeah. It wasn’t bad at all. I did what you said and trusted my husbands to get me through the ritual. I didn’t realize what an honor it was to be selected as the family that blesses our people with fertility.” She flushed and bit her lower lip before adding, “It was really hot.”

Laughing, Jaz whispered, “I told you so!”

“Yeah, you did…but Jaz…you have

The women giggled and Tandar had to hide a smile, knowing exactly what the older Matriarch was referring to. The
Gili Fertility Ritual
was an ancient right during which the Lord and Lady of the land made love on a sacred alter before the Servants of the Lord of Life. While Tandar had never been to one—he’d grown up on the Southern Continent, while the ritual was native to the Western Continent—that didn’t mean he hadn’t heard erotic tales of the man becoming possessed by the Lord of Life himself as he took his bondmate.

Jaz looked over her shoulder at him, then turned back to the woman with a smile. “I wish I could hang out and talk, but I have company.”

The redhead looked over at Tandar, the faint lines around her blue eyes giving her face character and beauty. “Who is he?”

“Mavet’s blood brother.”

To Tandar’s shock, the woman grabbed Jaz by the hand and closed the distance between them and himself, the older woman’s gaze intent.

One of her bondmates tried to stop her, but she shook his hand off her arm. “Jane, don’t.”

Before he knew what she was doing, she’d grabbed Tandar’s hand, shocking him with her forwardness.

Jane held his gaze and he froze, held trapped by her eyes. He literally couldn’t move, and he knew it was the older woman who had easily breeched his partial shields and slipped into his mind. Not only that, but he swore he could feel Jaz through this blue-eyed Earth Matriarch’s odd psychic hold on him. By the Lord of Life, what kind of powers did this woman have?

He sensed irritation from Jaz right before she said, “What in the good Lord’s name are you doing, Jane?”

“Trying something,” Jane replied with a mutter. “I’ve been training with a truth speaker.”


“A truth speaker. Except I don’t speak truths, I feel them.” She stared harder at Tandar, her gaze stripping him bare. “Hard to get a read on your man, he’s super-pissed right now, but I can tell that he’s a good one.”

Abruptly he was free of Jane’s hold and she took a shaky step back, her face pale and dark circles rising up beneath her eyes. “Shit, he’s strong…so strong. Good. He’ll need to be, keeping you safe. His intentions are pure.”

Growling, he placed himself physically between Jaz and the woman who’d insulted both of them, straining against the leash of protocol that demanded he not argue with the Earth Matriarch who was now being physically supported by her angry and apologetic bondmates.

“Please forgive her,” the Healer with the teal hair said as he stroked the woman’s sweaty brow. “Jane’s sister was killed by her violent husband and she would rather risk your offense than not know if someone she cares for is with a man who won’t treat her as he should.”

Tandar’s anger abruptly drained away and he nodded stiffly.

The redhead took a deep breath and straightened. “Forgive my manners. I’ve only been aware of your world for two weeks and I’m still taking it all in. So, uh—permission to speak freely with me.”

He held Jane’s worried gaze, needing to impress upon her the gravity of her actions. “Your gift is not a toy to be played with at whim, Matriarch. It is a responsibility and a talent that is never to be abused; a sacred trust between you and the Lord of Life. If we had been on Kadothia and you had done that in a public place, you would be feeding the fear of the Bel’Tan galaxy that you are a monster not to be trusted, not to mention breaking laws.”


“I am aware of your reasons, and they are valid, but you cannot invade a person’s mind without their permission. In my society, it is akin to what you call rape on Earth, but a psychic rape.”

“I’d never—”

He held up his hand. “I know that, which is why I am not filing a complaint against you. But not everyone is as forgiving as I am, some will be waiting to trip you up, to tear you down, and take everything from you that you value and love. Taking over someone’s mind and body uninvited would give them reason to do just that.”

Jaz placed her hand on his arm. “Tandar, that’s a little harsh.”

“No.” Jane pressed her lips together then released them with a sigh. “No, he’s right. I’m sorry, what I did was uncalled for. I cannot change my actions, I can only assure you that I won’t invade someone’s mind like that without permission again.”

He gave Jane a formal bow. “There is nothing to forgive, Matriarch.”

Tugging at his arm, Jaz said, “We need to get going. Let’s get together for lunch at my place soon, Jane. We’ll do some Earth home cooking for the bottomless pits we’re married to.”

Not waiting to hear the woman’s reply, Jaz led him away from Jane and her husbands, taking him to one of the dozens of private rooms that lined the corridor. Each held a different example of a slice of life on Kadothia, everything from elegant cities to rough mountain passes covered in snow and ice. This room was styled to showcase a carefully constructed exhibit of the Blue Sea kelp gardens at the Palace of Oblivion back on Kadothia. They were in a small bubble with two viewing love seats, surrounded by the long fronds that glowed faintly in the blue- and purple-tinted waters. Fish and a few insects swam about, each luminescent in its own way. The soft rustle of slowly moving water filled the air and he calmed as Jaz studied him closely.

“Did you really have to be so rough with her? You treated her like one of your troops.”

Knowing his words could damn him, but refusing to be less than honest with her, he nodded. “Actually, if she were one of my troops, she would be doing a survival course clad only in a pair of shoes and running through a swamp filled with blood-thirsty insects until she passed out from exhaustion.”

Gaping at him, Jaz took a step back and he feared he’d scared her away. The thought made him panic and he realized he already really liked this little Matriarch, and not just because she was his blood brother’s bondmate. Her dark curls framed her face perfectly and he longed to brush them aside so he could kiss along her slender neck.

“Wow, your troops must love you,” she said in a sarcastic voice with a dramatic roll of her eyes. “Listen up, we’re not your underlings. We’re human females and we don’t respond well to being scolded.”

He laughed. “No female responds well to being scolded, but that does not mean you are never wrong.”

She scrunched her nose at him. “I don’t think I like you very much.”

“Oh, little Matriarch, do not say such untruths. We both know your body is ripening itself for me this very instant. You smell delicious.”

That wasn’t a lie, even now the faint perfume of her arousal flavored the air between them, growing stronger as he began to close the distance. They were alone in the room and he sent a mental request to the ship’s computer to seal off this chamber temporarily. Then he sent a message to Mavet, letting him know that Jaz was fine, and requesting a little bit of assistance from Mavet and Xentix to help Jaz relax.

Tandar wanted Jaz with an obsession that was growing by the minute, and now that they were alone he fully intended to sample her exotic beauty. The more he was around her, the more he wanted to lick her, suck her, claim her as his. He wanted to explore the fascinating folds of her sex, to watch her surrender to her passion, to feel her orgasm. Her body was lush and perfect, rounded in the best way and designed to cushion a man between her shapely thighs.

Mavet replied that they would do their best to seduce Jaz from their end while Tandar began the first stage of the courting ritual with her…the tasting.




Any second now, Jaz was going to push the dangerously handsome man away, was going to release her clutching grip on his firm biceps, was going to stop inhaling him like a drug addict, and was certainly
going to give in to the desire to suck on his full lips.

His erection pressed into her as he pulled her closer, then slowly lowered his head to hers. “You are very beautiful, Jaz, so very sweet and filled with so much love for everyone. You are what the Lord of Life wishes us to be.”

“Shush.” Blushing, she hid her face against his chest. “I’m also a brat, according to Mavet, and as stubborn as a
, according to Xentix.”

?” Tandar smiled wide. “It takes almost a hundred years to tame one enough to ride. I do hope I get my chance sooner than that.”

A startled laugh burst from her. “Me too.”

His gaze grew distant and he said in a low voice, “Little Matriarch, are you blocking your bondmates’ links?”

She had been, in an effort to only focus on Tandar. Worried that something was wrong, she opened each link all the way—and almost fainted as her husbands’ desire crashed over her. Every inch of her skin sensitized as she sucked in a huge gasp of air.

“Those son of a bitches!”

“Jaz, are you unwell?”

She grit her teeth and forced her legs to find the strength to support her. Now that the link was open between herself and her husbands, she couldn’t close it without a struggle. Since it took every inch of her concentration to keep from peeling Tandar out of his armor, she didn’t have any spare mental strength to try to push them both out. Her body began to throb with pleasure and she fought the urge to rub her hips against the handsome man staring down at her.

“My husbands are feeling amorous.”

“What is that?”

An involuntary shudder ran through her and she bit back a moan, her nipples hard and pressing against her bodice. “They’re having sex. Or they’re about to…and they’re both
enjoying it. Darn perverts.”

“You find their actions offensive?”

Groaning, she forced herself to focus on Tandar’s worried face. “Not, it’s a joke. I love how much they love each other and as I’m sure you can tell by my scent, I enjoy it. Shit, I can’t think.”

Right now she could almost taste the other men’s desire on her tongue and she sent them a scolding thought that they ignored, their passions growing even hotter, knowing they had her attention. Her eyes drifted shut and she moaned when Tandar ran a thumb over one painfully hardened nipple trapped behind her gown. Pleasure held her captive while she gasped and panted.

“Close the link with them a bit,
, I want your attention on me…and what I am about to do with your luscious body.”

She did as he asked, a thread of guilt moving through her that she’d let herself get so distracted. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“I should have been paying attention to you, not them. That’s bad manners.”

“Jaz,” he whispered as he went to his knees before her. “It pleases me to see you sharing love with your bondmates. It is as it should be. Even though I am on the outside looking in, I can still feel the heat of that love like a warm fire, beckoning me closer from the cold emptiness of the night.”

Mavet had mentioned that Tandar had a poetic side, but she was still surprised at just how lovely his words were. “Thank you.”

His smile warmed her blood, and she took a moment to appreciate his unique good looks and gave in to her desire to touch him. She started with his face, tracing her tingling fingertips over his cheek and jawline, the skin hard and velvety. He stared at her lips and she leaned closer, pressing her mouth to his.

The moment their mouths gently pressed together, a growl rumbled through Tandar and he held her closer, his teeth nipping at her lips before he licked along the seam.

With a happy sigh, she parted for him and their tongues moved together, tasting each other and sending the most delicious sensations rolling through Jaz. Goodness, she felt sultry and desired which allowed her inner sex vixen to surface. Without a doubt, her new self-confidence in sex came from her husbands’ open adoration. Their affection allowed her to do things she never imagined anyone doing outside of some hardcore porn, and loving it.

Very, very slowly, Tandar brushed his lips over hers, a groan coming from deep inside of him that made the pulse beat hard between her legs. She was wet and ready for him, her body primed for his taking, even if her mind still had some reservations. While the explosive passion between them was amazing, she needed to know any man who was joining her family would be a good fit. She needed to know him on more than a physical level, but that would only come from their bond strengthening during sexual activities.

Which meant she’d have to suffer through Tandar giving her a couple amazing orgasms before she gave him one in return.

That certainly would be no hardship on her part; Tandar was absolutely delicious.

Like a hot breeze, his passion began to filter into her mind, bringing with it hints of his soul.

Raw hunger mixed with longing and a hint of worry…and fear. Not an unusual reaction for a Kadothian male. Lucky for him, she’d not only bonded twice already herself, but counseled new couples on how to smooth over cultural differences on a galaxy-wide scale. She didn’t judge Tandar for his worry or fear. Instead, she focused on his passion, coaxing him closer, luring him into her mind. His spirit tasted like water fresh from an outdoor hand-pump well, crisp and cool with a mineral bite that perfectly soothed her soul.

She couldn’t help but sigh into his mouth, totally taken with how good he felt, how different he tasted from Mavet and Xentix, yet the same.

All of a sudden, the image of all three of them pleasuring her filled her mind, thanks to her randy husband sending her the mental picture, and she shuddered with a harsh gasp. “That son of a bitch.”

“Jaz? Is something wrong?”

With a low growl, Tandar’s incisors grew and descended as he instantly went into protector mode then almost dropped her when her knees gave out.

“Matriarch, please, tell me where the threat is coming from.”

“Not a threat…
,” she hissed as her body electrified with pleasure. “Sneaky bugger always manages to get past my shields. He keeps sending me his fantasies about…”


While she knew there was absolutely no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed, Kadothian culture had a very liberal view on sexuality compared to Earth, she still couldn’t bring herself to just blurt it out.

Shutting down her shields tight between herself and her randy husbands, she said, “Um…future sleeping arrangements.”

He studied her closely in the dim lighting, something resembling a jellyfish made of fire floating about the undulating blue kelp forest behind him. Sometime while they’d been kissing, the lights had lowered, leaving them in an enchanted underwater world.

Licking his lips as if savoring her taste, he said, “I am confused.”

Dang it, she was explaining this wrong.

And she was a hypocrite.

How many times had she urged the Earth women she mentored to leave behind the foolish things they’d learned about sex between anyone other than husband (singular) and wife being wrong? How many times had she sat down with a new Matriarch and her bondmates, explaining to the other woman how she shouldn’t be embarrassed to talk about sex with her men? How being honest was so important in all aspects of a marriage. And yet here she was, blushing and stuttering over talking about sex with a man she could see herself marrying.

A good man, honest, brave and strong.

Not many women on Earth could claim to have one husband in her life that was utterly devoted to her, let alone three.

So she just had to suck it up and put her big-girl panties on, and push past her embarrassment. “Xentix was sending me suggestions about sexual positions we could try. All of us. You know, like
together. It’s hot.”

Her voice came out squeaky, her words hurried, but she was proud she’d managed to force herself to say that at all.

Tandar’s full lips curved into a sensual smile. “I have a few ideas of my own.”

“I’m sure you do.” Gathering her thoughts, she tugged him over to one of the comfortable love seats in the center of the room. “Come, sit with me.”

He did as she asked, his armor creaking softly as he pulled her onto his lap. “For such a small woman, you have a huge presence.”

“Earth females may be small physically, but don’t let the little package fool you. We pack quite a punch.”

She traced her fingertips over his cheek, feeling his need to be touched.

To be loved.

Jaz already felt a hint of that deep affection for this mysterious man, a seed planted by her husband’s fondness for Tandar that was taking root on its own in her heart.

“Tell me about yourself, Commander Tandar.” She sat up a little bit so her back rested against his arm and the side of the love seat, the soft fabric of her gown rustling as she rearranged herself to look more fully into his eyes. “Mavet has shared some of your story with me, but not much.”

Tandar nuzzled her throat, “Did Mavet tell you how we became blood brothers?”

Her gut clenched with the memory of the horrible origins of their relationship. “He has, but I’d like to hear how it was through your eyes, please.”

“It is not a happy tale, well—until the end.” Taking a deep breath, Tandar held her close, obviously taking comfort from her welcoming embrace. “We were stranded together on a planet bordering the area of the Bel’Tan galaxy that the Hive controls. Our squadron was attacked by Hive Drones and the hospital ship we were stationed on was destroyed.”

She fought her instinctive fear at the mental image of what the Hive Drones were. Massive machines built for killing, each housing a legion of Hive members and their mercenaries. They were death incarnate, and when Mavet and Tandar’s ship had encountered them, they knew they were doomed, yet they still fought. Through her mental bond with her husband, she had caught glimpses, emotional snapshots of the battle and the sheer terror and despair he’d felt as his ship had been destroyed, killing thousands of his Kadothian brothers in arms. Good men who he’d known and respected. Through her bond with Mavet, Jaz had experienced all the helpless feelings he’d had, and the guilt as he and Tandar had managed to make a last-ditch effort to escape in a small emergency pod after all hope had been lost and the abandon-ship order had gone out.

He sucked in a deep breath, then let it out slowly, warming the side of her head where he had her tucked into him, a faint tremble shaking his hands. “It is only by the blessing of the Lord of Life that we escaped. We found ourselves in a damaged life pod, that we further had to destroy to keep the Hive from noticing that we’d gotten out before the ship blew up. The place we landed was thankfully hospitable enough to supply us with food and shelter, but it was filled with dangerous creatures of moderate intelligence. Our first few days were rough, but within a half cycle, we had a sturdy and comfortable shelter built from parts salvaged from our life pod. Since the pod was constructed to house and feed up to six Kadothian males for almost two cycles, we were well stocked between the foods we harvested and our reserves.”

“Mavet said you were there for almost a full cycle before you were rescued?”

“They thought we were dead, had no idea anyone had managed to escape our ship. The Drones…they’d destroyed every life pod that had deployed before ours. We…because we were the last ones off and managed to eject seconds before the ship blew up, we escaped. The blast shielded our pod from detection, but the others weren’t so lucky.” His voice came out rough as he said, “It took a long time for anyone to find us, the area of the galaxy that we were in was too close to the Hive-controlled planets and too inhospitable for anyone allied with Kadothia to live.”

“Mavet told me you saved his life many times over.”

Tandar actually flushed and she had to hide a smile over his embarrassment. The bond between them was strengthening by the second as her subconscious mind began to trust the handsome Warrior. It would be nice if she had some sort of control over who her body would let past her mental barriers, but like all the Earth women so far, she had no say over who she could and couldn’t form a bond with so she was glad Tandar was so easy to feel.

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