Jaz's Warriors (Bondmates Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Jaz's Warriors (Bondmates Book 2)
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Like Tandar was fighting his. Technically, he wasn’t allowed to do anything to her that she didn’t invite him to during their courtship. If he was her first husband, the one who transformed her from an ordinary human and into a Kadothian Matriarch, the social rules would be different and he’d have a lot more leeway to seduce her. But, because she was a twice-bonded Matriarch, he couldn’t even speak to her unless she initiated it, no matter how badly he wanted to.

A hard pulse of desire came from Tandar as her nipples hardened into aching points. He wanted her, real bad. It was hard for her to describe the psychic link between them because it wasn’t just a feeling, but a scent and a taste to her. Every Earth woman was different in how her body reacted to the conversion, but for Jaz and a handful of others, psychic signatures sometimes had a smell and taste. He tasted like cinnamon and dark chocolate with a hint of coffee.

In other words, delicious.

Knowing that he wouldn’t publically close the physical gap between them uninvited, she held his hand against her face and slowly nuzzled him, giving him the affection she knew he craved like a drug.

His gaze devoured her as he said, “You are amazingly beautiful, your eyes are so dark, so rich.”

Flushing, she ducked out of his reach and motioned to him. “Come on, we need some privacy.”

Her pace quickened as she tried to calm herself after a Bel’Tan Matriarch gave her a wary look. As if the women of Earth didn’t have enough to deal with, trying to assimilate into an alien culture, without adding the bonus stress of their new home being prejudiced against them. She couldn’t help but sigh at the fact that she’d found a culture where the color of her skin really didn’t matter in how people treated her. Instead, they hated her because of the freaking planet she’d been born on.

They passed through an archway into an atrium of sorts, the ceiling a holographic display that mimicked the slightly different-colored sun that Kadothia revolved around. It wasn’t a huge change, but something a little subtler, like putting on a pair of sunglasses for the first time. Initially your eyes could detect a difference, but soon they adjusted and everything looked as it should to your brain. In the richer illumination of the fake sun, her dark skin had an odd but pretty sheen to it. An almost golden pearl-like glimmer.

They paused to let a group of laughing people pass, and she looked over at Tandar, studying him in the new light. The difference in the colors of his brown and blond hair stood out more, and his cheekbones cast stronger shadows over his square jaw. His scar gleamed softly as well and she had to bite back the urge to kiss him where he’d been hurt. She took a step closer to him and inhaled deeply, her pulse quickening as they neared the hallway that contained her suite.

“Jaz,” Xentix called out, and she whipped around to face her second husband, lowering the shielding on her mind that she’d put up so tightly after that drama with Lisa.

Right away, his anger and worry pounded at her, making her gasp and throw her shields back up with a pained grunt, the mental slap of their strong emotions making her body shake in discomfort. The only way she could describe it was like being mildly electrocuted from the inside out. A very disconcerting and painful feeling. A harsh sweat broke out over her body as it tried to throw off her psychic jolt, the sensation fading while Tandar cradled her close, lifting her totally off the ground and into the safety of his arms.

“Jaz,” Xentix said in a pained voice, “forgive me. I should have shielded myself better. We have been trying to contact you through our bond but we could not penetrate your shields.”

“What has happened?” Tandar asked in a commanding voice, authority radiating from him despite the fact that he held her cradled like a doll.

Xentix’s dark gaze went right to Tandar, and she felt her husband relax as the older man seemed to take charge. “Vungus has filed a petition for disciplinary action against Jaz for her trick back at the transport docks against Matriarch Taverty. It has been deemed a worthy complaint and has been forwarded to the High Congress. They await you in the ship’s High Congress Chambers.”

A sick wave of nausea had Jaz pressing her hands to her stomach. “Oh God, what have I done?”




Mavet grasped one of her hands, Xentix the other, while Tandar massaged the nape of her neck. She would have normally been embarrassed to be seen in public with her men treating her as if she was some swooning southern belle, but right now their presence helped chase back the crippling panic of fear. Okay, so she was about to face the Kadothian equivalent of a meeting with the head of the United Nations—if the United Nations ruled Earth. True, it was only a virtual reality simulation of the real High Congress back on Kadothia, but it was so good that the only way to know it wasn’t real was by trying to touch one of the holograms.

Giving her a gentle kiss on her temple, Xentix said, “Come, we do not want to keep the High Congress waiting.”

This was bad, really bad.

“I do not understand why they escalated it to the High Congress, it was a small indiscretion, usually it would have been ruled on by the Regional Courts,” Mavet muttered, while the Warriors guarding the entrance to the room where they’d meet virtually with the High Congress watched them impassively.

Tandar gave a rough laugh, his long fingers stroking her skin while he glared at the guards as if they were a threat to her. “Dirty, cutthroat politics, that is what is occurring. They want to make an example of Jaz for some reason and have done so in a way they are assured a large audience.”

“Agreed,” Xentix said as he slowly released her hand, assuming what she came to think of as his battle-ready stance.

All three men wore what she’d learned was their formal dress uniforms. Instead of armor, they were clad in a material similar to leather, but much thicker and more pliable. It also had a slight sheen to it that added delicious hills and valleys to their bodies, highlighting how insanely fit and built for battle they were. Various military medals and decorations adorned the armor and she couldn’t help but feel a small burst of pride at how highly decorated her men were. Even though Mavet and Xentix were of the Healer class, they were Warriors first, and had been trained as much to kill as to save.

In contrast to the deep green of her husbands’ dress uniforms, Tandar’s black made him look like he was covered in shiny oil. The urge to slide her hands along that slick surface, to feel the heat of his body beneath, made a pleasant tingle go through her sex. All three men instantly caught her sexual excitement, and she flushed when they growled as one and took a step closer to her, surrounding her on three sides with aroused male.

Before the alien testosterone could overwhelm her, she threw her elbow into Mavet’s side and wiggled away. “Hey, we have business to attend to.”

Both Xentix and Mavet looked at Tandar, then to her with an even more lustful expression. Damn, they were looking forward to watching Tandar take her, big time. If she wasn’t so worried about being banned from Kadothia forever, she’d be rolling her eyes at their open hunger. She made the mistake of looking down below the belt line, and the sight of their very clearly defined erections had her licking her lips.

No, bad Jaz.


They started to stalk towards her again, but she held up her hand and they halted as though she’d put up an invisible barrier. “Stop right there. I mean it. I need to focus and I need my bondmates right now, not my lovers.”

A hint of hurt came from Tandar, but he kept his voice calm as he said, “Do you wish me to remain here and wait for you?”

“Of course not. Tandar, you must know by now that I want to bond with you and make you my husband. I would like you by our side while I face this, where you belong.”

“One moment please,” the smooth, feminine voice of the ship’s computer broadcast from hidden speakers. A second later, the computer continued, “Congratulations, Matriarch Jazmine of House Brooks, the bonding has been approved.”

A piercing, howling roar came from all the Kadothian guards surrounding her little family, making her clasp her hands to her ears to try to muffle the primal cries.

When they finally silenced, she lowered her hands and said, “What in the world?”

Laughing at her surprised expression, Tandar lifted her by the waist so their gazes was level, her feet dangling off the ground. “You just announced in public that you wished to bond with me. I had already made my formal petition wishing to bond with you after our time together in the Blue Sea kelp gardens. I knew without a doubt you are my bondmate, and I asked your husbands for permission to seek a bond. That is what I was doing while we were walking to your home. Xentix and Mavet approved it and the computer was waiting for your response. My brothers in battle are happy for me that I have found my
, and let the Universe know their joy.”

Xentix and Mavet moved to either side of Tandar and she found herself suddenly surrounded by handsome, aroused men. Their combined scent had her knees weakening and the pressure of their arousal beat at her mental shields. Fighting back a rush of warmth, Jaz forced herself to say, “Guys, give me some room. I need to mentally prepare for whatever we’re facing in there.”

“It should only be a four-person court instead of a larger formal court,” Mavet said while placing his hand on Tandar’s shoulder, his joy at Tandar joining their family filling her heart. “While Vungus is petitioning for your Ambassador status to be revoked—”

“What?” Jaz whispered.

Xentix and Mavet went stone-faced while Tandar sighed. “She needs to know what she is facing.”

With a nod to Tandar, Mavet reached out and took her hand, the determination in his gaze giving her strength. “Vungus claims you are mentally unstable and need a full evaluation and empathy training.”

“Empathy training?”

Making a sour face, Tandar added, “Compassion and empathy are some of the greatest gifts from the Lord of Life that
have, but the Hive do not. If a Kadothian lacks those gifts, they are retrained to appreciate compassion and empathy.”

She gaped at them. “Retrained?”

“Yes. It is…unpleasant.”

“Unpleasant? You mean they torture them?”

“No,” Tandar said in a harsh voice. “Nothing like that. It is a complex process that has been used for over nine thousand years. I assure you, it is not torture, and it is effective.”

Her heart raced as the doors to the High Congress swung open on their huge hinges and a tall, thin man with a long nose and deep-set grey eyes examined them with a hard look. He wore the dark blue armor of the Negotiator class and it gleamed beneath the bright lights of the foyer. Despite the fact that he was older, he’d have been a handsome man if he hadn’t been frowning at them.

“Matriarch Brooks, we have been waiting for you.”

Something about his expression said he wasn’t pleased to find her dallying around with her men instead of coming in.

It took a lot to keep her shoulders straight and her chin lifted beneath his stern gaze, but she held his eyes as she said, “Forgive me for my lateness.”

His thin lips softened a bit and he nodded, “I am afraid Congressman Vungus and his Representative have had a good deal of time to plead his case in your absence.”

She could feel her men bristling with anger and shot them a warning look over her shoulder as she closed down the links between herself and them. It was hard enough to keep her own panic under control and maintain a professional persona without adding their angry drama. Taking a deep breath, she smoothed her gown then met the Negotiator’s gaze.

“I see. Please, let us not keep them any longer.”

With a small bow, the tall man turned then led them down the elaborate blue and gold stone hallway. She maintained her even pace and managed not to reach out and grasp for her husbands’ hands like a scared kid on her way to her first day of school. The room they were about to enter was in reality empty, but it would no doubt look as if it were filled to the brim with people watching from the gallery. Kadothians were fond of their virtual reality and every Reaping ship had an exact replica of the hall of the High Congress on the ship for official purposes. Xentix had once told her that other than private sessions, all meetings of the High Congress were open to the public and often packed with people.

Without a doubt, she’d be the source of much interest, both good and bad, so she needed to do this right.

It was all about the attitude at this point, and having grown up in Harlem, she had attitude to spare. Confidence filled her as she imagined having her strong aunts at her side, her feisty female cousins flanking them. Jaz was here to represent and protect the women of Earth, and she was not going to lose that position or her hard-earned respect because of some creepy asshole like Vungus. She had to walk in there like a queen, because if she acted like anything less they’d eat her alive.

Accessing the crystal implant in her head that linked to the ship’s computer, she readied herself mentally as they finally reached the room that housed the virtual High Congress.

Like everything associated with politics in Kadothia, the chamber was grand yet simple. The cream walls swept upwards into an arc over the cavernous space and the view above was of the Kadothian night sky, with fourteen of its various-sized and colored moons illuminating the darkness. It was a stunning sky she’d seen briefly when they’d visited her new home on Kadothia for a few days before she was recalled to the Reaping ship for her job.

Here and there, a few pieces of artwork were displayed, the paintings and sculptures changed out on a regular basis so new artists may have the honor of saying they were displayed at the High Congress. These bits of information floated through her mind as her crystal chip did its job, identifying objects to her in such a subtle way it felt almost as if she knew that the gigantic silvery table the three hundred members High Congress sat at had been hewn from a meteorite that was over a
years old.

Even staring at the virtual copy of the table had her stomach clenching up a little bit.

Fourteen rows of benches made up the gallery surrounding the massive table that seated the High Congress. While only three of the chairs near the golden Petitioner’s Circle were filled, the gallery was packed. Many of the Kadothians sitting there looked at Jaz with a hint of fear or unease in their gazes. Yeah, she may not be able to read their minds, and vice versa, but evidently she was so scary that a few of the Kadothian women blanched and looked away when she met their curious gazes. Hell, she wasn’t even really in the same galaxy with them, so she had no idea how they thought her hologram could possibly harm them.

Turning her attention fully to the High Congress, she examined the people who were pretty much judge, jury, and executioner at her trial. Lady Yanush, the Lead of the Southern Continent was there, her black braids gleaming with a faint sheen of coppery glitter that also dusted her coal-black skin. Jaz’s gaze skipped over to a thickset, tan Warrior with his lips pressed together in a tight line and a shock of blond hair. She could almost feel his dislike, and worried she was doomed from the start when she saw the Warrior’s Matriarch had the same look of thinly veiled distaste. After a moment, her crystal implants supplied a name to go with their sour faces.

Lady Drinzell and her husband, Lord Baldouri, Lead Congress of the Continent of Catacombs and staunch conservatives, who on more than one occasion had petitioned the women of Earth be kept out of the Bel’Tan galaxy until more studies on them were done for the safety of Kadothia.

Whispers rose around Jaz as she continued to walk down the ridiculously long path to the Petitioner’s Circle. She felt like a damn dog being paraded at a show, displayed for everyone to gawk at and criticize. Good Lord, this was worse than walking into the cafeteria at a new high school for the first time with all the judging looks thrown her way. Yes, there were a lot of men who watched her with nothing but hunger and admiration, and a few Earth women here and there in the gallery that smiled at Jaz, but for the most part the atmosphere was tense. She could only imagine what it felt like to the psychically sensitive Kadothians.

Okay, you know what? She was done with this craziness. They needed to get over the fact that she was human and just deal with it. A faint sense of pride pushed through her bond from all three of her men and she took a deep breath as she strode forward, making sure she let Vungus see that he wasn’t going to intimidate her.

As expected, Vungus stood in the Petitioner’s Circle along with his Matriarch and a Warrior Jaz assumed was their bondmate. His hair was slicked back and held in place with a big, flashy brown jewel and he wore his pendant that proclaimed him as an Elder Member of the Northern Continental Congress. The slimy toad of a man had a rather smug look on his face that made her intentionally relax her muscles, refusing to let him get to her. His kind of nasty thrived on irritating people so she held herself in check.

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