Read Jezebel's Lion Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Jezebel's Lion (8 page)

BOOK: Jezebel's Lion
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Britney giggled and covered it with a cough as he
growled at her. “How about you follow Mac and me?”

Brandon knew he needed to calm down, so he nodded
and got back in his car. He reminded his lion that their mate was human, and
she didn’t know what going out by herself meant let alone with another male.

The drive to the mall was done in busy traffic. With
it being close to Christmas, the malls were filling up. He found a parking spot
closer than Britney and Mac. He didn’t bother waiting for them.
Brandon got out of his car, locked it, and
walked into the mall dialing Jezebel’s mobile.


“Where are you?” Clearing his throat when he
realized how rough his voice sounded, he sighed. “Jezebel, I’m in the mall that
you’re in. I ran into Mac and Britney, and they told me you’re here.”

“Hi, Brandon, I was going to call you. I didn’t
realize how late it was. I guess I got sidetracked. Poor Travis, I’ve been
dragging him around everywhere.”

Eager to be with his mate, he let his lion out just
enough that his senses picked up more smells in the hopes he might find hers.
“Where are you? I’ll come to you.”

He heard her laugh. “We just walked into the Siren
lingerie store.”

Brandon knew where that was. He wasn’t far. He
practically ran to the shop.

“Poor Travis is blushing so much we may get asked to
leave.” Jezebel giggled.

“I’ll be there in a moment.” He hung up before he
broke the phone from the deadly grip he had on it.

The shop came into sight, and he pushed through the
mass of people and charged into the shop. The sales assistant’s eyes lit up at
the sight of him. “Can I help you?” Her gaze devoured him.

Brandon ignored the sales assistant for a moment and
searched for Jezebel. He moved further into the store and spotted Travis
standing nervously near a changing room. His lion roared in his head. The smell
of their mate was very faint. He prowled toward Travis. If he’d seen Jezebel in
anything he’d tear him to shreds.

The sales assistant came and stood in front of him.
“Sir, you can’t go back there. Can I help you?”

Brandon narrowed his eyes on the woman and knew they
would be flashing from green to gold. “Yes, I can go back there. My mate … girlfriend
is back there.” He picked the woman up and moved her out of his way.

Travis’s eyes widened when he saw him, and he opened
his mouth to say something but shut it when Brandon walked straight into the changing
room he knew Jezebel was in. Jezebel stood in a sexy little red lacy number.
She didn’t smell right. He gathered her to him, not caring where they were, and
breathed her in. Jezebel reeked of Travis.

“Brandon, get out and let me get changed. You could
have waited for me outside. You didn’t have to come in here.”

“You don’t smell like me. What has Travis done to
you?” His voice sounded gravelly and animal-like even to him.

“Ma’am, are you okay in there? Sir, you have to come
out.” The sales assistant’s voice had him battling for control.

Moving so he caged Jezebel in and he could rub his
scent on her he whispered in Jezebel’s ear. “Tell her you’re fine and we’ll be
out in a moment.”

Jezebel stared up into his agonized face as he
fought for control with his lion, trying to keep from taking Jezebel here in
the change rooms to enforce his scent and who she belonged to. “Thanks for
checking, but I’m fine. We’ll be out in a moment.”

“Okay. I’ll be back in a minute to check on you.” He
heard the sales assistant walk away.

“Kiss me.” He leaned down. Brandon didn’t trust
himself kissing her. “Touch me. Tell me you’re mine.”

He homed in on her lip as she chewed on her bottom
one. Slowly Jezebel tilted her head up and brushed her lips over his. Once her
mouth touched his he captured her body closer against his and took possession.
He rubbed his body all over hers letting his scent sink in.

“Brandon, I’d finish up if I were you. Mac is
charming, but he can’t distract
the sales assistants. The store also has other customers.”

His sister’s voice had him pulling away from Jezebel
reluctantly. “Later, we’ll finish this at home later, I promise.” He muttered
against Jezebel’s lips. Jezebel nodded, and he eased away from her. “Get
dressed. Pass me what you are getting.”
He smiled when she didn’t protest and took off the garments she wore and
handed him three others.

“I want those. Keep a hold of them so I can pay for
them.” She put on a white bra and shoved her school uniform on.

Brandon eased
out of the changing room with the garments Jezebel wanted as she did up her
buttons. He knew in her school uniform if he stayed in there with her he
wouldn’t be able to hold back. Jezebel looked so goddamn sexy.

Britney rolled her eyes as he came out. “You
couldn’t wait for Mac and me? You’re lucky we were close behind you.”

Brandon walked by his sister and to the check out.
“Where is he?”

Britney knew who he was talking about. “I told
Travis if he wanted to live he’d better go. He gave me Jezebel’s bags and
it out of here. He knows what we are. His sister
is mated to one of us.”

He grunted at his sister. The sales assistant that
had been talking to Mac came to the counter. “We’re taking these, and if you
have any of this red one in other colors we’ll take one of each of those, too.”
The woman called over a girl stocking the shelves and told her to grab the red
one in blue, pink, green, and black in the same size. The sales woman put the
garments through as Jezebel come out of the changing room. The other sales girl
came rushing over with the extra ones he’d asked for and added them to the pile.

Jezebel came and stood next to him, and he gathered
her to him so she stood in front of him and his scent surrounded her. Her
uniform stank of Travis. He leaned down and nuzzled her neck.

Britney groaned behind him.
another friend with my brother that I will have to see being mushy together.”

The sales woman told him the total, and he stopped
Jezebel as she passed over a card. He gave the sales assistant his own.

“Brandon, you can’t pay for my underwear.”

“Yes, I can. And I just did. Anyway I bought some
extra things for you. I liked you in the one I saw you in.”

The woman handed Jezebel the bag with a huge grin on
her face. Brandon took it instead. He smiled when he heard the woman mutter,
“Lucky girl.”

Jess turned pink and snuggled into his side. He held
out his spare hand, and she intertwined it with his. Together they walked out
of the store.
a couple of stores down. “Did Travis take my stuff?”

Britney held up the bags in her hand. “No. I’ve got it.”

“Thanks, Britney.”

“No problem. We are doing my favorite thing,
shopping. While we are here I have to pick up some Chrissy
What do you need?”

“I came here to get some nice going out clothes,
plus a few extra casual clothes. I thought today was the best day to go.
Mondays aren’t as busy as the other days and the further into the week the
closer to Christmas.”

“I know just the right place to take you to get what
you want. But first let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

Brandon smiled at his sister as she dragged Jezebel
towards the food court. He followed with Mac beside him. “Thanks for coming.”
Feeling relaxed now he was close to his mate he smirked at Mac. “You
ever going
to claim Britney?”

“Hell no.
brother would kill me. He said watch, not

“What the fuck?”

Mac stopped as he realized what he’d said.

Brandon glared at Mac, and he wanted to know which
brother. He had two older brother and two little sisters. Owen was five years
older than Mac. He was a nice guy, and he seemed to be the go-between with Mac
and the oldest brother, Carter, who was almost ten years older than Mac’s eighteen.
Carter was brutal. He was next in line to lead the wolf pack, and he was
lethal. Where no one crossed the Prides because of their power, money, and
influence no one crossed the
because of their
strength and determination. The
’ section bordered
theirs. They were good at keeping the bad creatures under control. “Whose mate
is she?”

“Whose would you like me to say?”

Brandon didn’t like the game Mac was playing. “You
know as well as I do she will not accept Carter. Britney is too independent.
She doesn’t want to be a leader’s mate. Carter is too old for her anyway.”

Mac didn’t say anything but raised his eyebrow.

“What? There aren’t ten years between Jezebel and me.
There are only eight.”

“There are ten between Sasha and Savron, and I know
in late January you turn twenty-seven. Look, we don’t have time to discuss this
now. The girls have ordered food, and it looks like Britney ordered for us. All
you need to know is that Britney doesn’t know. He’s not going to see her again
until she’s eighteen. He promised me he would woo her and restrain his wolf.”

Brandon sighed because he knew Mac was right. Right
now wasn’t the time to talk about it, and he couldn’t really say much with how
he was acting with his own mate. “Let’s go to the girls. I’ll talk about this

They walked to the girls in silence. Brandon knew he
would be talking to his dad and brothers tonight.


Britney could shop. Jess didn’t think her feet had
ever hurt more than they did now. And if she didn’t try on another item of
clothing for the rest of her life Jess would be happy.

She moaned as Brandon parked the car in the garage
of his house. He opened his side and got out. Jess didn’t want to move. She
couldn’t stand on her feet.
Damned late night trading hours, thanks to Christmas.
had stayed until the mall closed. Jess was surprised that neither Brandon nor
Mac complained. They followed them around happily.

They did become odd as they left. Britney did, too.
She became alert, and as they walked to Brandon’s car they kept looking around
them. Britney’s eyes turned golden, and Mac’s turned an amazing bright blue.

Once she was in the car they talked on their mobiles,
and Brandon seemed to stall for as long as he could before he got in the car
and very slowly drove away.

Her car door opened, and Brandon undid her seat belt
and picked her up and carried her through the open door and shut it with his

“Thanks. My feet are so sore. Your sister sure can
shop. She is just full of energy.”

walked her straight to his bedroom and gently placed her before the bed where
he proceeded to undo her uniform. “I have been waiting hours to do this to you.
You don’t know how many times I almost took you in a changing room.”

Jess blushed, because she knew he’d come in to her a
couple of times, and every other time she’d fantasized about him doing it.
She’d messaged her parents about a half an hour ago and told them she would be
home late.

Her jacket and shirt fell to the ground along with
her skirt. He yanked her stockings off, and she moaned as she heard the tear.

My mate.”
flung his own clothes off until they both stood naked before each other. He
gathered her to him, and his mouth took hers devouring her.

She went willingly, eager for what she knew Brandon
could give her. Jess ran her hands up and down his muscular chest, enjoying the
feel of the hard lines and curves.

Brandon surprised her when he tore his mouth from
hers, placed her on the bed, sat beside her, and put her feet onto his lap.

“First, let’s make you feel better.”

She grinned at him. “I was feeling better.”

He growled but stayed where he was. Brandon’s
fingers rubbed her feet massaging the sore soles. Her head fell back as
pleasure ran through her body at his magic touch. Brandon was spoiling her. No
one had ever massaged her feet.
He didn’t
rush the job either, so he could get his own satisfaction. He took her time
making each of her feet feel like they were in heaven.

The heat from this touch alone was bringing her body
alive. The fact that he was doing this to make her feel better and wasn’t
rushing it turned her on even more.

, this feels so good.
Thank you. Would you like me to do you next?”

“No. My feet aren’t sore. But other body parts of me

Jess chuckled and moved her feet from his hold. She
knelt on the bed and moved so she was a breath away from him. She was nervous because
what she was about to do to Brandon, she’d never done to anyone, and she hadn’t
thought she ever would. But she wanted to do this for Brandon. “Please don’t
move. Let me explore.”

BOOK: Jezebel's Lion
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