Jaz's Warriors (Bondmates Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Jaz's Warriors (Bondmates Book 2)
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“He saved mine as well.” His gaze grew distant before he focused again on her. “I began to know Mavet and I fell in love with him. It was not because we were stranded together and I had no choice, it was because he is a good man, a man worthy of my future bondmate. I saw in him someone that I knew would make the other half of my soul happy, just as he made me happy.”

“Tandar…” She stumbled for the right words, and went back to the Kadothian protocol she’d learned when her overwhelmed mind and heart could think of nothing else. “Thank you. I know you mean that as a great compliment to both myself and my husband, so thank you.”

“It is I who should be thanking you.” He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, then cuddled her close. “You cannot imagine what a joy it is to share this moment with you.”

Actually, she could, thanks to their growing bond. And the bond wasn’t the only thing growing between them. Beneath her butt, his dick was getting harder by the second and she swore the room grew warmer as well. His gaze deepened while he examined her spread out across his lap, a feeling of deep satisfaction coming from him. With his free hand, he traced the upper curve of her bondmarks on her right breast, making her skin tingle.

“May I have permission to give you pleasure, little Matriarch?”

She couldn’t help the way her back arched into his touch. “Please.”

He stroked his hand over her hair, his tone reverent. “You are so soft all over, beautifully curved and lush.”

She wanted to tell him that he wasn’t so bad himself, but he chose that moment to dip his finger beneath the edge of her gown’s bodice and tease her hard nipple. Darts of pleasure zinged through her, landing straight in her clit as she gasped with pleasure.

A hard tremor went through his body and she melted into him, his lust devouring her whole. He needed her so badly, but his enormous sense of honor and obedience to protocol demanded he take his time with her when all he wanted to do was strip her bare and ravish her in every sense of the word. While she understood on an intellectual level how excited Kadothian Warriors were when they found their mates, she’d never expected his lust to be this raw. She was his dream girl, his ultimate fantasy, and she sure as hell loved the way he touched her.

“I must taste you.” He moved her off his lap then went to the floor between her spread legs. “Please.”

The throb of her clit had become a painful thing and she sucked in a harsh breath. “Taste me, Warrior. I trust you with my body and my pleasure. You are a worthy male.”

Oh, he liked it when she used the ancient Kadothian words to the courting right with him. Xentix had said once that to a Warrior, those words were a sacred promise, the highest of compliments that she could bestow on him. Nearly every Kadothian man she met was starved for affection, praise, gentleness. All the things they were denied during their service in the military. She understood why they weren’t given creature comforts, they had to be strong to survive war, but it still made her heart ache to imagine the loneliness he’d experienced.

So much sacrifice for just the promise of her in his life.

He deserved a reward.

Fuck it, she was going to break protocol and speed up their courtship, but she didn’t think he’d mind too much.

“Warrior, I want you naked.”

He rocked back on his heels as if she’d just struck him across the face, one of those fire jellyfish briefly illuminating his stark features in a bright burst of orange, gold, and red light.

With slow, deliberate movements, he removed his armor, revealing a bronze, smooth, heavily muscled body that reeked of strength and power. He was like some big, healthy, aroused predator, held only in check by her word. For a moment, she almost lost her nerve, but the room was private and no one would disturb them. Hell, these little alcoves had been made with seduction in mind, private slices of heaven where lovers could enjoy each other. The floor was a dark navy blue, clean enough to eat off of thanks to the Kadothian technology that allowed it to constantly sterilize itself.

It was soft enough for her skin, which meant Tandar would be more than comfortable.

Averting her eyes as he revealed his shaft, she said in a husky voice, “Lie down on the floor on your back.”

She could feel his confusion through their bond and closed him out a little bit, wanting to focus on him like he deserved. If she took the full brunt of his lust when she gave him the pleasure she was about to, she’d be riding him like a horny cowgirl in a heartbeat. No, she knew it would mean a lot to Mavet and Xentix if they shared their first time with them. Not that her husbands would physically join, but they would watch and get almost drunk off witnessing Jaz and Tandar have sex.

Her pussy clenched and she looked down at Tandar, his hot gaze burning into her. With a smile, she shimmied out of her gown, no longer self-conscious in the least about being chubby and nude. She was a goddess to this delicious man and reveled in the freedom his open admiration gave her.

She slowly strolled over to him, letting him look his fill of her body before she stood over him, her legs spread on either side of his head while she allowed herself to examine his body for the first time.

Her hips gave a little thrust as her greedy gaze went right to his dick. Shaped mostly like a human penis, a Kadothian’s manhood had an added bonus that human men lacked. Not only were their dicks larger than the average guy, and had a mushroom-shaped head, they also had these incredible things called pleasure ridges on their dicks. When a Kadothian man was close to orgasm, those ridges would fill up and stand out from his shaft about an inch, then vibrate, filling with his seed, until he ejaculated a few minutes later. Having a big cock locked inside of her, vibrating her overstuffed pussy, was just about the best damn feeling in the world. Only better if there was another dick filling her from behind at the same time.

A sigh left her as she sank to her knees over Tandar’s eager mouth then closed the distance between them, feeding him her pussy as he groaned and precum wet the tip of his cock.

Instantly his mouth latched onto her, his tongue licking and exploring while he made deep, guttural noises that drove her crazy.

His cock leaked his precum onto his spectacular abs and she leaned…well, more like fell forward and grasped his shaft.

With a groan, he grasped her hips in his large hands and squeezed, then pulled her closer, his body shivering beneath hers. Pleasure ripped through her while he probed her aching sheath with his agile tongue. Her back arched and she squeezed his shaft, riding his face with a low moan. He was close, she could feel it, but he was fighting his climax and she found that struggle so damn hot it made her clit throb to be touched.

Sitting up so she was straddling his face, she lifted a little then moved so he had a good view of her wet sex. “See this part, right here? This is a human female pleasure center, the strongest one in our body. Give it extra love.”

He didn’t bother to ask her any questions, instead jerking her back down to his mouth while his tongue lashed that little bundle of nerves. They both groaned when her sharp pleasure rebounded through them and she leaned forward again, this time holding his dick to her mouth. He gave a startled jump at the first stroke of her tongue, then filled her mouth with a spurt of precum when she closed around the swollen tip. Yummy, he tasted like sweet liquid candy.

Bracing her hands on his thick thighs, she bobbed her head up and down as much as she could while he drove her ruthlessly to her orgasm. She let out a weak cry and pulled him from her mouth, jerking his cock while everything inside of her tightened. A tingling tension started in her feet and worked upwards, her whole body locking with pleasure as her climax finally broke. Beneath her, Tandar roared out and jerked with each hard pulse of cum she stroked from him. Their bodies twitched and shuddered, unable to handle the overwhelming pleasure of a mutual orgasm through their bond.

Gasping, she slowly relearned how to breath and realized that not only was her hand covered with lilac seed, her pussy was resting on his chin as he panted against her quivering flesh.

She rolled off him with a squeak, ignoring the way he laughed at her embarrassment. “What are you feeling shy about, bride?”

“Nothing, silly human stuff.” She strode over to the service wall and ordered a cleansing towel while fighting a blush.

After rubbing the absorbent fluff over her hands, she took it to where Tandar still lay on the floor, his big chest lifting with his deep breaths, a relaxed smile on his face as he admired her. “I cannot believe I did not get your sweet dark nipples in my mouth.”

The lust between them could easily flame back to life, but they needed to get out of this room and start making their way back to Mavet and Xentix. She could sense their approval and reassurance through their bond, but she still couldn’t help the guilt that she’d just shared a mind-blowing, soul-shaking sexual experience with another man. She was torturing herself over nothing, she
she was torturing herself over nothing, but that didn’t change her unease.

With a gentle touch, she cleaned Tandar, knowing he didn’t deserve to be neglected because of her issues.

“There. Um—thanks, for that.” It sounded so bad, she winced and tried again, knowing he needed to hear that she’d enjoyed herself or he’d assumed he’d failed in his efforts to please her. “You really have an amazing mouth, so, well done.”

Tandar quickly stood, unashamed of his nakedness as she drew her gown back on. “Have I done something to offend you?”


“You closed the link between us, and became hesitant, and even though you professed your admiration for my skills, you do not sound like you mean it.”

Letting her head drop, she sighed. “I’m sorry, Tandar. I’m trying, I really am, but I wasn’t raised on a world that accepts polyamory. I feel guilty for what happened between us and ashamed that I enjoyed it, but it’s not your fault, it’s me.”

“I understand.”

For a moment, the hurt coming from him was so strong it burst past her shields, making her gasp with shock at the realization of how wrongly he’d taken her words, stunning her silent. He strode towards the exit, once again fully dressed in his armor, while she was still trying to get her dress on.

“Damnit,” she muttered as she slid her arms into the sleeves. “Tandar, that came out totally wrong, wait up.”

Jaz tugged her gown into place and ran to catch up to Tandar, her small hands grasping at his arm in a vain effort to stop him. “Tandar, slow the heck down. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Like what? That you were ashamed to be with me?”

“Yes! I mean no—I mean, just stop walking for one minute and let me explain. Good golly, you guys throw the biggest hissy fits when your feelings get hurt.”

He stared down at her, pain shining in his cool blue eyes. “I will go say goodbye to Mavet and will no longer be a concern of yours, Matriarch.”

“See!” she shouted, loud enough that a few Warriors lounging around a table in a small courtyard nearby looked their way before narrowing their eyes at Tandar’s glare. “You’re not even listening to me. I swear if I was taller I’d take you by your ear like my grandma used to do to us when we were being foolish.”

“If you find me foolish, then—”

Before he could finish his sentence, a woman’s voice rose in a shriek somewhere ahead of them. “Matriarch Brooks!”

Seeing trouble heading her way, Jaz spoke quickly. “Ahhh shit. Look, Tandar, I like you, a lot. I can see myself bonded to you, I can see myself falling in love with you, and everything I was raised to believe says those feelings are wrong. I’m dealing with my issues and I swear they are no reflection on you, okay? Totally my mental issues from growing up in a sexually repressive patriarchal culture. Now this isn’t the time or place for this conversation, not with that crazy bitch headed our way, but I need you to trust me, just for a little bit, please?”

His response was cut off by the arrival of a tall, honey-skinned Bel’Tan Matriarch dressed in the high-necked black robes of a Matriarch past her fertile years. “Oh, thank the Lord of Life. Matriarch Brooks, I have been looking
for you. You
speak with my daughter-in-law! She has gone insane and is holding a knife to my son’s throat. I fear for his safety.”

Barely concealed frustration colored Jaz’s voice as she struggled for patience. “Give me a moment, please, Matriarch Hilmini. I’ll be right with you.”

Jaz moved him a few paces away then leaned up to whisper in his ear, “I’m sorry but I have to deal with this. Part of my job as an Ambassador and all that.”

Unease radiated from Tandar. “Is his life in danger?”

“Not at all. Bet you ten to one the intrusive mother-in-law walked in on Lisa and one of her husbands doing some of that BDSM shit.”


“They’re into freaky-naughty sex.”

“Pardon me, I do not understand what that means.”

Flushing, she licked her lips then said in a low voice, “It means they enjoy being rough with each other in the bedroom. To use knives as foreplay, and spanking, along with mild bondage.”

“What is unusual about that?”

“To you, nothing. I know it’s actually rather common for Kadothian men to like things that most Earth women would think of as kinky; to you, it’s no biggie. You like to tie each other up, be tied up, sex toys and all that fun stuff. It’s just how Kadothian males are. I’m not judging you, just letting you know that if Matriarch Hilmini, otherwise known as the mother-in-law from hell, walked in on them having sex, Lisa would be extra humiliated and angry—and she has a temper. While I don’t think she’d ever hurt anyone, I need to go diffuse this situation even though it’s one of the last thing I want to do right now.”

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